White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel)

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White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel) Page 12

by Jennifer Ashley

  Addie listened, her eyes moist. “That’s a sweet story.”

  “It ain’t sweet, young lady. It was real life.”

  “Yeah, but I like your real life.”

  Charlie softened. “My point is, me and Edna both wanted the same thing. That’s important. You need to find out what Kendrick wants, what he can give you. If you both need something too different, you should brace yourself for having to say good-bye. Sorry to have to tell you that.”

  Addie nodded, not trusting herself to answer. The green fields around Hill Country gave way to hot, dusty flatlands as they went south and west, back into the nothingness from whence they’d come.

  Charlie was right, and she knew it. Kendrick’s life was vastly different from Addie’s. He was running from people who wanted to shoot him, hiding out from other Shifters. She understood why he’d needed to hide from humans, who wanted to sequester Shifters for the good of humanity, which Addie had never agreed with. Not that she’d ever given it much thought, she realized uncomfortably.

  The three Shifters in the parking lot had seemed like friends to each other, companions. The younger one had stood close to the others, talking and laughing in perfect trust. In that respect, they didn’t seem much different from humans.

  But they were different, the news media was always quick to emphasize. Shifters looked human and could take human traits, but they were different, other. And always would be.

  Charlie pulled into to his drive past the split-rail fence and headed up for the house. Addie held her breath as she looked about for signs of Kendrick, then released it in relief when she saw the motorcycle still parked behind a clump of mesquite. Kendrick hadn’t gone.

  No one was in the house, however. Addie checked all the rooms but found no Kendrick, no Robbie, no Zane and Brett.

  She was about to rush back out to voice her worries to Charlie when she spotted them outside the back door, in the shade of a clump of live oak Charlie said he’d planted once upon a time.

  A huge white tiger lay stretched out on the ground, his large paws in front of him. As Addie watched, one very tiny white tiger jumped onto the tiger’s back and slid off; another was busily chewing on one of the big tiger’s ears. A wolf pup, tail waving, darted in and out, avoiding the smaller cubs’ claws and teeth, while he teased both them and the large tiger.

  Kendrick kept a careful eye on where the cubs were, Addie saw, while he let them tug on his ears, his paws, his tail. He rumbled deep in his chest, and the tiger cubs answered in mewls and yowls. Robbie gave the occasional yip.

  “Oh, I wish I had a camera,” Addie said.

  Kendrick raised his head. His green eyes focused on her, and the rumble grew to a soft snarl.

  The cubs leapt away from Kendrick and swarmed to Addie. They ran around her feet, bodies wriggling in excitement, the tiger cubs trying to climb her blue-jeaned legs.

  Kendrick rose to his feet and ambled over in a stride that showed the rippling strength of his shoulders, the power of his tiger body. He caught the cub trying to climb Addie by the scruff, lifting him high.

  Growling admonition, he carried the tiger cub, dangling from his mouth, into the house. Charlie held the door wide for him. The other two cubs abandoned Addie and rushed after their father.

  By the time Addie entered the house, the four had disappeared, but soon the little boys, shifted and dressed, ran back to the kitchen.

  “What did you bring us?” Brett demanded at the top of his voice.

  “Lots of stuff,” Addie said, as excited as he was.

  She rummaged in the bags and brought out little cars and other toys her nephew had liked when he’d been their age, coloring books and crayons, colored pencils for Robbie. She’d also brought comic books and magazines, not knowing what little Shifter boys would like to read, or even if they could. They lost no time in grabbing everything in sight and racing back to their room to go through it.

  Addie helped Charlie put away the groceries. By the time they’d finished Kendrick emerged, the sheathed sword in his hand. He’d dressed fully, but the eyes regarding her were pure Shifter.

  “I need to talk to you,” Addie said to him, jerking her head at the back door.

  Kendrick’s brows went up, but he walked past her without a word and outside. Charlie watched them go, giving Addie a warning look.

