Once Upon a Rainbow, Volume One

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Once Upon a Rainbow, Volume One Page 43

by Mickie B. Ashling

  “I’ll be back,” Sebastian assured them.

  “Bash, you know this isn’t part of the plan,” Princess Alexandra said, looking worried. “You have to sleep here tonight.”

  “Don’t worry, Mama. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Who is this man?” she asked, examining me like I was a pheasant under glass.

  “Errol Maitland at your service,” I said, bowing with flourish. “I promise you that Prince Sebastian is in safe hands.”

  “You’re the sculptor, correct?”

  “I am.”

  “Where are you taking him?”

  “To meet my dog, Your Royal Highness.”

  “Your dog?” she asked in horror. “Now? Surely that can wait.”

  “I’m afraid not,” I said apologetically. “It’s imperative that Snow weighs in on this proposal.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Prince Emile asked, looking confused.

  “Papa, give it a rest,” Sebastian said impatiently. “I’ll be back later.”

  Sebastian grabbed my hand and tugged. “Let’s go while we can.”

  We raced across the lawn and out to the lot. Fortunately, I remembered the general direction in which I’d parked, because most of the vehicles were black like mine. I hit my remote to get a clearer idea and heard a horn honk.

  “There it is,” I said, dragging Sebastian at a fast clip.

  “Are we really going to meet your dog?” he asked when we strapped in.

  I gave him a side look. “I told you it was a deal-breaker.”

  “And if we hate each other on sight….”

  “I’ll bring you back untouched.”

  His mouth gaped. “You’re not going to have your way with me after all this?”

  “Not if Snow doesn’t like you.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to turn up the charm,” he said, winking at me.

  I leaned forward and kissed him. “She’ll fall hard and fast like her daddy.”

  “Is that right?” he teased, slipping his hand under my kilt again.

  “Behave yourself,” I said sternly.

  “I would except you’ve made this too easy by wearing that getup. I can get you off before we leave the parking lot.”

  “I’m sure you can, but that’s not what this is about,” I said, softening my stance.

  Sebastian retrieved his hand and gave me a half smile. “What’s this about then?”

  “Becoming a family.”

  He smirked. “Just like that?”

  I nodded.

  We didn’t speak after that. It was a twenty-five minute drive through winding roads with only the moon to guide our way. I turned right when I saw my exit, and the wheels of the SUV gripped the unpaved dirt road that led to my house and attached studio. I expected Sebastian to say something as we drove through the unlit pine forest—a daunting experience in and of itself—but the sense of alarm wasn’t forthcoming. He was relaxed in my company, and that made me care for him even more.

  Snow must have heard the car, because she began barking the minute we unbuckled our seat restraints and I turned off the engine.

  For the first time since we got into the SUV, Sebastian looked worried. “Will she bite me if she doesn’t care for my company?”

  “Of course not,” I assured him. “She might look like a polar bear, but she’s got the manners of a lady.”

  “Some of my best friends are women, but I would hardly call them ladies. They’re rather vicious when crossed.”

  I laughed, imagining the catfights. “Don’t worry about a thing.”

  “Easy for you to say,” he murmured. “My future is in the hands of a bloody dog.”

  Chapter Seven


  As soon as we stepped through the front door—with me bringing up the rear—a mass of white fur sprang forward. Rising on her hind legs, Snow placed her front paws on Errol’s chest and licked his face enthusiastically.

  “That’s enough,” he laughingly scolded as he scratched behind her ears and cavorted with Snow for a few minutes. “I want you meet a friend.”

  Terrified to make the wrong move, I stepped back, pressing against the door. I’d never had a dog growing up. Papa had his bloodhounds, and Mama’s yappy lapdogs were always underfoot, but I was more a polo pony kind of guy. I wasn’t sure how to ingratiate myself with this enormous creature. I’d have offered her cut up carrots or an apple if she were a horse, and little by little, we’d become friends, but I had nothing in my pants except a flagging cock. This wouldn’t do at all. As ludicrous as it sounded, my future depended on Snow’s good opinion, and I was going to win her over, ignorance notwithstanding.

