Project Genesis

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Project Genesis Page 4

by Howard, Michelle

  “Yeah. Okay. I can do that, too.” She braced herself, took a deep breath making the shirt tighten over her full breasts then bent her knees. Vin caught her at the waist before she could attempt the deadly leap. His arm tightened as she struggled. “I said I can do it.”

  His men all chuckled at her declaration. It wasn’t hard seeing what they all thought. Hot chick in hip hugging athletic pants, her designer clothing letting all see she had zero interest in truly working out.

  “No worries, baby. I’m taking you over.” Thus the reason he handed off his weapon to Harkum.

  “What?!” Her head jerked to face him. Outrage pulled her brows into a frown.

  Ignoring her startled protest, Vin swept his arms under her legs and shoulders, cradling her soft frame against his chest. “Hold tight.” He gave her a minute to comply not looking away from the death ray stares she aimed his way. Defiance poured from her in waves until she reluctantly settled her hands on his shoulders. Vin jumped.

  The shrill sound of Helen’s scream tested his endurance the whole way.

  Vin’s grip tightened on her and he bent his knees to minimize jarring her on impact. When he stood to his full height on the other side, Helen’s scream died away, the sound resonating in the hollowed walls. Her body trembled in his arms, nails digging deep into his shoulders through his shirt. The expression on her face spoke of stunned amazement.

  His men all had their weapons slung over their shoulders by the strap, palms pressed to their ears. Vin couldn’t help it. The downfall of enhanced hearing. He laughed. Laughed until she smacked his shoulders repeatedly.

  “Vincent.” She struggled in his arms and he let her down quickly. One hand yanked at her jacket straightening the twisted hem while she ran a shaking one over her face. He’d messed up her head game with that one. Joy at getting one over on her filled him. Knowing Helen, she’d have questions later but he’d deal with that later.

  “No time to argue, hellcat.” Still chuckling, he made sure she steadied on her feet and cuffed her on the chin. Harkum pitched his weapon in his direction and Vin caught it while tagging Helen’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  They hustled down the stairs at a fast clip, Helen in the middle, surrounded by his men with Vin to the right of her every step of the way.

  Chapter 4

  Why did he have to look like a woman’s fantasy man? Blond hair mussed and those penetrating blue gray eyes deadly. Helen gauged Vin’s height at just hitting six feet but he made the most of his appearance with the vibrating energy of his presence. He’d stalked into her office oddly tense. The black clothing adding to his air of menace.

  Instinct propelled her from her hiding space and into his arms. She’d felt safe for the first time in hours. His arms provided a haven she hadn’t known she’d been missing. Alien attack aside, Helen missed him. Missed their time together and not just the sex. Helen also missed the quiet moments. The times when she lay in his arms and listened to the thump of his heart beneath her cheek while she rested on his chest in bed.

  Vin took all of that away from her and didn’t have the decency to even explain why. Fine. Helen stiffened her shoulders. She’d take this on the chin as she had other obstacles in her past. A person didn’t have two ex-boyfriends break up with you and not learn to deal. Helen had plenty of practice stopping hurt from shattering her heart. She wouldn’t let Vin’s lack of explanation ruin all that effort.

  Except here he was, back in her life making it hard to pretend.

  At least for the moment. Pushing her feelings down deep, deep into the bowels of her belly, Helen followed him and the six rough looking men dressed in all black.

  She eyed the group with Vin. Dressed in a similar manner they stood with their backs straight, shoulders drawn and fierce scowls on their faces. Military men. Like Vin. The team he’d mentioned as he had rattled off their names on the phone but she had no way of matching faces with names.

  There was a blond…not like Vin. This one had lighter colored hair, almost white in comparison to Vin’s golden strands. Where Vin was corded muscle, his team mate was all lean build and defined arms. She kept a margin of space between her and the super tall dark haired one with the scary frown, and identical twins who smiled whenever they caught her eye. Another man with dark hair avoided her gaze altogether. Then the tall one with caramel skin tones that spoke of ethnic origins who winked as she’d prepared to mimic their ridiculous jump across the destroyed landing on the eleventh floor.