  “You like to talk,” Kendrick said as they stopped in the middle of the backyard. He laid the sword beside him. Charlie had once had a lawn here, it was obvious, but weeds had taken it over and now it was a field of brown, dried wisps. “Maybe we should go to the barn.”

  “I don’t think so.” Addie shivered then gave him a severe look. “I want to actually talk this time.”

  The amusement in Kendrick’s eyes was warm. “I can’t for long. I’ve set up the meeting with Seamus. He’ll be there soon.”

  Addie’s worries returned. “Do you still think you should meet him alone? Can you trust him?”

  Kendrick shrugged. “I have to find out one way or another.”

  Addie looked up at him. “Kendrick, when I was in San Antonio, I saw some Shifters.”

  He stopped, any merriment he’d found in the conversation gone. “Where?”

  Addie quickly sketched the scene and described the Shifters. “I think one of them was a tiger.”

  Kendrick’s face had gone grim, his eyes lightening almost to gray. “Did he see you?”


  “Shit,” Kendrick said softly.

  He turned away from Addie, put his hands on his hips, and stared up at the cloudless sky. His fingers quivered against his jeans.

  “I don’t think they could have known I had a connection to you,” Addie said. “I was just another customer coming out of the store, for all he knew.”

  Kendrick turned around. “How close were you to them?”

  Addie thought about it. “A couple car lengths plus the width of the lane, I think. How much is that? Twenty feet? Thirty? Hell if I know how long cars are or how much space is in parking lot aisles.”

  Kendrick’s jaw tightened. “It might have been far enough. Especially with all the cars, exhaust, people . . .”

  He was speaking to himself, Addie realized, trying to sound reassuring. “Far enough for what?”

  “Shifters can scent. Sometimes that sense is stronger than sight or hearing. If they were close enough, they could have scented me on you.”

  Addie wrinkled her nose. “Seriously? That’s unsettling.”

  “It’s normal. But those Shifters have never met you, and I met them only once. They might not remember my scent from so brief a meeting six months ago. Since then, no Shifter from their group has seen me except Dylan.” Again, he sounded as though trying to reassure himself.

  “Would they smell your scent on Dylan?” Addie asked, thinking it through. “If he spends time with you, then goes back home . . .”

  “Dylan’s careful about what scents he carries. He’s the most cautious Shifter I’ve ever known. If Dylan didn’t want his son’s trackers to know my scent, he’d keep it from them.”

  How, Addie wondered? Long showers? Special soap? Her thoughts kept turning. “How do you know they were Dylan’s son’s trackers? They could have been Shifters from anywhere, right?”

  “If they’re in South Texas, Dylan knows them. Besides, you described them to perfection. There might be other Shifters who look like Spike and Connor, but there aren’t any other tigers. Except me.”

  The note of sadness in his voice tugged at Addie. Of course, his parents would have been tigers, and he’d never spoken of them. Because they’d passed away? “No? I thought there’d be all kinds of big cat Shifters, tigers most of all.”

  Kendrick shook his head. “Felines tend to be mostly lions and leopards, with a few jaguars and smaller cats. There might be more tigers in the world but I don’t k
now about them. I didn’t know about that particular tiger until I met Dylan.”

  “He watched me pretty closely,” Addie said. “Scared me a little.”

  “Good. You should be scared of him.” Kendrick stepped to her, his hands on her arms cutting the chill. “Be a little scared, Addison. It will keep you safe.”

  “Maybe, but what will keep you safe? I want to go to this meeting with you.”

  Kendrick’s gentling look hardened again. “No.”

  “Come on, Kendrick, think about it. What if Seamus turns on you? Who’s going to run for help? Plus I could keep him covered with Charlie’s shotgun. I know how to use one.”

  Kendrick growled, fingers pressing down. “The last thing I need is you waving around a firearm. Humans with guns are even more dangerous than Shifters. If I think Seamus is about to betray me, I’ll . . . take care of it.”

  Addie stopped. “You mean you’d kill him.” She let her voice go quiet. “Like you did those Shifters at the diner.”

