Copyright © 2012 Nicole Salmond
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except in brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews are permitted.
This is a work of fiction. The names, character, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover design by Kerry Ellis
Edited by Debra L. Stang
This book is dedicated to all the people in the world who have taken the time to read my books. You keep my dream alive and without you they would only be stories in my head. Thank you!
First off I would like to start off my thanking all my friends and family for supporting me through this journey. I know I can be crazy sometimes, but you love me anyway!
Big thanks to my beautiful sisters Tiffany and Samantha who helped me edit this book and keep me on track when my imagination got a little out of hand sometimes! :)
Also huge thanks to my editor Debra! I couldn’t have published it without you.
To my little nugget, Evie, you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. You’ll always be my gorgeous little girl.
To my husband, Darby, thanks for everything you do. You’re the best dad in the world and I am so thankful for the moment we meant because I couldn’t imagine life without you.
Lastly to the one and only Jessi. One word: Amazeballs. ;) Love your beautiful face!
Nate looked out at the sun setting on the horizon, the water cooling his legs as he sat up tall on his surfboard and waited for the next set of waves to come.
“It’s perfect out here, hey Nate?”
Nate quickly turned his head to the direction of the familiar voice.
“Dad?” Nate’s voice was shaky. His dad had been gone for four years and now there he was, paddling towards him on his surfboard. He knew he must be dreaming.
“Hey, kid. Mind if I join you?” Nate’s dad smiled as he sat up on his board, pulling his hand through his wet hair.
Nate didn’t know what to say. Where was he? Part of him knew in the back of his mind he should be freaking out. His dad was dead. Yet he was here in front of him, exactly like he remembered him.
“How are you here? How am I seeing you right now?” Nate asked unable to hold back his curiosity.
“Some things are better left unsaid, Nate. I see, though, you’ve added more to your collection,” his dad said, eyeing Nate’s body up and down.
Nate looked down at his chest and arms. Before his dad had died, Nate’s body had been covered with small tattoos, mostly on his arms, and a few small tribal ones on his back. After his dad’s death, his whole life had changed. He had quit his business degree and decided to become a tattoo artist. He now had full sleeves and several large tattoos on his front and back.
Initially he thought in a screwed up way that the pain he felt each time he got a tattoo would help him with the pain he felt from his father’s death. But nothing he did, no matter how painful it was, made him feel any better.
“Can’t imagine your mum’s too happy about them?”
Nate recalled the years that had passed after his Dad’s death and his mum’s reaction to his growing tattoo hobby. She openly showed her disgust for them, saying he looked like a thug. Nate knew she had a point - the crowd he was hanging out with at the time wasn’t the best, and he also hadn’t quit smoking then. If appearances were anything to go by, his wasn’t a good one.
Nate smiled. “Well, you know Mum. She’s always happy to let us know what she thinks.”
The sound of his Dad chuckling made Nate’s heart clench. For so long he had wished he could hear that sound just one more time, see him smile one last time.
“I’m sorry, Dad. For so long I wished I hadn’t left things the way I did. I wished I didn’t say what I said…One day you were there…and then you weren’t.”
“It’s water under the bridge, Nate. Don’t blame yourself, please. I wish I hadn’t had to leave, but I’m always watching over you guys. That’s why I’m here now. You have got to stop what you’re doing. You’re on a downward spiral and it has to stop.”
Nate laughed and shook his head. “So you came all the way here.” He looked around them, not even sure where ‘here’ was. “To come and lecture me about my choices? Forget it, Dad, I’m doing just fine.”
His Dad rolled his eyes. “Typical Nate. Even now you still won’t listen to anyone.” His dad lay back down on his board and started slowly paddling away from Nate. “You’ve been given a second chance at life. Stop letting life pass you by. Make something of yourself. Be someone. Fall in love, do anything. But what you’re doing now – you’re better than that, and you know it.”
Nate watch as his Dad started paddling faster. The next set of waves was coming through. He didn’t want him to leave, not now, not ever.
“Wait! Dad!” Nate called as he quickly started paddling towards him, trying to catch up.
His dad looked back over his shoulder towards Nate. “I love you, Nate. Always have, always will. Take care of your mum and sister for me.”
Nate watched as his Dad paddled onto the wave and jumped to his feet on his surfboard with his arms stretched. He watched his Dad take the wave, a sight he had seen so many times before, and one he had longed to see again after his death.
Before Nate could stare any longer he turned his head to see the next set of waves bearing down on him. A second later he was met with the full force of the wave. He quickly took a breath as he was pushed off his board into the depths of the ocean. He watched white wash turn above him, using all the strength in his arms he propelled his arms, trying to reach the surface. No matter how hard he kicked his legs and pushed the water with his arms, he wasn’t getting anywhere, but he wasn’t about to give up now. With one final kick he reached his hands up, finally breaking the water’s surface. A bright white light surrounded him.
