Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4)

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Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4) Page 13

by M. E. Nesser

  “Where do you think you’re going? Emily is my girlfriend. You’re just a passing fling she’ll regret in the morning.”

  I pushed his hand off of my shoulder forcefully and grabbed the lapel of his suit coat. I pulled him close to me so our faces were within inches of one another and said quietly but with conviction, “Emily is done with you. If you don’t get the fuck out of here, I will cause you more pain than you have ever endured in your whole life.” I must have sounded scarier than I thought, because Martin turned around abruptly and left through the front door.

  As soon as I knew he was gone, I went to find Emily. I didn’t see her anywhere, so I went and peeked in the women’s bathroom. Only one of the stall doors was closed. I squatted down to see what shoes the woman was wearing. My suspicions were right. Emily was hiding in the restroom.

  “Em, it’s Chad. He’s gone. You can come out now.” I waited for her reply. I could tell she was crying. He didn’t deserve her tears. “Please don’t cry. He isn’t worth it. You deserve someone so much better than that. Come out of there. Don’t let him ruin this night. It’s too important to your family.”

  I heard her take a deep breath. She opened the door and looked at me. “I’m sorry, Chad.”

  “Why? It isn’t your fault your ex-boyfriend is obsessed with you and can’t accept the fact that you’ve broken up with him. Don’t waste another minute thinking about him. Don’t give him the satisfaction or the power. It’s over, and it’s time you move on. C’mon, let’s join the festivities.”

  She walked out of the stall and stared at me. “I am relieved it’s over. I’m just so embarrassed that he came here and you had to witness our exchange. I really am sorry about all of that,” she said to me.

  I cupped my hands on the sides of her face. She looked me in the eyes and gave me a small demure smile. “Stop apologizing,” I said. “This night is about something greater than that scumbag. Let’s go join your dad.” I gently kissed her lips, and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I pulled her head to my chest and hugged her back until I could feel her relax. “It’s over. Let’s go.”

  She checked her makeup in the bathroom mirror, and then we walked back to her family. Her sister put an arm around her and asked her if she was OK. Emily nodded. Sara seemed satisfied that the incident was behind Emily, so she started in about her baby, Brian. She went from his baby sounds to his sleeping schedule to his bowel habits. Her enthusiasm was infectious. It was obvious she was over-the-moon excited about her son. Her ramblings were the exact distraction Emily needed. After a few minutes, the encounter with Martin was forgotten.

  The venue was elegantly decorated, and all of the attendees at the fundraiser were impeccably dressed. Everything around me was beautiful, including my date. I found myself staring at her often throughout the night. She had a sweet smile and a kind heart. I looked forward to getting to know her better. I was steadfast in my conviction that I was going to make her forget that man who’d had the audacity to show up tonight and made her cry.

  Dinner was served while the auction was taking place. It was obvious the crowd had money by the generosity of the participants. There was a trip to Denver that went for $25,000. No matter how extravagant the weekend promised to be, there was no way it was valued at that much. The items auctioned were varied, from jewelry to cookware to trips around the world. I was blown away by how much money was raised.

  After dinner the music changed, and the dancing began. Emily and I both had a few drinks, and we were feeling happy. Happy together, I believed. I asked her to dance.

  “You like to dance?” She seemed surprised.

  “Yeah, don’t you?”

  She looked surprised that I asked her to dance. “Uh, yes I love dancing. Martin just didn’t like to, so it’s been a while.” She seemed embarrassed as she admitted this to me.

  “Well, I’m not Martin. In fact I don’t think we should ever speak his name again. Now listen to me. I’m a fun and spontaneous guy who has no intention of making you sad or upset, so get used to it. Besides, I think it’s about time we stop fretting over what he did or did not like to do and start doing things that make you happy. Sound like a plan?” I asked her.

