Project Genesis

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Project Genesis Page 6

by Howard, Michelle

  Vin snorted. As if. Not Helen. She didn’t run away, she tackled head on. But he hadn’t given her the chance. “No.” Vin panicked and bailed before she could have the opportunity to push him away and cast him in the unwanted pile. Been through that already and not interested in a do-over.

  “No,” Vin repeated with more force than necessary and ran his hands through his hair, wondering exactly what he planned to do. Earlier it seemed so easy. Rescue the woman he cared about and send her on her way. But he hadn’t directed Harkum to her house. Instead, Vin violated protocol and brought her to Command Central. Still not sure what he was thinking on that score.

  Harkum grunted and finished off his beer. “I’ll head out. Seems like you got more to figure out than I originally thought.”

  Vin could only nod as Harkum made his way to the door leaving his empty on the table by Vin’s foot. Harkum paused at the door. “For what it’s worth, I’d run into a burning building too for the woman that made me light up the way you did when she ran into your arms today.”

  Harkum had no idea. The times with Helen had been some of the best in his life. Memories of the dinners they shared and the mind blowing sex played havoc with his feelings but he had nothing to offer Helen now. There was no telling what the long term effects of Project Genesis would be and he couldn’t ask a woman, any woman, to take that on without knowing that. Plus, thanks to the contract he’d signed, he owed Slade and his team four and a half more years of his life.

  Once his friend left, Vin reached up to disconnect his ear com but it dinged, signaling a direct message. “Vin, here.”

  “Gather Alpha Squad and meet in conference room A. We need a debrief on today’s attack.” Speak of the devil. David Slade’s voice, though smooth, did not imply refusal as an option.

  “Yes, sir.” Vin sighed and dragged his tired frame to his feet. He pressed a finger to his ear and opened the channel to his team. “Debrief in five, conference room A.”

  Groans and grunts filtered through but Vin knew they’d all show for the meet. If they knew nothing else, Alpha Squad knew to show for Slade’s meetings come hell or high water. Vin tugged his boots back on.

  He stepped into his bedroom long enough to confirm Helen continued to rest peacefully then headed out. Bransen met him in the hall, face somber. An unusual look for Sen. “What’s wrong?”

  Bransen ran a hand down his face before straightening his shoulders. “Just got a call from my dad, my mom fell and broke her ankle.”

  Sen was an only child and his parents poured all their love and then some into raising him.

  “She gonna be alright?”

  His man sighed and nodded. “Yeah. Dad says it’s cool but I was hoping to get out and see them.”

  Sen’s parents still lived at his family home in Virginia. No more was said as Harkum, Rock, the twins and Curtis joined them when they reached the entrance to the familiar conference room.

  The tight space had enough room for the table and eight chairs. Their legs cramped together as they all sat and waited. The tall black man who’d sucked him into his current life, strode in wearing an expensive black suit that cost more than Vin had in his account. His bald head gleamed in the light as his brown eyes studied them.

  “Thank you all for being on time,” Slade stated and passed a stack of manila folders over the table. “Standard procedure on any ops applies. The brass wants each of you to write an accounting of today’s run in with the Rekabians. Your team’s the only one so far to have a face to face encounter.”

  “We’re using paper files? Why not submit our reports on the PCU and tag it as always?” The handheld electronic device they all owned made documenting any of their assignments easy. Vin couldn’t remember the last time, he’d completed a report on paper.

  “Confidentiality is priority one. Once we have an initial assessment, we’ll switch to data.”

  Liar. Vin wasn’t sure how he could tell but Slade was lying to them. About which part, Vin wasn’t sure. He reached out telepathically and warned his guys to be on alert. The short burst of power required for the brief transmission left him with the beginning of a headache after the day they’d had.

  “Michaels, what do you have to report?”

  Vin sat up straighter if possible though he was bone tired. His team had just returned from a two week mission when they’d been sent to Baltimore to rescue the Vice President. All he really wanted to do was lie in his bed next to Helen and absorb her warmth, apologize again and maybe sleep for a straight eight.