  Kendrick gave her a brief nod. “If I have to.”

  The pain in his eyes told Addie much. He wanted this Seamus to be trustworthy, his friend, but he feared betrayal. The look of grief she’d seen when he’d thrust the sword through the other Shifter hadn’t been feigned.

  “You need someone you can trust to watch your back,” Addie said.

  “I need someone I can trust to watch my cubs,” Kendrick returned. “Looking around at all the candidates, that would be, hmm, you.”

  Addie gave him a stubborn look. “They’ll be much safer inside the locked house than you will be waiting alone for a Shifter who might or might not try to hurt you.”

  Kendrick’s brows drew down, completing his scowl. “I know that. But right now, there’s no one in this world I trust to leave with my cubs. Only you, Addison Price. Not even Charlie—I don’t know enough about him. I need you to keep an eye on him too.”

  “But do you know enough about me?” Addie met his gaze. “I served you pie, then I climbed onto the back of a motorcycle with you and rode away. That’s it. That’s all you know.”

  Kendrick’s grip eased, and so did the harsh note in his voice. “What I know is that you’re loyal and you care about the cubs, and you’ll break rules if you have to in order to protect them.” His look softened, and he cupped her cheek with one big hand. “I know that you love without restraint, and that you put others’ needs before yours all the time, as much as you pretend you don’t. I’ll have to teach you how to sometimes put yourself first. I also know that, right now, I trust only you.”

  Addie warmed, his touch bringing a wash of fire. “You’re good at flattery, I’ll give you that.”

  “It’s the truth. All of it. Please help me, Addison.”

  If Addison heated anymore, she’d dissolve into a puddle of goo. “You’re good at looking at me with your hot green eyes and making me melt too.”

  Kendrick caressed her face. “Please.”

  “Charlie’s wrong—you are evil.”

  Kendrick looked briefly puzzled, but he only pulled her closer.

  His mouth was warm as it came down on hers, his eyes a flash of green before he closed them to enjoy the kiss. His hand on her cheek held her steadily, his thumb at the corner of her mouth opening her to him.

  Addie’s knees started to fold. She wrapped one arm around Kendrick to keep herself upright and let herself succumb.

  His hand moved up her shirt—the Harley T-shirt that belonged to him. Addie loved wearing it, feeling close to him inside it. Kendrick’s large palm cupped her breast, reminding her how good it had felt against her bare flesh.

  His hand was hot through the fabric, the rest of his body hotter still. His hardness pressed against her abdomen, the line of it rigid and so very long. Documentaries never said Shifters were bigger than their human counterparts, but that’s what rumor implied. Addie, feeling the evidence firsthand, believed it.

  She slid her fingers between them and pressed the ridge inside his jeans.

  A strong hand clamped around her wrist and pulled her away. Kendrick glared down at her, fire in his eyes.

  “Addison. No.”

  Addie sent him a coy look. “No? You’re the only one who can dole it out?”

  His grip didn’t loosen. “Touching me is very, very dangerous.”

  “For you or for me?”

  Kendrick growled. “For both of us. Now go.” He shoved her from him.

  Addie took a few steps back, rubbing her wrist. “All right, all right. No need to get touchy.”

  Kendrick’s look turned concerned. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” Addie showed him her wrist, which wasn’t bruised, not even with a red mark on it. He knew how to mitigate his strength. If he ever lost it, he’d be powerfully strong. Addie shivered, but knew it was more with excitement than fear.

  “I’ll go look after the cubs,” she said when he said nothing further. “You’re right—we don’t want anyone sneaking in to grab them. But the second you’re done with Seamus, you find me and tell me you’re all right. Don’t make me come looking for you now, you hear?”

  * * *

  Kendrick spent a long time trying to get his mating frenzy under control before he picked up the sword and moved off toward the meeting place he’d designated for Seamus.

