Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege Page 3

by Ricardo Nazaire

Later that same morning, a small silver air car stops at a quiet town outside of the Tortugan Capital City. Agent Connors steps out and begins to make her way, noticing the mixed reaction of the townsfolk on seeing a LanTech Agent in person.

  “Black overcoats tend to draw attention around here. Perhaps you should have gone the casual route today.” A woman quietly chuckles.

  “My apologies, Madam Chambers,” Agent Connors responds. “I made my way as soon as I received your message.”

  “No worries, dear. This should not take too much of your time.”

  “Right, of course. Speaking of which, and with all due respect of course, is there any particular reason why you wanted to speak to me? Given your status, I would think it would make more sense for you to have a meeting with the upper elites, like Agent Masterson or Van.”

  “Normally. I would agree with you, but I feel as though this is one of those exceptions where we keep certain politics out of the mix,” Madam Chambers replies as she motions for them to sit on a bench overlooking the water.

  “You probably could not tell just by looking at me, but I used to be young too. Well, many moons ago, admittedly. There was a time when I was young, ambitious, and looking to make a genuine difference for the people here and the rest of the world.”

  “Agent Keyes used to tell us stories about how you were such a thorn on his side way back when,” Agent Connors quietly muses. “He said that even though he was a high ranking LanTech Agent, you never thought twice about speaking your mind.”

  “You’re damn right I didn’t! Even as the High Council of Tortuga, it felt like you Black Coats and I got along like oil and water for years. But through it all, I think we all had the same goal of keeping this region safe in mind, even if we did go about things differently.”

  “Madam Chambers, again with all due respect, treaties and peace talks can only go so far when it comes to dealing with these rebels. When it comes right down to it–”

  “They only understand actions,” Madam Chambers interjects. “You are more like Agent Keyes than you realize, Ms. Connors. The fact of the matter is, what we are looking at something bigger than warriors acting as they do. I know it and I believe you do as well.”

  “I don’t understand what you are trying to get at, Ma’am…”

  “What I am saying is that something is on the horizon. Unlike events of the past, this is not something we can just turn a blind eye to. I think maybe–”

  “Maybe this is a conversation that should be discussed with the upper echelon and not out here between the leader of the Tortugan region and myself,” Agent Connors replies.

  “I arrived due to the urgency of the message, but I think that was poor judgment on my part. So, if you don’t mind–”

  “Actually, I very much do mind, young lady. Don’t you find it just a little strange that your people have you, a mid-level Agent, leading the investigation on the attack of the major training academy in Hasania? An attack that is most possibly connected to the loss of a veteran Agent?”

  Now I might sound like I’m just a rusty old relic, but if there is anything that I’ve learned throughout the years is that where there’s smoke, there is fire,” Madam Chambers continues. “It might be hard to realize, but the fact of the matter is–”

  “Is what, Ma’am? What were you going to say?”

  “Actually, I forgot what I was getting at. Maybe there is truth to me being an old relic after all. But look, the point is that we all need to be in this together if we want to stand a chance at what’s ahead.”

  “Sorry, Ma’am, but you’re wrong. Not a chance at what’s ahead; it's already here.”

  “What are you trying to say, Agent Connors?”

  “I probably sound like a broken record with this, but Agent Keyes always used to tell us that certain events may seem out of the blue at first, but they usually happen in patterns. So, if we really believe there is a connection between the ambush on his group and the attack on the Academy then–”

  “It only makes sense for whatever is next to be much bigger in scale,” Madam Chambers responds quietly. “Agent Connors, I do apologize, but I have to excuse myself. I appreciate your time and dedication in doing what’s right. Before I go, however, I would like to offer a word of advice.”

  “If there is anything you take from this dear, it is that whatever comes next is going to change our world. I’ve already made arrangements for some of my personnel to vacate the area for their safety,” Madam Chambers reveals.

  “I know you are here on a mission, which is something I commend you for. But something deep inside tells me that the road ahead is not for the faint of heart.”

  “So, what exactly is your advice, Ma’am?”

  “If you are going to stay here, then don’t just do it for the LanTech Empire. Don’t even do it for Agent Keyes. Do it for yourself. Look deep into yourself to see what it is you are here for and what you do from there is a simple matter.”

  “And that is, Madam Chambers?”


  Chapter Three

  Keenth and the others press on their journey. Though no one could fully say for certain, it was clear that an ominous feeling was present throughout Tortuga.

  “I think we’ve spent enough time sitting still,” Benjamin states. “If there is anything else worth talking about, we can do it on the way. So, if you two don’t mind, let’s be on our way, ladies.”

  “Did you just assume what my gender is? You know what, I won’t even dignify that with a response,” Keenth replies.

  “That’s actually a pretty good question,” Cory lightheartedly states. “What’s the plan ahead, Benjamin?”

  “Benjamin? What’s with the formality? My friends call me Ben, so it’ll make it a lot easier on all of us—”

  “No, seriously, I have a couple of things to get off my chest,” Keenth exclaims.