  “Come here, Bash,” Errol coaxed, sliding an arm around my waist. “She won’t bite.”

  And just as suddenly, I was no longer afraid. I’d known Errol for less than two hours, and I already felt certain he’d never put me in harm’s way. His earlier reaction to Carl was all I needed to convince me I was safe.

  “Tell her to stand down.”

  “Sit!” Errol commanded, and Snow plopped down, looking up at her master adoringly. Her long tail waved back and forth on the floor like a feather duster.

  Errol held my hand and slowly brought me to my knees so I was more at eye level with the dog.

  “Hi there,” I greeted softly.

  She sniffed my outstretched hand and lapped my fingers with her warm tongue. It tickled and I wanted to pull back, but then she might pounce, so I didn’t budge. After a few minutes, I turned my attention to Errol. He was beaming at my interaction with Snow, and I imagined a similar reaction if and when we had a child. How that vision bloomed so clearly was a mystery, but everything about this matchmaking venture had been surprising. I’d expected the worst and assumed it would be a waste of time, but Errol had surpassed my expectations and was living proof that good things actually happened if you held out long enough.

  “She likes me,” I pointed out.

  “Aye,” Errol nodded. “I reckon she does.”

  Emboldened, I reached out to scratch behind her ears and laughed when she rolled over to bare her stomach.

  Joining in the fun, Errol scrubbed her belly and mentioned, “She’s an absolute slut for tummy rubs.”

  I blurted, “So am I.”

  Suddenly the air around us sizzled with anticipation. The attraction that had been propelling us forward—and contained pending Snow’s approval—was back in full force. Once again, my heart was racing, and the blood pooled in my groin.

  The desire to jump Errol’s bones was so intense my voice cracked when I spoke. “Do you think—?”

  “Aye,” he said, cutting me off unequivocally.

  He pulled me up, motioning Snow to stay put. As we walked out the front door, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

  “To my studio next door,” he said.

  “Don’t you have a bedroom in your house?”

  “I don’t want Snow pawing at the door while we’re busy.”

  I stopped and grinned at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course. She might get the wrong impression,” Errol confided. “She’s a virgin, ye ken? There’s no telling how she’ll react.”

  My smile grew wider. “You’re assuming I’m a screamer?”

  “Aye, and if not, I’ll turn you into one,” he growled, reaching for me.

  Our mouths crashed together in a desperate need to taste and explore. He cupped my ass and lifted me up, knowing instinctively I was ready to get on with business. With my legs wrapped around his waist, and our tongues still entwined, we inched our way across the yard to his studio. Wood splintered, but we didn’t break the connection. I was too far gone to care that Errol had kicked his door open, and even if the entire structure fell into pieces around us, I would be oblivious so long as we both got off before we died.

  He laid me on a wide featherbed, a luxurious touch, although weirdly out of place. Later Errol would explain he’d often nap in his studio after immersing himsel
f in a project. Right then, I was grateful for the comfort but much more interested in ripping off his clothes than trying to figure out the whys and wherefores of his furniture.

  My fingers ached to delve underneath the folds of his kilt, but he’d moved away to pull off my boots. Tossing them over his shoulder, he was back within seconds, unbuttoning my britches and rolling them down my thighs. Eyes shining, he exclaimed with pleasure when my cock sprang up, unimpeded by underwear.

  “I knew you were naked underneath these ridiculous pants.”

  “A time-saver to be sure,” I said, shrugging out of my shirt.

  His tongue darted out to lick his lips. “You’re beautiful,” he said reverently.

  Subconsciously, I lifted my chin to expose my neck. He cursed under his breath, and I almost cried out with relief when I felt his large hand clamp around my throat. “Will you lie still while I taste you?”

  I nodded.

  He grabbed my cock with his free hand and held it steady while he wrapped his lips around the engorged head and slowly slid it into his mouth.

  I must have made a noise because he paused and looked up. “Are you okay?”

