Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One

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Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One Page 8

by Sarah Bale

  “Were you worried that I wouldn’t feel this way?”

  “We haven’t known each other very long, so the thought crossed my mind. Vedah said our relationship was written in the stars, but old Greek tales are full of woe.”

  She wasn’t kidding there. The old tales were nothing but woe, heartache, and star-crossed lovers.

  “You know, some of those stories are wrong. That’s what happens when you let men have free will. They like to get creative.”

  She smiled. “Like what?”

  “I already mentioned that it wasn’t a fruit that kept Persephone here, but sex.”

  She nodded.

  “Zeus is always portrayed as a womanizer. That might have been true when we were young, but from the day he met Hera he was faithful.”

  Her eyes widened. “Yeah, that’s definitely not how he’s portrayed. What else?”

  “Helen didn’t want to leave Sparta, but Paris of Troy tricked her. In the end she was the one who begged the Gods to end Paris’ life.”

  “Oh, wow.”

  I smiled. “That one always pisses Ares off, since he was on Sparta’s side in the war.”

  Aubrey shivered as another wave of cold surrounded us. I pulled her closer in my arms.

  “Will you let me go?”

  I nodded and let her go. I thought she wanted some time to herself, but she held onto my neck, her body flush against mine.

  She grinned. “I’m greedy. I know a warm wave is coming and I want to feel your cock against me.”

  The water changed, and with it, my dick hardened. She wrapped her legs around my waist and rolled her hips.

  I groaned. “We shouldn’t.”

  “We should.”

  I kissed her and said, “Then let us move to the grotto.”

  I swam under the waterfall and pulled Aubrey with me. The grotto was a cave, but there was a smooth rock out of the water. And on the rock was a fur blanket. I got out of the water and helped her up. The grotto was warm and balmy.

  “Lie down,” Aubrey said.

  I did as she ordered, and she straddled me, slowly sitting on my dick. Her eyes closed in bliss when I was inside of her all the way.

  “Your cock was made for me.”

  I smiled. “I think you may be right.”

  She clenched her pelvic muscles and said, “I feel full and stretched.”

  She rolled her hips and I groaned, feeling the tightness of her. She smiled down at me and began to ride me in a slow and maddening pace. Her eyes closed as she found her pleasure using my body. I wanted to take over and finish her, but it was so damn beautiful watching her get off on her own terms. When she came, she cried out my name.

  I raised up and caught her nipple in my mouth, sucking. Her pussy pulsed around my cock over and over until I couldn’t take it anymore. I rolled us over and began fucking her, hard and fast. She held onto me, moaning.

  “You are mine, little flower.”

  She nodded, and her nails scraped my back. The pain fueled me on and I pulled her leg up, so I could thrust deeper.

  “Hades, I’m so close,” she rasped out.

  I was, too. I pumped shallow and fast until she pulsed around me. She bit my shoulder as she rode out her orgasm and it set me off. She moaned and kept thrusting, riding out our shared orgasm as I filled her.

  I rubbed my nose against hers. “Forgive me.”

  “For what?”

  “I was too rough.”

  She ran her fingers through my hair. “Did I complain?”

  “No, but-”

  “Hades, I liked it. I like when you’re rough and it hurts. It’s so fucking sexy knowing that I do that to you.”

  I groaned, feeling the stirrings of arousal. “Aubrey-”

  “It’s the truth. And I know what you’re going to say, but it was my choice.”

  I moved so I wasn’t on top of her anymore and missed the warmth of her body immediately. She sat up, too, and grinned at me.


  “I just can’t believe you’re mine.”

  I smiled. “The feeling is more than mutual.”

  She closed her eyes and laughed. “We should get back. Ares is looking for me and isn’t very patient. He’s thinking about breaking some doors to find me.”

  It amazed me that she could hear our thoughts so well.

  “I know, it’s weird.”

  I laughed. “Show off.”

  I jumped into the water. Thankfully it was warm. Aubrey jumped in next to me and we swam to the bank. When we got out there were fresh clothes waiting.

  “Who leaves the clothes,” Aubrey asked as we dressed.


  She asked, “Why haven’t I seen them yet?”

  “Probably because you haven’t officially been named the new Goddess of Spring.”

  “Well, how does that work?”

  I was about to reply when I felt another presence. Vedah appeared and Aubrey jumped, moving closer to me.

  Vedah answered, “As I said yesterday, there will be a wedding. Today.”

  Aubrey asked, “Will I be marrying them all?”

  Vedah nodded. “Yes. That will make you the Goddess of Spring and Love.”

  And Gods, she was. She was truly made to be both.

  I rubbed Aubrey’s back and said, “You are the first to have two titles.”

  “For now,” Vedah said. “I will meet you in an hour in the great room. Make sure Ares is sober.”

  When she was gone Aubrey turned to me.

  “Christian said something to me before he passed. About her.”

  Hearing her old spirit’s name made me glare. I asked, “About who?”

  “About Vedah. And get the grumpy look off your face. He’s gone, and it wasn’t like this with him.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. “You mean lots of hot sex?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  I liked hearing that. A lot.

  “What did he say about Vedah?”