  “The aliens seem to be resilient, sir. It took all of us in a concerted effort to defeat the three on the ground. They carry silver weapons shaped like circles that fire laser blast.”

  “You’re enhanced, soldier.” Slade snapped out and slammed a palm on the table. “Give me more details.”

  No one flinch at the loud report. If anything Vin’s men remained relaxed in their chairs, shoulders slouched but eyes on the tableau before them. Slade wanted something. It was just a matter of figuring out what.

  “Zander and Nathan’s energy bolts had impact but not enough to do severe damage, a blast of fire from Rock’s weapon on the flame thrower setting had instant results and the ones we dealt with couldn’t penetrate Harkum’s force field.”

  Slade hummed under his breath and leaned back. “What about your electrical charge?”

  Vin smoothed a hand down his face. “I didn’t have the opportunity to use it.” The charges took a while to boost back up after each use. If he powered up too many times, too fast, he’d fucking faint like a pansy. Just like his telepathy if used to often lead to killer ass migraines that required drugs from the doctors to knock him out to recover. It had taken weeks for Vin to figure those nuances. His doctors here sure as hell didn’t know.

  The bullshit drugs the government gave them to enhance their physical strength did more. So much more. Alpha Squad, Delta Squad and Bravo Squad walked away from those painful treatments with powers and abilities reminiscent of comic book freaks. Vin should be grateful though. Whatever cocktail they gave the seven guys in Charlie left the military with seven dead bodies to dispose of.

  Slade nodded his head and paced from the short space from the corner of the door to the table. The team took the moment to jot down their accountings of the mission. Vin kept his eyes on Slade who spun on his heels. “You don’t mention Curtis.”

  Slade turned to the blond man. “Give me your take, Adams.”

  Curtis took his time finishing his writing and then closed the top of the manila folder before answering. “My long range vision can track them up to a two block radius from my reckoning. There was no opportunity to utilize telekinetics but I have reason to believe I would be successful, sir.”

  Curtis didn’t have an opportunity because he’d drained himself to exhaustion helping Vin get to Helen but his boy never glanced in his direction.

  Slade rocked back and squared off against the room. “During a seventeen minute attack, you didn’t have the chance to try your telekinetics?” His full lips curled in a snarl. “Is that what you would like me to believe, soldier?”

  “Yes, sir.” Curtis response came out calm as ever. His southern drawl thick. Not by a twitch did he betray the reason for not using his power.

  “Then maybe Michaels here can explain the woman who was caught on video footage from the street side security cameras with you all during the Rekabian fight.”

  Holy shit. Vin hadn’t thought of the video or he’d have fried the tapes himself. It was Harkum who answered. “Not for nothing, sir, but she’s a civilian. An employee trapped in one of the buildings near the location you sent us to retrieve the Vice President from.”

  Slade didn’t bat a lash and didn’t look away from Vin during the explanation. Hands fisted under the table, Vin held himself still. No way would he look away first. David Slade could push and probe all he wanted, Vin’s position would still be secure. The military needed him. Needed all the men on the teams they’d muta
ted in their fuck-me program.

  “Is that the case, Michaels?” Slade’s eyes dared Vin to add more.

  Worded the way Harkum had, it was the truth. Vin shrugged. “Yes.”

  “Then why is Helen Scott here on the premises?” David’s smile twisted in a cruel slant as he left the question in the air.

  The fact he that he knew Helen’s name meant he’d already done a surface check on her. Vin didn’t worry. He’d covered his tracks too well for a middle man like Slade to bust him. His relationship with Helen had been as secretive and informal as he could make it for her own protection. “We couldn’t leave her there.” Vin’s absence from her life over the last six months would support his claim of disinterest if necessary.

  “Civilians aren’t allowed at the Command Center here for obvious reasons, Michael’s. Project Genesis is top security clearance only.”

  Vin nodded and relaxed his fists. Giving Slade any emotion would allow the man leverage for later. For some reason, the dick had a hard on for Vin that none of them could decipher and Vin was never quite sure how hard to push back.

