The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3)

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The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3) Page 20

by Kat T. Masen

  I take controlled breaths in and out until the pain turns into an ache which eventually subsides. When it’s completely gone, I am able to move again freely.

  In the sanctuary of my home, I breathe a sigh of relief, purposely ignoring my phone. The continuous ring is driving me mad. My hands reach for the phone inside the beaded clutch to turn it off. Without a second thought, I throw it on the sofa, not wanting to talk to anyone.

  All I can think about is Will’s words and the conviction in his eyes while he sat there like an arrogant prick. The more I think about it, the more my blood boils. Will Romano needs to be taken down a notch, and I have no issue telling Millie to control her self-absorbed husband.

  As for right now, the only thing to clear my mind is a shower. So I make my way to the bathroom, removing my clothes and shoes, then turn on the faucet.

  The water is hot, easing my muscles but not my mind. Thankfully, the pain in my stomach has stopped. It must have been hunger pains since I’m unable to recall when I ate last.

  After what feels like only a short time, my skin begins to wrinkle, prompting me to get out. I throw my robe on with nothing underneath, quickly brushing my hair to the side without worrying about any face creams since exhaustion begins to hit hard.

  Upon my walk back to the kitchen, a noise distracts me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Austin is pacing the living room with his arms crossed beneath his chest. The skin bunches around his eyes along with a clenched jaw, unlike his usually calm expression.

  “How did you get in here?” I ask, considering he doesn’t have a key or my code.

  “Your doorman, Harry. I said you weren’t answering your calls, which you were not,” he answers coldly, then shakes his head with a frustrated stare. “God, Ava. Do you know how worried I was about you? You run off, don’t answer your phone. Anything could have happened to you!”

  I lower my gaze, tightening the knot of my robe. “I’m here, alive, as you can see.”

  “It’s not just about you anymore,” Austin shouts, running his hands through his hair with a tortured gaze. “Do you understand that?”

  “I understand that!” I yell back in frustration. “I have the baby to think about. I’m not as selfish as Will paints me out to be. Everyone thinks I’m some heartless person who only thinks about herself.”

  Austin drops his head, bringing his hand to his mouth. “You’re not selfish, Ava. Far from it. But it’s not just the baby…”

  It takes a moment for it to register, and it becomes apparent when his gaze locks onto mine. The warmth of his honey-colored eyes spreads all over me like a breeze on a perfect summer's day.

  And then, I remember our conversation last night, when he admitted his feelings for me have shifted, and I’m not alone in this. This thing happening between us isn’t just in my imagination.

  I no longer care what Will thinks, or anyone else for that matter. Why should I continue to fight against all odds when the most kind-hearted, beautiful, and brilliant man is standing in front of me?

  The father of my child.

  And I can’t deny my heart of what it so desperately wants.

  “Stay with me,” I breathe, unable to break his longing stare. “Stay with me tonight.”

  “Ava, I don’t think you know what you’re asking me to do.”

  “I need to hear it, Austin, from your lips. Tell me I’m not crazy. Tell me it isn’t just this pregnancy,” I beg of him.

  His feet move slowly, my eyes falling upon every step until he’s inches away. Then, finally, Austin raises his hand, placing it on my cheek as I lean in. My eyes close of their own accord, the comfort of his touch so right I never want to feel anything else.

  “This is more than tonight.”

  Austin’s lips fall upon my forehead. Slowly, he pulls away but keeps me in his arms. This magnetic force between us is so strong, like gravity pulling us together to sync the beat of our hearts.

  And between us, a tiny heartbeat connects us in the most profound way possible.

  The graze of his finger touches my chin, and gently, he lifts it, so our eyes meet.

  “I’m falling in love with you,” he whispers so delicately.

  Tilting my head, he laces his hand around my neck and brings me closer. Our soft breaths mix until our lips graze, forcing me to suck in my breath to control my heated urges.

