Eden High: Part Four (Eden High #4)

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Eden High: Part Four (Eden High #4) Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  “You fucked up baby, I told you to leave her to me didn’t I? If you had done what I said, all of this could’ve been avoided. I’ll take care of it later, but you and I need to have a little talk about your fucking hearing problem.”

  I took her home and up to my room. I didn’t say anything to her while I was taking her clothes from her body. I almost wished she’d put up a fight, but she just stood there looking contrite and let me strip her.

  “Get on the bed.” She sat on the edge while I got undressed and joined her. I was angry as shit and trying not to show it.

  I didn’t want to scare her, though I wouldn’t mind heating up her ass for being stupid. But I had better ways of dealing with little Miss. Sian.

  Without another word I pushed her back gently against the bed and leaned over her. “I know just how to punish you for today, you’re going to take it and you’re not going to complain, because you know you deserve this and worst.”

  I fingered her until she was ready, then climbed on top of her and sank in. I didn’t treat her to my usual.

  There was no lost of control, no wild pounding, just slow easy strokes that had her panting beneath me and begging me to go faster, harder, more.

  I turned my face away when she tried to kiss me and her eyes watered the second time I did it. “Look at me.” I made her hold my eyes with hers as I used her body against her.

  The only place I touched her is where we were joined inside. My arms were stretched out by her head, her thighs were opened wide to cradle mine, and each time she tried wrapping them around me, I brushed them off.

  I let her cum, but held mine off until she was pleading with me. “I’m sorry Jace, please stop.”

  “Stop what Sian?” I kept stroking in and out of her as I awaited her answer. I knew what she was going to say already I just wanted to make her say it.

  “Stop acting like you don’t care, like you’re just going through the motions.” She tried to get me to lose control by squeezing her muscles around my cock.

  I knew this would bother her more than anything else, because I’d shared with her how much she made me lose control when we made love, and how she was the first and only person to ever do that for me. I had been trying to show her the power she wielded over me, so she’d know.

  I’d told her about how I always knew when a relationship was over in the past because I lost all interest in sex with the person.

  I’d shared these things with her and more, because I knew she needed to know. I thought I was strengthening her by telling her about the differences between my past relations and the way I was with her.

  Everyone else seemed able to see it, but not her. She hadn’t been here when I was with the others, so she’d have no way of knowing that there was no real difference between the way I’d treated any of them.

  They’d all been the same in my eyes she was the only one who stood apart, that’s why she was the one wearing my ring.

  Now here we are, less than a week later, and I have to do this shit to teach her a lesson.

  After she came the second time I pulled out and dragged her out of bed and into the shower. My dick was still hard, but I was saving him for phase two.

  I was still silent when I soaped her up and then myself, before adjusting the showerhead to make sure her hair didn’t get wet when I washed her off.

  Turning her to face the wall I pressed my hand between her shoulder blades and leaned her forward so I could slide into her from behind.

  Then I gave her what she wanted, what she’d begged for. “That, in there, on the bed, was for not coming to me with this shit in the first place, and this...” I slammed into her hard, harder than she’s ever had me before.

  “This is for flirting and sharing what belongs to me with other guys.” I fisted her hair and pulled it back, until her head was almost all the way back on her shoulders.

  There was no mercy in the thrusts that I made into her body. Now she begged for something else, pleaded with me to take it easy.

  “Shh, I have to, it’s either this, or I spank your ass, trust me, you don’t want me anywhere near you with a belt right now, so I suggest you shut the fuck up and deal.”

  I never curse at Sian, never treated her body with anything less than respect and love, now I was using it to punish.

  Her cries and screams fell on deaf ears as I plowed into her over and over, wringing orgasms out of her in between her complaints for the pain between her thighs.

  I outsmarted myself there though, because it wasn’t long before I was ready to blast off and I didn’t want to do it anywhere but inside her. I needed to cum deep inside of her, marking her, to plant my scent in her again.

  “I have to nut in you; tell me it’s okay to nut in you. Say ‘Jace, please nut in me.’

  ”Jace...please, nut in me.” I offloaded inside her while holding her tummy, and pulling her in close. Just as the third shot hit I clamped down on her neck with my teeth. That set me up for a couple more good shots.


  “What are you doing?” she was standing in front of the mirror putting some kind of gook on her neck.

  “I’m hiding this.” She pointed to the spot on her neck where I’d marked her.

  With her eyes held with mine, I got a washcloth and walked up behind her at the sink.

  Reaching around her I wet it with warm water, and then, being as careful as possible, wiped off her neck.

  Without uttering a word, I dropped the washcloth on the sink and walked away. The fuck she thinks I put it there for in the first place?

  “We’ve gotta get back let’s go.”

  “Can I do one thing first? it won’t take long.” I had no idea what she was up to when she headed for the guesthouse while I went to the truck.

  I drove us back to school just before the bell rang at the end of lunch break.