  Slade broke the staring match and gathered all their statements and the folders. “Make sure she’s gone asap.”

  “Yes, sir.” Vin was glad he’d taken her phone. He’d contain any accounting she gave of today ensuring Alpha Squad remained out of the retelling.

  Everyone came to their feet at once, mutually agreeing the meet was over. They filed out in a single line, none of them making eye contact. If Slade thought their team encouraged the bonds of friendship beyond what he considered acceptable, he’d reassign them in a heartbeat. Then again, maybe not. The few times he’d tried, the suggestion was kicked back from the higher ups due to the success rate of Alpha Squad’s assignments. No one wanted to ruin a good thing.

  In the hall, Vin paused when Slade signaled him to wait. Once the team disappeared down the hall, Slade spoke, brown eyes glittering. “Make it clear to Ms. Scott that she doesn’t breathe a word of anything she’s seen or heard today.”

  Slade wasn’t saying anything Vin wasn’t planning to do anyway. The muscle in Vin’s jaw locked but he grit out the required, “Yes, sir.”

  He turned to leave but Slade leaned in close to murmur. “Don’t think for a minute that a woman like Helen Scott would be interested in a low level grunt like you, Michaels. She’s used to men of a higher caliber and won’t give you the time of day even if you did play hero this evening.”

  Vin kept walking, not bothering to respond to the taunt. Slade’s words were a fishing expedition. He wanted to know if Helen held any importance to Vin. Because if she did, Slade would make it a point to tie Vin in more knots. Vin wasn’t so sure he’d keep from killing their handler if anything happened to Helen. She’d become his weakness two years ago without him even realizing it. Nothing could happen to her.

  Chapter 7

  Helen dragged in a deep breath and immediately the scent of lemons and another unidentifiable odor assailed her. Pushing up to her elbows, she stared at the nondescript room and its empty white walls.

  Her hair fell around her face as she sat up. A blue comforter crumpled beneath her.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty.”

  Helen jerked. Standing in the doorway with a considering look on his face was the man who’d dumped her with no explanation. A man who in turn saved her life. Her feelings split straight down the middle on how she should react. Unsure of where they stood, she got to her feet and cold immediately stabbed her toes. Her socks and shoes were missing.

  “Where am I? I thought you were taking me home?” Otherwise, she’d have protested and not blithely fallen to sleep.

  Vin braced his hands on the jamb of the doorway over his head and leaned forward. The move stretched the material of his white tee shirt giving her a nice view of his divine upper body. Black cargo pants hung loosely from his narrow waist and his black combat boots completed the image of tough soldier. His hair appeared wet as if he’d showered.

  “I brought you back with me. The Rekabians are continuing their assaults. I’m not sure it’s safe at your place yet.”

  Helen swallowed. More attacks? “Where exactly are we?” She looked around at the stark room containing only the large bed she’d slept in and a side table.

  “These are my rooms at base.”

  At base. “You mean your military base?”

  His head moved up and down.

  “In DC?”

  Another head move.

  He’d taken her almost an hour away from Baltimore. Helen found her tennis shoes and socks next to what looked like a closet door. She rushed over to put them on. Quickly she slid on her socks and stuffed her feet in her shoes. “You need to get me back.” Like right away. She needed to call people, check on work and plans. Plus, if the aliens escalated their show of force against Earth, she preferred to be home surrounded by the comfort of her things.

  “I can’t do that until we talk, Helen.” He dropped his hands to his side and prowled into the room.

  Thigh muscles bunched with his every step. Need curled in her belly but she refused to allow the distraction of his manly beauty to sway her. Throat dry, she waited until he was in touching distance. The masculine scent of him filled her nostrils. This was what she’d smelled on the covers. “And exactly why not?” She had no intentions of staying here despite whatever excuses he gave.

  His hand reached out and cupped her jaw. He angled her face upward. Helen fought back a shiver. “Because there are things I need to tell you.” Blue gray orbs beamed with focus.

