A Scarlet Collection of Monsters and Madmen

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A Scarlet Collection of Monsters and Madmen Page 10

by Bella BloodLust

  She walked with him, their pace identical. Her breath grew quicker and so did her heartbeat. She’d never been this helpless in another person’s grip before. They walked to a door at the end of the room that was guarded by two very intimidating men. They quickly opened the door with fear on their faces. She marveled in his power and continued her pace alongside him.

  The door opened to reveal a long dark corridor that lead to another door. The red lights were dim she stuck closely to him, her arm wrapped around his strong back; her hand gripping his waist. He smiled at her in that mischievous way, piercing her soul and sending chills up her spine. He burst through the door forcing it open with his free hand. The door revealed a private garage with a single car in the room. A Porsche convertible, blood red. The top was down and the moon glowed down through the skylight to reveal the beauty of the car. He walked to the passenger side door and opened it for her.

  “Get in!” his voice boomed and she quickly got into the car to hear the door slam shut.

  She jumped and he laughed that wicked laugh. Fear struck her. Was she completely insane or would this be the night she’d always wanted? His footsteps echoed as he walked around the car. He jumped in stealthily and the ignition roared.

  “Open the glove box.” He demanded. Jess quickly did. A roll of duct tape and a cloth blindfold. She looked into his eyes with fearful questioning. He smiled.

  “Put it on.” Her hands shaking, she blindfolded herself tightly, the black cloth left her completely blind. She could only hear the power of his voice and the sound of his laugh. That laugh that sent chills up her spine. He leaned over and grabbed the duct tape from the glove box grazing her inner thighs with her fingertips, she moaned. He laughed and bound her wrists with the tape.

  “Such a pure cunt. What a pleasure it will be to break you in.” The radio turned on to reveal Athamay’s “Caged.” She bit her lip, how did he read her thoughts knowing this song made her weak? She heard the sound of the garage door open, he gripped her by the back of the neck and pulled her close to his lips and whispered into her ear; “You’re all mine.”

  Her lip quivered and he quickly sped out of the garage and onto the street. She had no idea where they were going, all she could hear was the sounds of the city as she felt the roar of the engine. The pounding of Athamay coursed through her veins as he drove faster and faster into the night. What seemed like hours went by when they finally slowed down she felt the car turn into what felt like a driveway. A long driveway. She smelled fresh earth and trees, her heart pounded faster. The car finally stopped and she heard his door open; he shut it firmly. His boots stoically walking on the gravel to her side, he opened the door and ripped the duct tape off of her wrists. She moaned in pain as the tape ripped off the top layer of her skin.

  “You know nothing of pain. Get out!” Darkeel’s voice coursed through her body. She unbuckled herself as she heard her door open. Still blindfolded she was eager to ask questions but feared she’d reap the consequences of such actions. She cautiously stepped out of the car and stood. He pulled her towards his body. She could feel his rock hard member pressed against the part of her abdomen just above her pussy. She moaned, feeling his tool against her body. He slammed the door and turned her around, she felt him pressed against the back of her body. Completely blind and vulnerable to what would happen next, her thoughts were clouded with sex.

  “Put your hands on the car!” He demanded, she was confused.

  “Now!” He said.

  She jumped and put her hands on the car door. He worked his hands all over her virgin body. Moaning with pleasure from his touch, feeling his hands travel from the back of her thighs, up her ass, around her hips and up her stomach and breasts. Trembling from his touch he pressed his body against hers. As his strong hands traveled down her shoulders, her arms and stopping to grip her hands.

  “Meeting a complete stranger, and not bringing a single thing to protect yourself with? Not very smart.” He said with a cruel tongue.

  He flipped her over, her back forced against the car. He trailed his fingers from her lips to her stomach. She squirmed under his touch unable to control herself laughing once again.

