Citrus Blossom

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Citrus Blossom Page 9

by Sarah Pond

  'Okay Emma, I'm just off out. Laura at work has arranged for us to play rounders with her hubby and kids, so I'll see you later.'

  Emma replied, 'Have a great time, then.'

  When Olivia arrived at Regent's Park, Jason and Jasmine were already there. 'Hi,' she said, walking over. Jasmine beamed at her.

  Laura welcomed her, and introduced her to Peter, and their children, Felicity and Harry. Olivia shook hands with Peter. They got the game set up, and took it in turns to bowl, with the other six making two teams. Jason, it turned out, was excellent at whacking the ball really long distances, and consequently he got a lot of rounders for his team. Thankfully, the children loved to run and run, so they did a lot of the chasing. At lunchtime, they all sat down in a heap, ready for the picnic that Laura and Peter had prepared. Jason said, 'Thank you, guys, for arranging this, it's great fun. Also, it's good to get together out of work. We should do it more often.'

  At this comment, Jasmine and Olivia stole at look at each other, and smiled. Laura noticed the exchange of looks, but thought nothing more of it. After lunch and a rest, Felicity and Harry were desperate to start playing again. 'Come on Olivia, come and play,' said Felicity, pulling on Olivia's hand.

  Olivia got up, and the three of them ran around playing tag. Jason said, 'She certainly has a lot of energy. And she's great with the kids.'

  Jasmine looked on, watching Olivia running around, laughing, she seemed so free and happy. Again, Laura noticed Jasmine watching Olivia. Jasmine turned and caught Laura's eye, and they smiled at one another. After a couple more hours playing, the children were finally worn out. They packed up their things, kissed and hugged each other goodbye, and everyone started to head off home. Jasmine and Olivia walked to the exit of the park with Jason, and they said goodbye. Once he was down the road, Olivia asked whether Jasmine would like to go back to her place for the evening.

  Sitting on the sofa after tea, Jasmine said, 'I had a lot of fun today. You seemed to really enjoy running around with the kids.'

  Olivia looked at her, 'Yes, I did. They are really cute kids. Laura has such a lovely family.'

  Jasmine asked, 'Would you like to have children one day?'

  Olivia thought for a moment, 'I don't know. I guess when I was younger I just assumed that I would meet a guy, get married and start a family. It's not something I've thought about recently, though. How about you?'

  Jasmine replied, 'Not particularly. Obviously, I knew I wasn't going to settle down with a guy, so just thought I'd wait and see what happens.'

  There was a noise at the door, as Emma let herself in. 'Hi Emma, you know Jasmine. We're recovering from a fun and exhausting day running around Regent's Park.'

  'Hi Jasmine. Did you all have a good time?' asked Emma

  'Yes, it was great fun. I was a bit rusty, but managed to score a few rounders,' replied Olivia.

  Jasmine said, 'Well, I'd better head off home now, we've got work tomorrow. Nice to see you again Emma. I'll see you in the morning, Olivia.' Olivia walked her to the door, but didn't kiss her as Emma was there.

  Laura arrived at work on Monday morning, put her bag down, and took off her coat. 'Hi, Olivia. Yesterday was fun. I have to tell you, my kids love you, that's all they've been talking about since yesterday. They want to know when they can see you again.'

  'Oh, that's so sweet, your kids are gorgeous. Actually, I remember you once said you and Peter don't get out much on your own. How about I babysit sometime, I can do something with the kids, and you two get some time on your own.'

  Laura looked thrilled, 'Really? That would be wonderful. Felicity and Harry will be ecstatic when I tell them. Thank you, thank you so much.'

  Jasmine appeared in the outer office, and had caught the conversation. She saw how happy Laura looked, and how pleased Olivia was. Jasmine thought again how grateful she was that Olivia was here.

  Over the next few weeks, things seemed to be settling into a pattern. Jasmine and Olivia saw each other at the weekends, and Emma assumed Olivia was dating Jason. A few times, Emma did ask about meeting him, and Olivia managed to think of some excuses, then Emma would stop asking for a while. Jasmine wanted to see Olivia in the week as well, but decided not to say anything at the moment, as things were going really well with them. They tended to keep to themselves, visiting art galleries, museums and the theatre or cinema, and often staying in. Olivia always stayed at Jasmine's, as she had her own place, whereas Olivia had a roommate who liked to ask questions. Jasmine loved the weekends, where she and Olivia could be free to be themselves. She hoped that soon, Olivia would be ready to be open about their relationship.

