All Hail the King: Modern Greek Gods YA/NA Series (Grace of Gods Book 4)

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All Hail the King: Modern Greek Gods YA/NA Series (Grace of Gods Book 4) Page 9

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “Aidan! What happened?” Royce shouldered his way through the crowd to reach me, looking more alarmed than curious. When he stopped in front of me he seemed to frown, staring at my face though for why was beyond me.

  “Nothing, but I’ve got a plan. Where’s Savannah?” I looked over his head, scanning the faces in the crowd for my other half. Royce was still staring at me like he had never seen my face before. “What is it?”

  “You don’t look good, man. Do you need to sit?”

  “No, I’m fine. I had a run in with Asher. I’ll be fine. Savannah?”

  “Uh, right. Um…” Royce turned around and looked around the room with me before glancing back uncertainly. “In her room?”

  “Okay. And Griffin?”

  “No idea, last I saw him he was 11 inches into the bottle.”

  “Okay.” I walked past him absently and headed for the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Royce didn’t follow but I could feel his eyes burning into my back as I walked away. The hallway was more eerie than usual, a thick silence hung in the air as I made my way to the suite shared between Savvy and myself.

  When I opened the door, she was lying on the bed, hands folded over her belly and staring at the ceiling with red eyes. I swallowed hard, closing the door behind me alerting her to my presence. Her eyes shifted, landing on my face first before skipping over the rest of my appearance as if to confirm I was all in one piece.

  “Aidan.” She breathed my name like a prayer, standing and crossing over to me. Her hands felt cold as they cupped my cheeks, pulling me closer to her level as she searched my face. “What happened to you, babe? You look…” She searched for the right word that wouldn’t hurt my ego and I found myself curious to see myself now in the reflection. Had Asher done something more than zap me of my powers?

  I pulled away from her comforting arms to walk into the bathroom. Looking back at me in the mirror was a gaunt man, the shell of his former self. My eyes were sunken in, cheeks hollow and a sallow color seemed to have permeated my normally clear complexion. I touched my own face in disbelief, but it was real as I watched my fingers trace the dark bags hanging under my eyes.

  Savannah appeared beside me in the reflection, worry evident on her face.

  “Asher took my magic.” Her eyes softened with sympathy, one hand coming to clasp her chest. “I haven’t heard from Zeus since I got back… I don’t know if he’s still here.”

  Savannah pulled her hand away from her chest, bringing the necklace I had given her away with it. She ducked her head, fiddling with the clasp for a moment before holding it out to me.

  “Maybe this will help. Just enough magic to bring him back?”

  “That was for you.” I covered her offered hand and tried to force it back to her side but she held fast, shaking her head.

  “You need it more than me.”

  “I have a plan to get it back. I have a plan to fix all this.” She didn’t put the necklace on, but intrigue washed over her face for a moment. “I met someone, a witch. A goddess witch. She says she can send us back in time, back to when Asher was conceived. If we can stop Zeus from impregnating his mother, he is never born.”

  “And if he was never born, none of this ever happened. Valentina would come back.” Her face lit up, excitement painting her features. I wished I didn’t have to be the bearer of bad news and the one who would cause her features to fall when I told her. In fact, I didn’t have to say anything because my face seemed to say it all as Savannah’s smile slipped away. “I don’t understand, wouldn’t she come back?”

  “Hecate said no. The Titans would have still rebelled, history repeating itself and all. And because it was a Titan who killed her, it became her fate. There’s no bringing her back, Savannah.” I reached out, cupping the back of her neck and tilting her face to mine. “I’m sorry.” My lips brushed against hers, hoping to kiss away the discomfort she was feeling. She pulled away afterwards, touching her lips and looking at me with a thoughtfulness that made me uncomfortable. She couldn’t tell from a kiss that to seal the deal with the witch she had kissed me, it was impossible.

  “Hecate is the goddess of crossroads. That’s dangerous.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because she’s in it for herself, what did she want?”

  “Ah, well.” I rubbed the back of my neck after releasing hers, squeezing past her through the doorframe of the bathroom and walking back into the bedroom. “That’s the caveat.”

  “What did she want, Aidan?” She followed me out, sitting beside me on the bed holding a hand out for me to take. I watched her delicate digits weave between my coarser ones and I looked back at her face.

  “She wants Griffin. She wants to replace Valentina.”

  “She what?” Savannah looked alarmed.

  “I mean, she wants to be Queen of the Underworld, she wants to be Griffin’s partner…”

  “He will never go for that.”

  “Yeah, I know, but if we can convince him to go along with it when we’re done we can-”

  “We can what? Double cross an all-powerful witch? There’s a reason she’s in the Underworld Aidan, her magic is dark.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  “It’s too dangerous, she’s unreliable. And if she doesn’t get what she wants, what happens? That’s a risk I’m not willing to take.”