  “You like my touch, I’ve only begun.” He spoke in her ear and her body went limp against his chest. He gripped her face in his hands and forced a kiss. She moaned feeling his hands slowly working the blindfold, his tongue seemed to taste her soul. He took the blindfold off and tossed it into the car. She opened her eyes to reveal Darkeel in front of her and what she saw behind him blew her mind.

  A house of gigantic proportions, trees surrounded this enormous house, she saw the driveway they approached on. She couldn’t see a house anywhere near this one, she looked around and realized she was completely, utterly alone. She could see gravestones on miles of property and wondered how he knew that she loved cemeteries so much. His own personal graveyard.

  She wondered how many bodies were here but quickly got rid of the thought, refusing to think of such morbid things. Once again he gripped her firmly by the waist and pulled her closely to him. They walked towards the double doors of the mansion and he entered with ease. Such luxury appeared in this beautifully decorated home, velvet curtains everywhere and morbid artwork as far as the eye could see.

  It was a home that was a perfect vision of Tim Burton’s mind and every square inch was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen. Only things she’d seen in her dreams but never expected to see in reality. The doors shut firmly behind them and locked her into his world. A world that she’d never been in before and was scared to the core to see what it had in store for her. He removed her cloak and hung it on what appeared to be a meat hook suspended from a chain that fell from the ceiling. Her leather corset revealed her porcelain shoulders, her tight pants adorned with combat boots that firmly tied at the knees. She felt naked without her velvet red cloak.

  “It’s icy in here.” She said hinting her vulnerability. He slapped her hard across the face she gasped in shock from pain, but mostly the action itself. She gripped her jaw to feel the swelling of what would later be the bruised imprint of a hand.

  “Only speak when you are spoken too. That was your warning.” Darkeel’s face tightened.

  A tear formed in her eye but she refused to cry, refused to show any sign of weakness even though he’d already found plenty of things to use against her. Too naïve to know that he’d watched her for years waiting for the final release. She looked behind him to a stairway that spiraled upwards to the second floor. The steps velvet, crimson and so was every piece of fabric in the house. All around her was the blood red color, which comforted her in the deepest pits of her heart.

  “Follow me.” His voice again startled her.

  She followed him closely down the extravagant hallway, hearing his footsteps travel up each step. Her pulse quickened and her breath grew short.

  “Quickly cunt. We have many things to do before sunrise.”

  She hurried her pace and reached the top of the spiral staircase. He stood waiting for her. She stood next to him with apprehension that evil grin appeared on his face once again her lip quivered. There were a set of double doors at the top of the stairs with marble and granite décor around the doorknobs and frame. She looked closely at the detail, they were women. Naked, writhing women in sexual positions orgasmic expressions on their faces of ecstasy and bliss. The doors had beautiful gothic crosses on them of marble and abalone. Such beauty and attention to detail.

  “Rare to find a girl with taste.” They both smiled and looked into each other’s eyes.

  “It’s beautiful.” She said with apprehension, preparing for the consequences of her statement.

  He placed his strong hands on the doorknobs and pushed them open. The room was enormous and obviously his bedroom. A four poster canopy bed with black silk sheets and black curtains tied to each post. Floor to ceiling windows that revealed his private cemet
ery. Elegance everywhere, paintings by her favorite artists, ones that she’d dream to see at museums; but never expected to see here. She heard the roar of a sudden thunderstorm, the booming sounds of thunder and the pouring rain drenched the windows. Lightening lit the sky and illuminated the room to reveal racks, swings and harnesses. All things she’d desired in the darkest part of her mind was here, everything a girl that yearned for pain and pleasure could ever desire was in this very room.

  Candles were everywhere they dimly lit the beauty around her. The fragrance of roses lingered in the air, lightning crackled again to reveal dozens of roses in red and black all over the room every piece of furniture was covered in petals. He wrapped his arms around her body and pressed his eager form against hers. She moaned, she’d waited for this touch her entire life and finally she had it wrapped around her. His touch drove her insane, her body was useless in his grip and she knew her mind was as well. He ran his fingers through her hair and laughed in her ear.

