Once Upon a Rainbow, Volume One

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Once Upon a Rainbow, Volume One Page 34

by Mickie B. Ashling

  “Geez, Hood. If you sit back a little, you’ll have some more room. You’re damn near sitting on top of the steering wheel.”

  “Yeah, it’s okay. I’m good.”

  I was so unbelievably nervous and excited, but I knew that I shouldn’t have been. After all, he was an employee of the family. Regardless of how good he’d been to me over the past year or so, how I felt about him…it just wasn’t right.

  Kenneth made some small talk, but all I really heard was his voice vibrating in my ear. I couldn’t focus on anything other than how it felt sitting there, between his legs. Every now and then, his beard would tickle the back of my neck.

  I was so turned on.

  We were still a ways away from the house when the tractor hit a huge pothole, and the machine lurched forward. If Kenneth hadn’t squeezed me tight against him, I would have flown through the windshield. The tractor came to an abrupt halt. I sat there and caught my breath, fully leaning back on Kenneth.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I turned to look at him. He was so close. An inch away from me. And like a foolish boy, I gave in to my arousal, leaned forward, and kissed him. His rough lips and whiskers against my sparse stubble excited me more than you could imagine.

  Kenneth pulled back quickly. After repositioning himself, he hurriedly said, “I’ll just take that as a yes.”

  I didn’t look back at him. I was so embarrassed. I couldn’t believe I had been so stupid.

  The drive home seemed to take forever. My skin felt like it was on fire I was so ashamed. Five minutes was all it really took at that point to get us to the house. It was five of the longest minutes of my life as my mind created a stew of uncomfortable emotions. Kenneth dropped me off at home, waved goodnight, saying he’d put the machine away.

  I was pretty sure I was going to die, being so mortified at what I’d done. I had disrespected the man who had looked after me when my own dad was completely incapable of doing so.

  I felt like an idiot.

  That had been a Friday night in the last weekend of September. Kenneth lived in our guesthouse, which was at the farthest end of the farmyard. It was concealed rather well with some very old trees and a hedge of lilacs that required pruning.

  After the tractor disappeared into the dark, and Kenneth with it, I didn’t see him again for the rest of the weekend. I was sure that I had ruined everything. In my head, Kenneth was never coming back to help us out. He’d leave us, and I’d have to tell my dad what had happened. I knew that not only was he going to be upset about why Kenneth left, but he’d be blindingly angry that I had chased away the only person capable of running the place. I just knew, eighteen years old or not, I was in for the beating of my life.

  I spent the entire weekend avoiding my father at all costs.

  When Monday rolled around, the whole school day was eaten away with worry as I pictured the imminent black eyes created from my father’s fists. I was sure to have them by tomorrow morning. I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

  I was so nervous, my pits stayed damp with sweat all day long, and it was a cool mid-autumn day.

  As the last school bell rang and I sauntered over to my locker to retrieve my books and homework I’d need for the night, I spied Kenneth in the hall, waiting right by my locker. The light was behind him, and he was completely cast in shadow, but I could tell by the cowboy hat. No one else in the school would have been wearing one.

  I wanted to evaporate, to disappear and never show my face around him ever again. For sure, he was coming to tell me goodbye, or worse, maybe he was going to beat me for thinking that kissing him was okay. I had stopped dead in the middle of the hallway.

  Kenneth saw me through the students rushing one way and another, all in a hurry to get home or on their respective busses. He waved me over.

  I had to summon all my strength to close the distance between us.

  As I got close enough, I saw that he was smiling, and then he gave me a wink.

  I melted.

  “Hey, Hood.” He swung his muscular arm up and patted me on the back. “Get your stuff. I’ll drive you home.”

  I did as I was asked. We walked out to his car in silence. He drove a 1975 black Mustang. It was older, but it ran well and looked awesome.

  We got in. He started up the engine, reversed the car, and then pulled onto the highway and started the drive back home.