  Austin’s lips are warm, teasing me with a gentle roll of the tongue. Soft moans escape me while we both lose ourselves in the moment. A kiss, while simple to some, is so much more when it’s with the person who owns your heart.

  Suddenly, the door buzzes, both of us are startled by the loud sound.

  I run my finger down Austin’s cheek before walking toward the intercom.

  “Yes, Harry?”

  “Miss Edwards, it’s your sister Amelia.”

  My eyes close momentarily, to then open with a heavy sigh. “Let her up.”

  Turning back around, I see Austin watching me with a smile which begins to waver. He runs his hands through his hair, and just like me, exhales a deep breath.

  The knock on the door is soft, not at all like Millie’s usually demanding bang.

  My fingers punch the code, followed by turning the handle. As soon as the door opens, my gaze falls upon Millie’s puffy face. Her usually vibrant eyes are surrounded by red, dulling down the emerald green we have in common.

  Millie sniffs, crossing her arms at the same time she glances upward to the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry, I had nowhere else to go.”

  I pull her into the apartment for her eyes to widen upon noticing Austin.

  “Oh.” She shakes her head in confusion. “I didn’t think you’d be here. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting something.”

  “No,” I tell her softly. “It’s okay. We were just talking.”

  With a quick side glance, I plead with my eyes for Austin to understand why I just hid the truth.

  “I should probably leave you guys…”

  “Millie, no. You’re upset. What happened?”

  Austin clears his throat. “Listen, I’ll leave you two to talk. Besides, I have an early shift tomorrow.”

  We keep our distance, despite our earlier admission of our feelings for one another.

  “Millie?” Austin calls softly while standing at the door. “He’s angry. I remember once being in the same position. The difference is, he will calm down and apologize because he can’t bear the thought of losing you.”

  Tears shimmer in Millie’s eyes. “I’m sorry for what happened at the Hamptons. It was wrong of me to treat you that way.”

  “Life has a way of working out. But for now, maybe a little bit of breathing space will clear your mind.”

  And with his final words, he glances up at me with a knowing look, then closes the door behind him.

  “When did Austin become the rational one?” Millie says the moment he leaves.

  I chuckle softly. “Austin has always been the rational one. Will, on the other hand—”

  “Is a giant dickhead,” Millie finishes off.

  “No argument from me right now, but what happened? I mean, after I left.”

  Millie moves toward the sofa, throwing herself on it with a frustrated huff.

  “It’s just been so tense between us,” she admits, hugging the navy velvet cushion against her chest. “Ashton is a handful, which Mom says is normal for a two-year-old, but it feels like I’m the only one worrying. Of course, Ashton always wants to be by my side. So I’m constantly asking Will to help, but his work is more important than mine.”

  Millie takes a deep breath, then continues, “Mom said when she and Dad had me, they went through the exact same thing. It’s just learning how to sustain a marriage, career, and family.”

  “They made it work, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah, I know. Although last week Mom absolutely blasted Dad for having to leave town.”

  “Really?” I raise my brows. “I didn’t think they got caught
up in arguments like that anymore.”

  “Aunt Adriana told me it was because some young woman has been trying to hit on Dad at these conventions. Dad laughed it off as a joke and teased Mom about being jealous. Then Mom lost her shit.”

  I struggle to hold back my smile. “It’s kind of relieving to know we’re not the only dramatic ones. But back to you and Will.”

  “He’s been short-fused. So, naturally, I’m like, if you want to act like that, I’m not having sex with you. I deserve respect, and frankly, his asshole behavior won’t slide with me.”

  I purse my lips, knowing that’s probably what has contributed to Will’s angered behavior.

  “Just like Austin said, Will is hurting and will come around to realize he’s hurting you.”

  Millie bites her bottom lip while lowering her gaze. “He said things tonight which really hurt. First, he accused me of supporting you because he thinks I want to get back together with Austin.”

  Falling silent, I’m unsure what to say, mainly because my feelings involving Austin still feel new. Given their past, it doesn’t seem appropriate to comment.