  She was resolute in her opinion, firm and demanding I take her side. Too bad for Savannah this was a patriarchy, my decision was final.

  “Well, I already made the deal.”

  “You what?”

  “I agreed and made the deal, we can talk to Griffin and get him on board. Once we’re back from getting rid of our Asher problem we’ll deal with the Hecate problem, which I think – in the grand scheme of things – is a much smaller issue. She’ll be mad at me, not at the world or our pantheon.”

  “And what were her conditions for breaking the deal?” Savannah arched her well-sculpted eyebrow.

  “We, uh, didn't talk about the conditions of breaking the deal.”

  Savannah groaned and rolled her eyes, standing as she paced out her frustration. I watched her for a little bit before getting bored and flopped back on the bed, tucking my hands under my head. As far as I was concerned right now, without magic, I needed to find another way to take down Asher. No one might believe in me, hell, I didn’t believe in me, but I was going to fix this.

  After all, it was Zeus’ mess.

  “Savannah, there’s something else.”

  “I want you to take the necklace. I know you gave it to me, but I would feel better doing this if you have magic in you. If you had Zeus in you, I would feel better. Plus, if what you said is right, you’ll get your magic back afterwards and you can re-imbue the necklace and give it back.”

  I sat up and let my eyes drag over her body, stopping for a moment on her stomach before flicking to her face.

  “Yeah, okay, whatever. Wasn’t what I was going to talk about.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I wanted to make sure you knew my stipulations before you went ahead with this.”

  “Right, okay. Can you sit? We need to talk.” She flexed her eyebrow one more time but did as I asked, coming back to my side. She held out the necklace, making me take it before she set her hand on my thigh, drawing my attention to a different matter altogether. Clearing my throat, I shifted away if only to focus myself on the matter at hand before I got caught up.

r said something to me yesterday I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. And I also kept getting these flashbacks, but they weren’t flashbacks and…” I took a deep breath. Uncertainty didn’t suit me, neither did nervousness. Also, talking about my feelings. Okay, there was a grocery list of things I wasn’t all too excited about right now but the annoying, and non-Zeus, voice in the back of my head told me to man up.

  “Right. Well,” I took a deep breath, “I kept having these flashbacks of you in the bathroom. Which, of course, couldn’t be flashbacks because I was never there. But I seemed to remember it… Sorry.” When did I become a rambler? For Gods sakes, get to the point, Aidan. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Vague, but almost to the point.

  “Tell you what, Aidan?” She said the words but her eyes told me she knew what I was asking her.

  “Queenie.” She rose again, resuming her pacing but this time with an added lip between her teeth and her fingers tugging on her shirt obsessively. “Savvy.” I rose, reaching for her, “Savannah.”

  She stopped pacing, if only because the grip I held her in wouldn’t allow her to move if she wanted to.

  “I know it’s not what you want Aidan, it would only scare you away.”

  “Scare me away?” I laughed, turning her so she could see my face. “Savannah, you don’t know me if you think family scares me away.” She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head to the side slightly.

  “Really, Aidan? Having a baby around calling you daddy wouldn’t freak you out and have you running for the first pair of warm thighs that weren’t mine?”

  Well, when she put it like that…

  “You realize Asher is my son, right? Valentina was my daughter?”

  “Godly… Yes. But not biologically. That’s different.”

  “Didn’t change how Zeus felt about Val.”

  “And Asher?”

  I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I looked at the ceiling. Maybe she was right, the idea of having a baby might’ve sent me running for the hills but now… I looked back at her.

  “Savannah, I love you. I don’t know how many ways I have to say it to convince you but I love you. And if you were pregnant with my son or daughter, that would make me the happiest man on the planet because I would be starting a family with the woman I love.”

  “Aidan, I didn’t-”

  “You assumed. You guessed wrong and didn’t bother to talk to me or ask, Savannah. Those weren’t just your babies, they were mine too and I deserved a say.” She managed to look sheepish and hurt, even feigned a couple of tears to rim her eyes. “How many were there? I saw two, but you looked like you knew what you were doing.”


  “That’s the funny thing, you know. You looked like you knew what you were doing, the magic you used, it came to you easily and I know you didn’t have to use the necklace for it. Is Hera back? Is your magic back?”

  “I don’t think it ever went anywhere, Aidan.”

  “You faked losing your magic?”

  “No, I did lose it… But it was asleep, maybe, and it finally woke up, the first time I found out I was pregnant.”

  “How many?”

  “A few.”

  “What’s a few?” My fist tightened around the necklace in my hand, the only thing I had to focus my frustration. I knew I was being mean, and I knew it was unfair to take it out on her but the more I thought about it and the idea sunk in the more I realized how hurt I was she never considered telling me.

  The necklace in my hand began to light, pushing through the cracks of my fist. The harder I squeezed the brighter the light became until it seemed like my fist was the light. It moved through my hand into my veins and just like that it shot to my heart, lighting my body like a Christmas tree.

