Unspoken Memories (Unspoken Series)

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Unspoken Memories (Unspoken Series) Page 6

by Gabbie S. Duran

  Call me cruel, but I had forgotten that I had punched her.

  “I sent her home and told her to take the next couple of days off.”

  I start grabbing clothes from the closet to sleep in and grab some extra clothes for tomorrow just in case.

  “What are you doing?” he says, staring at me confused while I’m grabbing the clothing.

  “What does it look like I’m doing, I’m getting my clothes for bed.”

  “You know Abigail, I’ve been trying to be very understanding and give you your space.” He sighs. “But I really miss you and I know we both have needs,” he says as he walks over and takes me in his arms. I try to push him away, but he keeps his arms firmly around my waist and starts nuzzling my neck.

  It must be all the pent up frustration from the day, or having come down from my adrenaline high, but what he’s doing actually turns me on.

  It feels good as he takes my earlobe in his mouth and starts sucking on it. The suckling feeling drives me mad and I drop the clothes I had in my hands. I grab onto his arms because my body goes weak and my legs feel like they’re going to collapse.

  I close my eyes and take in the feelings.

  Something in the back of my head says that this is probably not a good idea, but I can’t help it. As I’m standing there letting him take control of my body, I’m not thinking of Bill, but of someone else. Someone who is a lot younger and has the most gorgeous eyes that I’ve ever seen.


  I keep my eyes closed as he trails kisses down my cheek leading to my mouth, then he kisses me with a soft peck at first like he’s hesitant to do so. I still have my eyes closed but inside my eyelids, I’m imagining Matt, as he tastes my soft lips. He then kisses me harder pushing my mouth open with his tongue and he begins to kiss me fiercely.

  I don’t know why I’m letting him, in my mind I know I should stop him, but my body is responding like a starving woman who is about to get her fix as I imagine another man doing this to me.

  He brings me closer against his body with his hand on my lower back and with the other hand he starts leading it down to my ass, grabbing it. He begins to squeeze and caress it, making me moan into his mouth.

  The sensation is overwhelming and it only gets worse as he starts to lift my shirt over my head and pulls my bra cups down to take my breasts in his hands. He starts kneading them, while pinching my nipples in between his fingers. This shoots a jolt through me and I throw my head back with another moan, giving him access to suck and kiss on my neck.

  The crazy thing is that I can’t open my eyes, I don’t want to, because I know the moment I do I won’t see the eyes I want to see.

  I feel Bill lower his head and take one nipple into his mouth, after a moment he does the same with the other. I can’t help myself when I grab his head for support and keep him there because it feels so good.

  I finally allow myself to open my eyes as I feel myself being lowered to the floor and I see the ceiling of the closet above my head. He begins removing my jeans faster than I can process the train of thought and all I do is lift my hips to help him. I know I should stop him at this point, but my body wants this more than my brain comprehends.

  Once he’s done removing my jeans he comes back up my body, one arm on the side of my head, with the other in my hair holding my head to him as he kisses me again with the same intensity as earlier. We pause just enough so I can take off his tie, then he’s back to kissing me. Next I’m taking off his shirt, pulling it apart, causing buttons to go flying in different directions.

  He stops kissing me and I let out a whine as he stands up so he can remove his shoes, socks, and pants, leaving him in black silk boxers. I stare at him with hooded eyes noticing the obvious erection straining towards me.

  He lowers himself to the ground again and I reach for his shoulders needing something to hold onto. He lifts me off the ground just enough to get the clasp of the bra at my back and takes it off throwing it to the side and once again goes to suckling my breast. He takes my thong off and as he begins to open my legs wider with his thighs I get enough sense in me to say, “Protection, I’m not doing this without protection.”

  Confused, he gets up, digs through his pants for his wallet and pulls out a condom. He lowers his boxers and tears open the wrapper with his teeth and begins to put the condom on at a speedy pace. Once he’s done he comes back down and pushes inside me, making me gasp as he enters me. The only thing I can do is hold onto him as he begins rocking back and forth, wrapping my legs around his thighs and lift my hips to meet each one of his thrusts.

  He begins kissing me again, picking up his speed, thrusting harder against me, making me moan louder, and I have to hold him tighter. The increase builds me up and I let go as my orgasm takes over my body, causing me to squeeze him with my core muscles.

  A couple of seconds later Bill throws his head back and he lets out a long grunt while he pumps a couple more times into me, finally finishing him off.

  Slowing to a stop he collapses on top of me then rolls off a couple of seconds later.

  “Man, I really missed you, and by the way that felt I think you missed me too.”

  That’s when it comes to me. What did I just do? I had sex with Bill. Bill the guy who, I’m pretty sure, is screwing his personal assistant. I had let my traitorous body take over me and give in to him pretending he was someone else.

  As he turns to his side and reaches for me I frantically push him away, stand up, and grab the clothes I dropped on the floor. I rush out of the closet with Bill on my tail. I’m frantic and already regretting what just happened.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asks, dumbfounded about why I got up in a hurry.

  “That shouldn’t have happened,” I say, high-tailing it out of the bedroom and into the spare bedroom I used last night.

