Lion's Quest: Trinity: A LitRPG Saga

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Lion's Quest: Trinity: A LitRPG Saga Page 30

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Let me check these two long daggers,” I said to the gnome as I picked one of them up.

  Dagger of Minor Bleeding

  Damage: 10% above standard - dagger

  Durability- Magical









  Causes target to bleed 1% of their health every five seconds until either they are healed, or stop moving for sixty seconds.

  “The gods have granted me that,” Bolverk said after I finished reading the stats of the green weapon.

  “Let me look at the other one,” I said as I passed him the first dagger.

  Dagger of Piercing

  Damage: 20% above standard - Dagger

  Durability - Magical









  Armor rating of target is reduced by 25%

  “Huh. It has blue text,” I muttered to myself.

  “What was that, dear friend?” Cornalic asked.

  “Oh, I’m wondering if it is more valuable because of the armor penetrating ability. The stats on it don’t seem high, but my ability appears to think it is valuable.

  “Armor can be a problem, especially when fighting some monsters. I have some other daggers I prefer, but if Bolverk does not want the blade, I would add it to my assortment and probably find a good use for it someday soon.”

  “I will take it, and use it to pierce the heart of evil,” Bolverk growled as I handed him the blade. He stood from his chair and went to work on strapping both of the long blades to his legs.

  “What of these crossbows? Perhaps Allurie could use one. Elves have natural affinity with such weapons because their hands move so fast.” The muscular half-orc gestured to the two weapons, and I picked up the first one.

  “This is just a normal one; I’m guessing the man carried it. I’ll look at the other,” I said as I set the first one down and reached for the one that I thought the woman had carried.

  Thizzle Thrower

  Damage: 20% above standard - Heavy crossbow

  Durability - Magical









  Thalanious Thizzle The Third created all sorts of gadgets during his career as royal gadget maker for the Litana Dynasty. He crafted this crossbow for the Prince when the young man demanded something that would deliver “The kick of a blue dragon” but also be able to be “worn over my shoulder so that I could hold onto my crumpet while I drank my tea.”

  All bolts shot from the Thizzle Thrower have a 15% chance to do an electrical shocking attack that numbs the opponent and causes 50% of weapon damage. Critical hits do an additional 100% shocking weapon damage. Numbed opponents cannot use limbs for 0-3 seconds, depending on Brawn attribute rating and placement of shot.

  “That explains why this hurt so bad. Damn. Would you consider this a ‘heavy crossbow’? It seems kind of small,” I asked Cornalic.

  “Agreed, dear friend. I would call this a middleweight, perhaps even a light crossbow. The heavy ones must be loaded with a winch and gear. With this,” Cornalic pointed at the front of the weapon where there was a metal loop, “someone who isn’t strong enough to load it by their arm strength can put their foot in and pull up with their body to load.”

  “I see,” I said as I looked again at the weapon. I’d used a crossbow against the Cutno soldiers who tried to capture Artus, Allurie, and I when we tried to escape to Arnicoal. Those weapons also had the loop in the front, but I had pulled back the string of the weapon to load it without any problem. “Do you know a lot about crossbows? I’ve used them a few times, but I am no expert.”

  “Yes, dear friend, I’ve used many a crossbow and short bow.” The man’s yellow eyes twinkled, and he grinned so that I could see his sharp teeth.

  “Can you teach Allurie then?” I asked.

  “Of course! I would love to. This weapon will suit her. I believe she will be a quick study. Having a skilled crossbow woman in the party will be very useful.” Cornalic looked at the gnome and then back to me. “All we need is someone skilled at magic, and our party will be very well rounded.”

  “Let me look at the other weapons and then we can start on the jewelry.” I picked up the bandolier of throwing daggers and went through each of the four on the strap. “None of these are magical. Either of you want them?” I asked the two men, and they both shook their head.

  “And neither of these two last daggers are magical. Allurie can probably wear one or both of them. They look as if they are in great condition,” I said as I put the daggers back in their sheaths. “Bolverk, do you want me to look at your axes?” I asked the blood stained gnome.

  “I know what they do, Leo Lennox. This one kills, and this one weakens before it kills. They have whispered their secrets to me when I caressed their hafts. They will be my lovers until I obtain my harem filled with half-orc warrior women.”

  “Fair enough. Do you mind if I look at them anyways so that I can see what they do?” I asked.

  “This one kills,” the gnome repeated as he handed me one of his newly acquired hand axes. I spun it in my hands and saw the blue text of its name.


  Damage: 20% above standard - hand axe

  Durability - Magical









  When used with Chew, Bite does damage 40% above standard and has an additional +2 to Quickness.

  “I can see that,” I said as I handed the weapon back to the man.

  “This one weakens and then kills,” Bolverk said as he handed me his second axe.


  Damage: 20% above standard - hand axe

  Durability - Magical









  If used with Bite, Chew has a 10% chance per hit to drain 1 point of Brawn attribute from the target. Wielder of Chew against that point of Brawn for one hour, up to a maximum of 10. Victim will recover Brawn after a full eight hours of sleep.

