World of de Wolfe Pack: Her Haunted Knight (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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World of de Wolfe Pack: Her Haunted Knight (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Why fight me, angel?”

  “Good sir. I think ye should wake up, now.” Her voice quivered and he feared she might disappear.

  “Nay, I will not.” A strange warning bleated in his foggy mind but Hugh let it pass. Whenever true danger existed, he woke with sword in hand, ready for battle.

  So, he lay her down and moaned at the pure pleasure when she timidly kissed him back.

  “Did I hurt you?” She pulled away and he tugged her nearer, against his growing need. “Prithee, wound me all night long.”

  “Verra well but nothing more than kisses.” Her sweet mouth met his, he took the kiss deeper, and yet, when his tongue asked for entrance she didn’t open until he nipped her lower lip.

  My dream is an innocent?

  He chuckled. Although Hugh had never taken a woman’s bloom, he’d heard many baser men boast and knew what should be done. He kissed more slowly and insistently until she writhed.

  Only kisses? I think not. Your body wants much, much more, little vision.

  Her fingertips dug into the back of his head and the torture was so exquisite that he worried he’d wake too soon. His hand found her full breast and he fondled, kissing her neck with her breath hitching in his ear.

  He only stopped long enough to ask, “Are you sure that all you want is kissing, angel?”

  “Mayhap, I would like a little more of what yer doing now.”

  With both hands he caressed her breasts and pinched the tips until they pointed. “To do it right, I’ll need to remove your tunic. Do I have your permission?”

  In response, she scooted off her butt and lifted her arms, allowing him to tug all off at once. Her ivory lush orbs with rosy pink tips tempted him beyond reason and with a hand to her back, put his mouth to her offering.

  She tasted so sweet that for a moment he wondered if he’d died in his sleep. If so, despite all his sins, God had sent him to heaven.

  Eagerly his hands slipped down her stomach and found her curly mound. Between her legs, she was so slick that his lust swelled to almost bursting.

  The loveliest sigh came from within her as she arched into his hand. “I ache to feel yer skin against mine, Destroyer. Will ye remove your clothes as well?”

  “If I do, sweet dream, this will not stop with kisses. I’ll take my rod and slide it into your virgin keep. You’ll surrender fully. Is that what you want?”

  “I want ye more than life itself.”

  “My God.” Hugh kicked off his boots, dropped his belt, and unbuckled his leather.

  Then, he shrugged off tunic and put one knee on either side of her waist. Leaning over, his tongue slid in and out of her mouth, while her soft palms caressed his back, pausing at each scar, and moving on. When her fingers moved to his front, she shyly touched his swollen member and he trembled.

  It is time.

  Dropping to his knees in front of her, he tried to open her knees but she held them clenched shut. “No that.”

  “What that?”

  “What you’re about to do.”

  “Angel, don’t you ache to be touched?” Hugh’s balls were about to burst and yet for his dream woman, he took the gentlest care.

  Slowly, he kissed her inner ankle, calf, and knee. When he arrived at her thigh, she rewarded him by spreading wide, showing off a pearl dripping with nectar. Salivating, his tongue plundered her treasure, the taste driving him mad.

  He stretched her with one finger, then two, until she was prepared for his size. When she froze, about to release, he climbed up her body and suckled.

  She screamed, shuddered, and found her bliss.

  With her flying, he plunged into her virgin barrier and before he could ask if she was alright, she bucked up with a fierce battle cry.

  “Ah, sweet Rose. You make me wild.” His finger slid to her pearl and pressed while she rocked into him.

  Then, his balls tightened and his butt clenched. When her inner walls spasmed, his seed shot forth with a pleasure so great that his eyes teared and a dark place in his chest saw light. Sinking deep once again, he released every last drop before turning onto his back with her still attached.

  He slept soundly for the first time he could remember and in the morning, cobwebs of this wondrous, sensual dream woke him along with the scent of sex and lavender. He recalled soft lips and a curvy body so real that he longed to fall back into slumber.