  “So, let’s talk about Friday,” he said.

  The butterflies in my stomach turned into a writhing mess of worms, slippery and squirming. I was going to throw up.

  My head sank, and my cheeks reddened. It was everything I could do to whisper, “I’m sorry. Please don’t leave us.”

  “What?” Kenneth sounded confused. “Leave you? Why would I do that?”

  “Because!” I looked at him with the you-should-know-what-I’m-talking-about, oh-my-god, can’t-you-see-I’m-completely-freaking-out-and-entirely-embarrassed look.

  Kenneth laughed. Not at me, it was a good solid hearty laugh. He reached over and placed his big paw of a hand over my thigh and rubbed it gently.

  “Hood,” he started, and then stopped and just smiled. He slowed the car down, pulled over onto the side of the road, and placed the car into Park.

  Cars whizzed by outside.

  Kenneth turned and looked at me, a silly half-assed smirk half-hidden behind his bushy blond beard. He grabbed my hand and held it tight, and then he really smiled. Despite his twenty-six years, little crinkles formed in the corner of his eyes.

  “Hood, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “But, I…”

  “Stop. Let me finish.” He hadn’t moved his hand.

  “Hood, I like you. I have since I met you. But if I was being totally honest, I really started to like you a couple of months ago. You’re turning into one hell of a good man.” His hand clasped tighter around mine. “I’m not gonna lie to you. The kiss was a little unexpected, but…”

  I was so dying inside.

  “But it was exactly what I was hoping would happen. You’re just eighteen. I wasn’t going to make any kind of a move on you unless you wanted it. And I’m still not sure you’re ready. But I’m here whenever you are. In truth, I was kind of hoping something was going to happen in the tractor. You had me right cranked up that day, watching you toss those hay bales around.”

  “What? You mean, you…you like me?”

  “What’s not to like?”

  Kenneth looked out the windows of his car, and seeing nothing coming or going, he leaned over and gave me a kiss. Except it wasn’t just a peck on the cheek. It was a full-on mashing of the lips kind of kiss. And for the first time, I tasted him, and the deal was done. I had fallen for him long ago, but now? Now I was lost in Kenneth Lowell.

  He pulled away from me, put the car back into Drive, and started out on the highway again.

  “So, some rules. We have to be careful. I mean, I work for your family, and I’m a little older. I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I had ever done anything inappropriate with you. I’m not making any moves. That’s your job. You let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll take it slow. And whatever happens down the road, we still end up as friends. Does that sound okay?”

  “I…I think so.” What the hell was I supposed to say? No?

  “I think this is pretty obvious, but we’ll have to be really careful around your dad. I can’t imagine he would approve.”

  “No, yes, I mean…yeah, for sure.”

  “You okay?” He looked at me sideways with that silly smirk.

  “I think I’m more than okay.” I let out a huge sigh. “Can I ask one thing?”

  “Of course, Hood. You can come to me with anything. Okay? Seriously, anything at all. No embarrassment, no shyness. Just talk to me.”


  “What’s up?”

  “Can I touch your chest hair?”

  Kenneth roared with laughter. “Hood, you can touch anything you want.” He shot m
e a devilish little grin.

  “AND THAT’S HOW that all started. Happy?” I sneered at Amari. Unlike Kenneth’s silly grin, Samir Amari seemed positively evil with the cat-that-got-the-canary smile. It was repulsive.

  “I believe that’s a good start.”

  The door squeaked its usual alarm, indicating that it was opening.

  A guard came into the room. “Time’s up. Leave.”

  I had been here for a handful of months, but I had never seen this officer before. He was tall, really tall, and knew what a gym was for. The pronunciation of his words had a sharp hard edge to it, an accent that seemed to be centered in the back of his throat—like he was German or perhaps Dutch. His presence filled the tiny cold interrogation room, and unlike any of the other prison employees, I actually adopted a follow-his-orders attitude just from looking at him.