  “You’re all mine!” He pulled her head back by the hair and bit down hard on her neck.

  “Yes Master!” She wailed in bliss.

  Her moans competed with the thunder as she melted against his body. His touch was agonizing. She wanted more, he teased her with every kiss, every graze of his teeth and fingertips. All she wanted was to be his for eternity. He brushed her hair from her shoulders to reveal the top of her porcelain skin. He slowly unhooked her corset with each hook that came undone her pulse quickened faster and faster. Her breath grew shallow with each kiss that was placed on her neck. The final hook came undone as her corset fell to the floor. She gripped his hips pulling him closer to her, she yearned to feel his member against her half clothed flesh, and she relished the fact that he desired her. He slid his hands up her stomach and to her breasts, whispering words into her ears that she didn’t recognize. Her lip quivered and her moans grew louder, he teased her nipples and trailed his kiss from her neck to her shoulders.

  “Take off your boots.” He commanded.

  She bent over and pressed her ass against his loins. He moaned as she rubbed herself against him. She slowly untied the laces and kicked them off gripping her hips and rocking himself against her. She stood back up only to be dressed in pants now, his hands slid to her hips he pulled her pants down with stealth lingering at the back of her thighs kissing them with each inch of fabric. He removed them from her. Her pants reached her ankles and he could smell the aroma of sex on her. She stepped out of them. As he stood, he whispered to her:

  “Now…turn around and remove your panties.”

  She slowly turned around, he sat on the edge of the bed now with a grin on his face. His breath quickened as he saw her, she stood there smiling at him sliding her hands through her hair and down her bare chest, slowly making her way down her stomach and to her red underwear. She slid her hands under the fabric and inched them down her hips. They fell from her thighs, she stepped out of them and stared deep into his eyes. She walked to him slowly with the swank of her hips his smile grew. She placed her hands on his knees and fell to hers, looking up to her towering master’s eyes she waited for his command.

  “Such a good slave.” He spoke fluidly with a grin.

  He reached towards one of his bed posts and grabbed a spiked collar. Tilting her head up, he fastened the collar around her neck. She bit her lip knowing now that she completely belonged to him. Her hands slid up his thighs, she felt his hunger and longed to be his victim. She placed her lips on his loins the only thing between her lips and his eager flesh was the fabric of his pants, which she was determined to remove; at all costs.

  She gripped his thighs and as she slowly unzipped his pants with her teeth she felt him swell. His moans filled the room as he gripped the leash that was attached to her collar with one hand, and his other hand gripping her hair. Her nails sliding up his torso, she jerked on his pants hard and pulled them completely off. She massaged his hard cock with her fingertips as she slowly removed his boxers. She ripped at his shirt to reveal his chiseled body. He gripped her hair hard and tilted her head back gazing into her eyes.

  Her breath quickened. She licked her lips and a grin appeared on his face. Her mouth opened completely, his cock hard, she gorged herself instantly on his tool. Forcing every inch down her throat she went faster and faster flicking her tongue all over his shaft and sucking hard at the tip he controlled the rhythm with his grip in her hair. She felt the need to gag but refused to stop until he came. She teased his balls with her fingertips and pressed his perineum. He moaned and grunted never had a girl sucked on him with such determination, he almost came when he pulled her head back.

  “You’re not pure!” He yelled. Shock appeared on her face, never had she been accused of not being the virgin that she was.

  “Answer me!” He yelled.

  “Master, I’m completely pure.” She timidly replied.

  He pulled her leash close to him giving her no means to run and slapped her hard again across the face.

  “Do not lie to me!” He yelled.

  “I’ve been with many cunts, both pure and used and nobody has your determination!” His voice echoed throughout the room, she nervously spoke.

  “Master I swear to you on my life, that I’m as pure as the day I was born.”

  “Swear on your life… Are you sure you want to gamble with that?” Darkeel asked.

  “Stand up whore!” He demanded.

