Breaking Dragon: Savage Brothers MC

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Breaking Dragon: Savage Brothers MC Page 4

by Marie, Jordan

“Got it Nicole,” he says and I knew he was laughing, but I couldn’t hear him over Crusher.

  Crusher laughs so hard he has tears coming out of his eyes.

  “Fuck that was fun to watch. I think I’m in love,” Crusher said as he watches the little witch sashay around the bar taking orders. She has obviously been a waitress before. She was damn good at it. Why a girl who drives a Mercedes is working as a waitress is beyond me. She is a puzzle and hell if that doesn’t make her more interesting. There’s also the fact she resists when I usually have bitches begging for me.

  I put the cold bottle of beer on my nuts, because damn it all to hell I needed to. I’m pissed off, but at the same time I am intrigued as hell. I like the battle. Nicole didn’t know it, but she is waving a red flag in front of a bull and I’m going to fucking charge.

  Chapter 4


  It had been a week. One week of Dragon coming in either flirting or just being broody as hell. Sad as it was, I am fast getting addicted to both. Sometimes he came in with men he called Crusher and Gunner and sometimes with a huge ass bald man he calls Bull. Tonight it was Bull. He actually is my favorite. He rarely speaks, but it was a challenge to try and get him too. It had become a game for me. Tonight, I figure Bull will win, but that is only because I will be more distracted by Dragon than normal. This is hard to believe, even for me, but sadly true. I know this because I watch them come in and Dragon just looks so damned good tonight. He is wearing a sky blue t-shirt that stretches across his torso like a glove. He has on faded almost white, blue jeans and those brown eyes are even more intense. I don’t bother to go ask for their order. I know the drill by now.

  “Hey boys, you’re running late tonight.” I say, trying to avoid looking into Dragon’s eyes. I lay down two house brews and winked at Bull. As usual, he says nothing but it seems like his eyes might have danced a little. Probably not, but I wanted to think so.


  I swallow almost afraid to look. Dragon and I have been doing this dance for awhile now. I knew and he did too, by this point it is going to happen. I am weakening. He makes my legs weak and I want a taste of whatever he keeps promising.

  The only thing holding me back is I’m just a little afraid of him. He is a player and I am a novice with men. One thing I am totally and definitely sure of is Dragon will leave his mark on me. I’m just not sure how deep it will go and that unknown is why I am trying to fight it. I’m weakening though and I know Dragon senses that.

  “Dragon,” I say, hoping like hell I sound bored and not the bundle of nerves I actually am.

  “We need to quit playing this game Mama.”

  “I agree. You should give up and go find a Twinkie.” I say boldly, even though it kills me. Part of me wishes he would because that would give me an excuse to say no, when I really want to say yes.

  I walk off going over to another table, before I beg him not to do that. The table is full of some regulars who come in to drink and wind down after a hard day of working on a local farm. They are nice enough guys. They tip well and are fun to be around. One of them, Seth has asked me out. He is good looking, in a young cowboy kind of way, with sunny blonde hair and mischievous green eyes. Had I not been hung up on Dragon, I would have said yes a week ago. Trouble is I am totally hung up on Dragon. It is taking all I have not to demand another kiss from him, or to give in to his numerous advances. Each time he finds a reason to put his hand on my back or my hip, each time he tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear, each time he says my name in his gravelly voice…each time…each fucking time, I want to jump on him and ride him like a horse in the Kentucky Derby!

  “Nicole, woman when are you going to feel sorry for a broken down ole’ cow hand and go out with me?”

  I laugh, I couldn’t keep from it. I actually do like Seth. He just doesn’t make my whole body come alive like Dragon did.

  “Aw, Seth I don’t think I could handle you, babe,” I say with my ole shucks sass which seems to up my tips.

  It was either that or the way my breasts kept trying to bust out of my shirt. I was trying to be optimistic.

  “Maybe not girl, but I’d make sure you’d enjoy trying.” Seth replies easily as I gather up the empty bottles.