  “You know what?” I tell her, then grab my phone to scroll through my apps. “I’m ordering us food. Pizza, Chinese, and those amazing donuts from that place near my office.”

  The corners of Millie’s lips curve upward. “You sure know how to cheer me up.”

  We order food, and while waiting, turn on a streaming service to binge-watch until the food arrives. It’s not unusual for us to devour an array of food just to ourselves, and it’s the small things like this that I miss about not living close to Millie.

  Our food coma knocks us hard, so we head to bed to lay in the dark and just talk.

  “I wonder what Will is doing now,” I say out loud.

  “He texted me. It’s a bunch of misspelled words. But apparently, he’s at Andy’s, drunk on God knows what.”

  “Andy will take care of him,” I assure her, at the same time trying to roll over to my side. My back has been aching all night, more so than usual. “Even though he deserves the nasty hangover for being a jerk.”

  “Ava?” Millie whispers in the dark. “Is there something going on between you and Austin?”

  Even in the night, with darkness shadowing the room, my eyes widen, and everything feels bright. I shuffle uncomfortably again, trying to think of something to say which isn’t the truth.

  “We’re close,” is all I manage.

  “Ava, it’s me. I know I have a past with Austin, but he was never supposed to be my future. So as much as my asshole husband is upsetting me right now, there will never be anyone but him.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s okay, you know. The two of you are expecting a baby together. So why not make yourselves a proper family if you also feel that way about each other?”

  Here is my sister giving me the green light. The one person I thought would never forgive me for my mistakes. But as I continue to lay here beside her, my chest begins to expand at the thought of making a family a possibility.

  My mind imagines Austin in bed with me each night, making sweet love to me like I’m the only woman he’ll ever need. Then, I see a ring, him getting on one knee. But like a splash of cold water, all of these daydreams remind me of the life Austin and Millie once shared together.

  “I’m tired, Millie. It’s been a long night.”

  “Okay,” Millie agrees faintly. “Falling in love with Austin isn’t the hardest part, Ava, but losing him to someone else will be.”

  Millie left early the following day to have a meeting at Nikki’s office over some legal matter.

  Alone, with my thoughts, there’s only one thing plaguing my mind.

  I leave my apartment dressed in a maxi dress because the humidity is at an all-time high today. My hair bothers me, so in the cab, I tie it up into a loose bun, not caring how unkempt I look.

  I am a woman on a mission, ready to step into the boxing ring.

  “I’m here to see Will Romano.”

  The receptionist is an older lady, maybe late forties. Will was smart enough to ditch the bimbos, or perhaps that’s Millie’s doing. Though truthfully, the woman could go easy on the lip injectors. Unless she’s a cocksucker. Oh, my God, is that why she was hired?

  “Do you have an appointment?” she asks rudely.

  “No, trust me. He will see me.”

  “I’m sorry. Mr. Romano is only seeing appointments.”

  “Look, lady,” I hiss while leaning on the desk for support. “I’m his sister-in-law, and I’m going to drop a baby soon. Do you really think I care about your stupid appointments rule?”

  The woman picks up her phone. “I can ask him if he’ll see you.”

  “You know what?” I raise my palm to stop her. “I will see myself in.”

  Walking to his office, I don’t even knock. When I enter, he is on the phone and appears annoyed to see me. Will is usually very well-groomed, but today, he’s sporting an unshaven face, loose tie, and his hair looks wild like he’s been running his hands through it repeatedly.

  “Walker, let me call you back.”

  He presses his phone and sits back in his chair like the arrogant asshole he is.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” I warn him.

  “Like what, Ava? You barge into my office unannounced. Please tell me how I should look at you?”

  “You’re an asshole,” I tell him, my heart rate spiking. “How dare you humiliate me in front of my family! If my father were there, he’d have put you in your goddamn place.”

  I take a breath, but a pain rips through my abdomen, causing my chest to hitch.