  Emily smiled then grabbed my hand enthusiastically and led me to the dance floor. After the third song, we were both a little sweaty. Emily’s cheeks were flushed, which made her look even more radiant. As a slow song started, she hesitated. I grabbed her around the waist, twirled her in a circle, and settled in to dance slowly with her. She was stiff at first, like she wasn’t used to dancing slow. I leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Relax, baby. I don’t bite.”

  She raised herself on the balls of her feet so she could reach my ear. “What if I want you to?” It appeared the alcohol was making her sassy, and I loved it.

  I moved my mouth back to her ear and nibbled on it. I heard her squeal in delight; it was a beautiful sound. I straightened back up, and she nestled into my chest. We swayed to the music. It was calming and seductive. Although she was much shorter than I was, her heels made the difference less noticeable. The band played two slow songs in a row. That gave us time to settle into a pleasurable rhythm. When the second slow song ended, I didn’t want to let go of her. It was obvious she felt the same way.

  We reluctantly walked back to the table where her father was talking to his stepson Jackson. “You kids looked like you were enjoying yourself,” he said to us.

  “We were, Daddy. The band is great. Everything about tonight has been great. You should be excited by the turnout. It looks like we raised a lot of money this year,” she said to her father.

  “We did, sweetheart. We raised a record amount, and all of the numbers aren’t even in yet,” he told us.

  Emily excused herself to use the ladies’ room. Ian looked at me and said, “Thank you for accompanying Emily tonight. I’ve never seen her look so happy.”

  That was an unexpected compliment. “It has been my pleasure, sir.”

  “And I also want to thank you for helping out with the Martin situation. It was unfortunate that he showed up, and I could see how much it upset my daughter,” he continued.

  “I was happy to help. Emily gave me some background about their relationship, and it felt good to stand by her side as she proved to him it’s over.”

  Ian shook my hand as Emily approached us. “Everything OK?” she asked.

  “Never better,” I told her. “Are you ready to get going?”

  “I am,” she said. We said our good-byes and headed to the front of the venue to hail a cab.



  “So what were you gentlemen talking about?” I had to know, even though it had seemed amiable enough.

  He hesitated a minute before he answered, which made me nervous. “Oh, you know, the usual guy stuff.” I could tell he was teasing me.

  “Why are you being coy, Mr. Baldwin?”

  “Because you’re fun to tease, Miss Jensen. If you must know, your father thanked me for helping you have a good time tonight.”

  Wow, that was not what I had expected. Although if I really thought about it, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had that much fun at one of these events. My life had been pretty dull for as long as I could remember. Sara was the fun one. I was the serious one. So when was the last time I’d had fun?

  Oh yes, paintballing with Chad. That was a really good time. Making out on the couch was pretty sensational. Fooling around in bed was pretty awesome too. Interesting to think that my most fun memories were a result of my budding friendship with this young man from Cali. It would be remiss of me to think it was a coincidence. I was convinced this guy was really good for me. “I did have a lot of fun tonight. Thank you so much for joining me.”

  “Believe me, it was my pleasure. There was excellent food and wine, a talented band, and, of course, a stunning date,” he said to me as he put his arm around me.

  “Stunning? I don’t know about that,” I told him. No one had referre
d to me as stunning before – except for Chad earlier in the evening. He said it twice in one night. I could get used to these kinds of compliments. He was very good for my self-esteem.

  He turned so we were facing each other. “Yes, stunning.” And then he leaned down and kissed me lovingly. I could feel the goose bumps rushing from one end of my body to the other. He stopped kissing me before I was ready to break the embrace. “Here’s a cab. I’ll have the driver drop you off first if you’d prefer and then take me home. That is, unless you’d like some company?” he asked playfully.

  “Well,” I said thoughtfully. “I really don’t want this evening to end.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked me gently.

  I didn’t hesitate. “Yes!” I said eagerly.

  He gave me the most mischievous smile. “It would be my pleasure to accompany you home, Miss Jensen.”