  Jess quickly rose to her feet and waited for his torture. He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up, throwing her to the bed and quickly tying her limbs to each post. She shook in terror not knowing what would become of her. Tears formed in her eyes and streamed down her face. She was too scared to make a sound; his half torn shirt fell from his shoulders and he stood at the end of the bed. Crawling on top of her he kissed her neck and laughed that evil laugh once more that sent chills to her core. She shook in terror crying she couldn’t help the tears.

  “Please don’t. Not like this.” She begged.

  He slapped her again, the bruises formed on her face two of what would be many that he planned to give her. He bit her hard on the chest, the pain took the air from her lungs and he continued to take control of her body and soul. He made her way down her stomach and slapped her pussy, she gasped in pleasure.

  “We’ll see if you’re as pure as you say you are…Cunt!”

  “Please Master…No!” She pleaded.

  He kissed her swollen flesh and teased her cunt with his lips and tongue, she bucked wildly against him screaming his name in bliss. Her muscles tensed in sexual possession and she felt her blood quicken, her body stiffen; until she met her release. He climbed on top of her pulling her body up by her hips, he teased her entrance with her tip and as she caught her breath he rammed himself inside of her. Her screams of pain filled the room as he pounded away. Ripping her body and raping her mind, tears streamed down her face; but she wanted more. She ignored the pain as much as possible. They met their release together and he fell on top of her body.

  “Now you know what it means to be broke in, my filthy cunt.” He gripped her by the neck and spoke into her ear. The tears ran down her face as she caught her breath.

  “Take me completely Master. I’m yours for eternity.” She said.

  “I know you better than you know yourself Master.” She said heavy breathed.

  A look of interest appeared on his face. No girl had ever dared say such things and he was eager to know what she meant. He gripped her face and demanded to know what she meant.

  “Explain whore.” He cruelly spoke.

  Her lip quivered as she was determined to explain herself. Bound to the bed she knew she’d get what she longed for and knew she could grant him the one thing that no girl would willingly give him.

  “I’ve watched you for years Master. Hoping that someday I would be the one that you longed for more than anyone else. I kno
w the demons that haunt your soul, the reason why you find such peace in your cemetery. You yearn to bury your conquests there but have never found one that you wanted to keep here with you for eternity.” Jess said.

  “I’m the one you’ve searched for your entire life, the one girl that wants to be yours for eternity. I only needed you inside me once to know that I belonged to you. Like a victim belongs to her vamp, you’ve called to my soul for years and waited to find me. Here I am, yours for the taking. I want to be the one to wake your demons, the ones that you cage deep inside of you, thinking that nobody sees you for what you are. I do. I see you completely.” Jess fluidly said.

  A look of shock appeared on his face. Never had he run across a girl with what appeared to be such an interesting concept.

  “Continue.” Darkeel replied.

  “You conquer girl’s minds and bodies but still that isn’t enough. You’ve always wanted more to take than a girls mind, body and soul, your conquests satisfy you but never completely. You want their lives. I want to be your first, take me completely. Release your demons that you have inside and take my life. Kill me, release the side of you that you’ve never revealed to anyone.” Jess said.

  He was speechless the one girl that knew him to the very core now knew his darkest secret. He sat up and straddled her vulnerable body. The darkness swirled inside him and his demons grew by the second. The grin of pure evil appeared on his face, he knew that she was the one he’s been searching for his entire life. He gripped her neck and she smiled in anticipation.

  “Do it!” She screamed.

  He bucked inside her with such force, the entire time they held each other’s gaze ramming harder and harder his hands around her neck. With each breath he gripped her neck tighter and tighter. Her breath grew shorter with each pump, she felt the breath of death approaching and she smiled one last time as they came together for what would be the very last time. He closed the eyes of her lifeless corpse and began to dress putting his pants on along with his trench coat. He stared at her lifeless body and smiled knowing that he was now complete. The one girl that released his caged self, releasing the terrifying demon locked away deep inside of him.


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