  The weapons in their hands held chest high, scared her but she was also thankful. Weapons meant defense against the Rekabians. Vin stayed close to her side during each turn around the stairs as they went lower and lower. She wanted to push him away but fear overrode pride. His hand lightly touched her lower back, guiding her over the rubble. Helen ignored the masculine scent of him. When he’d held her in his arms earlier, she’d wanted to cry.

  The biggest complaint from her other boyfriends was her inability to show her softer side. Helen curled her nose. They should see her now. Only Vin could bring out such girly feelings in her.

  “Vin, DB coming.”

  Helen frowned at the blond’s curious words but Vin swung her around with a lightening quick move. Her face smashed into his chest. His arms locked around her waist, lifting her feet from the ground as his pace sped up. Before she could put up a fuss, he spun her back around to face more of the endless stairs.

  Her lips parted, the complaint about his manhandling on the tip of her tongue but the scary one with the dark hair shook his head when he caught her glance. Helen bit her tongue and let herself be lead round and round, her hands gliding over the dirty railing for balance. Their swift flight taxed muscles long underused and while she tried to keep up, her breath labored. The large green seven on the wall had her wincing. Maybe she should rethink the gym membership in addition to the aerobic classes.

  “Vin. Civ check.”

  Helen paused when the other dark haired one nodded in her direction. Not the freakishly tall, scary one. This one had grey eyes. Vin came to an abrupt halt and searched her face. Whatever he saw caused the whole group to pause.

  “Helen?” Vin’s warm hand cupped her elbow. “You doing okay?”

  Her breath escaped in pants. Grateful for the temporary rest, Helen nodded. “I’m fine. I can make it.” His mouth curled down. “Really,” she stressed. “I’m good.”

  Another long look then he dropped to one knee. “Get on.”

  He couldn’t mean what she thought. Helen glanced at the other six who stared back impassively. “You’re kidding, right, Vincent?” She tried to infuse her question with condescension.

  Vin glared over his shoulder. “No time, hellcat. Climb on.”

  Beautiful muscles she remembered personally rippled before her as he presented his back from his kneeling position. Helen called on a mightier power from above for help and received no response. Now was not the time to get aroused. Feeling conspicuous, she approached slowly and leaned over his back.

  Her hands lightly touched his shoulders which flexed beneath her grip. Lowering herself closer, she yelped when he suddenly stood and boosted her hip with a firm push from his right hand to her buttocks. “Wrap those legs around me, baby.”

  Helen buried her face in his shoulders, hoping to hide the hot flush as she complied. How many times had she heard those words? She locked her ankles around his waist, arms around his throat as he picked up the pace. Air rushed along her face and Helen closed her eyes from the dizzy sensation of circling the stairs from her precarious position.

  “Hold tight,” Vin ordered, as his hand gripped her hip for support and they were airborne. Helen bit back a squeak and jerked when they landed. She opened her eyes just as they exited the stairwell and entered the lobby. She gasped at the destruction to the once beautiful showcase area. LS&G had been in numerous architectural magazines for the innovative design of their corporate office. Now it was gone. Demolished in one attack.

  Vin reached
behind him and tugged, sliding her to his front. “Here’s where I have to put you down.” His hands cupped her buttocks and squeezed but neither of them moved.

  Helen stared, entranced by the masculine planes of his face. Blond hair messy around his head, damp sections darkened by sweat. His eyes sparked with humor and something else. Something darker and very familiar to Helen. Her nipples hardened and she cursed the thin fabric of her shirt.

  Vin’s eyes darted down and back up. His mouth curled up slowly, leaving Helen no choice but to brazen through her body’s obvious arousal. When his mouth lowered, she offered no resistance. Forgetting the months of silence, she tipped her head up. The first touch of those full lips set off longing. More. She had to have more.

  Helen raised her hands to sink in the hair at his nape and pressed close. Their tongues met in the middle. His soft and teasing, hers eager and excited. The kiss set off a chain reaction. As her hips snuggled close, the hard presence against her thigh settled her nerves. The fear and terror she experienced earlier faded away. Her heart ceased its rapid beat and found a normal rhythm.

