Eden High: Part Four (Eden High #4)

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Eden High: Part Four (Eden High #4) Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  “I think I should cancel the pool party, I don’t want to come out of you for at least twelve hours.”

  “We’ll get tired and hungry and...” I surged into her, cutting off the grin that had started on her face. Laughing while fucking, that’s a new one for me; I like it.

  “You’re beautiful Sian.” She lifted her mouth to meet mine as we moved together, our bodies pushing against each other, trying to blend into one.

  I pushed, she opened and accepted all of me, fitting around me like a glove, milking me with each breath and so fucking beautiful it hurt to look at her.

  We rolled around until she was on top looking down at me. ”You know what to do?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head. “I’ll show you.” I took her hips between my hands and led her up and down on my rod until she got the hang of it.

  “Lean over.” I sucked her nipple in hard as she rode my cock, experimenting with her movements and driving me wild.

  “Fuck babe do I need to pull out?” Neither one of us had much interest in stopping, she moved faster, her head thrown back, tits bouncing and her walls clenching around me.

  I turned again, putting her under me and lifted her legs higher so I could dig in deeper. The question of pulling out was a moot one, because I came a fuck load inside her two minutes later, while she came and screamed around my tongue.


  We were dressed and back downstairs by the time our guests started to arrive. I had planned this little get together in order to get the questions out of the way, more so for her than for me.

  Plus I knew that whatever party mom threw was going to be over the top, so I wanted this for her.

  I wonder if she’d ever realize that I’d planned the party before I had taken her or given her the ring.

  Hopefully not, she can be a bit testy sometimes the more she comes out of that shell of hers.

  I didn’t really give a shit what anyone thought, but I didn’t want her being overwhelmed by this shit. Plus I knew these fools and how this shit worked, she didn’t, not yet anyway.

  It didn’t take long for the first person to notice her ring and get the conversation started.

  I had pulled my first stunt as a ‘mean guy’. I invited a few specific people, people I was sure would serve my purpose without having to be told.

  Of course the ones who had been left out will be glaringly obvious, since they usually ran the teenage social scene.

  And I was sure that the news about my little get together would be getting back to them.

  Among the guests were a couple of Mandy’s underlings for just that reason, and mom was the icing on my cake.

  She played the doting mother in law to the hilt, not that she had to put on an act, because she was genuinely fond of my girl.

  My spies kept their ears and eyes open and reported back to me. I kept Sian close because, aside from all that other bullshit, we were in our honeymoon stage, which meant lots of physical contact and bonding outside the bedroom.

  She was eating up all the attention as was to be expected from a female and between me, and her girls, we kept her smiling all day.

  I had a little meeting with my guys before everyone left at the end of the night. I wasn’t about to take any chances with her safety and she was planning a day out with her girls the next day and I planned to crash.

  My attention fell on the youngest one in the group and I felt a little bit of my joy dim.

  My little behind the scenes digging expedition had already started uncovering some shit that was sure to bring the town to its knees, and Sian was making noises about getting to the bottom of what was going on with her friend.

  If what I suspected was true and it was looking more and more like it was, then I wanted her as far away from this shit as possible.

  Chapter 7


  The buzz started as soon as we pulled into the lot on Monday morning.

  I never knew what all the fuss was about, having your boyfriend drive you to school, when you had your own car. And I never understood girls who got miffed when the guy didn’t offer.

  Now I totally see the appeal, it makes a statement I think, sends a clear message. Or I could just be reading more into it than is necessary.

  Whatever the case maybe, it felt amazing to have him come pick me up this morning after breakfast.

  He’d blown his horn and waited outside like the kids in one of those after school specials from the early eighties, that mom hides and watches.

  I hadn’t even known that he was going to do this and of course practical me had questioned the necessity of him driving me here when I had a perfectly working car of my own.

  In typical Jace fashion he’d ignored my questions and just ordered me to go get my stuff.

  “You ready?” he held the door open for me and I stepped out to the surprised faces of some of our classmates.

  That could be because my amazing boyfriend had let me drive his car to school, how frakking great is that?

  My girls came to meet us and of course, the talk turned to my ring. The four of us had had a little powwow session yesterday when we were out shopping and had decided on the best course of action.

  I couldn’t bring it up with Jace, because he’s a guy and wouldn’t necessarily understand the dynamics.

  My girls and I knew for instance that there was going to be some major backlash from this whole engagement deal, and were planning accordingly.

  While Jace’s answer when I broached the subject on Saturday was and I quote ‘ I don’t really care what any of those idiots think and neither should you,’ end quote.

  So you see, he really had no idea poor thing. He thought it was enough to say hey we’re engaged this is serious and now everyone knows and everyone can go about their business.

  Well, he certainly did not grasp the female psyche, and since Belle and Tammy and even Cassandra seemed to know more about Mandy and the lengths she would go to, I was more inclined to follow their lead on this one.

  The plan was to act as normal as possible about the rock that now graced my finger. I wasn’t going to use it as a conversation piece, or beat people over the head with it until they gushed over it, but neither was I going to hide it.