  At lunch one day, Laura asked if she could take up Olivia on her offer of babysitting. Pete had a works do, and Laura was invited. Olivia said of course, and it was arranged. When the evening arrived, Olivia turned up at Laura's at six thirty. Laura answered the door wearing a beautiful black dress and a stunning red necklace. 'You look gorgeous,' Olivia smiled.

  Laura blushed, 'Thank you, I don't get dressed up very often. Pete is just putting his suit on.'

  Felicity and Harry came running up to see her. 'Hi, how are you?'

  Felicity and Harry wanted to show Olivia their toys, and they wanted her to watch a film with them. They also wanted to draw, and make things. They were so excited to see Olivia. Laura laughed, 'Give Olivia a chance to get in the door! You have all evening to play.'

  Laura showed Olivia where everything was, and told her to make herself at home. She said that as it was the weekend, the children could stay up, but not too late. Pete appeared downstairs, and did up his tie. Olivia said that he looked very handsome in his suit, and that they made a lovely couple. Pete looked at Laura, and kissed her. The children started giggling. They all said goodbye, and Laura and Pete left for their party. Felicity grabbed Olivia's hand, and took her to her bedroom to show Olivia her teddy bears. Harry couldn't wait to show Olivia his toys too, and they both wanted help building the Brio train set. All three of them set to work building a track across the floor, and when it was finished, they played happily, making chuffing noises and train whistles. A while later, they all snuggled up on the sofa to watch one of their favourite films. Once the film had finished, Olivia said that it was time for bed. She read them both a story, and tucked them in. Felicity looked up at Olivia, with big eyes, and asked, 'Will you come and look after us again please.'

  Olivia said of course she would, and said goodnight. Harry gave her a big hug, and snuggled under his covers. Laura and Pete got home about midnight, and Olivia was half asleep on the sofa. She heard the key in the door, and looked up, 'Hi guys, did you have a good time?'

  Pete said, 'Yes thank you, it was great. Sorry we're a bit late. How were the kids?'

  'Brilliant. You have the cutest children. Any time you need a babysitter, just ask.'

  Laura was thrilled to bits, 'Thank you so much.' Pete booked a cab to take Olivia home.

  It was coming up to Christmas, and the office was closing for the week. Olivia was going back to St Ives for Christmas, and it would be the first time that she had been back since moving out in June. She had thought that she would visit before now, and wondered where on earth the time had gone. Olivia did talk to her parents and Becky regularly, so they each kept the other updated with what was going on. Olivia was going to leave for Cornwall from Jasmine's. Laying in bed that morning, Jasmine said, 'I do wish you weren't going away. I know it's your first time back, but I'm really going to miss you.'

  Olivia leaned over and kissed Jasmine, 'The week will fly by, and before you know it, I'll be back. Anyway, you'll be able to catch up with your friends and family too.'

  Olivia arrived at St Erth station, and her Mum was waiting for her. 'Darling! It's so good to see you.' Her Mum wrapped her in a big hug.

  'Hi Mum, it's good to see you too.'

  They chatted animatedly on the drive home, and Olivia's Mum, Ella, asked her lots of questions about her new life in London. 'I thought you might be too ti
red after the long journey to go out tonight, so I'm going to cook at home. I've booked a restaurant for tomorrow so we can all go out together then.'

  'Lovely, thanks Mum. So, what's news with you?'

  After dinner, Olivia went to help clear up. Her Dad told her to sit down, he would do it. Olivia went and sat in the armchair, and her Mum sat on the sofa. Ella was asking her more questions about the people that she had met in London. Olivia knew that really she was angling to find out whether she had met someone. Eventually, she came out and asked outright. 'Mum, there's so much going on with work, and I socialise with them too sometimes, I'm still getting settled in,' Olivia replied.