  Pulling back, Vin looked down at her. Helen noted his dilated pupils, the flare of his nostrils. Signs she recognized all too easily. Arousal blasted through her. Her fingers lingered in his silky hair and toyed with the short strands. Her skin hummed with energy everywhere they touched. Without breaking Vin’s stare, she closed the gap between them and kissed him again.

  This time she clung fiercely, tilting her head to the side and getting as close as possible. His groan reassured her he was feeling it too. The sound brought back waves of memories. Ecstasy. Sheer pleasure bloomed in her loins. She sucked on his bottom lip rewarded with his gasp. Rocking against him, Helen tasted a hint of lemons, reminiscent of the childhood candies he loved to eat. Her hands drifted from his hair, down his shoulders and across his torso to ease under his shirt.

  With aching familiarity, she raked her fingers down, enjoying the contact with his skin. His big body shuddered.

  A throat clearing jerked them apart. Vin eased her to her feet and Helen reluctantly allowed her hands and legs to fall away. His hands slid from her butt to her waist. She stepped away putting distance between her and temptation. Flushing, Helen couldn’t believe she’d succumbed so easily. He looked as if he was about to speak when she heard a loud squawk then static.

  Vin cocked his head to the side, fingering his ear and she got her fist up close look at the black disc inserted in his ear with a hook that curved along the lobe. All of them came to attention moving seamlessly to surround her and Vin. Helen glanced around to see they all wore the same focused expression.

  “Bravo squad’s in the air and report possible ground troops.” The men nodded at Vin’s announcement, obviously receiving the same communication in their ear devices. “Curtis, check the street out front. Harkum, you’re on Helen.” The blond took off for the front door and the scary giant placed a large hand on Helen’s shoulder.

  Vin stepped further away, his weapon up and ready. A small red dot appeared to glow on the end of the barrel. “Max level,” Vin ordered. “Activate battle armor.”

  The men fiddled with the black utility belts at their waist and a lightweight armor in matte black covered them from neck to ankle, including Vin. The odd material rippled over their clothing like a protective second layer. Sections across the chest, neck and groin area were thicker than others. Their actions reinforced the danger they faced. Fear attempted to take hold but Helen jammed her hands into the pockets of her jacket and stiffened her shoulders.

  “What should I do?” Maybe he’d offer her a weapon. She never used one before but she’d learn.

  Vin winked, acknowledging her offer but continued issuing orders. “We’ll use V formation with Helen in the middle and Bransen will take the point position.” More nods followed Vin’s instructions. He cupped her jaw tenderly and Helen tensed. “Harkum’s going to make sure nothing happens to you, hellcat.”

  She grimaced at the stupid nickname and it actually brought a small smile to his severe face. Determination quickly replaced it. Vin’s stern look brooked no refusal. “Do whatever Harkum tells you.”

  Did he think she’d refuse? “I understand, Vin.” She wanted to walk out of here alive more than she wanted to prove any faux independence in a situation he was better equipped to handle.

  Vin’s intent stare lasted a moment longer but Helen refused to shift her feet. The crease between his brow eased. “Okay. We’re leaving by the front. Our ride’s only feet away. Then we’re in the clear.”

  Vin lifted his chin at his men. “Let’s go.” He tapped a finger against the collar of his shirt and a flexi mold helmet slid forward to cover his head, the dark visor hiding his face from view. He looked like a character from a movie. Or a soldier icon from one of those explosive video games her male coworkers always talked about.

  Helen identified Bransen as the one with the caramel skin and green eyes when he moved to the front of the group. As soon as he took his position, helmets emerged to cover all their heads except Curtis. Vin stood to Bransen’s left and the others formed two rows with Helen in the middle and Harkum right on her heels. At the former glass entrance, Curtis turned, palms out and faced Vin. “I sense three moving our way. Fast.” His blue eyes crackled with an unknown power.

