The Deal

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The Deal Page 6

by Zach Jenkins

  “Fuck. That’s good. God, you’re so good at this.”

  He pulled his mouth free long enough to say, “It’s amazing what a guy can do, isn’t it? Having our own equipment and knowing what we like definitely makes for a better fuck.”

  I certainly wasn’t going to argue with him. I was too busy trying to think of as many nonsexual things as I could to delay my orgasm. I was conflicted between chasing the quick release, or shooting for something more prolonged.

  When his free hand reached between my legs to play with my balls, I knew I needed to make a decision fast before it was too late. I pushed him away and said, “Get that condom and follow me.”

  My voice sounded halfway to a growl. I felt like a wild animal; Icarus brought out all of my primal urges.

  I stood and reached behind me to pull him after me.

  Icarus’ hand squeezed ahold of mine. “Where are we going?”

  “I need something hard,” I said.

  “From what I could tell, you are already plenty hard.”

  Frustrated that I wasn’t being sucked or fucked, I dragged him into the kitchen. “Solid. Sturdy. Here we go.”

  I pulled him in front of me and made him face the counter. “Give me that condom.”

  I tore the wrapper open and rolled it over my dick. I pulled his pajama pants down to his knees. I was too wild with frenzy to bother giving him time to take them off.

  Grunting with frustration with how long everything was taking, I spread some of the lube Icarus handed me over my dick. Grabbing my cock with one hand, I spread his ass with the other and lined myself up.

  “We good here?” I asked.

  “You have no idea. Go slow at first, though. I’ll tell you if I need you to stop.”

  I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. I pushed against his entrance and met resistance. Unsure where to go from there, I hesitated.

  “You’re going to have to work a little harder than that,” Icarus said.

  No matter what happened, I didn’t want to hurt Icarus. It was silly, since he was the one with all the experience, and he was the one encouraging me. Still, staring at my swollen dick and his tiny opening, I couldn’t imagine what I was supposed to do next.

  Fortunately, Icarus did know. Bracing himself with his hands on the edge of the counter, he pushed back against me.

  Suddenly, the tip of my cock was in his ass, and everything felt right in the world.

  Icarus whistled. “There we go. Now you can take it from here. Slow and steady at first. Come on.”

  Inspired by the initial success, I grabbed his hips and slowly drove myself forward until my stomach pressed against his ass. I gave his hips a squeeze. “We made it.” I said and immediately blushed, feeling silly at my words.

  “That we did. Now is that all you wanted to do or are you going to fuck me like a good husband should?”

  The dam that had been keeping me under control crumbled.

  I started hammering my body against his.

  The slaps of our bodies and our grunts were the only sounds in the room.

  I slapped his ass a few times and was rewarded with my pink handprint on his pale skin.

  At one point I noticed Icarus reach between his legs with one hand and start jacking himself off.

  “I’m so close. I’m so close,” he whispered in a frantic rush.

  I didn’t slow down to give him time. I couldn’t have if I wanted to. My body was in control and it knew what I needed.

  Icarus grunted and the muscles in his body went tight. His ass clenched tighter around my cock, pushing me over the edge.

  I fucked him through my orgasm and for several seconds afterward.

  I never wanted to stop.

  I wanted to do it all over again.

  Icarus eventually collapsed with his chest on the counter and slowly exhaled.

  I just collapsed to the floor.

  “My God. Are you okay?” Icarus asked, looking down on me with concern.

  My body was too exhausted to move a muscle. “Why the hell did I wait so long for that?”



  Late the next morning at Cupcake Kisses, I sat on my stool, nibbling at my muffin and lost in my own thoughts, ignoring the commotion around me.

  How could I think of anything other than the feel of Harley’s body, spooned against mine as we slept together in his—our?—bed or the feel of him in me when he’d woken with a hard-on and politely asked if we could go for another round?

  The request had been the end of his politeness. Just like in the kitchen, once we got started, there was very little gentleness. Harley was huge and strong and physical and satisfied all my deepest desires.

  He was perfect.

  But what the hell is actually going on?

  “Hey. Where are you?” Echo asked as she threw a towel at me.

  “What? Sorry. Just tired, I guess. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  I pulled a chocolate chip out of the muffin and popped it into my mouth.

  “The tour didn’t go well yesterday?” Echo asked.

  I shook my head emphatically. “No. It went great. We had six people. Harley came again and brought a few of his friends. There was an old couple that came, too, but they were free. Kind of a coupon thing from a while back.”

  “That sounds positive,” Echo said, appearing to grow bored as she turned her attention back to the vanilla icing she was spreading over a lemon cake.

  “Yeah, it was fun. You should’ve seen Harley. He kept butting in whenever anyone asked a question.”