  “Don’t stop.”

  He pressed his thumb gently against the quickening pulse in my throat and smiled with satisfaction. His unspoken mastery was greatly appreciated. I’d endured fawning sycophants who were simply going through the motions as well as clumsy lovers eager to take their pleasure without giving much thought to mine. It was a welcome change to put myself in the hands of a man who was obviously in control of both his mind and body. Errol resumed his efforts and swallowed my shaft until my balls rested against his chin. No one had ever sucked me in so deeply, and I bit my lower lip to hold back my scream. When he increased the suction, I couldn’t stifle the sound effects any longer. I could tell he was enjoying my reaction, because he renewed his efforts, sliding his lips up and down my length while sucking greedily. As much as I was enjoying this, the need to reciprocate became too powerful.

  I sat up, and when he let go of my shaft with a look of surprise on his face, I tugged him onto the bed, plucking at his waistband to get him naked.

  “Help me out here,” I demanded urgently.

  “Why not wait until I’ve pleasured you?”

  “Because I want us to come together.”

  He looked gobsmacked by my refusal but acquiesced, making short order of the sporran and kilt. By then I was on my side, watching his every move. He was a vision come to life, lightly furred with dark whorls covering his chest and leading down to the tantalizing prize jutting from his groin. He scooted next to me, kissed my lips, then dragged a wet trail to my ears and down my neck. In one slick move, he pinned my arms to the mattress on either side of my head and continued downward to feast on my nipples. I moaned loudly and tried to squirm away, but he was much stronger and kept me in place.

  “Don’t you like this?” he asked with a slight frown.

  “I love it, but I also want you in my mouth.”

  He understood and we repositioned. I lifted one of his heavy thighs, laying it on my shoulder, and buried my face in the dark curls. My cock was now conveniently close to Errol’s mouth, and he resumed his earlier efforts. It was no easy task to do a good job while he was wreaking havoc on my body, but Errol’s slit was oozing the good stuff and screaming for my attention. I flicked out my tongue, tasting him for the first time. It was sweetly salty, and his musk was nothing like the sickening perfumes a lot of guys used to try to mask nature’s scent. Who the hell wanted to be with someone who smelled like jasmine or roses?

  Pushing thoughts of others aside, I took him in as far as possible. Errol was large in stature, and perfectly proportioned, so I might have gagged a bit, but I persevered. Soon he was rocking against my mouth and I against his. Our pace grew more frantic, and when I felt the first gush hit the back of my throat, I swallowed convulsively. His moans of pleasure vibrated near my shaft, triggering my own reaction, and I came with a shout.

  After a few minutes, we swiveled around, and he gathered me close. His shirt felt a little scratchy against my bare chest, but it also felt good to lie in his arms and listen to his heart thundering in the aftermath. We were bare from the waist down, and the sensation of his soft skin against mine was heavenly as our legs brushed against each other.

  “Were you satisfied?”

  I was wrung out with multiple emotions but touched that he bothered to ask.

  “You know I loved every second, but we’ll have to go back to the palace,” I said regretfully. “Put aside your scruples and sleep in my bed tonight. My parents will send a small army if we don’t return soon.”

  “Aye, I expect they will,” he grumbled. “I need to let Snow out before we go.”

  “Do you want to bring her along?”

  “Not while there’s a crowd. She’ll miss me, but I can’t have her running wild while I’m locked up in your room.”

  “I can assign someone to take care of her,” I suggested. “We have people who care for all the pets roaming around the palace grounds.”

  “No, that won’t do,” he said. “Snow is my responsibility and has never been handled by strangers.”

  “Perhaps you’ll reconsider in a day or two when things are settled between us?”

  He nodded but didn’t respond.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked, leaning on my elbow and trying to decipher the look on his face. What if he’d changed his mind? Were we a better fit in my head than his?

  “No, I’m processing,” he admitted. “Two days ago, I was single, and now I find myself fully invested in our future.”

  I kissed his cheek gratefully. “It’s a lot to digest, but I think we’ve established a few things in the last few hours.”