  “Aidan?” Savannah grabbed me by the shoulders, watching as the sunken features of my face reverted back and the color returned to my face. I could feel the magic flowing through my veins, I could hear Zeus come back to me and strangely, I found I felt whole. Shaking off the tingling sensation going through me, my eyes shifted to Savannah and she was staring at me with such a look of concern, I felt… disgusted.

  “Pull yourself together, woman.” I rose, walking to the closet and pulled it open surveying the clothes inside. After a moment I closed it again, thought about what I was looking for and pulled the doors open again. I reached inside for the ceremonial gown, taking it out carefully and walking back to the bed to take off the common threads I was wearing instead. As I fastened the gown at my shoulder with a sigil signifying my station, Savannah rose and stepped back.

  “Zeus?” My head snapped up to look at her, narrowing slightly.


  “Savannah. Neither Hera nor myself like being referred to as an object, so you can start with our name.”

  “You can start by losing the attitude, woman, or you will regret it.”

  “Stop calling me woman.”

  “That is what you are, is it not? Or have you taken to the Bacchic ways and shed the identity of gender?”

  “I’m a woman.”

  “Then your role is to bear my children, even if I am perfectly capable of bearing them myself – I will remind you.”

  Savannah’s jaw tensed as her eyes narrowed, “Where is Aidan?”

  “Resting, the work ahead is for a God, not a mortal and I will fix this mess you have caused.”


  “If you weren’t satisfying enough for me, I would not have any need to stray.” Her hand landed a hard slap across my cheek but all it managed to do was make me laugh as I reached out and grabbed her by the wrist.

  “I like your mortal’s spine, wife. But I will remind you of your place in this marriage, I am King of the Gods, that includes you and you will show me the respect I deserve.” It was far too easy to toss her onto the bed, grabbing an ankle and pulling it away from her other leg.

  “No. We’re not having sex with you like this. Give me back Aidan and we’ll talk.” She fought, trying to give a pitiful display of power. But as I crawled onto the bed, pinning her with my weight, holding her hands above her head she stared at me and I could see my wife’s resolve melt in her eyes.

  “Aidan… Take back control, please.”

  “He can’t, and he won’t for some time. Not until this mess is fixed.” She huffed, turning away as I leant to kiss her. She bit my lip defiantly, but again the only response she got was a chuckle.

  “You forget I enjoy the fight, the hunt… It’s part of the thrill… I convinced my wife once, I can convince you too, mortal girl.”

  “You’re not my boyfriend.”

  “No, you’re right. I’m your husband and King, you will acquiesce.” I kissed her this time and no teeth found my lips. But her lips did not move with mine either. She laid there, almost as if she were lifeless. It would not trouble me. In my life, many women had responded in different ways, she was not the first to lay like this and she would not be the last.

  I adjusted my robe as I finished, climbing off her. Savannah curled into a ball on the bed, her jaw set in defiance as she glared at the wall and didn’t move.

  “I expect this time the child will remain in your womb where it belongs. No more of this abortive nonsense. As Goddess of Childbirth, it is your godly necessity to bear children, and you will.”

  “Go screw yourself.”

  “Wife, that’s what I have you for.” I cli
mbed off the bed and walked causally to the door, narrowly missing the pillow she threw at me. I laughed again, walking out of the room in search of my younger brother. We had work to do and whether he liked it or not, I was going to get him to work with me.

  But first, there was one thing I needed to do to was ensure Hades would take my side.

  Chapter 11

  Finding the crossroads again was easier this time, only because any place where two roads converged would do. I stood there for a moment, knowing the procedure. An offering had to be made but I was King of the Gods and witch or not, she had to come when I called.

  “Hecate.” My barreling voice echoed down both corridors to my left and right, the rumbles shaking the walls and dislodging stones precariously clinging to the edges of rocky crags that made this place. She did not appear right away, if only to attempt a power play but at the end of the day she knew. She answered to me, whether she liked it or not.

  “My lord.” I turned to find her in her real form, at least she had the sense not to bother with any of her disguises with me. As Zeus, I could see through her magic.

  “Your vessel is…”

  “Suitable,” she said, tugging at the length of black hair hanging over her shoulder. “You bellowed my lord, have you come to take back the mortal’s deal?”

  “No, I believe it is a fair deal and your solution may work. However, getting Hades to agree will be a little more difficult. I will need your help.” I held out my hand to her and walked as she slid her smaller one into it. Closing my eyes, I drew on the memories of Aidan and sought the right one for what I needed. Images flashed before my eyes, the arrival at Olympus, the parties, the sex, Savannah. Ah, there.

  She appeared out of nowhere, standing on the edge of the cliff as the wind whipped around her face. A particularly rough gust of wind hit her and she bent over, doubled against the mountain trying to keep her footing. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, taking in her surroundings until her eyes fell on me.


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