Breaking Dragon: Savage Brothers MC

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Breaking Dragon: Savage Brothers MC Page 11

by Marie, Jordan

  “You get an A for effort, but don’t bother and save us both some trouble.”

  “I think I might be able to surprise you querida.”

  I look at him. It’s odd, he’s macho biker looking, but smooth businessman in his talk and that Spanish accent he has? It could make any woman beg and yet, he’s doing nothing for me. I look over to Dani who by this time has climbed into the seat beside Beast and is playing with his shoulder length hair. The fact that the seat she’s in is another man’s lap doesn’t seem to bother Dani. It makes me smile. Beast has no idea what he is in for.

  “I don’t really know. I just know that as long as Dragon and I are talking, I’m not about to find out.” I say honestly, turning my attention back to Skull.

  “Dragon is not normally a uno type of man querida.”

  “I don’t share.”

  “He knows this?”

  “I don’t think you and I need to discuss my relationship with Dragon.”

  “Fair enough querida, fair enough. But I find myself anxious to see Dragon mess up so I can get my shot.”

  “I think you only want a shot, because Dragon has one.”

  He smiles but doesn’t say anything, whatever. An usher comes in and I figure he’d want to tell us to quiet down or kick us out. He takes one look and backs out of the theater. He doesn’t even try to quiet Dani and the crew laughing and making obscene jokes. It would have been a wasted effort anyways.

  We all get up to leave when the movie ends. Skull takes my empty popcorn and drink (of which he had mostly ate I might add) and tosses it to one of his flunkies and then pulls me out in front of him. I looked back at Dani, enticing ‘Beast’ and I have to say he seems a little more interested. He might not be bad looking--it was hard to tell between the beard and the long hair.

  Skull keeps his hand on my back and guides me through the crowd. I find it odd how I always liked for a man to do that when I went out, but had never had it. Yet, since meeting Dragon, I’d rather he was here. He wouldn’t have a hand at my back. He’d wrap his body around mine and make sure everyone got out of our way.

  We make it out into the street when Skull leans down into my ear to talk so he could be heard over Dani and the crew laughing. His hand drops a little too far down so that it is more at the curve of my lower back and ass.

  “How about we all go to the Rock querida?”

  “The Rock?” I ask looking back at Dani. She was busy now with Beast and the guy whose lap she had sat in. I was feeling uncomfortable, I don’t know what Dragon and I are but I know he’d hate this.

  “It is a club in town, we can have a drink, dance, get to know one another. Your girl seems to be interested in Tiny and Beast.”

  Shit this wasn’t good. I didn’t want to ruin things for Dani, but I knew that I went to the club… hell, anywhere with Skull? Things would not go well. Dragon would flip his lid and he’d have a right too. I took a deep breath and pulled away from Skull.

  “Don’t think that would be a good idea. Dragon’s coming by later and I really should be getting back home.”

  “Damn straight, Mama.”

  I close my eyes. Seriously did the man have radar? Dragon and four of his buddies came out of the dark. Dragon’s eyes are locked on Skull. He didn’t even spare a glance at me, but when his group gets closer Irish reaches out and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me back against him. Immediately one of the other men stands in front of me and blocks me from the group.

  “Ah, Dragon mi hermano, I wondered when you would be showing up. My compadres spotted your man earlier.”

  “Then you knew to stay the fuck away from my woman,” Dragon says. The anger in his voice was so heavy you could feel it.

  I hold my head down. Yeah this wasn’t going to go well.

  Chapter 14


  I don’t think I have ever felt jealousy in my life. It just wasn’t something that I did. Bitches weren’t worth the trouble—that was for damn sure. Seeing my woman standing there though, with another man’s hand on her ass, hearing another man ask my woman out? All I knew at that moment was I wanted to kill. Something violent came out of me at the thought of anyone other than me touching Nicole. I wanted to tear Skull apart limb by limb. Fuck, it was taking every damn thing in me to not do it.

  “What the fuck did I tell you Skull? You do not fucking touch her.”

  “Aw but Nicole…”

  “Motherfucker I don’t think you’re listening. You do not say her goddamn name.”