  “On second thought, never mind. Just stick with Benjamin. Anyway, we’re heading towards the southeast end of Tortuga. In other words, that means we’ll be out towards the end of this region. I figured within a few…Wait a second…How did you get up here in the first place, Cory?”

  “Well, about that. Lord Haden brought me around the area of the Training Academy using a special ability. He gave me a scroll explaining how to do it myself to bring Keenth and I back to our temple in the forest. But between the attacks that took place, I kinda, sorta lost it…and my map.”

  “You mean to tell me that you had the indispensable ability to teleport from location to location at your fingertips and you lost it!” Benjamin shouts. “What kind of apprentice does that? How old are you, fourteen?”

  “I am! How’d you know, Ben?”

  “Benjamin! And I can’t believe that I am literally surrounded by children! Don’t even start, Keenth!”

  “Fair enough,” Keenth quietly replies. “But what’s done is done. What’s the plan now, Benny?”

  “Well, given the amount of attacks in the western outskirts lately, it would be best for us to make our way through a major city as soon as possible,” Benjamin replies after calming himself.

  “Is that really the best idea? I have never been to a city before, so I would probably stick out in a bad way. Not to mention that I can’t shake the feeling that you are seen as a criminal in most circles,” Cory naively inquires.

  “What makes you think I’m a criminal?”

  “I’m pretty sure that you referred to yourself as a devil or something while fighting before, so…”

  “That’s different,” Benjamin declares. “Look, the warriors might play by their own rules in the outskirts, but the cities around here are relatively safe.”

  “I may not have the best reputation among certain areas out here,” Benjamin continues. “But I know that you guys will be better off in the city as opposed to out here in the sticks.”

  “So which city did you have in mind Ben-,” Keenth began asking before flames began forming around a certain man’s fist. “What
did you have in mind, Benjamin?”

  “It’s kind of complicated. You see, most of the cities from this point are west from where we are. There’s no point in going in that direction if our aim is the sage’s summer camp in the southeast.”

  “There is, however, a large body of water ahead that separates where we’ll be shortly to our destination. That is where we’ll find our city”

  “I didn’t sign up to do an underwater detour man,” Keenth blurts. “Not to mention that I can’t even swim!”

  “What do you mean you can’t swim? Didn’t you say you’re from the islands?”

  “Respect me!”

  “Shut up,” Benjamin snaps back. “Obviously what I’m getting at is that there’s a bridge. Though just by looking at it, simply seeing it as a bridge would not do it any kind of justice. Keenth, you told us earlier that you are from the islands. Namely, Colonia Island, right?”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “Well,” Benjamin explains to the two. “Did you know that Colonia was once a part of Hasania?”

  “They say something took place many years ago that was powerful enough to reshape Hasania forever. Don’t you get it? Colonia and its neighboring islands are what’s left of the region.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Of course. There may be people in the world with abilities beyond your imagination, but no one could make the content whole again. Instead, the people started building a massive bridge over time. As the years passed, they expanded to a massive city-like structure over the ocean.”

  “So, what’s the name of this city?” Cory asks.

  “Bridge, Cory. Be it as it may, there are generations worth of pride behind what began as the means to rebuild what was lost many, many years ago. So, yeah, it is a bridge and it's known as the Prospear Bridge. That, my friends, is our destination.”

  Back in the Intel Detachment, investigating the Training Academy, Agent Giles is on a remote call to Agent Connors’ office.

  Feeling the need to speak to someone about the meeting that took place with Madam Chambers, Agent Connors finds herself somewhat conflicted about how to move forward.

  “Ah, I see,” Agent Giles assesses. “I appreciate you taking the time to tell me and all, but where exactly do I come in with this?”

  “I don’t know; maybe because I know you wouldn’t answer unless I said it was urgent,” Agent Connors responds.

  “Or maybe because I know better than to discuss something like this over an unsecured line. That and I figure that the, I don’t know, Senior Intel Specialist should know as much as well?”

  “They’ll never find your body, Ro.”

  “Sure, okay. Anyway, based on what you told me, I believe that there is reason to be concerned about a pending attack on the horizon. If we really have a target on our backs, then there really aren’t too many other places that are in danger in Tortuga.”

  “Well, we have other facilities scattered throughout Hasania, but something tells me they would not be worth attacking. Of course, there is our LanTech Headquarters in the southern region of Sadeena, but I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to attack that stronghold.”

  “Hell, I’m an Agent, and I don’t even like going there unless I have to. Regardless, we need to take a step back and reevaluate the facts at hand.”

  “You’re right, my friend. Speaking of which, where are we at with reviewing the information regarding the Training Academy?”

  “Ah, well, seeing how he brought it up, I had Agent Fallon take the lead on that. I imagine he should have something for us within the next couple of days.”

  “Truth be told, we don’t have a couple of days. We don’t exactly have time at our disposal. If he didn’t complete that task, then why did you think to grant him personal leave?”

  “Personal leave? What are you talking about?” a confused Agent Giles replies.

  “What, seriously? I received your message where you said you would be granting him a few days of personal leave. Here, you can take a look yourself.”