  However, a pounding headache insisted he get up with much to accomplish. He rolled off the mattress and stood naked in the cool breeze while thunder grumbled in the west. Below, his people in the bailey set up stalls and three donkey carts made their way out of the forest.

  Naward is under my rule but for how long?

  Every Scott within miles would challenge his victory by dwale.

  Damnation. That little lay-sister did me no favors.

  He grinned at the dream and watched little Val playing with his wooden sword near the drawbridge. It’d been a long time since he was beholding to a master other than gold and it felt righteous.

  However, as DeBruce’s vassal, I need to take care.

  The cunning earl showed one face to the north and another to Edward. His first order would be to send for pigeons to keep the king informed.

  Hungry, he turned to break his fast just as the sun came out from under a cloud and lit the wood by his feet.

  What’s this?

  With knife’s edge, he dug around a loose stone in the nearby wall and moaned.

  God’s blood. Last night was no dream.

  He finished dressing, grabbed his goblet, and dashed down the stairs. “Damn all souls to hell! Aliyar!”

  “Yes m’lord?” Ali jumped up, wiping sweet juice off his dark mustache. “You look pale. Are you ill?”

  “Honestly? I’m not sure. Sit, sit.” Hugh lowered onto the bench and placed the chalice in front of his commander. “This is from my chambers. Can you check it for dwale?”

  “I can get one of the hounds to drink it. Why?” He sniffed and put a finger in to taste. “What do you suspect?”

  Hugh’s head throbbed without mercy. “I’m not sure but last night, I had the strangest dream. That healer? She seduced me.”

  Liquid spurted out Ali’s mouth and he laughed heartily “That must’ve been quite the thing. Tell me more.”

  “It’s not a jest. I breached her virgin walls, spent my seed, took her as my own.”

  “I still fail to see the problem.”

  “God’s blood! You know how I feel about bastard offspring. Any son of my coupling will be recognized and now she’s gone.”

  Ali raised his brows slowly and mouth dropped open. “I understand. So, what can I do, m’lord?”

  Hugh slathered strawberry jam over his meat pie. “Find her! While you’re at it, you can find workers to clean up this piss-hole. I can’t breathe, let alone eat. Scrape out the rush mats and scrub the stones until they shine. For God’s sake, take the Scot banners off the walls and use them for rags. Send knights to keep watch in Inglewood and place a small toll at the river. Question everyone’s motive. We will have peace.”

  “What will DeBruce have to say about that?”

  Hugh smiled. “That old fox has met his match. This region is for Edward. Those that think to rob honest merchants will die. Make sure the word gets out. Also mention we are in need of warriors. They need not come with full armor but must be skilled. Also, send word to de Wolfe in the east. I would have him as ally.”

  Ali stood, mouth full. “Would you have me empty the garderobe as well?”

  Hugh frowned, still not over his ire over last night. “Mayhap. That reminds me. Send to Edward for more pigeons. Gather some women and children to make as many sharp pikes as possible. Before we can be rid of that moat, we’ll need something to line the bottom.”

  “I think I liked you more as a mercenary. You’re an absolute tyrant as steward.” Ali stood, swallowed back the last of his drink, and strode to the arch.

  “I know. Don’t forget the wine.
” Hugh found his thoughts drifting toward his dream and if he knew Rose was listening at the door to the kitchen, he’d probably have had her arrested.


  She turned to Azzah. “Aliyar leaves with the chalice.”

  Her dark-haired accomplice eyed her and chuckled. “Good you emptied it. Along with his handsome looks, the commander is very clever.”

  “Aye. Somehow, I must convince The Destroyer I’m no threat. All I wanted to—”

  Drums pounded and a messenger rushed into the great hall. After letting the man speak, Hugh grumbled, stood, and cursed. Then, he stomped to a large oak chair set up at the back of the hall.

  “Allow them to enter.” As his echo died out, Rose shivered despite the warmth of the kitchen when the devil walked in.

  Holy Mother of God. The abbess lives

  The heavy burden of being a murderer lifted, followed by heart stopping fear, as the she-devil strode into the hall. The abbess was cloaked in soft wool and jewels while the bishop wore a gold belt, three matching necklaces, and carried an ornate crozier. When the end got stuck, he pulled hard, it broke free, and his large miter cap fell off and rolled away.