  Part of his mind was rejoicing. Her deliberate stroke along his cock told him that she was willing, that she wanted it as much as he did. The other part of his mind that lived in caution stopped him. She doesn’t understand what it means to be with a Shifter.

  Sex with a Shifter could be straightforward and loving, or it could get . . . creative. Shifter women knew how to take the strength of a Shifter male. Some Shifter women only wanted to do it if both were in animal form, though Kendrick had found too much joy in human form to agree with that.

  Addison in his shirt, her thick dark hair in her sloppy ponytail, made him crazy. Kendrick yearned for her, and he kept getting interrupted by Shifters stalking him, Dylan sending weird messengers, and worry that Tiger, a very perceptive Shifter, had made Addison and was even now searching for Kendrick.

  One day, when his Shifters were rounded up again and safe in a new place, he would take Addie to a private room, post a guard, and not come out for days. Weeks, if necessary. He’d teach her all about Shifters and what they liked, and all about pleasure. He’d let her dark hair fall over his bare body, lick every inch of her, then hold her while she rode him.

  He’d never want to come out, and his Shifters would tease him like hell, but it would be worth it.

  Weeks wouldn’t be long enough. A month or two might suffice.

  Kendrick had debated long and hard before choosing the place to meet Seamus. He wanted to be close enough to the ranch house to get back if anyone attacked while he was away, but far enough that he could keep the house a secret if necessary.

  In the end, Kendrick had chosen a place about a mile from the ranch, down a slope where the house could not be seen. This field could be reached by roads that didn’t run past the ranch’s entrance.

  Kendrick had actually told Seamus a different meeting place at first, but when Seamus called now and said he was nearby, Kendrick told him the real spot. Seamus declared good-naturedly that he’d see Kendrick soon, not at all surprised or offended by Kendrick’s precautions.

  Open desert was one place where low ground could be good. The high ground offered no cover unless a person hunkered flat against the earth and hoped the weeds were tall enough to block him. Down in a dry wash, on the other hand, Kendrick could stand motionless in the shadows of well-clumped mesquite and keep watch.

  Snakes liked it down here too. A thick-bodied diamondback came slithering through the wash, poking out its tongue to test Kendrick’s scent.

  Kendrick growled, letting the rumble vibrate the wash’s floor. The snake snapped it
s tongue back in and flowed rapidly away under a cluster of rocks.

  A man appeared on the horizon, striding without hurry toward the place Kendrick had told him to go. He was tall and lithe, with dark hair cut short and the sure stride of a Feline Shifter. A Collar glinted on his neck.

  Kendrick’s heart gladdened. He hadn’t realized until this moment just how much he’d missed his trackers—Seamus’s good-sense opinions, Jaycee’s wicked humor, Dimitri rhapsodizing over every woman he met. Nothing could take away the comradeship that had been built over years . . . at least, Kendrick hoped not.

  Seamus reached the gathering of brush Kendrick had chosen, checked his phone, and waited.

  Kendrick let him stand there for a few minutes, making sure Seamus hadn’t been followed or wasn’t signaling anyone. Seamus only stood still, patient, unworried, knowing Kendrick would come when he was ready.

  Finally, Kendrick moved from his cover and approached Seamus obliquely, staying out of sight until he was behind the other Shifter.

  Seamus never turned around. He knew damn well Kendrick was there, but he only said, “Kendrick, my friend. I’ve missed you, ye shite.”

  Kendrick reached Seamus’s side, and only then did Seamus turn. Kendrick’s relief when he studied Seamus’s steady golden eyes and saw no duplicity in them made him forget caution.

  He opened his arms and enfolded Seamus into a warm embrace. Seamus’s strong arms came around Kendrick’s back, the welcome returned. The two men held each other close as a hot wind whipped by them, and Kendrick nuzzled Seamus’s cheek.

  “My friend,” Kendrick said. “Damn, I’ve missed you.”


  Kendrick breathed Seamus’s scent, letting the familiarity of it soothe his troubled soul. He’d been so afraid, so bloody afraid that Seamus would turn against him.


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