  “Surely you do not expect to keep a luscious mujer such as Nicole to yourself?”

  I grab him by the neck before he knows what in the hell is going on. I have no plan other than to show this asshole that I am not joking and this is no fucking game. I’ll gut the mother fucking son of a bitch if he says my woman’s name one more fucking time.

  “I told you fucker, you do not say her name, you do not even think her name.” I pull my blade I keep in my back pocket and hit the button so it pops up. Skull’s men go to make a move, but my men circle around. I hear my girl and Dani yelling, but my eyes don’t move from Skull.

  “I didn’t take you for being an idiota amigo,” I sneer. “Are you? Or are you just eager to sink your dick where I’ve already been?”

  I can hear Nicole in the background. I’m going to pay for that later, but I do not give a damn. Her ass will be so red when I get done with her, she’ll be lucky if she can sit for a week.

  “Perhaps I have misunderstood hermano. I have not known you to be so enamored before. I meant no harm. I will step back if you intend to claim her.”

  I should let it go at that, but he had his hand on my girl’s ass. If it was someone else, I would cut off his fingers and his dick just for fun. If I close my eyes I can still see his hand there and fuck, I still might.

  The rest of my men have come out from the alley where they had been waiting for my signal. We now outnumber Skull’s crew easily. He only has a few of his men with him. A mistake, but one I am fucking taking advantage of.

  “Tell me Skull, what would you do to a dirty fucker who put his hands on your property?”

  Proof that my men know me well, Bull comes around and grabs Skull and holds him for me. Bull’s huge ass arms are as big and round as a telephone pole. Still, that isn’t what keeps Skull from moving. No, that would be the 357 currently cocked and pointing at the side of his head. I take a breath and step back, getting a little space between us now. I need to get a handle on my emotions and tone them the fuck down. Nicole is going to have to learn to stop pushing my damn limits or someone will get killed. I look around and notice that each of my men have a gun trained and aimed at Skull’s entourage. They’re making sure all our bases are covered.

  Nicole’s girl and some other bitches are trapped behind Skull’s men. The men seem to be protecting them. The guy that was hiding Dani could almost make Bull look small.

  “Answer me! What would you do to a dirty motherfucker who thought he could put his hands on your woman?”

  Skull, cocky bastard that he is, ignores the 357 currently pointed at his head—he seems unfazed. I could almost respect the motherfucker with his next words.

  “I would cut off his hands an inch at a time.”

  I rub my jaw, feeling the stubble from my five o’clock shadow. I’m pretending to think this shit over. Truth is I may want to, but I’m not going to harm Skull. He needs to stay the fuck away from Nicole, but he is not my problem. No I was here tonight to chase down what’s causing my problems. Skull is a means to that end, because one of my mother fucking problems is locked up in a meat locker on the outskirts of town. One of my own and that shit, even if expected burns in my craw. I turn my attention back to Skull.

  “That seems like a plan. I’ll start with the fucking hand you had on my woman’s ass.”

  I heard Irish yell out and Nicole hollering back. I turn around to see my boy Irish bent over holding his balls. Nicole comes and stands by me. I blow out a breath
and look up at the sky. Fuck, the woman has fire, but she needs to learn when to rein it in. Hell from the looks of Irish he may never walk straight again, let alone father children.

  “Dragon you are not going to hurt Skull.”

  “He had his hand on your ass Mama.”

  Fuck I want to be pissed at her, but she looks so fucking sexy standing there in those tight ass jeans and blue sweater. That sweater is molded to those fucking breasts of hers and her hair is all messed up from wrestling with Irish. My cock instantly reacts, damn thing stays hard if she is anywhere around.

  “Yes well, we were discussing that.”

  “What’s to discuss Mama? He had his hand on your ass. Did you want his hand on you woman?”

  “Don’t be stupid.” She growls at me and I somehow keep from smiling as she berates me in front of my men. What the fuck has she done to me?

  “You and me, what we got going on? You’re mine. That means his hands or any other fuckers’ hands better not touch you.”

