Coming Home

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Coming Home Page 4

by Amy Robyn

  We wait to start talking until we are settled in the living room at Trevor’s. We sit on the couch like we always used to with us on either side of her. It feels good just knowing that she is here and we are all together again. Now, we just need to see about keeping it that way. I do not want to stop touching her so I take her hand and run my thumb across the soft skin of her knuckles, such a contrast from mine.

  “I want to start off by telling you that we are both in love with you. We have loved you since we were children.” Trevor says as he lifts her hand and kisses the back of it.

  “I think you already know that, at least part of you does. We never stopped loving you. I couldn’t date other women and neither could Step because you are all we want. We are not willing to lose you or each other. We both want a relationship with you. Do you understand what I am saying to you?” Trevor asks. She takes a deep breath and her cheeks are tinged pink. I always loved how easily she flushed with color.

  “Yes, I think you are saying that you want to share me. How would that even work? You have me on Monday, Wednesday and Friday? He has me Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday?” She is very red as she finishes talking and I know that she isn’t liking the idea of that.

  “No, I am talking about all of us sharing the same bed and being with you at the same time.” Trevor says and my dick hardens just thinking about it. I can picture myself thrusting between her pretty lips as Trevor takes her pussy. It is nearly enough to make me cum without any touch. Jesus, what will it be like experiencing it.

  I notice Trevor shifting around and I know he is having the same problem. Sammy’s breathing is fast and choppy, she is effected by this too. That is better than I expected this early on. She wants us and we can work with that.

  “You want me to be like a slut who has sex with multiple guys in one day.” Her eyebrows come together but I also notice that her nipples have hardened to points behind her shirt. She may not want to be turned on by the idea but she is. I smile to myself.

  “Don’t get caught up in labels. It’s more like, you will have two men who worship you and are willing to do anything for you. We will give you great pleasure that only two men can give and be faithful for the rest of our lives to you. What more could you wish for?” He says so eloquently. This is why I am keeping my mouth shut.

  “Is this what you want?” She says as she looks over at me. Her eyes are large and her eyebrows are clear up in her hairline.

  “More than I want my next breath.” I tell her honestly. I can see that she thought I would put up a fight and two years ago, I probably would have.

  “Give us a chance. That’s all we ask.” Trevor says pleadingly. She looks down at her hands and I can tell she is thinking about everything we have said. This is going far better than I thought it would.

  “Okay.” She says almost too softly to hear. I must have heard her first because I take her mouth before she can take back her words. Not that I would allow her to anyway. I need her too desperately to allow her insecurities to get in the way. I know her and I know that she will second guess herself. Why such a beautiful woman has so many hang ups is beyond me. I just need to reassure her but also not let her push back too far.

  Trevor moves in behind her and starts rubbing her shoulders and back as I nibble at her lips a few more times. I turn her head for Trevor to take her mouth and he does with a moan. It was never in my life plan that I would share the woman I love with another man but sometimes you have to swing at the ball that is pitched at you. I have to see this through or always wonder what could have happened. I think the not knowing would kill me the most.

  Trevor releases her lips and I take his place as he starts kissing her neck. His hands wrap around her and squeezes her breast. She yelps and jerks away. It feels like she poured a bucket of cold water on us. She jumps up and starts pacing in front of us. I try to get my breathing back to normal. There isn’t any help for my cock. He has a mind of his own and all he wants is to be in her. I shake my head and look over at Trevor. His breathing is still choppy and his cock is tenting the front of his trousers.

  “I’m not sure I am ready to go all the way yet.” She blushes beautifully and my dick jerks behind my zipper making me groan and run a hand over my face. I will give her anything she wants though it may kill me.

  “I’m sorry. I got out of control.” Trevor says as he gets up and goes over to her, stopping her movements. He wraps his arms around her. I walk over and run my fingers through her satiny hair.

  “I think tonight will just be cuddling.” I tell her as I take her hand and lead her up the stairs. It may kill me but if this is what she needs then I will be sure to give it to her. I can do no less. Trevor follows behind us and I know that everything is going to be fine. We just need to control our desires more. It might suck but I can do it. For her.

  “Here.” I open the door to the room that I am sleeping in with a large bed dominating the room. I pull back the sheets and blanket and she climbs into the middle. I climb in with her and Trevor goes to the other side and climbs in and we both reach for her. I end up spooning her as she lays her head on Trevor’s chest. He plays with her hair as I rub her back until her breathing changes.

  “We need to be careful about how quickly we move with her. I don’t want to scare her.” Trevor says in a whisper.

  “I know. My cock is like a fucking brick right now.” I tell him and he starts chuckling until Sammy stirs in her sleep. We both shut up and hold still until she is sleeping peacefully again.

  “I can tell she wants us or she wouldn’t be giving us a chance but I think she is scared of the intimacy with two men.” Trevor says, stating the obvious.

  “What do you recommend we do?” I ask him. I am the kind that solves problems with my fist and through action. I have never been one that could express my emotions or talk out problems. I know when it isn’t my area of expertise. I know nothing about talking to women or how to be sensitive to their needs. I only dated a little. I usually only made it through dinner before taking them home because they didn’t compare to her. I know I shouldn’t have been comparing, though I couldn’t seem to help myself.