  “What do you mean, that shouldn’t have happened? Why not?” he says following me to the room, not caring that he is naked.

  At this point, I don’t know what excuse to give him, so I stay quiet and shake my head at him.

  “Look that can’t happen again.” I respond, trying not to look at him.

  He is standing a few feet in front of me. “Abigail, I don’t know what’s going on, but I really wish you would talk to me about it.”

  I don’t think he really wants to hear that the only reason I had sex with him was because I was imagining he was someone else.

  “Look, I just don’t feel comfortable with you yet.”

  He raises an eyebrow with a mocking look on his face. “That’s not what your body just told me,” he states.

  I’m still gripping the clothing to my naked body, in an effort to cover up as much as I can, but it’s not helping. His scrutinizing gaze is still raking my body and I want it to stop.

  “It was a mistake and it can’t happen again.”

  “How is having sex with my fiancée a mistake? Abigail, you’re never going to get your memory back if you don’t go back to doing what you normally did before the accident, and sex was a very normal and regular thing for you.”

  Now he’s trying to play that card?

  He’s still not leaving and the longer he stands there the more I feel uncomfortable. “Can you go put some clothes on? You’re making me uncomfortable standing there like that,” I say, waving my hand at him.

  “Fine. But I think you should start sleeping in our bed again.”

  I shake my head, staring at the wall beyond him. “No. I’m staying in here, until things get back to normal. I don’t want a repeat of what just happened.”

  He lets out an angry sigh, turns around, and walks out of my room. As he walks away, he leaves me to stare at his bare ass, and it’s not even a sexy one either.

  Once he’s out the door I quickly walk over to it, shut it, and lock it. I lean against the door, tilting my head back needing to think about what I just did.

  I know I shouldn’t have had sex with Bill. Especially knowing that he’s already screwing so
meone else, but I couldn’t stop myself once it started. Why in the hell did I let that happen?

  I’ll tell you why. My sexually deprived body was really craving someone else. Someone who I couldn’t get out of my damned mind the whole car ride home, and my body took advantage of the first man to throw himself at me. I had to get my shit together and fix things quick, or else Bill would think he could keep taking advantage of me.

  WHEN I AWOKE the next morning, I encountered Bill in the kitchen, and I immediately tensed up. It was already awkward being around him and after what happened last night, it was even worse. He informs me that he’s going to be in meetings for most of the day, but if I needed to leave for any reason I was to take his driver, who also doubled as a bodyguard. Not wanting him to stick around any longer than he needed, I agreed and let him walk out of the apartment. Once he was gone I was able to relax.

  An hour later, I was surprised when I received a text from Matt asking if I’ve had any more memories or dreams of him, sadly I informed him that I had not. The question quickly led to a conversation in which I told him how I was feeling like I was about to go nuts. I just couldn't stop fidgeting. He only found it funny and told me the best thing to do was to go for a run to clear my mind.

  I’m glad my predicament was entertaining someone…

  Thinking to myself, why not, it wouldn’t hurt to try, I decided to give it a shot. After researching a couple of running stores I found one near my apartment and decided to check it out. Might as well put my new babysitter to good use so I headed out of the door.

  Two hours later I was back in my apartment with my new running gear, clothes, and accessories ready for my run. I was so excited just thinking about it, my babysitter not so much. After telling him that I was going with or without him, he knew he had no choice.

  After promising not to leave without him, I waited for him while he headed home to change. It gave me time to change my clothing, lace up my new shoes, and throw my hair in a ponytail. By the time he was back, I didn’t even give him time to take a breath before we headed into the elevator and down to the lobby.

  My apartment building was located fairly close to the water so that’s the first place I started walking when I got out of the front doors. I had downloaded some songs as I waited for the babysitter to come back from changing, so I was ready to rock out with my run. With my earphones in my ear, blasting out, “Feel This Moment,” I start running.

  My body absorbed the beat from the song and immediately took over. It’s like it knew exactly what I needed, and took off. With my legs moving down the sidewalk, weaving in and around people, ponytail bobbing back and forth, I felt pressure begin to escape my body with every step I took.

  Man, this felt so much better than it did in my dream. I was actually doing it. Every step that I took, with my feet hitting the concrete, I felt so carefree and began to feel all the built up tension leave my body. Forty-five minutes later, I was back, standing in front of my building feeling like the weight of the building I was staring at had been lifted from my shoulders.

  When I look over to my right, my babysitter is heaving, chest rising and falling, sucking in air as best as he can. Don’t get me wrong, I was just as out of breath and looked almost as bad as he did, but at least I looked forward to doing it again. If you were to ask him, I don’t think so. Although, whether he liked it or not, it was going to happen.

  Feeling relaxed and satisfied, I took a shower and changed, but almost two hours later my phone rang showing “Private Number” on the screen. I’m hesitant to answer, but do because it could be someone from my past who helps trigger my memories. I’m easily disappointed on that note when I answer.

  “Ms. Adams, it’s Frank. I got the rest of the info you wanted.” He sounds uneasy, even on the phone. “Is there any way we can meet somewhere within the next fifteen minutes?”