  I expected her to argue, fully expected it. The fact that she didn’t, calms me, as nothing else would. Instead of arguing she comes closer and wraps her arm around me. Does she know what she just agreed to, in front of everyone? Does she have any idea she sealed her fate right here in this moment?

  “He’s sorry Dragon. He was just about to apologize.”

  All the men start laughing. With her acceptance of my claim the tension seems to lessen around the group.

  “I’m actually not that sorry querida. It was worth it.”

  “Will you shut up? Do you want him to kill you? Perhaps it has escaped your notice that there’s a man pointing a gun at your head!” Nicole snaps.

  I look at my girl and grab the back of her neck and pull her close. She squeaks, but she doesn’t fight me. I lean down so our foreheads touch. Her blue eyes are so fucking deep, I could drown.

  “Shut it, Mama.”

  “You can’t hurt him Dragon.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I’d miss you if you went to prison.”

  “You could visit me.”

  “I don’t date men who wear orange. It’s a rule.”

  Fucking cute.

  “Kiss me Mama.”

  “Dragon we’re on the street with a hundred people and guns are involved, I don’t think now is the time to kiss,” she argues.

  “You can give me your lips or I can always cut off Sku….” Her lips come against mine, cutting off the rest of my words. Her tongue pushes against my lips and I open immediately, taking control. Our tongues fight and duel with one another and when I finally pull away, she sighs and lays her head on my chest.

  “Are we going to have trouble?” I ask Skull. He looks down at Nicole with a look of want on his face, but I’m good at reading people. It’s not completely Nicole he wants, but what she’s giving me. I don’t like it but I understand it. Totally, but I’m not letting this slide through my fingers. Life has been shit mostly. Nicole deserves better, but they’d have to fucking kill me to get her away from me at this point.

  “We’re good. Call off your men, mi hermano. You are a lucky son of a bitch. Dragon. She’s a hot…”

  Smarmy motherfucker, I twist away from Nicole and nail him in the ribs with a hard right.

  “Respect my woman and keep your fucking distance brother,” I sneer.

  Skull bends over with a groan as my punch is delivered. I had claimed Nicole. I never imagined doing that shit with anyone before, but if I’m going to do it, then it better damn well be respected.

  “Tomorrow night around nine, have your men at the old butchering plant. Watch your backs.” I order Skull.

  He was rubbing his ribs watching me and I could see anger there, but something more. Skull and I understood each other.

  Chapter 15


  I could possibly be insane. I was in a whirlwind relationship with a man, I honestly, barely knew. It seemed surreal. I was terrified. I don’t think it’s supposed to happen this fast. What if I’m making the worst decision in my life?

  The thing is, when I am with Dragon, it doesn’t feel wrong. It feels as if everything is right. Dani thinks I’m insane. She’s pissed I left with Dragon tonight. She went with Skull’s crew to the bar. I personally think she’s the one asking for trouble, but unlike her, I’m not going to bitch at her about it. I pick up my phone and text her one last time.

  Let me know you’re ok. Be safe. N

  I stare at my phone waiting for her to reply. I know no matter how pissed she is, that she will answer. It doesn’t take long.

  Go back to putting your nose in Dragon’s ass mom. I’m fine. L8r.

  Yep she’s still pissed. I sigh and throw my phone over on the nightstand. Dragon comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips. Lord he’s fine. It’s no wonder things have moved so fast. A woman would be out of her mind not to try and hold on to a piece of that.

  “What’s that look for Mama?”

  “Dani’s still pissed.”

  Dragon walks to the left side of the bed, which he had claimed as his the last time. He takes the towel off, lays down and pulls me against him. He smells of soap and rugged man and another scent I couldn’t define, it was just him. I snuggle in and enjoy.

  “Dragon, I think I’m getting addicted to you,” I say my eyes drifting closed as his hands sift through my hair.

  “Good.” He responds as I kiss his chest.

  “Dani might be right. We’ve only just met and it is a little crazy how intense we are.”

  “You women think everything to death. We’re fucking, it’s good. We both want more, end of story.”