  The guard glanced at me, pointing his exposed Taser toward the open hallway. Amari packed his things quickly and left. I imagine he felt the commanding presence of the guard as well.

  The officer turned to me, walked over, and released me from being chained to the chair, and said while squinting, “I’m taking you back to your cell. No funny business, wolf-boy.”

  “No funny business it is,” I said and promptly shuffled out.

  Minutes later, he was putting me back into my cell. As my cell door slammed shut, I turned to look at him. He was staring back at me with the darkest eyes I’d ever seen. Within seconds, they changed. Amber wolf eyes glared back me.

  The guard smiled and winked as he tested the door to ensure it was locked tight.

  Shit. They really were getting me out.

  ANOTHER MORNING, ANOTHER trip to the interrogation room. I realized I was behind bars, but there was a small part of me that would have loved to see the cafeteria, or the outside. Outside would have been so awesome.

  But no, it was back to the gray cinder-block concrete. And once chained, manacled, and restrained, I sat. And waited.

  I’d developed a new talent for allowing myself to just go blank—a state of catatonia, if you will—while waiting for anything to happen in this room. I had no idea how much time had passed when the door finally creaked open.

  A man dressed in a very stiff-looking dark green suit walked in. Okay, I was not entirely sure that green was the right colour. It was odd, but the peaked cap and the adornment of various medals immediately informed me of my visitor’s status.

  “General Hamada?” I asked.

  “Mr. Ross. I’d shake your hand, but I’m told that’s not entirely safe.”

  “They don’t seem to think it is. But then if you abuse a dog, chances are that when you try and pet it, it might bite.”

  “Apt analogy.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Well, let me get to the point. The army wants you. More specifically, we want you recruited, and we want more of your kind recruited.”

  “Thank you for the kind and generous offer. I think I’m good,” I said. There was no way that I was going to become a soldier in anyone’s army. I have the utmost respect for those who serve, but I know myself. I would never be a good candidate for such service.

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t really a request. You see, we’ve done some…wrangling. Your trial is in one week. You’ll be found guilty, and your sentence will be carried out in our institutions. You’ll be working with us. I understand your senses are particularly acute.”

  I gaped at him. Do political arrangements like this actually happen?

  “Um, yes, that is true.”

  “You wouldn’t mind if we tested that out, would you?”

  “I think I actually would mind,” I said, keeping in mind Kenneth’s instructions. Keep the wolf on lockdown.

  “They also said you’d be obstinate. We can fix that.”

  “Again, I think I’m good.”

  “Mr. Ross, I don’t think you understand. In one week, after your trial, you’ll be coming to live in my house. When you do, I expect you’ll be answering with a whole bunch of yes-sirs and of-course-sirs, and when I say jump, you’ll ask me how high. If I say track this scent, then you’re going to be a good dog, and do as you’re commanded. And if I tell you to rip the head off of an enemy, you’ll proceed with swift action. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?”

  “Perfectly. Until such time, I’m going to sit in my cell and watch TV.”

  “Yes, well, best you enjoy that. It won’t be for much longer. I was expecting more out of a warrior beast such as yourself, Mr. Ross. You’ve let me down. My expectations were too high. I’ll make sure your kennel is ready when you’re transferred into my hands.”

  “Guards!” I yelled.

  The door’s unoiled rusty hinges screeched as it swung open, and the new guard with the dark eyes and commanding presence took a couple of steps into the room. We glanced at each other, knowingly. His dark eyes flashed amber. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he was warning me to behave.

  “I think I’m done with my visiting. I’d like to go back to my cell now,” I said.

  The guard appeared a little surprised but walked out into the hallway past the squeaky door and shouted for reinforcements.

  “Your choice,” the guard with the overdone muscles said. With two extra escorts, both with Tasers at the ready, he pulled me to my feet after releasing my restraints from the interrogation room’s chair. “Let’s go.” He gave me a gentle nudge from behind.

  “We’ll see you soon, Mr. Ross,” General Hamada said smugly.