  I still hadn’t said anything more to her and though she kept sneaking me looks like she was dying to say something, I ignored the looks and her.

  At least I took her hand when I walked her to her class. “I’ll see you after school.” With that I turned and left her.

  Chapter 11


  “Girl, what or who mauled you?” Belle, Tammy and even Cass was at my desk.

  I clapped my hand over the beacon on my neck and looked around to make sure no one else had overheard her.

  “Shh, Belle, you want me to get killed? You see that nut is unraveling at an increased rate, the last thing I need is for her to see Jace’s territorial markings, that’s bound to send her over the edge.”

  “Oh please who cares? So, how did it go with Jace did you get to the bottom of the obvious lie?”

  “Yeah, I guess, you guys were right.”

  “I told you not to trust her, she’s not what she seems.”

  “Cass I wish you would stop speaking in riddles and just come out with it. Do you know something the rest of us don’t about our resident evil?”

  She buttoned up and pretended an interest in something on the floor. That’s it; I’m getting to the bottom of whatever the hell is going on with her today. In the meantime...

  “Okay here’s what I’m gonna do from now on, anything coming from that quarter will be ignored. She’s playing head games, I fell for this one, but no more. Cass, you need to get to class before you get into trouble, I’ll see you after class okay.” The three of us watched as she left the room.

  “I guess no one told you the rules, when you’ve been caught trying to filch the most popular girl’s man, and she shows you up, the best thing would be for you to disappear.

  Maybe you should look into home schooling, you know, until you’ve lived down the embarrassment, if that’s even possible.”

  She was serious; it took me a minute to get that. The room of course was all ears, and as much as I wanted to take the high road, this was high school, who was I kidding?

  There was no way this thing was going to be put to bed unless I took this bitch on. I
felt a little pull between my legs to remind me of Jace’s warnings before we left the house. I wasn’t going to disobey, but just one last time I needed to put this idiot in her place.

  I pulled my phone and scrolled down to the pic she’d been circulating. “You know, I’m not sure how you knew that Jace and I were in the guesthouse, since he’s never taken you there before. But wherever you got your information, it’s a little off. The curtains are a little more like this.”

  I pulled up the pics I’d snuck and taken earlier and showed them around the room. “If you’d notice the pattern is just a little different. Oh and the guy in the pic is also missing a little something.”

  There were a few snickers at that one and I passed around a bland glare. “My Jace has a tat on his arm right about...here.”

  Mandy was red as a lobster and not very happy when she stormed out of the room, or at least tried to. I wasn’t about to let her skinny ass just walk away like that though.

  Jace was no doubt going to hear about this and there was probably going to be another pounding in my future, but I was just going to have to deal with it.

  I stopped her in her tracks, just before she reached the door. “I’ve had about enough of you, you might get away with bullying everyone else around here, but I’m not that girl. I don’t need to get all pedantic and warn you off of my man, because I know there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that he’d ever touch you with a ten foot pole.

  Oh and yeah, that thing you tried to show in your pic, he told me he would never even consider putting his mouth anywhere near your disease infested snatch.”

  “Oh snap.” Somebody crowed that out loud in the crowd, just before Jace showed up and got between us, browbeating Mandy into stepping back away from me.

  Dammit, I forgot about his network. I was still sore from his last lesson; I thought for sure he wouldn’t find out about this little blip for at least another day.

  “Where did you get the pictures, and how the fuck did you know that’s where I took her? You’ve never been there before. I know you have the rest of these fools believing that you and I were this great couple, that might’ve been true for the first two weeks we were together, that’s about how long it took me to see how fucking empty and shallow you are.

  We only lasted as long as we did because I didn’t give a fuck about anything else but the game. I fucked you when I wanted relief, nothing more nothing less, and don’t act all butt hurt about it because you knew the deal.

  For the last fucking time stay away from my fiancée. I’ve already got someone looking into what kind of charges I can press against you for this little stunt. You keep getting in her fucking face, things are just gonna end real bad for you.” He leaned over and whispered something in her ear that made her lose all the color in her face.

  He left her there all but trembling and walked over to me. “You okay baby?” I guess he wasn’t really interested in my answer since he kissed me before I could give him one.

  We came up for air when the applause plateaued and someone said the teacher was coming. I have a crazy ass fiancé.

  “I’ll see you later sweetheart, how do you feel down there?” he smirked at me the fiend.

  “Jace, get outta here.” He leaned over and nibbled on my ear before whispering to me.

  “I’ll lick it for you later and make it all better. Now try to stay out of trouble.” With a pat on my butt he left just as the teacher was coming into the room.



  Not quite sure what’s going on anymore, everything seems to have been turned upside down. Suddenly I’m one of the in crowd and people are asking me for my opinion and generally being human

  If that’s not bad enough Jared Claiborne seems to have lost his damn mind and won’t leave me alone.

  Over the weekend he’d stuck to me like glue, first at the pool party and then the next day after I’d gone shopping with the girls.