  Agent Giles remains silent as he reads the message forwarded from Agent Connors. He knew for a fact that this was his first time seeing it, but since it was an encrypted message, it would appear otherwise.

  “Strange, this is the first that I have heard of this. To send this kind of message would require my credentials, pin number…”

  “…I know, Giles, I know. But this leads to the obvious question: Where is Agent Fallon?”

  “Hey, can we grab some postcards while we’re here,” Keenth requests. “I can’t wait ‘til my friends get a load of this place.”

  “For the seventh time, no! Besides, I doubt you even have any friends,” Benjamin scorns. “We’ve only been here for a few hours and you’re already getting on my nerves.”

  It took little over a day, but the trio finally made it to their designated destination. As Keenth and Benjamin continued to go back and forth, Cory was at a loss for words at the structure that is the Prospear Bridge.

  The liveliness of the bridge was unmistakable–between its people, culture, and overall spirit, the young girl found herself humble to experience it all firsthand.

  “Hey. guys, I was thinking about something. After we reach Lord Haden, what happens from there?”

  “Hmm? Isn’t he your boss? I figured you would have more answers when it comes to that,” Benjamin responds. “While I’m down there, there are a few things that I would like to ask him myself.”

  “Seriously, Benjamin? What kind of questions do you have?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll bring it up to the old man when the time comes,” Benjamin answers.“That reminds me, what makes this Haden guy such a big deal?” Keenth interjects. “What exactly makes him so important around here?”

  “Well, for one, that’s Lord Haden,” Cory states, correcting Keenth. “And, also, he is the Sage of Hatre. Not that my own abilities are much to speak of, but he is many times more powerful than you could imagine.”

  “Sage of Hatre?”

  “What exactly did they teach you around here anyway?” Benjamin chimes in. “Hatre are more or less Earth-based abilities. There are tons out there that I don’t care to remember, mainly because of being on the receiving end of them.”

  “He’s right. You’ve already come into contact with at least one person using some Hatre-based abilities. Remember Vera? I recognized some of her techniques, though it should be obvious that her tactics would not be as refined as those under the guidance of Lord Haden,” Cory states.

  “Whoa, are you serious? I really can’t wait to meet Ha—, I mean, Lord Haden then. Do you think he can teach me a few moves?” Keenth asks, being laughed off by Benjamin.

  “Ha! If only things were that simple. Using Hatre, or any elemental-based abilities for that matter, involves a lot more than just being taught. There are different factors like experience, lineage, physical and spiritual capability,” Benjamin explains.

  “I’m sure there’s a reason why the three of us are making the journey down there, but showing you how to throw rocks at people probably isn’t one of them.”

  “Hey now! We do way more than throw rocks, you know!”

  “Don’t make me laugh! I’ve already shown you two firsthand that Efir abilities stand well above the others!”

  “Unless there’s a small rain shower in the area!”

  “Take that back, you little brat!”

  “Not before you apologize, you...filthy man!”

  “Can I grab some postcards while you two are at it? It’ll only take a—”Keenth was silenced by their piercing glares.

  It was around that time he felt nostalgia. Even though these three were still in the beginning of their adventure, there was a true sense of belonging among them.

  “Say, Cory, going back to what you asked,” Keenth speaks up. “About the whole, you know, what happens next thing. I’m really not sure what Lord Haden has in mind, but once the smoke clears, I see myself going back ho
me to Colonia.”

  “Really? Why is that?” Cory asks.

  “I mean, do I really need a sign bigger than the Academy being attacked to tell me to make changes.”

  “Ah, I see where you are coming from, Keenth. I don’t know Lord Haden’s plan either, but I believe it will be for the best,” Cory assures.

  “I mean, look where it has taken us so far. I never would have thought to be on an adventure like this, exploring places and meeting you two along the way. I don’t know about you guys, but I really appreciate the opportunity!”

  “You and me both,” Keenth exclaims. “When it’s all said and done, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you some more. There is more of Tortuga that I want to see and since we’re being honest, I like to think I’m in pretty good company.”

  “I agree! How about you, Benjamin?”

  Even though Benjamin initially had a puzzled expression on his face, he couldn’t help, but be affected by Cory’s positive spirit.

  “Sure, fine. You guys can count me in too.”

  “Well, my only condition is that you two step it up. I’ll be damned if I’m the only one putting all the work in!”

  “Oh, please! I’m confident in saying that I’m probably one of the best swordsmen that the world has ever seen! I’m sure I’ll do just fine, thank you very much,” Keenth replies.

  “Yeah, sure. In case you didn’t notice, this isn’t exactly the island life anymore. This is the real deal—”

  Before Benjamin could finish, a massive explosion erupts from behind the group. Even though it was from miles away, the shockwave is enough to knock the trio down.

  In the moments that followed, Keenth finds himself trying to regain his composure.

  The attack left ominous clouds of smoke in its wake that Keenth was all too familiar with. But unlike the ones that were created by Benjamin in the forest, they were from explosions similar to the attack on the Training Academy.

  Keenth picks himself up and, after helping Cory on her feet, he begins walking toward the explosion against his better judgment. Before he could move any further, Benjamin chastises him.


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