  “I can’t say I’m looking forward to it,” I shouted over my shoulder to him. “What an asshole,” I added much quieter while walking back towards my prison cell.

  The big guard directly behind me growled just as quietly. And from that one little noise, I knew exactly that he was saying to behave. With whispers so soft no one would have ever heard—especially while walking down the halls in a jail—he continued, “My name is Skoll. I’ve been assigned to you. I know you don’t understand us, or our traditions, but that will come. For right now, you will do everything you are asked. Is this understood?”

  Skoll—the name fit. “Do I have a choice?” I said loudly.

  Skoll grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and twisted the prison uniform tightly. I started to choke.

  “Hey, you shouldn’t be touching him, it’s dangerous,” one of the Taser holders barked at Skoll.

  “Yes, of course.” Skoll released me and whispered again, “I am older than you, far stronger, and more senior of rank. You are nothing but a whelp. You will obey me, or I will end you here in prison so that none of the humans discover anything else about us. As it is, you’ve done enough damage with exposure.” There was suddenly a wave, an odor that enveloped me, and although it wasn’t unpleasant, it was restrictive. I actually felt like I needed to be submissive toward Skoll, the brute. Could wolves do that? Release pheromones?

  Regardless, I quietened down and didn’t say another word until we got to my room.

  The electricians waited outside of my cell while Skoll came into my room and slowly removed the restraints.

  I continued my best behaviour.

  “Two days, we will come. Be ready. It will be bloody, and you will be asked to assist with keeping the guards down while we extract you. Do you understand? Until then, there will be no more visitors. You will tell no one any more information. Are we clear?”

  I gazed into his deep black eyes. Skoll’s features were dark, as dark as Amari’s, and although I had always said that was not something that attracted me, I couldn’t help but feel a certain pull of attraction toward the big man. I nodded at his request and felt somewhat disquieted with his large presence inches away from me.

  I got the feeling he could snap me like a twig, and would do so without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Hood, is this registering? Are you clear on what I’ve told you?” He yanked on the front of my prison jumper, getting my attention.

  “Yes, yes sir, I am. I am quite clear. No
conversation, no more stories, no reveals, and in two days, I’m out of here. Possibly out of here while leaving a trail of destruction behind us.”

  “Good, you do understand.” He gave me a couple of pats on the head, indicating his pleasure that I was being a good boy.

  THE NEXT TWO days were the longest days I’ve ever remembered. The bars on my cell seemed particularly thick and indestructible. The concrete walls, impenetrable. I had no idea how Skoll and hopefully Kenneth had figured out a way to bust me out.

  TV held no distraction.

  I couldn’t focus long enough to read.

  All I could do was sit and wonder, and to that, I had endless questions. When were they coming? Who were they? Was it my pack? Did werewolves have packs? After Skoll’s self-introduction and confession that he’d been assigned to me, I couldn’t think that there was any other explanation. Maybe Kenneth would be part of the rescue party? I certainly had hoped so. He’d been my saviour more than once. It seemed only fitting he’d rescue me from this nightmare as well.

  As seemingly endless as each hour was, time only lasts sixty seconds a minute and sixty minutes an hour. Eventually, a day passed.

  On the morning of the second day—the day I was going to be set free—the guards showed up at my cell particularly early.

  “Face the wall, wolf-boy.” It was fat old George. I complied, although I was sorely tempted to cause some trouble. I didn’t particularly like George. But keeping Skoll’s instructions in mind, I behaved and did as I was told.

  The wrist restraints went on, again too tight. The ankle fetters were latched, and heavy chains were strung through the loops, binding my feet so that all I could do was shuffle. Similar chains were strung around a neck collar and through the manacles at each wrist. The electricians stood guard, and off we went, toward the only other place I’d ever been allowed to go: the interrogation room.

  After being lashed to the chair, it didn’t take long for Amari to show up. I had been thinking it had been too long in between stories.


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