  “I think we need to take our cues from her. She will let us know when she is ready.” Trevor says just when I thought maybe he had fallen asleep.

  “I can do that.” I tell him. I am good at reading people. Good ole Uncle Sam taught me to be able to gauge people. It has saved my life a time or two. I will be able to tell when she is ready. If I am not too caught up in passion. I will have to show more restraint than I was ever trained to do. I know that I can do that for her, though I hope it isn’t long. She is as timid as a newborn bird.

  We fall asleep wrapped around her, neither of us giving her any space. We gave her two years of space, it’s about all we can manage. I have never known comfort like this before. The way she feels in my arms, like she was made to be there and I intend to keep her there.

  Chapter 8. Sammy

  I wake up in a cocoon of male bodies. The smell of them is so familiar to me that I do not panic. I love the feeling of their warmth and the security of their arms around me. I do not know for the life of me what caused me to panic last night. I know that I want them to be my first. I always wanted them to be, but it felt like everything was moving at a speed that I wasn’t comfortable with. I kicked myself not five minutes later when I could feel their love surrounding me like a warm coat.

  I stare at their beautiful faces, soft with sleep. They look so young like this, no worry lines or sadness in their eyes. It is one of the things that made me fall in love with them and one of the things I wanted to change. I want them to only look at me with love and eventually happiness. I have to say, that I loved the look of hunger I saw last night. It made me feel sexy, desirable and wanted. I have never felt that way before and I find it addictive.

  I could have easily gotten caught up in the events of last night. They had me so far under their spell that I am surprised I pulled back. I am glad I did thou
gh. There is more that needs to be discussed. I need to know that this is forever and not just to see what they missed out on.

  I know I can be a skeptical person and I know that in some things I do need to take chances but I am not sure I could survive the heartache if they decide to leave again. Especially if I give them my body. My virginity that I saved all these years because none of the guys who tried to date me after they left were good enough. I want it to be with whom I love and I haven’t felt that since the day I shut these two out of my life.

  I regretted that day every day. I wish I could take it back and not let them leave. I have been so lonely without them. Sure I had Grandma, yet it’s not the same. I missed the joking and flirtation that would go on between us. Trevor would always pull on my ponytail and Step would tickle me. I had thought it was all in fun until I was thirteen and I noticed they would touch me longer and the way they looked at me changed. It was the first time I felt desired.

  I tried to tell myself that they were just being friendly and that it was me that changed. I had too. My body blossomed and I became acutely aware of them, in ways I didn’t understand. My friend Melany at school talked about her first kiss and I wanted mine to be from them. I started to crave it.

  It was almost like they found out about how I was feeling because next thing I know they were ignoring me. It hurt so badly, though I never let on. I was heart-broken. How could they dismiss me so easily? It went on like that for a while until I finally snapped and confronted Trevor. He couldn’t believe that I was so angry at him but next thing I know, they are both back as though they had never been gone. I was so happy, I never questioned why.

  I think that will be one of the first questions I ask them now. I am done being timid. I want to be secure if I am to give them what we all are craving. Even now thinking of those cravings has my nipples puckering and my pussy clenching. I know my body is ready. If only my brain was too. My heart just wants them to stay, it doesn’t care how. Silly muscle wants what it has always wanted. Them. Speaking of, they start stirring.

  Step rubs himself against me and moans as Trevor opens his eyes. His eyes are truly the most beautiful I have ever seen. I could drown inside the blue depths. My belly quivers with excitement and I have to tamp down my desires, though it is difficult to do.

  “Why did you both stopped coming around for a while when I was thirteen?” That’s it go for the jugular. It is time to get some answers so that we can all move forward.

  “We had both started desiring you and we made an agreement to stay away from you so that we didn’t fight over you.” He says as he runs his thumb across my lips. I turn my head to see that Step’s eyes are opened now too. He kisses me softly on the lips. A quick swipe of his lips across mine before moving back again so that he can look into my eyes.

  “It was my idea then. I knew how I felt and I could see that Trevor felt the same way. I never thought of sharing you. I only wanted to retain our friendship.” He tells me. I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Yeah but what about me? You were okay with cutting off your friendship to me.” I glare at Trevor too who looks sheepish for a moment.

  “If we had continued the way we were we would have all lost. We would have fought over you. You would have been angry at us for fighting and we would have been angry at each other. We did what we thought was best.” Trevor says. I can tell he honestly believes that was a real possibility. I stop and think about it for a minute. I probably would have been angry with them if they fought over me. I do not think things would have gone well. We were all hopped up on hormones as our bodies changed and it doesn’t induce rational thought.

  “You’re probably right.” Both guys let out a breath as if they were holding them in for a while. I hate that I worry them but I need these answers so that we can move forward.

  “If I was to ask you to make love to me, how would you do it? Would you take turns or would you both be doing things to me?” I feel my face heat up at the question and I press my face into Trevor’s chest to take the sting out of my cheeks.

  “Probably a little of both.” Trevor says in a strangled sounding voice as I feel his lower body begin to stir. It has to be his cock that is hardening against my leg. I rub my leg against it to see what would happen.