  “That is really interesting. You can do some serious damage with these,” I said as I handed Chew back to the gnome.

  “Yessssss,” he hissed. “None will stand before us. The path to ascension is clear, Leo Lennox.”

  “What do you three think of Allurie’s new dress?” Chrysa called out from across the room.

  I turned to see that the beautiful elf girl was wearing a cornflower blue summer dress with dark green embroidery along the edges. Her hair was tied back in twin ponytails, and Allurie did a little spin when Chrysa gestured for her to show us how the dress moved.

  “It looks great!” I said, and I meant it. Allurie was extremely beautiful when she wasn’t bugging me to mate. She looked even prettier after I complimented her and her cheeks turned red.

  “I agree with dear Leo, you look like a beautiful flower,” Cornalic said.

  “Your skin isn’t green enough. You don’t have any scars. No muscle. No tusks. No armor.” Bolverk growled, and Allurie’s face fell. “But the blue matches the tattoos the gods etched across my flesh to give this avatar unbridled power. So I agree with what Leo Lennox and Cornalic of the Mind have said.”

  “Yay! I’ll go try on the other two,” Allurie said as she pulled Chrysa back into the other room.

  “Let’s look at the jewelry now,” I said to Cornalic and Bolverk as I picked up one of the men’s rings on the table.

  “This one is non-magical,” I said as I put the first one down
. “So is this one, and this one. This one is magical though,” I said as I read them the description from the fourth ring.

  Ring of Minor Mana- When user says “Mana” their next ability will not cost fatigue. Can only be used once per every four hours.

  “That isn’t bad,” I said as I set down the green text ring.

  “Probably best that you wear it. Since we are dependent on you using your abilities, dearest friend,” Cornalic said.

  “Yeah. Let me look at the last three rings that we got from the first group,” I said as reached for the last trio. Two of them were magical, and I read them off to my friends.

  Ring of Light Armor- Grants wearer a +5 to armor while ring is worn.

  Ring of Light Damage- All of wearer’s attacks do an extra 3% weapon damage.

  “This is easy to decide,” I said as I passed Bolverk the armor ring and Cornalic the damage one. Both of the rings had green colored text.

  “No thank you, dear friend. I have superior rings at the moment. Our tattooed friend here should have use of them,” Cornalic said as he pointed to Bolverk.

  “Your action has pleased me, Cornalic of the Mind. I will grant you one extra half-orc warrior woman in your harem,” the gnome said as he took the ring from my other friend.

  “Oh, that is quite alright. As I mentioned before, the women of my race are a bit too rough for my tastes. I bruise easily and such,” Cornalic replied as he waved his hands.

  “There are two bracelets. Both are magical,” I said as I read off the green text to my friends.

  Bracelet of Light Brawn- Grants wearer a +3 to Brawn while worn.

  Bracelet of Summoning- Your first two summoning abilities give no mana fatigue.

  “That last bracelet is highly interesting, friend Leo,” Cornalic said once I finished reading.


  “Yes, there are not many summoners in the world. I’ve been on many a grand adventure and have yet to be in a party with one. That item could be worth a lot to the right buyer, but it might be a challenge finding them.”

  “Why aren’t there a lot of summoners in the world?”

  “I believe it is because their ways have been lost. There is no one left to train the abilities.” Cornalic shrugged.

  “They just summon creatures?”

  “Yes. Then the creatures fight for them. I was once in an Adventurer’s guild hall with one, but I was too nervous to ask her any questions,” my green-skinned friend admitted.

  “They must be very powerful then, if you were afraid to talk to one,” I said.

  “Oh, no dear friend. Well, they are powerful, but this one was very pretty, and I was afraid I would make a fool out of myself by talking to her. I am a bit shy.”

  “You are a bit shy?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes, I’m surprised you didn’t notice how bashful I am. My heart is gentle and easily damaged.” Cornalic tapped his massive chest, and I tried not to laugh at my friend.

  “Do you want the first bracelet?” I asked Cornalic.

  “Nay, it might be better for you or Bolverk,” he replied.

  “Here you go buddy,” I said as I passed the bracelet to the gnome. He took it with a nod and then wrapped it around his small, but still stout looking, wrist.

  “I’ll keep the last one, maybe we can sell it one day. Now let’s look at this necklace.”

  Necklace of Minor Luck- Grants wearer +2 to Luck.

  “I’ve got a ring which gives me a small bonus to luck. I suppose that it won’t hurt to have a bit more of the attribute,” I said as I slipped the necklace around my neck. It was just a thin gold cord, but it was okay with me. I was never one to wear gaudy jewelry.

  “Dress number three!” Chrysa called out as soon as I put on the necklace.

  We turned to watch Allurie walk into the room. She wore a dark gray dress that wrapped tightly around her lithe body. Chrysa or her servants had re-styled my friend’s hair, and it was piled up high in a nest of silvery curls.