  She frowned. “He said not to trust her. That she was in my chambers looking for someone and got mad when she couldn’t find them.”

  “She was probably looking for Ares. He’s not her favorite person.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so, Hades.”

  I hated the uneasy look in her eyes, but there was nothing to worry about.

  “I’ve known Vedah for a long time, Aubrey. She’s my second in command and helps runs things down here. I think I would know if something wasn’t right with her.”

  She stared up at me and then said, “We should find the others.”

  She was displeased with my answer, but what did she expect me to say? Vedah had guided me since my rule over the Underworld began. There was no reason not to trust her.

  “I hope you’re right,” Aubrey whispered.



  “Married! Are you sure that’s what she said,” Ares asked, eyes wild.

  He was taking this better than I expected. I still wasn’t sure what to think. I’d just met these men, though I was certain they were the ones who’d been haunting my dreams the past few months. But was that enough reason to agree to marry them? What if there was another option?

  I added, “She also said to make sure you were sober.”

  “Of course, she did.” He put his goblet on the table, looking a little green.

  Hermes smiled. “This is wonderful news. I feel I should prepare a poem for our vows.”

  Ares and Hades both groaned.

  “Please, anything but that,” Ares begged.

  I held back a laugh seeing how offended Hermes looked. If his thoughts were any indication, then I could see why Hades and Ares were worried.

  Hades said to me, “I was just informed that there is a gown waiting for you in your chambers.”

  I was about to ask who informed him when I saw a ripple of pink next to him.

  “Tell her thank you for the message.”

  His eyebrows lifted. �
�Can you see the spirit?”

  “No, but the air near you is rippling a pink color. I hope I was correct in guessing the spirit was female.”

  He said, “You were. This is Diana, one of my most loyal servants.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Diana.”

  The spirit moved closer to me and I felt warmth on my hand.

  Hades smiled, and it took my breath away. “She said to tell you she is ready to serve you.”

  The ripple vanished, and I shook my head.

  “It’s strange. Growing up I had to hide the fact that I could see the dead and sometimes hear them. Now it makes sense.”

  Hades said, “You should have never had to hide such a gift.”

  Ares huffed. “You know how mortals are about things that don’t fit into tidy little boxes. They don’t like things they can’t explain.”

  It was true. Humans were like that, to a fault. When my parents realized I was really seeing ghosts, as they called them, they urged me to keep quiet. I lied to my friends, family, teachers, and even doctors.

  “One time a spirit followed me home. I was five and he scared me. I tried to get away and ran into the pole on a street sign.” I rubbed the scar on my eyebrow. It was barely noticeable now, but I never forgot it was there. “When I got to the ER the doctor kept asking what had scared me, but I couldn’t tell them because my parents said I would be taken away. It was awful.”

  The poor people at the ER thought I was being abused at home. Child welfare had been involved, but eventually my accident was chalked up to a case of a clumsy child. The worst part was the spirit lingered, watching me until one day it finally left. That was the first time I’d felt the draw of the darkness.

  Hades’ eyes narrowed. “It pisses me off that some of the newer Gods allow their spirits to roam freely. Back in my time if a spirit was bad they were sent to the deepest level of the Underworld where they could do no harm.”

  Hermes said, “I agree. The new Gods could take a page or two from our books. But that’s what makes the world go on, I suppose.”

  Ares opened his mouth to reply and I quickly chimed in. “I feel there is about to be a debate, so I’m going to use this moment to take my leave. I will see the three of you in an hour. For our wedding.”

  The looks on their faces made me laugh out loud. Shock. Fear. And Joy. Shaking my head, I left the dining room and went to my chambers. As I walked the hallways I noticed ripples now and again, all different colors. One touched my shoulder and then bounced away reminding me of a child. Maybe it was.

  When I got to my chambers I stopped in the doorway. A gown of white lace and silk hung next to my bed. It reminded me of a modern version of Princess Diana’s wedding dress. I touched it and my stomach clenched. Somehow, I knew this was meant to be. I just didn’t know if I was ready.

  “Well done, spirits,” I murmured.

  “It should be more traditional,” Vedah said next to me. “But it’s too late to change it now.”

  I stepped away from her and went further into my room. “I think it’s perfect.”

  Hades might not believe me, but I still didn’t trust Vedah.

  “Your thoughts don’t matter. Only making sure your task is complete.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

  “It means you are to marry the three Gods.”


  “Why? You really ask why?” She laughed, and it made my skin crawl. “Oh, Aubrey Davies, you have much to learn.”

  I asked, “Did you ever figure out who caused the painting in the crypt to change?”

  “As I said, it is veiled. I cannot see past it.”

  I didn’t believe her. Not after what Christian said to me.

  “So, what happens after the wedding?”

  “Your powers will come to you.”

  This made my stomach churn with fear and excitement.

  I asked, “Will I have the same powers Aphrodite and Persephone had?”

  “That I cannot say. You are different than they were. Better.”

  She stared at me until I had to look away.

  “I’m going to take a bath. Please close the door when you leave.”