  Then Olivia told her Mum about the rounders day in the park, and how she had babysat for Laura's kids. This kept Ella distracted, and the inquisition stopped for the time being. Between Emma and her Mum, Olivia was running out of excuses.

  The next day, after a good nights sleep, Olivia was feeling refreshed. Today she was meeting up with Becky, Dan and Liam. Waiting in their usual cafe, Olivia saw the others arriving. Becky squealed and rushed towards Olivia, giving her a crushing hug. 'I've missed you so much, the gallery isn't the same without you.'

  Olivia replied, 'I've missed you too,' and suddenly felt emotional as she hugged her dear friend. Becky was really missing Olivia, they had never spent this much time apart before. Becky dearly hoped that Olivia would get this London business out of her system, and move back home. They hugged each other for a long time, then Liam said, 'I think it's my turn, can I have a look in!', then grabbed Olivia and hugged her, lifting her feet off of the ground. He put her down, and Olivia hugged Dan.

  'It's so good to see you all,' she said. They sat around the table talking endlessly. Dan looked at Olivia, 'Something in London obviously agrees with you, you look fantastic.' Olivia blushed.

  Olivia's parents held a party on Christmas Eve. They had a beautiful Christmas tree, with lots of multi coloured lights. There were still decorations on the tree that Olivia and Ben had made when they were children. Ella wouldn't hear of getting rid of them, as they meant a lot to her. Friends and neighbours were invited, and the evening was in full swing. Everyone wanted to hear about Olivia's new life, and by the end of the evening she was getting quite tired. Becky and Dan were still dancing, and some of the neighbours were getting a bit tipsy. Liam had been watching Olivia today, he found it hard keeping his eyes off of her. She seemed different somehow, but he couldn't say how. Was it confidence from working in London, maybe. She seemed to have a freedom about her that he hadn't seen before. After the party, when Olivia was helping her Mum and Dad clear up, her Dad asked, 'So, has it been good catching up with your friends again?'

  Olivia said, 'Yes, I have missed them. At the same time, I know that I made the right decision moving to London. That's not to say that I'll stay in London indefinitely, but at the moment I am having an amazing time,' she smiled at her Dad.

  'I noticed that Liam couldn't keep his eyes off of you. I think he's still rather smitten with you. I don't think he's been seeing anyone.'

  'Dad, I'm really happy as I am, thank you! Liam is great, but it was time for us.'

  Ella said, 'Steve, stop trying to match make, Olivia is fine,' and smiled at her daughter.

  On Christmas morning, Olivia woke up to see a stocking at the end of her bed. It didn't matter how old she was, she loved this, and felt like a child again. She went downstairs and turned on the Christmas tree lights, and sat down by the tree. She remembered the many times that she had done this over the years, and now was the first time that she wasn't living at home. Home was a changing feeling for her now. She thought about Jasmine, and decided to call her, although it was still early. Olivia heard Jasmine's sleepy voice on the end of the phone, and she was delighted to hear from Olivia. 'Happy Christmas. I really miss you.'

  Olivia replied, 'I miss you too. Are you going to your parents today?'

  Jasmine said, 'I'm going to Phoebe and Fran's today, and my parents tomorrow. I can't wait for you to come home.'

  Home, there it is again. They chatted for a while, then Olivia heard her parents getting up. She said that she would have to go, and would speak to Jasmine soon.

  Olivia had a wonderful Christmas, although she really missed Jasmine. It was great to be with her parents and brother. Ben had also invited his girlfriend, Tina. They had been together for a couple of years and seemed pretty serious. Tina got on really well with Olivia's parents, which was great, Tina was lovely. Olivia knew that she would soon be heading back to London, as she had said to Jasmine, the week was flying by. One morning she was sitting in her room, with its white furniture and blue and white check duvet cover, looking out of the window. It was lovely being back, but she also knew that a part of her didn't belong here now. She thought about Jasmine, and wondered what she was doing now. It was a shame Olivia couldn't talk about her in the way she wanted to. She would when she was ready, but at the moment she was still trying to work out how she felt about it herself. As she looked out of the window, her mind wandered. She didn't know when it started, when things changed. Had there been signs, and she had been too caught up in other things to see them... Maybe it was just a phase, or was she starting to lose it? Or maybe she was beginning to find herself. Perhaps she could just give in to it, let herself go...