  “You would be every woman’s wet dream if you didn’t open your mouth.”

  Dragon laughs and it is a nice sound, so I try to concentrate on it and not the fact that I want to slap him. Did he realize what he said? He went crazy when Skull casually touched me. That’s not a reaction to have about a girl you’re just fucking, is it? Hell maybe it’s different for a man. I have no idea.

  “Is that what we are Dragon? Two people fucking?”

  “Hell I don’t know Mama, we are what we are.”

  I roll back over on my back, I don’t know what I expected, but somehow I know it wasn’t this. Dragon turns to face me, his rough finger slowly tracing an imaginary line along the side of my face.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours Mama?”

  “I don’t know how to do this Dragon. I don’t know what we are…what I am to you?”

  Lord I sounded pathetic, but I had made the decision to take the leap and he was making me feel like I was standing on a piece of ice that was quickly melting. I close my eyes and concentrate on his touch, letting it center me.

  “You’re mine. Every fucking inch of you is mine.” Dragon said, pulling the covers off of me. “Oh Mama, you got into the bed naked. You’re being my good girl tonight.”

  I gasp as the cold air hits my body and his rough callused hand moves over one of my breasts.

  “It seemed like it would be a wasted effort with you.”

  “Damn straight. Do you want my mouth or my cock?” He asks and really is that even a question?

  My hips thrust up as I watch him take two of his fingers and move them around my pussy, swirling it in the wetness he found there. I can feel his thumb come up and press hard against my clit as his fingers slowly move in and out. Phenomenal!

  “Tell me which one does my woman want?”

  “Oh God, both Dragon, give me both.” I moan bringing my legs up trying to take his fingers in deeper.

  “Such a greedy bitch,” he growls in my ear.

  He moves down my body, the roughness of his hands leaving a blazing trail behind. What he does to me is beyond words, it is fucking perfect. I never knew it could feel like this.

  “My baby wants me to eat her pussy out?”

  I was beyond answering by this point. My eyes close, my head pushes back into the pillows, as his hot breath caress
es my folds.

  I thought I was prepared, but I’m not sure anything could have prepared me for what came next. He grabs my hips and pulls my pussy to him.

  There’s slow and steady and then there is Dragon. He attacks me. There’s no slow build up, his tongue plows into me, sliding over my folds and pushing inside of me.

  My hands move down to grab his hair and pull him closer to me. I thought it couldn’t get any better and then his tongue moves and teases me in all the delicious spots that I swear I don’t think a man before him had touched. He bites down on my clit, not hard but with just enough pressure every muscle in my body tightens up as if I am walking on a tightrope.

  “Dragon…,” I gasp. Hell my eyes might have rolled back into my head.

  He lets go and stretches me with another finger while at the same time licking along the swollen nub he had just seconds ago, captured between his teeth.

  I ground down on him, going out of my mind. I want him to hit that spot, I crave it. I’m pretty sure no one would ever be able to hit that spot but him.

  I tighten my inner muscles around his fingers bucking and riding, knowing I am close to exploding. I pull his head into me as hard as I can when he moves his tongue over and over my clit while finger fucking me at the same time. I am so close to my orgasm I can literally taste it. When he pulls away, I cry out in disappointment.

  He smiles down at me, his fingers still inside of me, but refusing to move. His face is wet with my cream and his eyes have this heavy slumbered look about them. My pussy spasms at how masterful he looks at this moment.

  “Want to cum baby?” He asks, his cocky voice should have annoyed me, but it didn’t. It made me hotter.

  “Please….,” I whimper. My hips thrusting up because he’s refusing to move and I need it. God I need it.

  “Who owns this pussy, Nicole?”

  I moan as he times a thrust of his fingers with the question. He is killing me.

  “Answer me woman, I said who owns this fucking gorgeous pussy?”

  “Dragon…” Again he strokes me hard in time with his question.

  My eyes are closed and I’m waiting for the explosion I know he is building. He flicks it back and forth over my clit and then dives in with his tongue. He stiffens his tongue and somehow uses it in tandem with his fingers and my whole body begins to quake.


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