  “We’re well matched physically and Snow likes me.”

  “Aye, that’s more than I knew before I walked out the door earlier this evening.”

  “And after we spend the night together, we’ll know more,” I promised. Not that I could divulge Mama’s plan, but I was certain several more hours in bed would prove how compatible we were in that regard. The rest would depend on magic.

  “Let me take care of Snow,” he said, reaching for his kilt.

  Before I could pull myself together, Errol was back with Snow padding silently behind him. She woofed at my sleepy form and hopped up on the bed, nuzzling close like she was a long-lost friend.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” I said in a voice I barely recognized. Obviously, I’d dredged it up from some reserved spot meant for dogs and children.

  Snow acknowledged me with sloppy dog kisses.

  “Eww,” I cried, pushing her big head away. “Where’s that tongue been?”

  Errol laughed. “I’d say you were too finicky, but I know better.”

  “She’s a dog,” I reproached. “And a lady one at that.”

  “A little ass breath between friends shouldn’t be a problem regardless of gender.”

  “How about you kiss me instead?”

  He shoved Snow aside and kissed me long and hard. By the time he pulled back, I was hard and ready for round two. He noticed but shook his head.

  “Come on, Bash. Your parents will send out a search party if we’re not back soon.”

  “Okay, but let’s take Snow. I’m not comfortable leaving her.”

  “This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve left her alone overnight. She’ll be fine.”

  “But then you’ll have to rush back in the morning to let her out and feed her,” I reminded him. “This way we can linger in bed all we want without worrying.”

  “Are you always this pushy?”

  Pouting, I gave him a look I’d perfected when I wanted something and was denied. “No. I thought I was being considerate.”

  Errol stared, probably digesting my words. Finally, he made a decision. “Is there a back way into the palace? I don’t want any drama with your guests.”

  “Of course,” I assur
ed him. “Let me handle everything. Gather whatever you need for the night and leave the rest to me.”

  He bowed with flourish. “Our lives are in your hands, Your Royal Highness.”

  Chapter Eight


  The party was still in full swing when we drove through the palace gates—dance floor crowded with revelers and food tents packed—and Bash directed me toward the end of the long driveway to a private garage, where the royals parked their personal vehicles. I slid my SUV beside a bright red Mini Cooper convertible, which turned out to be one of Bash’s favorites. Snow would love the freedom of having the constant wind in her face, but I doubted she’d ever have the opportunity. I couldn’t imagine Bash letting her take up the entire back seat, then again, he’d surprised me this evening by insisting she spend the night. If this was his way of proving he was adaptable, then he was succeeding. So far, he’d been one pleasant surprise after another.

  We entered the palace through the kitchen, currently a hive of activity. Bash ordered his staff to prepare dinner, and after asking my advice on what Snow could or couldn’t eat, added her meal to the menu. I was grateful for his consideration because I was ravenous. The butler was summoned, and raised both eyebrows at the sight of Snow, but he did his best to accommodate Bash’s many orders, which included finding some sort of bedding for my pet.

  We continued our clandestine route upstairs via the back stairs to avoid bumping into anyone. Snow wasn’t leashed, and as properly trained as she was, the excitement of being in a new environment was tempting her to explore. Twice, I had to call her back, and although she obeyed, I could tell the poor thing was on the verge of bolting. Her cute button nose was lifted high as she sniffed out the enticing aromas wafting up from downstairs.

  Bash’s suite was every bit as luxurious as I’d expected. Upon entering, there was an inviting sitting room decorated in shades of blue, buttercup yellow, and cream. A navy blue sofa with recliners on either end faced a fireplace with a large flat-screened television positioned conveniently above the mantelpiece. The butler drew the heavy drapes across the tall windows to give us privacy and pointed out the features of the kitchenette off to one side. He opened the refrigerator to show an assortment of drinks, snacks, and also gave me instructions on the use of the fancy coffee machine on the counter. Bash didn’t say a word, allowing his butler to do his job.


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