  “That looks great. I like it very much,” I said as I tried to keep my eyes from ogling the woman’s splendid figure. The dress left little to the imagination, and it seemed like the kind of outfit that Lady Feeyaz would have worn and not my innocent friend.

  “Oh, I’m so happy. I’m embarrassed to wear this. It is much too--”

  “It looks great. I’m glad you picked it out,” I said. “Did you get any pants or adventuring type clothes?” I asked.

  “Yes, Leo. Well, I had them selected, but I didn’t try them on. I even got boots that I thought would fit me.”

  “Great, go get them on, then we are going to go out to the palace training grounds.” I gestured to the magic crossbow and smiled at her. “Cornalic is going to teach you how to shoot this. Then you’ll have a job when we go explore dungeons.”

  Allurie’s turquoise eyes widened at my comment, and they focused on the crossbow. “That is going to be mine?” she asked.


  “Yay! I will change immediately! This is the second best day of my life!” Allurie spun in place with her arm up in the air.

  “What was your first day?” Chrysa asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “The day I met Leo, of course!”

  Chapter 21

  We spent the remainder of the day teaching Allurie how to shoot the crossbow, sparring in the training area, and planning for the event tomorrow. Chrysa accompanied us to the field, and we made sure she knew the basic commands and where to stand in our party formation. I didn’t want to suspect that there would be any foul play during the second challenge, but there had now been two attempts on Chrysa’s life, and two more on mine. It was obvious that our enemies would keep trying to kill us.

  What would the beautiful woman do if she was actually crowned queen? I hoped her family would bring more support, but the captain of her guard hadn’t been able to protect her from a group of pirates, so I doubted that they employed anyone better on their staff.

  Getting the crown could just be a death sentence for my friend.

  But then again, she would have a palace full of guards, and the men and women who wore the royal armor seemed tough. I felt confident they would be able to protect her. No one had dared to try anything in our rooms.

  I logged out of the game a bit early so that I could get more rest before the event. I also wanted to talk to Zarra and swing by my parents’ room. I did notice a brief logout screen after I counted to twenty, and it had the usual Ohlavar Quest logo with the purple planet and its orange ring.

  “How did the day go, Champ?” Ky asked as he helped me get out of the VRIU.

  “Good. Getting ready for tomorrow,” I replied as I stepped into the privacy alcove.

  “Great!” He grabbed his VRIU paddle and began to stir the liquid.

  “Is Zarra around?” I asked the ceiling where the speakers were located.

  “No. She came in a few hours ago to check on you but said she had another meeting. She wanted me to ask you to call her when you logged out.” Jennifer’s voice came over the speaker.

  “Have you heard anything new about the security breach?” I asked.

  “No, Champ. We’ve had a lot more guards in the hallways, though. You might want to talk to Ms. Zerne,” Ky answered.

  “Alright. Hey Jennifer, can you fix the clock on the UI sometime soon? It’s annoying having to go into my status screen to find it.”

  “Oh, it is fixed already. You have to adjust it in the settings. I’m sorry about that,” she said.

  “Cool. I’ll check it out next time I log in.”

  “Is there anything else you want to talk about?”

  “That was it. Other than the security stuff. Thanks. I’ll go grab a shower and call Zarra. See you guys at seven again tomorrow. The second challenge is then, and I need to get an early start on the day.

  “Got it!” Ky said.

  “Have a good night!” Jennifer said over the speakers, and I saw her wave to me from the observation room be
fore I stepped through the door into my suite.

  It was hard not to think about what would happen during the match tomorrow, but I tried to empty my thoughts and let the shower water relax me. I didn’t know how long I stood in the stream of water, but my skin became pruney before I even thought about using the soap.

  After I had cleaned myself, I stepped out and glanced at the mirror in the bathroom. Thankfully, my eyes weren’t purple, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I put on my comfortable sweat pants and a cotton shirt. Then I picked up the phone and dialed Zarra’s office.

  “Hello, Leo,” she purred into the line after the phone rang once.

  “Hey. Can we talk about last night?” I asked.

  “Sure. Did you have a chance to visit your parents before you returned to your room?” she asked, and I wondered if she was trying to distract me.

  “Yeah. They were fine. A little scared of the alarm, but I imagine most of the patients were. Your staff was with them and had kept everyone calm.”

  “Excellent. Do you want to have dinner in a bit? I still have some work to finish up.” Her fingers drummed over the buttons of a keyboard, and I guessed that she was sending an email or chatting with someone.

  “How long?” I asked. As if on cue, my stomach started to grumble.

  “Maybe an hour. It is only four, but I know you skip lunch when you play. Do you want me to just meet you there when I am done?”

  “Sure I guess that will work. I was kinda hoping we could talk privately. I want more info about last night, and we haven’t finished our conversation about the whole ‘having kids’ thing in the game,” I said.

  “Do you want to meet in my office or somewhere more intimate?” I could hear the smile on her lips across the phone. The device actually had a video screen, but I hadn’t hit the correct button to make the call that way.

  “I can wait another few hours for you to finish. Call me when you are heading over, and I can have them deliver food to my room,” I said.


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