  Of course now that he was showing an interest, others seemed to have finally noticed that I’m a warm body and were actually flirting with me.

  Jared wasn’t too pleased with that turn of events however, and has growled at me on more than one occasion for my inappropriate behavior. Which is what he calls it anytime I smile at one of my new admirers.

  Secretly I was enjoying this new power I seemed to have over a member of the opposite sex, and one as fine as Jared Claiborne. I was actually starting to believe this might be happening, that it was possible that the hottest guy in school was into me.

  “What mischief are you plotting now Red?” Where the heck had he come from? I was waiting outside the locker room for Sian and hadn’t heard him approaching.

  I put on my mean face and glared at him, couldn’t let him know he was getting to me now could I? Though he always smirks at me knowingly as if he knows I’m full of shit.

  “Don’t you have practice?”

  “We’re done, now what was that look about, you better had been thinking about me.”

  Of course I turned cherry tomato red, and couldn’t find my tongue in time for a snappy comeback.

  “Sis not out yet?”

  “Oh yeah, she came out about five minutes ago, but I just thought it would be fun to hang out outside the girls’ locker room for kicks.”

  “Smart ass.” He head-locked me and I swear it was the sweetest thing; how pathetic was that? “You’re coming over right?”

  “Yeah, we’re working on something together so the four of us are taking over your house.”

  “Great, you can ride with me.” Sian chose that moment to walk out the door and of course she gave me a sly look and a wink.

  “What’s going on out here?” Jared put his arm around me and turned me towards the hallway.

  “Meet us at home sis.” Her mouth hung open until we were out of sight. What was this guy trying to do to me?

  I was torn between wanting to disappear into the floor, because of all the stares, and wanting to just eat him up.

  He didn’t seem to care that I wasn’t the thinnest or the prettiest girl, in fact as we walked, he talked to me with all his concentration focused on me, he never took his eyes off mine, and that hand stayed right where it was.

  By the time we reached his car I was a bundle of nerves. “Jared, what’re we doing?” wow, I’ve never been pinned to the side of a car by a hot guy before, there’s something to say for it.

  “What do you think we’re doing Red?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and held my breath as I looked up at him. Why did he have to be so pretty? I just know he’s gonna break my stupid heart.

  “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you start guessing and I’ll tell you when you’re getting warm?”

  And then he kissed me. Not a long tongue tangling snog fest, just a quick touch of his lips on mine.

  The small contact sent shockwaves through me and I barely restrained myself from attacking him right there in the parking lot.

  “You’re going to screw me over aren’t you?” He studied me in a way that made my toes curl and my heart knock against my chest.

  “Over, under, from behind and a few other variations in between. Not to worry though, I’ll give you time to get used to the idea. Say about another week or so.”

  When I finally got what it is he was mumbling about, I almost unhinged my jaw, my mouth fell open that far.

  He chose that moment to open the car door and seat me inside. I stared straight ahead like I was strapped in a straight jacket, and the jackass just laughed, like he hadn’t just knocked me for six.

  His holding my hand as he drove was the last straw for me, and I felt myself give in to the wonder of having my first boyfriend.

  At least I think that’s what was going on here; either that, or I was having an out of body experience.

  We kept sneaking looks at each other and I found myself more than once grinning like a fool at him.

  This was going to be one hell of a school year.

ter 12


  It was my idea to invite the girls over for a kind of afterschool powwow, so we could make plans for the upcoming Halloween party, which apparently was so big, that it takes weeks to plan.

  I also thought I’d use the opportunity to talk to Cass, but those plans went out the window when a caravan followed me home.

  I pulled through the gate and down the driveway, wondering what the hell the crazy one was up to now.

  “Jace what’re you guys doing here? I thought you wanted to go over plays for your big day tomorrow?”

  “We are, right here where I can keep an eye on your little ass.” I rolled my eyes at him and went in the house.

  Mom was a real trooper and didn’t even bat a lash at the extra bodies that tromped through her kitchen. Though her eyes did widen at the sight of the mark on my neck. Crap, I pulled my hair forward to hide it but the damage was already done.

  “Ahem, there’re snacks in the bin and juice in the fridge, try to finish the milk if you can guys and please, don’t get mud on my freshly waxed floor.” She said it all with a smile on her way out the room.

  The others didn’t seem to mind the extra company and the truth was I was glad that Jace was here. After the day I’d had, I was still a little raw, and not just between my thighs.

  This whole thing was getting out of hand, I couldn’t help thinking that we’d gone beyond high school pranks and had now entered the world of crime and real danger.

  How did she know that he had taken me to the guesthouse for our first time? And more alarming than that, why would she go to those lengths to convince me that they had slept together?

  She had to know how he would react once he found out what she had done; she’s always claiming to know him so well after all.

  “Come here a second babe.” Jace tugged me up from off the floor where I was helping Belle put the finishing touches on the design for her costume.


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