  I went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Of course, she could just pop in if she wanted, but my gut said she wouldn’t. When I was sure she wasn’t coming I undressed and turned the water on, filling the tub. There were some oils on a shelf and I found one that I liked, pouring it into the steaming water.

  A sigh left my lips when I sat in the water. My romp with Hades had been welcomed, but also hurt my already tender body. So, what in the heck was I supposed to do on my wedding night? There was a jingle in the air around me and a new bottle of oil appeared next to the tub. I added it to the water and the soreness between my legs went away immediately.

  “Holy crap. I feel amazing,” I said out loud.

  I sank deeper into the water and the bruising on my nipples disappeared. Closing my eyes, I slid down until my head was under the water and held my breath. When I emerged, I felt like I could run a marathon. But now I wasn’t sure how long I had been in the tub, so I reluctantly got out.

  I toweled off as I walked into my room. My gown sparkled in the light, sending a wave of flutters in my stomach. Was I crazy to go along with this? I had only known them for a few days and while the sex was amazing I also knew there was more to a relationship that just that.

  My hands trembled as I reached for the gown. What if I did this and something terrible happened? Christian’s warning was still fresh on my mind, plus the mural where I was dead. And I sure as fuck didn’t trust Vedah.

  A knock on my door made me jump.

  “Aubrey? Is everything okay?” Hades’ voice sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Yes, just dressing.”

  “Do you need any help?”

  I laughed. “I’m not sure if you’re supposed to see me before the wedding.”

  “Mortal custom, not ours. May I come in?”

  I felt so good after my bath that I worried I would jump his bones if he came in.

  He chuckled. “I give you my word I will only help you dress. Nothing else.”

  “Then come help me. There are a ton of buttons on this gown.”

  He entered, and my heart skipped a beat. He wore a black robe that reminded me of a toga with a black cape. Okay, let’s be real – he looked like a sexy Greek version of Batman.

  “You look nice,” I said with a smile.

  “And you’re still in your towel.”

  He came and tugged it, tossing it on the floor. The way he eyed me made me want to jump into his arms, but, sadly, he cleared his throat and went to the gown.

  “This is pretty. It will suit you.”

  He removed it from the hanger and held onto it while I stepped in. His hands brushed over my breasts as he tugged the bodice up and my nipples hardened.

  “Soon, little flower.”

  I smiled, and he went behind me to button the gown. My hair had dried in natural curls and I ran my fingers through them, shaking them out.

  “You are dressed. Let us go.”

  “Hold on.”

  I grabbed the white heels and slid them on. He watched me with a half-smile on his lips. When I was ready I took his hand into my own and we made our way to the great room. I gasped at the decorations. White gardenias were everywhere tied off with silk ribbons that matched my dress. Lanterns had been brought in, making the room shine bright and everything feel warm and cozy.

  Hermes waited at the door wearing a similar robe as Hades, but his was gold.

  “Light of my life, you are stunning.” He kissed each of my cheeks and I grinned at him.

  Ares stood at the front of the room in a dark red robe and a scowl on his face. “You’re late.”

  I replied, “A Goddess is never late.”

  Hades threw his head back, laughing. “I think you’ll fit right in.”

  Hades and Hermes led me to Ares, who leaned forward
and kissed me on the forehead.

  “Where’s Vedah,” I asked.

  Ares said, “She’s not here.”

  “That’s not like her,” Hades said. “Vedah! We are ready.”

  There was a flicker of light and then Vedah appeared. I wondered if anyone else noticed the light, but if they did, they didn’t mention it.

  “Are you ready?” We nodded, and she said, “Let us begin.”

  Hermes stood next to Ares, then me, and then Hades. My hand shook as I inhaled. Hades reached down and grasped it, giving it a squeeze. I smiled up at him in silent thanks.

  Vedah said, “If you would have told me this would be happening a millennium ago, I would have laughed. In my time nothing like this has ever happened, but it won’t be the last. Aubrey Davies was placed on this earth twenty-five years ago. From this day forward, she will be recognized as we are, as an immortal being.”

  My knees quaked. Holy shit. This was really happening.

  “We do not know where this new path will take any of us but let one thing be known today. Three Gods stand before me as a new Goddess is crowned.”

  Vedah turned and picked up four crowns. She placed one on each of our heads. I inhaled and sighed. The crowns were made of delicate white flowers and evergreen leaves. Orange blossoms, roses, and olive branches were woven throughout them and a white ribbon connected our four crowns, making us one complete unit.

  “Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife, loves himself. Hades, do you vow to love Aubrey as you love yourself?”

  He gazed down at me. “I do.”

  He meant it, too. I could feel it in my soul even if he didn’t realize it yet.

  “Hermes, do you vow to love Aubrey as-”

  “I do!” Hermes said.

  I grinned at him and he winked at me.

  Vedah rolled her eyes and said, “And Ares, do you vow to love Aubrey as you love yourself?”


  My stomach dropped, and I wanted to cry.

  He looked at me, his dark eyes serious. “I vow to love Aubrey better than I love myself. She deserves that.”

  I swear I melted a little bit right then and there.

  “Aubrey Davies, three Gods have vowed to love you. Do you vow to accept their love and be their equal in every way, no matter what?”


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