  Eyes merry, Hugh put a hand over his face, as the bishop struggled to bend over. Then, the two visitors stepped onto a Turkish rug in front of The Destroyer’s throne and he motioned for the two to sit at his feet.

  The abbess frowned down and opened her mouth as if to speak but the bishop shot her an angry glance and said. “I congratulate you on your new holdings.”

  “Thank you. But, as you can see, we cannot provide suitable hospitality. Let us speak in the church.” Hugh put a hand upon his shoulder and all seemed well until the abbess jumped out in front of them with a red, scowling sneer.

  “Slow down. We think you hide my lay-sister, Mary Rose Douglas and I want her back.”

  Rose nearly fainted at the furious look on the face of The Destroyer. “God’s Blood. She’s born of the Douglas clan?”

  “Aye. Born of the same sire as the two lairds you ousted from this keep.” The old nun opened a leather-bound book and an ornate ribbon floated to the floor.

  The bishop put an index finger to a page and began to read, “On the year of 1256, on the eighth day of December, a baby girl, begot from union of William Douglas and Analiese de Longley, was found in the hatch of the St. Augustine’s. With her, was proof of that union, 100 pounds silver, and the request to keep the child hidden until adulthood.”

  The Destroyer’s mouth tightened as he grabbed the book and studied. “You can stop searching. She died in the moat. You have your answer, now go.”

  The abbess fruitlessly tried to grab hold of the ledger and take it back. “This belongs to the Holy Church. To Christ.”

  “Well, if He’s that annoyed, He’ll strike me down and you can retrieve it.” Hugh turned and shouted toward the great arch. “Escort these two out.”

  The bishop glared, face twisted in an ugly snarl. “The pope will hear of this.”

  “Ask my dear friend what became of the gold he owes me… And next time, priest, wait for an invite, or you’ll not be allowed entrance, understood?”

  “Men have been excommunicated for less.” Spit dripped from his mouth but the Destroyer merely grinned. “Be careful going home through my forest. I hear it’s full of cutthroats and thieves. Also, make sure you stop in Inglewood and pay my new toll.”

  After they left, Hugh poked his head out the door. “How many men does the bishop have with him?”

  Whatever was said in response was too far away for Rose’s ears but she heard Hugh’s answer, “See to it they’re safely returned to the priory… And report back all that is said.”

  A young man, covered in infidel armor came into the hall with head bowed and hand to chest. “Thank you, m’lord. Although I was looking forward to shoveling rush or cleaning the moat.”

  Hugh shook his head back and forth, “There’ll be plenty of chores when you return. Also, search out freed men and women, tell them Naward is in need.”

  “Can I stop at the inn?”

  “Aye.” Hugh reached into his purse and retrieved several coins. “Keep your wits about you. And use the term God instead of Allah. I swear, if He is almighty, He cares not how you refer to Him. Understood?”

  The lad nodded and all but skipped out of the castle.

  Rose’s mind swirled in circles. What to do?

  He knows I’m Douglas and will no doubt have me ransomed or killed.

  The drum inside her heart beat faster and still, as she watched him pace and mutter, the place between her legs twitched. Despite the danger, all she wanted to do was be near him, hear his voice, and touch him.

  What is this magic?

  “He is very fine, is he not?” At Azzah’s heavy sigh, Rose jumped and turned.

  “You care for him?”

  The dark woman blushed under her headdress. “Not the way you think. It’s Aliyar who captures my every thought but the dolt only sees me as his dearest friend’s widow. Now, come back into the kitchen before m’lord sees you. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him angrier. Are you truly related to the two serpents that had hold of this keep?”

  “Aye. Not only that, I heard I’m granddaughter of the famous Lord de Longley? It’s unfathomable. I’m noble born.”

  “But if so, why were you left in a hatch?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Azzah pushed her toward the great hall. “You must go and talk to The Destroyer.”