  “You guys want another round?”

  “Nah Sweetheart, stock sale is tomorrow, so I gotta get in early. Give me your pen.” Seth answered.

  I reach behind my ear where I keep my pen perched and hand it to him. He scribbles something down on a drink napkin and gives it to me, along with the pen.

  “There. Call me. A bunch of us are planning on spending Saturday night out at Holly Bay under the stars.”

  I think he can see the no coming because he holds his hand up in a ‘stop’ motion.

  “Think it over, love to get to know you better babe, no pressure.”

  Yep I would totally go out with him if not for the tall, dark, broody man who I just knew at this very moment was behind me. I knew this because he reaches around and takes the napkin out of my hand and rips it up. The pieces fall on the table with a few drifting down to the floor. I concentrate on those pieces until they hit, trying to figure out how to handle this situation.

  “The lady’s not interested Baker. Look elsewhere.” Dragon’s voice rumbles in my ear and the hot air sends chills down my back.

  “Dragon, didn’t realize you and Nicole were dating.” Seth says and he looks between me and Dragon, his eyes lock on mine and I see disapproval there. That kind of pisses me off, but I am busy trying to figure out how to tell Dragon to go to hell loud enough they might hear me about five states over.

  “We’re not.” I turn to the side to look at Dragon. “What the hell are you doing?” I ask.

  “Making sure men know my woman is my woman.” Dragon says, with those big beefy arms of his crossed at his chest.

  “When the hell did I become your woman?” I ask, while bad Nicole is jumping for joy inside.

  “The minute you gave me a taste of that mouth,” Dragon answers.

  “That was over two weeks ago and besides what happened next made that kiss null and void.” I argue, ignoring the heat that races up my face.

  “What happened next? You mean when you wrapped your legs around me and tried to claw up my damned back?”

  “No! I mean when you tried to get me to fuck your whole damn club!” I exclaim, before I realize what I am saying. Once it’s out there though, there’s not much I could do, besides die of humiliation.

  The club goes quiet with the exception of the music playing in the background. I have always liked country music. Now though, the sound of some man whining about going redneck crazy? I hate it.

  “Woman you got legs?” Dragon asks. I look at him like he is insane, and it’s a good possibility.

  “Yes and I’m using them to walk away from you.”

  He grabs me before I can.

  “You control who opens and closes your legs yeah? I ain’t making or asking you to do shit.”

  “You insinuated!” I argued.

  “You put words in my mouth Nicole that’s on you.”

  “You’re so full of shit Dragon. We both know what you said.”

  “Maybe we see it differently. Ask Bull what I told him I’d do if he touched your ass.”

  I start wondering if I could kill him with laser beams of death shooting out of my eyes.

  “I don’t need to ask Bull, because….”

  “Bull, what did I tell you man?”

  “That you’d cut my dick off if I tried to get it near your woman?” Bull’s big voice thundered out into the quiet room.

  “Well that doesn’t matter because….”

  “Got to tell you Mama, you take Baker here up on his offer and I’ll give him worse. You’re mine. You feel me?”

  I look at his dark eyes and feel this nervous anxiety flutter through me. His words excite and trouble me.

  “Um…Dragon, you realize that’s a little crazy after one kiss?”

>   “You want my mouth again? For that matter, do you want more from me woman?”

  “I…I’m not sure, I need to think about this.” I say honestly. He has me freaked out, I can freely admit that.

  Dragon walks off and motions for Bull to follow him. They walk out the door. Shit what does that mean? I looked towards Irish. He’s watching me, but he doesn’t say anything. I sigh and get back to work, ignoring the looks I keep getting. Seth and his crew left shortly after and I breathe a little easier.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dani come in. She is working the poles tonight on the late shift. Irish had only given me earlier hours. I didn’t mind, the tips were decent and this way I was home early and I enjoy that.

  “What’s up with you girl?” Dani asks coming over to me.