  I knew it was only a matter of time, before someone else, other than one of our circle, noticed the thing since it was as big as the bat signal, but none of us were going to bring it up.

  I didn’t even make it to the door before the first gasp followed by whispers was heard. Jace was so engrossed with his guys, talking about the upcoming game this weekend that he didn’t seem to notice.

  This was going to be the first game of the season and all the guys were excited, it was all they could talk about on Saturday at the pool and now this morning again.

  It was weird, but as a cheerleader I really didn’t have much love for the game, until now. Maybe I had been missing the most crucial element of the cheerleading gig before, the cheerleader and the jock. But now that I had my own quarterback, things felt different.

  By the time he kissed me at the door to math class and headed off down the hall, I had a following.

  No one was more surprised than I, when my hand was rudely grabbed from behind, and a stormy faced Mandy glared down at my ring.

  “Where did you get this?” Seriously, is she bent? This chick had watched way too much TV, who the hell does this crap?

  I pulled my hand away from her and turned to my seat, but I guess she wasn’t done with me.

  “If you’re trying to pretend you got that piece of glass from Jace you can give it up. Everyone here knows that we were practically beholden to each other since birth.

  So, he might use you as his little cum dump for now, but there’s no way his parents would ever let him marry a nobody like you.”

  “I think you mean betrothed, beholden kinda means you owe each other I think. As for his parents not accepting me, my future mother in law, or as she’s asked me to call her, mom, helped pick ou
t my ring.” I held up my hand and smiled at my ring.

  Some of the less cautious students were high fiving and taking bets it seemed, as to the outcome of our little turf war.

  I wasn’t really interested. I wasn’t about to let her steal my joy. But I have to admit it felt good putting this crackpot in her place.

  I had already dismissed her in my mind. The hardest part as far as I was concerned was over. She’d seen the ring and now the initial shock would wear off in no time at all and she’d get over it and move on. At least that was my big hope; it’s what I would’ve done in her situation.

  I really didn’t know what I was dealing with here either, as I found out the rest of that day.

  I was never able to prove who was behind any of it, but my disappearing books, the unattractive slur on my locker, and the broken chair leg that put me on my ass in chemistry, could not be seen as a mere coincidence.

  “You have to tell Jace what’s going on.”

  “No Belle, that’s just what she wants, she wants him to acknowledge her in some way, which he hasn’t done in the last few weeks or so.

  I can put up with her childish tactics a little while longer, she’ll get tired eventually.”

  “I don’t know Sian, what if you really get hurt? I don’t trust her, she’s...” Cassandra cut herself off, but that isn’t what was worrying me, no. It was the absolute venom in her tone that gave me a jolt.

  “Cass are you sure you’re okay, is anything bothering you?”

  She seemed to come back to her senses and tried backpedaling, but I knew there was something going on there, I just didn’t know what that could be.

  “Listen, Mandy isn’t going to do anything, she’s just trying to scare me away, which when you think about it is pretty stupid. I mean what does she expect to happen?

  I get scared and give Jace back to her? That’s really stupid don’t you think?” Or really crazy, but I wasn’t going to let my brain go there, too much to handle at once. I’d rather deal with stupid than crazy any day.

  In the end I didn’t have to tell Jace anything, because one of his little spies told him every detail and I got in trouble for not squealing.

  I’d forgotten all about his posse following me around, but damn, I hadn’t seen any of his teammates all morning.

  When he came to pick me up for lunch he was not pleased, it didn’t take long for me to learn why. He grabbed my elbow and took me back into the classroom out of sight of the others.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that they were fucking with you?” Crap, I could play this off, but I had to think real fast. You see, Jace had had this little pep talk with me last night after I’d spoken with my girls and again this morning in the car.

  I was supposed to report back to him if anyone or anything got in my face. I on the other hand believed that as an almost adult, I was smart enough to take care of myself and wasn’t about to come running to him with every little thing, no matter how much he grumbled.

  There was only one way to play this now though. “How was I supposed to tell you before now? No phones remember?”

  “Sian, you’re full of shit, you have plenty of ways to get a message to me, some of my guys are in some of your classes and I specifically told you to get word to me through them.”

  “Jace, nothing happened.”

  “You fell out of a chair and hit your fucking head, what the fuck do you mean nothing happened?” Whoa talk about steamed.

  “Why are you mad at me?’

  “I’m mad at you because you didn’t listen, again. I told you to let me handle this shit instead you decided to do this shit on your own and almost got yourself hurt.”

  “Jace I’m handling it, look see, I’m in one piece. Now let’s go eat, I’m starving I don’t think I had enough breakfast this morning, I was too excited to eat after someone came to pick me up.” I was lying but he didn’t know that.

  I knew that would work because the guy is like some sort of food Nazi or something. I managed to dodge that bullet, but after lunch period, there was a very heavy presence of his teammates.