  “Alas, I cannae. Now that he knows I’m a Douglas, he’ll have me killed or sent away.” Heart heavy, Rose slid back into the wall and that night, while Hugh and his men sat at dinner, Azzah let Rose watch from the kitchen.

  Because the hound sat at his feet, tasting every morsel, there was nothing else to be done. One last time Rose would haunt him safely behind the walls and without dwale.

  When he finally fell asleep, she moaned using the despair deep within her heart. If tonight did not fare well, she’d never see him again. He didn’t stir at the noise, so again she howled until the hounds in the courtyard echoed her lament. Distraught horses whinnied and men could be heard praying throughout the buildings nearby.

  Still, The Destroyer slept, so Rose shouted from behind the wall, “For the love of Christ, wake up. I’m here to haunt ye!”

  The snoring stopped, straw creaked, and his sword slid against leather sheath. His voice was too loud, too close. “Where are you, you wicked, wicked, wench.”

  “I stand right before you, Sir Hugh, The Destroyer. Ye cannae see me for I am amongst the dead.” Her heart pounded in her ears and shivers ran up and down her back as his knife scraped repeatedly, poking at the cracks in the stones.

  “Very well. What do you want?”

  “Stop that and I will tell ye.”

  “You little vixen. You think to poison me? Have bastard Scots from my seed and use them against me?”

  A child? Is it possible after just one time?

  This other sort of worry made her mouth dry. “Wait, please, I dinna mean to. I mean to say… God’s Blood! If ye would just hear my story and put away yer knife.”

  The grating ceased and he sighed. “Very well. But no more caterwauling.”

  “Agreed.” She peered through the crack. “Ye really didn’t think me a ghost?”

  “You need ask? Tell me. Why did you come into my bed?”

  “It was not my intent.”

  “Am I expected to believe such lies and—”

  “Are ye going to let me speak or not?”

  “I’m not done scolding, not by far.”

  “Fine. Godspeed finding me.”

  “Girl? Rose?” He pounded on the wall. “Damnation! Come back. I'll let you say your peace.”

  She stood at the top of the stairs and pondered running far away, perhaps across the great ocean to the Danes. Then, after taking several steps in the dark, her eyes stung and her chest got tight. His people already seemed like family and her heart brok
e at the thought of leaving them.

  No doubt sensing her indecision, he spoke more softly at the wall. “You are Rose Douglas, yes?”

  “Aye. I am.” She sat down on the cold stone, feet pointed in the direction of escape.

  “What did you want to tell me?”

  “So much before, good sir, and now, nothing at all.” She angrily brushed a tear away. “I’m such a fool.”

  His gentle voice whispered. “Come out, little thing, and I will speak kindlier. When we first met, you feared me not. What has changed? I’m the same man.”

  “Aye. And a bonnie man you are.”

  He chuckled. “You climbed into my bed last night.”

  She sighed. “Unwisely, for I did not foresee the consequences.”

  “You were the one who put dwale in me and so I’ll not apologize. Will you?”

  She inched her arse closer to the wall. “I won’t. Ye felt verra, verra fine.”

  “Come out, Rose.”

  “First, ye need to understand. At first, I only made dwale so I could keep my brothers out of harm. I swear on my mother’s grave, if ye allow me to stay in the keep, I would never, ever make the recipe again.

  “Tell me more about yourself and mayhap, I’ll decide in your favor.”

  “Verra well. I’m known as lay-sister Mary Rose, a healer of Lanercost. As you heard say from the bishop, I was left in the priory’s hatch door as a newborn and taken in by the abbess. Not this one, but the one who just died. Then, at fourteen, when all novices take their vows, I was not allowed and feared I was too sinful but that wasn’t so. Just before she died, my dear mother abbess gave me proof of my birth.”

  “Will you show me? I may be able to help.”

  “Stand back from the wall.” She stepped on the lever and crawled through on hands and knees.

  Suddenly she was eye to eye with the man she had lain with, the one who had stolen her heart, the one she would give everything to have forever.

  “Thank you.” He helped her to her feet, kept hold of her hands, and kissed her with soft warm lips.

  Her mind went blank. “F-For what?”

  “Trusting me enough to come out of the wall.”


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