  “One guess,” I answer, since she already knew about the dance Dragon and I have been doing, it won’t be a huge leap for her.

  She snorts. “Girl, go ahead give in and take him for a test drive. You know you are going too anyway.” She said shaking her head.

  “He got mad and left, so who knows what is going to happen.”

  Dani laughed harder. “I know girl. I’ve seen the way that hunk of beef looks at you.”

  I sigh and bite my tongue to keep from asking for details. “Go shake your ass, I’m headed home.”

  “See you later woman.” She replies and walks back towards the dressing area for the dancers.

  “Later.” I call out to her back, trying not to concentrate on the sad feeling I have had since Dragon left. I find myself praying Dani is right and Dragon will be back. Shit.

  Chapter 5


  I gave it the rest of the night and today to calm down. I am pissed at a lot of shit really. Nicole, even though she is mostly right. I had thought of her as Twinkie material. That changed when her smart mouth stood up to me. Something happens to me when she talks back. It annoys me, but soothes me at the same time.

  Life was shit right now, between Nicole and my men being on edge. I am about to blow.

  Small things have been happening that lead me to believe we have a mole in our midst and that shit was a bitter pill. Today a shipment of narcotics we were guarding through town had been raided in the town before ours. Cops had been tipped. That shit didn’t happen without a narc being involved.

  You have to be able to trust your brothers with your life, if you can’t there’s no point in having them around. In fact, doing so could get your ass sent up. Which just brings to mind another reason why life is fucked up right now, I got word from men in with Dancer that my brother had been fucked up more than once in the last month by some fucking guards. They thought torturing a patched member of the Savage Brothers just because they could was fun. Dancer hadn’t told me shit, and that has to fucking stop.

  I nurse my beer trying to get a handle on everything going through my brain. Nicole’s going back and forth from table to table. She’s needs to make a move soon.

  Crusher is talking and I reply here and there, but I can’t tell you what the hell he is yammering about. I hope my mumbled yeah’s don’t come back to bite me in the ass.

  Finally my girl comes over. She looks nervous, confused and sexy as hell.

  “I see Tanya already got your beers.” She says watching me closely, those blue eyes of hers calling to me like nothing I had never experienced before.


  “You aren’t sitting in my section,” she said, and I knew that shit.

  “I know.”

  That was a direct hit, but when her face paled, I didn’t get the satisfaction I thought I would.

  “Oh. Well I need to get back to work. I just thought, well, if you wanted.” She pushed a folded sheet of paper towards me, her face flushed red. Then she walks away. Crush shakes his head at me. I ignore him, pick the note up from Nicole and saw it had her phone number on it. Finally! Fuck she is turning me into some kind of pussy. I don’t even know why I did things this way. I only know it was important she give in to me.

  I walk over to where she is talking to a regular. I can’t even remember his name; right now I can’t remember anything other than this woman. I stand behind her and she stops talking and turns to me.

  “Look Dragon, I don’t…”

  I didn’t let her finish, I put her serving tray on what’s-his-name’s table, and then I bend down enough so that my shoulder pushes into her breasts, while my arm goes around the backs of her knees and I lift her up and over my shoulder.

  “What the hell are you doing? Put me down Dragon! People are staring! You can’t just…”

  I reach up and slap her ass hard, not as hard as I eventually would, but hard enough she should have gotten the message. Her hands begin beating on my back and she tries to wiggle to get away from me. I guess she didn’t.

  I slap her ass again, harder this time.

  “Ouch! Dragon! Damn it that hurts!” She says and her voice sounds shaky. I am hoping it isn’t fear. I don’t hurt women, but I do like control and she needed to learn this on her own. She would eventually.

  “Then behave.” I answer, rubbing her ass where I had swatted her, all the while walking to the back office. We make it there and I close the door, shutting out the laughter behind us. I slowly put her down so she stands in front of me. Her hands immediately go back to her ass.

  “What on Earth are you doing?” She asks taking a couple of steps away from me.