  “I deserve an apology, and so does Austin,” I fume, then to remember Millie. “And you know who else deserves one? Your wife. My sister is upset, and it’s all your fault.”

  Will crosses his arms with laughter escaping him. “You expect me to give him an apology?”

  The pain rips through me again, causing my hands to clutch my stomach. I close my eyes, willing whatever this is to stop.

  “Ava?” Will calls. “Ava?”

  My breaths come hard and fast, unable to even string a sentence together.

  Will quickly moves off his chair with his phone in hand. I continue to breathe heavily as the phone dials.

  “Amelia,” Will rushes, panicked. “Ava is in my office, and she’s in pain.”

  “What do you mean she’s in your office? And what pain?”

  I shake my head, biting down, crippled by the intensity of the cramp-like feeling.

  “Millie,” I say out of breath, “I…”

  The second the pain rips through me again, a gush of warm liquid runs between my legs, causing me to gasp.

  “Um, what the hell was that?” Will shouts.

  “Will, what? What’s wrong?”

  “All this water just came out of her.”

  “Oh, my God! Her water just broke. Shit, hold on, let me conference in Mom.”

  “Amelia! Don’t fucking hang up the phone.”

  The line goes silent for Will’s growl to become louder inside his quiet office.

  “I can’t get a hold of Mom, it’s Dad,” Millie rushes, “Ava’s water just broke!”

  “Where is she?” Dad quickly questions.

  “She’s in my office,” Will informs him, his face turning white. “She started wincing in pain, and her water just broke.”

  “Ava, sweetheart?”

  “Dad.” I begin to panic with a hard swallow. “I’m only thirty-four weeks.”

  “Will, get her to the hospital now. Ava, where is Austin?”

  “Work,” I choke.

  “Amelia, call him and let him know what’s happening.”

  “I…I can’t do this,” I stammer, terrified of what is happening. “It’s too early.”

  “Sweetheart, just breathe, you’re in labor, and you need to get to the hospital.”

  Dad gives Will instructions then lets him know he and Mom will fly out
immediately and leave Ashton with Adriana.

  Will grabs my hand to take me downstairs, ignoring the panic from his office staff when they see what’s happening.

  We hop in a cab to take us to the hospital. Will’s instructions to the driver are to haul ass. For what should be a short cab ride, it feels like an eternity to get there.

  As we walk through the ER doors, every step becomes more difficult. Will quickly abandons me to talk to the nurse behind the desk.

  “Austin,” I barely breathe out. “Ask for Dr. Carter.”

  I don’t know how long it all happens. Time is lost on me as the contractions come hard and fast, only minutes between each other. Finally, I’m placed into a wheelchair before Austin comes running out of the double doors, wearing his navy-blue scrubs.

  “Ava?” Austin’s eyes are wide as he bends down to my level.

  “Her water broke.” Will pants.

  Austin glances up at him, confused. “Her water broke? What happened?”

  “She came to my office, we were arguing, and then she started having pains. So I called Amelia when it broke. Amelia then called Lex, and now we’re here.”

  Austin shifts his attention back to me, his expression softening.

  “It’s going to be okay. I’m going to take you up to the labor and delivery ward so you can be examined.”

  I grab his arm, clutching tight. “I can’t lose this baby.”

  He touches my cheek with a reassuring smile. “I promise you won’t, but we need to take you now.”

  My hands clutch my stomach while nodding. Austin wheels me through the hospital as Will follows. He is on the phone, and I assume he’s talking to Dad or Millie.

  “Okay, we’re here.”

  “Amelia is on her way. Your parents are on their way to the airport,” Will informs me, trying to control his panic, but it is clear he’s worried. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I press my lips together, unable to respond besides the nod of my head.

  Will clutches my hand, squeezing it tight. “I’m sorry for what I said. It was uncalled for.”

  “It was,” I concur, squeezing his hand back but manage to smile faintly. “You’re still an asshole, though.”


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