  The ones who shared some of my classes were now sitting closer in class, and in between class, either Jace or one of his guys were there to walk with me. Weird.

  Chapter 8


  After that first Monday I was on top of shit. I had an around the clock crew on her ass when I couldn’t be there, or close enough to walk with her.

  She’d taken to bitching and moaning at me about it, but all her shit fell on deaf ears.

  I was beginning to see a little bit of what her brother had been telling me the more time we spent together.

  Sian wasn’t only high maintenance, my girl was nuts. Oh it wasn’t overtly obvious or anything, just these little things she would do or say that made me think maybe there was more to my sweet little fiancée. It didn’t help that her crew encouraged her shit.

  Yesterday I’d heard the story of her kicking Mandy in the head during practice, after Mandy and Liz had messed up one of Sian’s routines and caused her to almost fall on her head.

  Then there was the angry ants story. Apparently Mandy had had an infestation of the things show up in her bag, which she carried all the time.

  By Wednesday people were taking bets and the two girls seemed to be playing a game of one-upmanship.

  “Sian if I find out you’re behind this shit that’s going on, it’s going to be your ass.” She gave me one of her new eye rolls and waited for me to come around and let her out.

  I was lucky to get to drive my car today since she loved driving the thing almost as much as me. I guess I knew what her wedding present was going to be in another year and a half or so.

  “Jace, you worry too much, I told you before I can take care of myself.” I smacked her ass playfully and threw my hand around her shoulders.

  “Yeah well like I told you, that’s my job. I don’t want you getting involved in any of this bullshit.”

  I wasn’t sure if she was paying attention or not, but I had a feeling this was like the joyriding incident. Sian didn’t listen until shit went south. According to her dad and mine, that was a normal female trait. Yeah, lucky fucking me!

  That morning on the field I really got to see her in action for the first time. This chick named Tessa, who was one of Mandy’s little lackeys, approached me.

  I have no idea what the girl wanted, because Sian body checked her and sent her packing before she could even open her mouth.

  Then there was the Liz issue. Apparently Sian had found out that Liz had been messing with Tammy because of the whole Shane tutoring thing, and had taken it upon herself to do some shit to Liz’s clothes in the girls’ locker room.

  Of course I couldn’t prove anything, because she was sneaky, but she was fast earning a reputation.

  In between her hair-brained schemes, we had some pretty hot make out sessions, but they weren’t enough.

  It was five days since I’d had her and I was planning to have her this evening before homework, since she was coming over.

  At least we knew she wasn’t pregnant, since her period had come on time, right in the middle of my getting to know you stage.

  Then we have the game on Friday against one of our biggest rivals. Usually I would be all over that shit, but all I could think about was getting back inside her again.

  It had been so long I was beginning to forget how it felt to have her pussy wrapped around my dick.

  Coach wasn’t too pleased with my preoccupation in the last two practice sessions, but I planned to fix that shit this evening, two minutes after I get her behind closed doors.


  By last bell I was ready to fuck the wind. We’d done runs all afternoon, so we didn’t have practice that evening, and I hadn’t asked her about her schedule, but that shit was pretty much dead.

  I dragged her from her last class as soon as the bell went and pulled her out of the building behind me.

  “Hold your horses Jace w
hat’s your hurry?” She batted her lashes at me because she knew damn well what was wrong with me.

  I’d only been telling her every night this week since she told me about her period coming on Saturday night.

  She’d given me the all clear this morning on the way to school and she knew I’ve been hard as fuck all day.

  I pushed her back against the outside wall, out of the way of traffic and swallowed her tongue. I didn’t hear the others as they filed out the door on their way to whatever the fuck they had going on. I just wanted to be in her as quick as fucking possible.

  When half the school started shouting out suggestions to us, I released her mouth and resumed pulling her along behind me.

  I took her mouth again at the car where I was trying to seat her. By the time I came up this time we were practically climbing each other.

  “Babe, when I get in the car, don’t breathe okay; just sit there and keep still.” Fuck if I know what I was saying. She just gave me one of her coy looks that was no help at all for my dick and slid into her seat waiting for me to snap her in.

  My hand ended up on her tit and she used that shit against me, pressing her hard nipple into my palm and licking my ear.

  “Sian, behave, unless you want to give our classmates a show.” The freaks were watching us like they thought we were about to get naked right there, which wasn’t too far off the mark.

  I’m pretty sure I didn’t run over anyone on my way home, but the details of how we got there were a little bit vague.

  I pulled around to the guesthouse and barely let the engine die before I was pulling her along behind me again.

  This time we didn’t make it to the bedroom. As soon as I got the door unlocked I was on her. “Hop up.” I lifted her until her legs were wrapped around me and I had her shirt popped open and a tit in my mouth.

  We both fumbled with my belt and jeans until I was free and sinking into her. “Oh yeah.”

  I held her pinned to the door, adjusting my cock inside her pussy that felt tighter than it had before. If she kept that shit up I won’t be able to do anything else for the rest of my life, but stay inside her.


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