Thirst was Nate’s first thought.
He could hear a beeping sound in the background and a muffled voice. His body felt heavy. He focused on his fingers, trying to move the muscles. It felt strange, hard even. He slowly blinked his eyes, trying to open them.
“Nate, honey? Can you hear me?”
The white light blinded his eyes as he tried to register where he was.
At first his vision was blurry. He could make out the outline of a woman leaning over him. Then with each slow breath, he started to make out who she was.
“Mum?” Nate’s voice croaked.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. It’s all going to be okay, Nate,” his mum said though her sobs.
His vision went to the machines next to him. He knew in that moment where he was. He’d been here before.
He noticed the long clear tube running down to his hand. He automatically tried to lift his arm to get a better look at the drip running into his hand. It was then that his eyes focused on the thick cast on his left leg.
Shit, he thought. I definitely fucked up this time.
He turned his attention to his mum beside him. “What…What happened?”
“You were in a car accident.” His mum softly spoke, squeezing his hand. “Witnesses say you ran a red light. You had alcohol in your system when they brought you in. Why Nate? Why would you do such a foolish thing?”
He could hear the pain in his mother’s voice. He knew the heartache he would have caused her.
A man in a white shirt and navy suit pants entered the room followed by a woman in a blue nurse outfit. The man came to his bedside
and looked down at Nate, while the nurse checked the machines.
“Nate Williams?” The man asked.
“Yes,” Nate replied softly, his voice hoarse.
“Do you know why you are here?” the man asked while checking Nate’s pupils with a bright light.
“Mum said I was in an accident?”
“Do you remember anything about the accident?”
Nate tried to remember, remember anything, but he couldn’t. He honestly had no idea why or how he got here.
“No…The last thing I remember is getting ready to go to work and then it’s… blurry…” Nate said, struggling to put the fragments of memory together.
“Memory loss is normal after trauma. As you can see your injuries were quite substantial. It was touch and go there for a while, but thankfully your body has been strong enough to help you through the past few days.”
Few days? Nate thought. He looked at his mum now and saw the pained expression on her face as she clutched a tissue to her nose.
“Is anyone else hurt?” Nate needed to know if his stupidity had led to the unimaginable.
“No one was with you at the time. You lost control and ran into a tree. Your mother can tell you more about the incident later. Now I’d like us to go through the injuries you’ve sustained and the physiotherapy involved for your recovery. The impact with the tree left you with a ruptured spleen, causing significant internal bleeding, three broken ribs, whiplash, several factures to the tibia and fibula and also head trauma. Thankfully the head trauma wasn’t life threatening and there doesn’t appear to be any long term effects, although we will have to closely monitor you for the next two weeks in hospital just to make sure.
“Unfortunately the hard part isn’t over for you yet, but you’re lucky to be alive. Not many patients can walk away with the injuries you’ve sustained, many never walk again.”
The last thing Nate wanted was a broken leg. He knew he should feel lucky to be alive, but he couldn’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t have been easier for everyone if he had just died. At least he wouldn’t have had to live through this pain any more, the pain of knowing his Dad was gone and there was nothing he could do to change it.
His life was shit and he was wasting it away. The funny thing was, he didn’t even care. Nothing and no one could convince him otherwise. He didn’t care for love, for happiness anymore. The only happiness he found was in a bottle of Jack.
Claire couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. She was so close to finishing her degree she could feel the weight from her shoulders already disappearing.
This was her very last clinical placement and last assessment before she could finally say she was finished University for good.
“I’ve never seen someone so excited with the prospect of going to work.” Dave said to her while she finished off her breakfast, shoving a piece of toast in her mouth.
“Are you kidding me?” Claire’s voice was muffled with a mouthful of food. She jumped off the bar stool, putting her plate in the sink and swallowing her food.
“In five weeks it’s over. All the assessments, the exams, argh! I can finally have my life back!” Claire said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around Dave’s neck.
“I love what I do. I’ve always loved it. There is nothing better than seeing the look on someone’s face when they take their first steps after being told they will never walk again, or write their name for the first time. But after this prac I can relax, knowing I’m in control of my future again.”
Dave kissed her forehead. “I admire your passion. It’s one of the many, many things I love about you.”
“Mmmm. I’d like to find out what other things you love about me,” Claire replied, licking her lips. “But if I stay here any longer I’ll be late, and you know I can never be late.”
“I’d make it worth your while,” he whispered in her ear, taking her earlobe in his mouth and gently sucking it.
Claire shrugged him off and planted a kiss on his mouth. “I’m sure you would. But I’ve gotta get out of here,” she said, quickly pulling herself from his grip and grabbing her bag off the counter.