  The cabbie dropped us off in front of my place. Chad hopped out of the car first and held the door open for me. He was such a gentleman. He extended his hand to help me out, which I appreciated, since I wasn’t used to wearing high heels. Chad didn’t let go of my hand as we walked into the building.

  The doorman held the door open and greeted me by name. He also said hello to Chad, with a large smile. As we took the elevator to the top floor, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. Although Chad and I had the most incredible make-out sessions known to man, I had never been intimate with another guy except for him. I didn’t include my pathetic one-night stand in a high school relationship as part of my sexual repertoire.

  Chad must have sensed my anxiety. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, since we’d had such a nice time together the night before. I guessed I was just apprehensive about taking our relationship to the next level and having intercourse with him. I wanted to have sex with him more than anything, but I was still nervous.

  As the elevator ascended, he turned to me. “Relax, Emily. I have no intention of pressuring you into doing anything. I’m simply pleased to be able to spend more time with you.”

  I was mortified that he could read my mind so clearly. I was also relieved. This guy understood my angst. I wasn’t sure any human being had ever been so in tune with how I was feeling. I was overwhelmed and ecstatic at the same time.

  “Thank you,” was the best I could come up with as I put my arms around his waist.

  When we entered the apartment, I dropped my purse and shawl on the first chair I passed. “Would you care for a brandy?” I asked him.

  “That would be great,” he answered.

  I went to the bar and poured two snifters of Courvoisier and walked into the living room to join Chad, who had taken a seat on the couch. He had removed his coat, tie, and shoes. As soon as I sat down, I handed him his glass and lifted mine to toast him.

  “To my new friend.”

  Chad gave me that magical smile and responded, “To my new friend.”

  I took a sip and then set my glass down so I could take my shoes off. I was rubbing my feet when Chad leaned down and grabbed both of my feet so he could put them on his lap.

  “Please, let me rub them for you.”

  He began to rub my feet, and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I murmured, “God, that feels good. I’ve never had anyone rub my feet before except for when I get pedicures. This feels totally different. Thank you. My feet especially thank you, since they haven’t been confined to high heels in quite a long time.”

  Chad laughed. “It’s my pleasure. I don’t understand how any woman can walk in heels for hours on end.” As he continued to rub my feet, I picked up my snifter and sipped on my drink. Every few minutes Chad would take a sip of his as well. We chatted casually about the evening. My ex’s name never came up again, which I was extremely thankful for. I was ready to put that relationship behind me. It was time to move forward.

  Occasionally I would feel Chad’s hand wander up to my knee. I didn’t have nylons on, so it felt very provocative. I was experiencing a plethora of feelings I wasn’t sure how to act upon. I was very new to all the sexual feelings invading my body. By the time I’d finished my drink, I was feeling very amorous.

  “Thank you again for coming to the gala with me tonight. I had a really great time.”

  Chad smiled at me and pulled me onto his lap. I had to lift my dress up so I wouldn’t tear the fabric. I tucked my legs underneath me as my thighs straddled his. This was the position that led to our first sexual encounter. It made me excited just thinking about it. I looked him in the eyes and had the most overwhelming urge to kiss him, so I did. It started out slow and gentle. He tasted a bit like Courvoisier and a whole lot of hot male. The gentle mingling of the tongues didn’t last long. The pressure increased fairly rapidly, and I could feel the intensity rising.

  Chad wrapped his arms around my hips and urged me to press my body closer to his. It was impossible not to melt into him. I could feel his hands rub my back and my hips and then my ass. God that felt heavenly. I loved the way his hands caressed my body. I could feel the pressure in my loins. I could also feel how hard he was.