  “Go!” Vin’s command provided the impetus as they charged over glass and the wreckage of the front of LS&G.

  Shaking but rushing right with them, Helen realized that aliens headed their way. Perhaps to finish what they’d started. Her feet stumbled over the threshold but an arm gripped her elbow keeping her upright. She never got to thank whoever it was before the team halted in the middle of the sidewalk. Vin and Curtis immediately went to one knee and aimed at an energy efficient blue sedan at the curb with flattened tires. Their weapons hummed and blast after blast shot forward from the muzzles.

  A blood curling scream followed as a Rekabian rose from behind the mangled vehicle. It’s thin skeletal structure straightened to at least seven feet in height. Helen gagged and covered her mouth at the rotten egg stench filling the air. Wrinkled skin in a mottled gray green color rippled along its frame. The arms hung nearly to its knees tipped by what she assumed to be three fingers. Fingers which held an odd silver object in its grip and aimed their way.

  A triangular shaped head weaved on its fluid neck, ridges trailed down its spine, the beak like mouth opened and closed with a clack. Some sort of green substance dripped on the ground from what could be an elbow. Vin and his man fired again, forcing the alien to raise its arms in a self defense posture and release another awful scream before it crashed to the ground.

  “Two more,” Vin growled getting to his feet. “Get her to the truck.”

  Hands gripped Helen above the elbow and rushed toward the military grade SUV at the curb when a loud roar shook the windows of nearby buildings. Their small group froze as two Rekabians sped in their direction, leaping from the roof of one abandoned car to another in a bizarre form of hopscotch right in the middle of downtown Baltimore.

  The team splintered, breaking formation. Vin and the others charged the Rekabians. The aliens raised their odd silver circles. Light flashed blinding Helen. She threw up an arm to cover her head. A parking meter exploded inches from her face. Screaming, Helen fell, palms scraping the pavement, her cheek stinging. Somehow, she became separated from Harkum.

  “Nathan, Zander, now!” Vin’s order set the twins in motion.

  “On it, boss.” They chimed at the same time. The two dark haired men walked to the front, their synchronized pace chilling Helen though she couldn’t place why. With their matching dark helmets, black armored covered bodies, they were indistinguishable.

  The one on his left raised his left arm. The one on the right raised his right. She wondered what they’d do against the large aliens since they’d slung their weapons to hang over their back. Surely they didn’t think they could stop them with their arms out.

; Helen pushed up to her feet, ignoring the burning sensation in her hands. Shoulders down in a duck-walk, she hurried to kneel next to a silver sports car and peered over the side. She stared in amazement at Vin’s two soldiers. An eerie glow started from each of their extended palms. When white light emitted from their hands and shot at the aliens, she almost fell back over. Not natural. No way no how. It reminded her of the impossible leaps they’d made in the stairway without stumbling.

  Each blast hit a Rekabian in the chest, knocking them from the car hoods to the street. More rotten egg funk hit her nose and their screams caused the hair on her arms to stand on end. The aliens didn’t stop their charge up the street though. The twins swung their weapons around and fired.

  Car windshields shattered. The aliens made more of the clicking sounds and lifted their silver weapons. Helen screamed again when the short burst hit the car next to her.

  “Get back to Helen,” Vin yelled, pointing at Harkum and racing to meet the threat.

  Harkum broke from the team and charged up the sidewalk going to one knee in front of her. He curled his armored arms around her protecting Helen with his massive frame. Every inch of her was completely covered. “Don’t move, ma’am,” he rumbled.

  She didn’t plan on it.

  Chapter 5

  His first face to face with the Rekabians and Vin summarized it in a few words. Ugly and fast as fuck. The huge suckers just kept coming. Vin fired shot after shot at the torso hoping to hit something vital. Aiming at the head did nothing but jar the Rekabian. Vin separated from his team, shortening the distance. His men took cover behind a red SUV laying fire over the hood.

  The Rekabian on his right raised its weapon. Seconds later, laser fire dug chunks from the blacktop, spewing a geyser of gravel and dust. Rock’s modified G32 blasted away behind him.


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