  Olivia had one more get together with her friends before she had to get the train back to London. When it was time to leave, Becky said, 'Ring me when you're back, have a safe journey.'

  Liam gave her a hug, 'It's been so good to see you, really good.'

  'You too,' she replied.

  The train back to London was a bit late, and Olivia had received a text from Jasmine, asking when she would be arriving. Eventually, the train pulled into Paddington station. Olivia was walking across the concourse, then noticed Jasmine walking towards her, beaming from ear to ear. 'Welcome home!' Jasmine flung her arms around Olivia.

  'Thank you, this is a surprise. I didn't think I was seeing you until tomorrow.'

  Jasmine said, 'I know, I just couldn't wait another minute to see you. I've got my car, come back with me and I'll drop you home in the morning.'

  Arriving home, Jasmine opened the door and turned on the hall light. Olivia followed her in, and closed the door behind her. Immediately Jasmine's lips were on hers, and Jasmine started undoing Olivia's coat. Olivia started unbuttoning Jasmine's coat, and pushed it off of her shoulders, then she slipped her own coat off. Their hands were all over each other. 'I've missed you so much,' said Jasmine between kisses.

  'I missed you too.'

  They moved into the lounge, undressing as they went, and onto the sofa. Jasmine ran her hands over Olivia's body, feeling her contours, her softness. Oh, how she had missed Olivia, she didn't know how she had managed a whole week without her. Olivia was revelling in the feeling of Jasmine's soft skin against her own. Kneeling opposite each other, Olivia felt Jasmine's hand slide down her pants, her fingers exploring and entering her. Jasmine breathed, 'You are so wet, you make me so fucking horny.'

  Olivia deepened their kiss, and Jasmine could feel Olivia's fingers moving down her body, then inside her. Jasmine felt a renewed explosion of desire, so much sensation, it was almost unbearable. They had missed each other so much, and Olivia hadn't realised just how much until now. It felt as though she had been starved, and now she was at a banquet. As their desperate longing for closeness increased, so did their momentum, and the inevitable build towards climax. They groaned with pleasure, and came together, panting, and held one another as their bodies shuddered, and their orgasms dissipated. Jasmine pulled a blanket over them, and they curled up together on the sofa.


  Olivia arrived back at home the following morning, and saw Emma in the lounge. 'Hello, did you have a good Christmas?' she asked.

  'Yes, it was lovely being back and seeing everyone. I did get a million questions, though!' replied Olivia.

  'Well, you look great. If I didn't know any better
, I'd say that you got laid last night, big time.'

  Olivia flushed bright red, and lent down, pretending she was getting something from her bag. Fortunately Emma hadn't noticed, and continued, 'Did they ask you about Jason, did you tell them anything?' Emma was eager to know.

  'No I didn't, it's a bit soon. How about you, did you have fun?'

  Emma nodded, 'Yes, it was great. I've been to a few parties, and danced my socks off!'

  That evening, Jasmine came over to see Olivia. Emma was out with Matt, so they could talk freely. Jasmine said, 'I'd like you to come to a party with me tonight that my friends are holding. It will be just women, not too many people, probably ten of us in all. It would mean that we could be a proper couple there.'

  'Okay, that sounds nice. I've not yet met any of your friends.'

  Jasmine looked at Olivia, in that way she did, and leaned forward to kiss her. 'Wonderful, I'm so pleased. You can stay at mine tonight.'

  Olivia had decided to wear a dress for the party, with some high heeled knee high boots. It was a deep red shift dress, and had a slight shimmer when it caught the light. Emma was getting ready to go out when Olivia was getting dressed. 'You look fabulous. I love your boots.'

  'Thank you. I don't know if it's a dressy party or not, but I thought, why not!'

  Emma said that she was off out with Matt, and left saying, 'Have fun!'

  About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. Olivia opened it, and Jasmine looked at her wide eyed. Walking inside, Jasmine said, 'Holy fuck, you look gorgeous,' and kissed Olivia passionately.


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