  Before I knew what was happening, Chad pulled the front of my bodice down and started kissing my breasts. The sensations were indescribable. He gently bit my nipples. Oh, I liked how that felt. I fumbled at the buttons of his shirt. I needed to feel his skin. I was able to unbutton his shirt in record time. Just looking at his strong pectorals and chiseled abs made me hornier then I thought possible. He released his hands from my body for just a moment to pull his shirt out of his slacks. My hands wandered all over his torso. I loved the strength and heat radiating from his body. I closed my eyes so I could focus on my other senses. I leaned my head back as I savored the sensations pulsating through my body. Our midsections were resting against one another, and I couldn’t help moving that part of my body against his. We rediscovered the rhythm we had on the dance floor. I enjoyed this dance even better.

  The more he sucked on my breast, the more frustrated I felt. I found my hands leaving his chest and finding his head. I dropped my face against the top of his head as I pulled his hair. The pressure was building between my legs, and the intensity of our foreplay was becoming unbearable. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic in my dress and really wanted to take it off.

  “Could you help me out of this dress?” I asked him.

  He looked up at me and smiled. “Stand up,” he commanded.

  He helped me stand up and turned me around so he could unzip the back. He took his time as he kissed the back of my neck, my shoulders, and my lower back. I felt him take the dress off of my shoulders and pull it down my body as he continued the butterfly kisses. He knelt down and lifted my feet up one at a time so he could get the dress completely off of my body. I was standing there in just my underwear. It was the first time he was seeing my body.

  “God, you are one gorgeous woman,” he said to me as he rubbed his hands all over the back of my body and kept teasing me with gentle kisses.

  I turned to face him. “Please stand up,” I instructed him.

  He did as he was told. If I was going to be standing in the middle of the living room in my underwear, he was going to have to be dressed the same way. I reached up so I could take off his shirt. “You are overdressed, Mr. Baldwin,” I informed him.

  As I pulled his arms out of his sleeves, I buried my face in his chest and inhaled.

  “You smell intoxicating,” I admitted.

  I decided to reciprocate the gentle kisses because they had elicited such a strong response in me. I was kissing his chest and his stomach when I realized I really wanted to get him out of his pants. I worked my way up to his neck with my mouth as I reached down to unbuckle his belt. It wasn’t as easy as I thought, and I found myself fumbling once again.

  “Need help?” I heard him whisper.

  “No, I got this,” I told him.

  And I did. The next hurdle was to undo his pants so I could enjoy his magnificent physique. I was a
ble to unfasten his pants and pull down his zipper like an expert. The pants fell to the floor once they were undone. I shimmied down his legs, touching him everywhere. I tapped on his left foot so he would lift it up. I released the pants from that leg. I repeated the action on the right. Now he was standing there in his snug boxers. That was so much better.

  I made my way back up his body. Since I was so much shorter than he was, I had to get up on my toes to reach his mouth. He could tell that was an effort, so with one quick motion he picked me up, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and giggled. “I love how strong you are,” I murmured as I started to kiss him. He only kissed me for a minute before he pulled away and looked down.

  “You have beautiful breasts. I’ve wanted to suck on them all evening. I haven’t quite had my fill yet. If you don’t mind?” he suggested.

  “Please, be my guest.” Since I was being held up in his arms, I wasn’t able to do much besides hang on. I leaned my head back to give him better access to my chest. He ravished me relentlessly, and I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. Every thing this man did to me was a turn on. “I…um…God, that feels so good,” was all I could say. “I’d really like to touch you,” I mumbled.

  He walked over to the end of the couch without letting go of my breasts or me and lifted his leg so he could kick a few pillows on the floor. He gently squatted down so he could rest my head on one of the pillows and my body on the carpet. He continued to suck, tease, and fondle my breasts as he rested his hard, virile body on top of mine.

  I found myself writhing underneath him in a type of erotic pain. He obviously paid attention to my cues. “Getting antsy?” he asked? I didn’t have a chance to respond before he said “Let me help you.” He reached his hand inside my panties and went directly to the source of my frustration. When he put his fingers inside of my wet and swollen body, I thought I was going to combust. I couldn’t stop myself from grinding my hips against his hand. I could feel his erection against me, but it wasn’t enough. I needed to feel it in my hand.


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