“Just let yourself out when you’re finished and I’ll call you tonight.” Claire said as she quickly kissed Dave’s mouth again, then headed for the door.
“Good luck!” Dave called out.
“Thanks!” Claire replied, smiling as she left her unit. Nothing and no one could wipe the smile off her face. Everything in her life was finally falling into place. She was nearly finished with her degree, and she had finally found someone she could see herself settling down with. Life was just as it should be.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come in with you? I could give you a lift,” Nate’s mum asked him over the phone as he struggled to get out of the taxi with his crutches.
Nate cursed under his breath. The past two months had been hell. The first four weeks had been the worst. The painkillers barely helped with the pain, and the emptiness he felt from being on bed rest for a month was sending him to the edge of depression. He couldn’t even dress himself without his mother’s help, a task a six foot well-built twenty seven year old man should be able to accomplish by himself.
Eventually he was able to use a wheelchair, which helped his sanity by a fraction. But it was the moment he was able to finally use crutches and move around freely that his mother no longer needed to be with him every waking moment. Nate loved his mum and was extremely grateful for her help with everything. But he had always been a strong, independent man, and relying on someone was not in his nature. Plus he had just about had enough of everyone’s sympathy and looked forward to getting on with his life. His boring, pathetic life.
“Yes Mum. I’ll be fine,” Nate grunted into his phone.
He’d insisted he didn’t need his mum’s help anymore. He’d gotten his cast off three days ago and was now about to start his physiotherapy sessions to learn to walk again. He hadn’t expected or prepared himself for the weakness he felt in his leg. For some reason he’d thought when the cast came off he would be walking straight away. Instead he could barely put any pressure on his leg.
“Well you know where to reach me then,” his mum said, sounding distant.
Nate sighed. Lifting his crutches under him he rested his body weight on them and lifted his head still holding the phone.
He reassured his mum, “Thanks for everything, Mum. But I’m all good now. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you later okay?”
“Okay, honey. As long as you’re okay.”
“Bye, Mum.” He tried his best to sound cheery. He didn’t want his mum to worry or make her feel like she was being a pain, even if she was.
“Bye, Nate.”
Nate hung up the phone and put it in his back pocket. This was going to be a long, long day.
“So the next patient’s name is Nate Williams,” John said, handing the patient file to Claire. “He was in a severe car accident two months ago. His injuries included three broken ribs, whiplash, ruptured spleen, and a fractured tibia and fibula. I’ve written up a suggested recovery plan that you can use and adjust as you see fit. Are you happy to tackle this one by yourself?”
Claire smiled. “Yes, of course.”
Claire had felt upbeat all day, John was a great mentor and the patients they had been working with nearly made Claire cry on more than one occasion. Their courage and determination was a true inspiration. They made the past four years of university seem all the more worthwhile.
John had been kind enough to let Claire take on the physiotherapy sessions for some of his clients and be her mentor for the next five weeks.
“Okay, great. Well let’s go introduce ourselves,” John said, leading Claire out of his office towards the reception.
Across the reception room, Claire spotted the profile of a tall, muscular man leaning on a pair of crutches and looking at the wall of pamphlets. She couldn’t quite make him out, but she could
see from afar that he had short shaven hair with an olive complexion. Claire examined him as she moved closer and couldn’t help but notice the tattoos covering his arms. They were cuffed at the wrist and she had a feeling the white tee-shirt he was wearing was covering more tattoos. His jeans hung low on his hips and she caught a small glimpse of the v on his hips as he reached his arm up high to pull another pamphlet off the shelf. Claire felt her breathing hitch. It couldn’t be… Nate?
“Nate Williams?” John called out.
The man started to turn to John’s voice, but one of his crutches clipped the corner of a nearby chair sending him falling. Claire quickly dropped his file and reached out in lightning speed to grab him before he hit the ground. She managed to just wrap her arms around his chest, her head pressed against him, using her weight to hold him up. She hadn’t anticipated the weight of him as he nearly crushed her.
“Fuck!” the man cried out.
Claire winced at the sound, praying he hadn’t hurt his leg. This guy had just gotten his cast off, and she wasn’t about to let him get back into one.
“I got you,” Claire reassured him.
She saw John place the crutches back under his arms. She found herself breathing in his scent and closing her eyes. He smelled amazing. Claire quickly opened her eyes, shocked she had even done that.
“There you go,” John said next to her.
Claire unwrapped her hands from around Nate and looked up at the man.
“You!” Claire seethed, quickly pulling away from him, creating distance. “You’re Nate Williams?” Claire questioned.
This could not be happening. Not right now. Not in her last clinical placement. There was no way she could be his therapist.
The main raised his eyebrow at her. “The one and only. Why? Did you expect someone else?” Nate looked at her, genuine confusion masked his face.
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