  Really? That was his answer. Frustration warred with yearning. Why did she let him do this to her? “You didn’t seem in the mood to talk six months ago.”

  Vin sighed. “I was wrong for how I handled things. The reason why still stands but I…”

  “Forget it.” Helen moved away from his touch in agitation. She didn’t need or want his excuses. The time for explanations had passed. “Just give me my cell and I’ll arrange my own way home.” Maybe the cab driver would trust her long enough to run in and get money from her place.


  The snap in his voice made her jump and unfortunately perked her nipples up too. Ignoring the attraction, Helen planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “It doesn’t matter, Vincent.” He flinched but Helen continued. “You made it pretty clear how things stood between us. We were lovers and now it's over. Nothing more nothing less.”

  “It was more and you damn well know it,” he growled.

  How dare he get angry. He’d dumped her. “But it’s not any more, is it?” Bitterness coated her question.


  “Fuck.” Vin cursed and turned away. He wanted to deny it but couldn’t. The hurt and sadness in her pretty brown eyes weighed enough to drown him and Vin struggled to stay afloat. Letting her go was the only option. He wasn’t good at this shit. Wasn’t good at dealing with things out of his control. “Let me make sure it’s safe before I arrange to take you home.” At least that he knew he was good at.

  “I want my cell, too. I have to find out about work. Call my boss.”

  When Vin faced her again, he blanked his expression. Everything about her body language screamed keep the hell away. No way would he reveal how much he wanted to pull her into his arms again, drown in her scent and pretend the last six months never happened. “If I give you back your phone there are things you can’t discuss.”

  Her lip curled and he knew she was about to let her sarcastic tongue fly. His raised hand forestalled her words. “I can’t compromise, Helen. Bringing you here was the worst mistake.”

  Her face paled as she stepped back. Anguish and disbelief washed across her features. Vin replayed his words and let loose a barrage of profanity. That wasn’t how he meant it but as Vin reached to touch her elbow in apology, she pulled away. “Take me home, Vin, please.”

  Her pain filled words stabbed at him. Seeing Helen hurt killed him. “A mistake because it’s our Comman
d Central and we’re not supposed to bring outsiders here.” The correction had no effect. Her pain radiated in the air and Vin called himself ten types of fool.

  “I didn’t ask you to bring me here. I wanted to go home. None of this was my idea.” Helen waved her hand wildly and her frantic glances verged on hysteria. Butterfly trembles shook her hands. When she saw he noticed, Helen shoved them in the pockets of her sexy athletic pants.

  Vin moved quickly and grasped her by the shoulders. “Calm down, hellcat.” Her eyes narrowed but she pursed her lips and bit back an angry retort. Confirming that she wouldn’t move, Vin dug into his pocket and withdrew her slim phone. Anything to soothe the worry and fear shimmering from her pores.

  Her hand closed around the device instantly but he kept his grip firm. She needed to understand the importance of his next words. “Helen, you can’t talk about anything you saw today. I need your promise.”

  If she gave her promise, Vin knew he could trust her word. Helen’s honor was never something Vin questioned.

  Her eyes bugged wide. “You have to be kidding. The Rekabians destroyed my corporate office. People were injured and…and may have died.”

  She choked as if the thought just hit her about the deaths. Vin was glad she hadn’t witnessed the dead bodies in the stair way or the lobby. Holding it together was one thing but facing the lifeless bodies of coworkers would have been altogether different.

  “I think you know I’m not talking about that. What you saw with my team can never be discussed with outsiders.” Vin released the phone and she snatched her hand back.

  “What was it anyway? You and your men have secret…powers?” Her voice bordered on incredulous. She’d seen it but still didn’t quite understand or believe.

  Vin fought the urge to tell her everything. To finally put an end to the secrecy he’d been forced to maintain for months. Instead, Vin did something he knew he’d always regret. Something he promised himself she’d never feel in his presence. He wouldn’t drag Helen down. Nothing else mattered but protecting Helen.


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