  “Fuck.” Trevor says and moans as I do it again. It is even more thrilling than I thought it would be. Just knowing the effect I have on him is turning me on. I feel powerful and that helps in making the decision to jump in with both feet. I always wanted them to be my first and now they can be. Both of them.

  I push my bottom back against Step and feel his hardness against me. My eyes widen as I feel the pipe he calls a cock tenting his underwear. Holy shit. That thing will never fit. He growls in my ear and pushes up against me. I whimper at the thought of him breaking me in. Trevor of course notices my distress.

  “If you’re not ready. Just tell us and we will stop.” He says and I take his head between my hands.

  “I want you, both of you but I am scared of how big Step feels against me.” I feel the flush not only cover my cheeks now but down my neck and across my chest. Stefan groans and leans his head into my neck. I can feel the warmth of his lips and I want them on me. Only…..

  “Oh baby, you stretch. If you are worried, we will make sure you are well prepared for us. We will have you so wet and open for us that you won’t feel as much pain. I won’t lie though, it will hurt this first time or so I have heard. It will be all of our first times.” Trevor says and I gasp. I look at Trevor to see if he is lying to me. He nods his head and I look back at Step. He smiles at me and kisses my lips.

  “Neither of us could bring ourselves to be with someone else. All we ever wanted is you.” For the quiet one he sure can say the most profoundly wonderful things. I melt into his arms and thrust my tongue between his lips to let him know how much his words mean to me. I know that I will never forget this day and now I know that neither of them will either. It makes this all the more sweet. I am glad I waited for them to come back to me.

  Step pulls away and I whimper at the loss until I feel my shirt pulled over my head. He turns my head so that Trevor can have a taste of me. They kiss so differently yet both are equally arousing. Trevor kisses me as though he is making love to my mouth and Step kisses me as though he is taking me. He ravishes my mouth in his dominating way that gets to me in a whole different way. The two of them together are a perfect combination.

  “You’re are so fucking beautiful.” Step growls as he takes my nipple into his mouth. He mumbles to himself between suctioning each nipple between his lips. I moan against Trevor’s lips as the sensation of each pull goes straight to my clit, engorging it, making it throb in time with my heart. I roll my hips to seek relief and Step chuckles against my chest.

  “Don’t worry baby. I am heading there next.” He pushes his thumb against my drenched panties and I groan as he finds my button. I soak my panties more. This is what I need. Them both worshiping my body.

  Chapter 9.

  I can smell her need and it is making me ravenous. I am so jealous that Step will be the first to taste her. I know that it is a small thing and I will get my turn but damn does she smell good. She smells like she will be my new favorite meal. I groan as I look down and watch as Step pulls her panties down her legs. He spreads her legs and we get our first look at her dewy, pink folds. Even her pussy is beautiful.

  I move and help lay her back so that Step can crawl between her legs. I reach down and swipe my finger through the droplets clinging to her tight curls. I bring it to my mouth and suck the essence off of my finger. My eyes roll back into my head with pleasure. She is every bit as tasty as I imagined she would be. I open my eyes again when I hear Sammy cry out. I push her back down to the mattress when her back arches. Step moans as he licks and sucks all of her sweetness from her.

  I lean in and kiss her nipple before stabbing it with my tongue. I suck it into my mouth like a baby sucking its mommy’s tit. I growl as I get l
ost in the sensation and ignore the moans and slurping going on below. I know that if I look down and see their pleasure, I will lose my seed before I have even gotten inside of her. I am only so strong.

  When her body starts thrashing, I hold her steady as I continue my exploration of her breast and mouth. I pull back so that I can see how she looks when she cums. I look down and watch as Step flicks her clit with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. He repeats the process over and over. I can tell he is enjoying this as much as she is. Her entire body is flushed and she is tossing her head side to side.

  “Let go baby, we are here to catch you.” I tell her. She suddenly bows her back and screams. I watch as the ecstasy of the orgasm washes over her and I can’t look away. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I pinch the tip of my cock to keep from joining her. I hope to fuck that I can give her the same pleasure before I spill.

  “I think you should be the one to pop her cherry. I am not sure I can to gentle.” Step says. I look down at where his erection is sticking out the top of his boxers and I know it is a wise choice. I am much smaller than he is on top of being the gentler one of the two of us. I know most men would hate to admit they are smaller, not me. I look at his monster and know few in this world could be bigger.

  I give him a nod and I yank off my boxers as we switch places. I look down at her beautiful body on display for our pleasure and I feel euphoric. It almost feels unreal in how perfectly this is playing out. I run my hands up her legs and across her stomach, just so I can feel the silky perfection of her skin. Goosebumps follow in my wake. God, she is absolutely perfect. Her body flushed with pleasure and sweat beading on her skin. I can’t wait any longer.

  I line myself up at her entrance and start to push into her warm, wet channel. She grips me tightly as I start to push my way inside of her. Her eyes meet mine and I hold them as I push in further. She feels so good that I am having to fight cumming too damn soon. I think it feels even better because of how I feel about her. I love her so much and I dreamed of this moment, believing it would never happen.


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