  “Teaching you a lesson.”

  “You have no right to teach me anything! We don’t even know each other.”

  “You gave me that right a week ago and you sealed it tonight by giving me your digits. Now get your pretty little ass over here before I tan it again.”

  “I’m keeping my ass as far away from you as I can. I should have gone with my first instinct! You’re insane,” she responds, taking a few more steps backwards.

  “Wrong answer Nicole! Now stop walking away from me,” I growl at her and she instantly freezes.

  She doesn’t know all the sides of me just yet. I might like fire in a woman, hell with her I’m discovering I like it even more than I knew, but I also like obedience. She’ll learn it. At just the mere thought of her bowing to my commands, my dick jerks. Poor thing is swollen so hard I will have permanent teeth marks from my zipper. Hell it might be good if I make her kiss every damn one of them.

  She finally stops backing away but only because she hit the wall.

  “We have a few things to get straight Nicole.”

  “You’re freaking nuts! I thought we’d get to know each other! A week ago I didn’t even know you existed.”

  “Now you do and baby, I know a lot about you.”

  “You don’t.” She argues looking around the room for another exit, too bad, since I currently have the only one blocked. Sorry baby, you’re not getting away this time. I thought.

  “I know how you taste when you kiss. I know the feel of your moan in my mouth when I tease your tits. I know the feel of your fucking delicious ass when you’re turned on and I know the way you get wet when a man takes control of you.”

  I watch the blush roll over her face and it fucking makes me feel ten feet tall. I’m a dark man and things have touched me that would shrivel a weaker man’s soul. Nicole was pure white in that world. A glimpse of something I never thought I would have, but I sure am not going to pass it up.

  I had this beauty all pegged wrong. She’s not Twinkie material. Hell it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s totally innocent. Fuck me, what would it feel like to be the first inside that tight little pussy?

  “Dragon, seriously you’re freaking me out here. We don’t know each other.”

  “I’ve heard this song from you before, time for a new one,” I say walking towards her as if she was my prey and right now she is.

  “Had I known you were going to go psycho on me, I wouldn’t have given you my number!” She cries out and I can hear the panic in her voice.

  I am not about to gi
ve in on this. When you’ve lived the life I have, you learn to go after what you want. I want her. I’m going to have her. I’ve decided there’s only one way to get her out of my system, and I need to get her out of my system. It’s a scary ass feeling when your dick doesn’t cooperate with your need to get laid. So I’m going to give him what he wants, until he’s ready to move the hell on.

  “Fair enough, I’ll ask you three questions and you answer honestly. If your answer is no to any of the three, then I’ll back the hell away and we won’t ever have another conversation.”

  That seems to make her breathe easier. Silly girl! I let my smile go friendly, lean my arm beside her head against the wall and effectively block her in with my body.

  “What‘s the question?” She asks like a spoiled little child that’s not getting her way. Fucking cute!

  “Did you think about me last night while you were in bed?”

  A deep blush darkened on her cheeks. Fuckin’ A she did.

  “Only because you’re a psycho!”

  My smile deepens. We both know she’s lying. I don’t need to point that shit out.

  “Did you think about me when you woke up this morning all warm and sleepy?”

  She turns away and stares off to the side, refusing to look into my eyes.

  I put my hand up and used my thumb and index finger under her chin to pull her back around to me.

  “Answer me Nicole.”

  She licks her lips. I look down at her breasts and her nipples are so fucking hard they look like diamond points sticking under her shirt. Nice big fucking nipples too, at least the size of a dime. Oh hell I can feel pre cum gather on the head of my cock.

  “It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Okay, then one more question, did your pussy get wet when I carried you in here and slapped that fucking fantastic ass of yours?”

  She gasped. “No!” She looked at my face, but again her eyes avoided mine.

  “I think you’re lying, Nicole.”

  “I’m not,” she argues. “So that means this game you’re playing is over and I need to get back to work.” She ducks under my arm, trying to escape. That’s not going to work for me.


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