  “Why can’t you email me the info?”

  “I think you’d want to hear most of this in person.”

  “Fine, same place?” I ask.

  “I’m already here, waiting.”

  “I’ll be there in five,” I respond, grabbing my purse as I’m already heading toward the elevator.

  I practically speed walk to the coffee shop, anxious to find out why he needs to see me in person. I arrive in record time, spotting him in a back corner table, almost in the shadows. I sit down, absorbing the smell of the coffee and by the look on his face I know I’m not going to like what he’s going to tell me.

  “It’s not good news, is it?” My voice is almost a whisper and even I can hear the worry in it.

  He hands me a thick manila folder and I open it. It has copies of bank statements, contracts, and several black and white photos. I go straight to the photos and upon seeing them, my heart stops. The photos are of Bill and Susan in different settings. In one of them he is having dinner with her, giving her a very passionate kiss.

  He sees which one I’m looking at and says, “That one was taken literally an hour ago, thought you would like to see it.”

  As I take a closer look at the picture, I realize he is right. It’s the same suit I saw him wearing this morning as he was walking out to his meeting.

  I finally let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I had an idea that he was cheating on me, but to see the actual proof of it, was something else. They were both totally screwing me over and I was taking it like the “idiot child” that Susan was claiming I was.

  “It gets worse,” he says, finally breaking me from the shock that I’m trying to absorb.

  “How much worse can it get than my fiancé, fucking me over literally?”

  “He’s also screwing you by embezzling your money. Well, I don’t know if most people will see it as embezzling since his name is also on the account. But, being that you’ve been in a coma for the last four months, I don’t know what you would need to spend close to a million dollars on?” he says sarcastically.

  I look at him in shock. I feel like my body was just hit by a train, knocking all the air out of me and making me feel like shit.

  “How bad is it?”

  He points at a contract sitting on the table. “That contract is what’s going to screw you over. It pretty much states that he has access to any finances in your name, whether he’s on the account or not.”


  “Where did you get this?” My voice is raspy and still in shock.

  Lifting one of his shoulders, with a smirk on his face, he smiles and states, “I told you I was good. It’s actually a copy of the one the bank is currently holding.”

  He looks very proud of himself, which he should be. “Since you’re the primary account holder, he’s only allowed limited access and withdrawals, but no matter, he has access regardless. The only positive thing about the contract is that it has to be renewed annually, and will expire in three months. Until then you’re pretty much screwed.”

  My head is spinning, I’m forcing myself to breath, and I’m about ready to go crazy on Bill’s ass. But I have to force myself to calm down and analyze the situation.

  “Since you were in a coma, the bank started getting really suspicious of the amount he was withdrawing, and brought it to his attention. So far he’s been a good boy, stating that the large amounts of money are for your personal expenses. Which I find hard to believe.”

  “So you’re saying that I just have to hang in there for three more months. Then make sure I don’t sign another one of these contracts, giving him access to my money?”

  “And keep from doing anything that will earn you an income in that time as well.”

  Now this confuses the hell out of me as well. “Why?”

  “Being that he’s your manager and agent he also has control of the money you get from that as well.”

  Fuck. I’m screwed either way, what the hell am I supposed to do? Even if I tried getting more money he would easily take it from me anyways.

  Frank sees me thinking over my options. “How well do y
ou know this Matthew fellow? What is he to you?” he asks.

  I shake my head not knowing what he is to me at this point. “Why do you ask?”

  He brings his steepled hands to his lips, cocking an eyebrow with curiosity, shrugging his shoulder. “I only ask because if he’s someone you know you can trust, Bill wouldn’t be able to touch what’s no longer in your account. Especially if it were to say, transfer into this Matthew fellow’s account,” he says with a grin on his face.

  Oh. My. God.

  Why didn’t I think of that? It’s brilliant. The problem is that I didn’t know whether I could trust Matt either. Although, at this point I would rather let him have what was left of my money instead of letting Bill and his fuck buddy have another cent.

  “I’ve included his bank account information along with all of your personal account numbers as well. Apparently, you both use the same bank,” he says with a smile on his face. “I’ve also included an account number to which I would like my payment transferred.”

  He begins to stand up, leaving me to look up at him. “It was a pleasure doing business with you Ms. Adams. If you ever need my services again, I’m always at your disposal,” he says before he walks out of the coffee shop, leaving me staring at the wall ahead of me.

  After sitting there for a couple of more minutes, I finally gather everything up and exit the coffee shop as well. I have a feeling I am going to have a battle ahead of me and I need to prepare myself for war.

  “YOU CURRENTLY HAVE 4.3 million dollars in your account at your disposal Ms. Adams, why do you ask?” a young gentleman in his early thirties, dressed in a suit, looking every bit the bank manager that he is, informs me the next morning.

  I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation, but I do know one thing for sure, I wasn’t letting Bill get another dollar anytime soon.

  I’m very sleep deprived, since I didn’t get much of it last night. I kept going over everything that had happened. It kept me tossing and turning in my bed, my thoughts going back to Matt.


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