  Griffin, seated on my left, didn’t bother to look up from behind the newspaper that he read each morning. “Sounds horrible.”

  Shane, seated on my right, added, “Good luck with that conversation where you tell him that you need some time alone. Even if you were married for real, spending all that time together wouldn’t be healthy.” He pointed a donut at me for emphasis before dunking it into his coffee.

  I almost let it go, but I didn’t like the thought of them thinking that Harley was a bad guy. “It wasn’t anything like that at all. I imagine it’s probably what parents or teachers go through when they have an excited kid around who knows something and needs to make sure the rest of the world does, too. If that’s obnoxious, all of you guys could do with being a little more obnoxious about my ghosts once in a while. I’m not saying anything, but I can’t remember the last time any of you, besides Echo, came for the tour or told any of your friends about it.”

  No one replied.

  “That’s what I thought. And not only is he interested enough to interrupt during the tour, he’s bringing new people to it. I think I’ll just keep letting him do exactly what he’s doing, if it’s all the same to you.”

  I bit into my muffin angrily.

  “Oh my God,” Griffin said, folding his newspaper and setting it neatly in front of him. “You see what’s happening here, right, guys?”

  Echo and Shane both looked at me as if expecting to find horns growing out of my head.

  “What?” Echo asked and did a double-take when I looked away from her.

  “You’re all idiots,” Griffin said. “I see it plain as day. The only question I have left is did you bang the straight guy yet?”

  My face immediately turned the deepest shade of red.

  I picked up a section of Griffin’s newspaper, pretending to have an interest in the Homes section.

  “Holy shit,” Echo said, throwing another towel at me. “Why didn’t you tell me you had sex with him?”

  “Was he even any good?” Shane asked. “Straight guys are never any good, in my experience. That guilt of theirs messes everything up.”

  “First of all, he was fantastic. Twice,” I said, holding up two fingers on each of my hands to make sure they could see. “And I don’t think he’s straight anymore. There wasn’t a whole lot of guilt, either. Last night, at least. Nor this morning when we went at it again.”

  Echo clapped
and bounced on her tiptoes. “Icky, I’m so happy for you. Wait, does this mean that you guys aren’t getting a divorce?”

  Her question hit me like a brick.

  The topic hadn’t come up.

  I shrugged but didn’t know what to say.

  Griffin changed the subject. “Can we move on from this? You guys bore me. Figure it out and get back to us. Let’s move on to Matt and Pierre. I’m pretty sure they’ll be divorced before you and the straight guy, once they actually get married, at least. Did you hear about that fight a couple of hours ago at the shop?”

  Echo and Shane both nodded while I shook my head.

  Griffin turned toward me. “All you need to know is that it ended with their front display window broken.”

  “What? Are they okay?” I asked, imagining a break-in or a shooting.

  “They’re both fine,” Griffin said. “The good news is that the ugly vase they had on that middle table broke when it flew through the window. I just hope those two dumbasses went home and rage fucked afterwards to get all that energy out of their systems. The fact that they’re not together yet is inconceivable.”

  “Speaking of bad relationships,” Echo said, glowing like she did when she knew something the rest of us didn’t. “Christian and Megan are done. She called it off last night. She’s moving to Europe for her job and Christian wanted to stay behind.”

  “Where’s she moving to?” Griffin asked.

  “Paris,” Echo answered.

  “He’s so straight,” Griffin said. “What gay guy doesn’t jump at the chance to move to Paris, right?”

  Shane and I both started to argue that point when Niko emerged from the kitchen.

  “Niko, you’re here. How’s your mom?” I asked.

  “Much better. She’s home again now. Hopefully she’ll be able to stay out of the hospital for a while.” Niko crossed himself. “It is like a weight has been lifted. I was inspired with a new recipe today that you all need to try.”

  He set a loaf of bread on the counter and cut slices for each of us. He waited for us all to take a bite before taking one himself.

  “This is great. Pumpkin raisin, right?” Echo asked. “God, this is your best one yet.”

  The rest of us mumbled with our mouths full and gave thumbs up for agreement.

  Having devoured the bread, we settled into our daily gossip.

  It felt comfortable to be hanging out with my friends, but I still missed Harley.

  I knew it was the whole excitement of a new relationship, but it was hard to be apart from him, even if it was to spend time with my friends. I kept checking the time, which was silly because I didn’t even have a set time when I was supposed to meet up with him again.

  “I’ve got to go. Another doctor appointment to make sure the foot’s healing right,” Shane said, but before he could gather up his crutches, someone walked in the front door.

  “There you are,” Harley said. “I thought you might be at the coffee shop so I tried there first. Griffin, you guys make some good coffee. Anyway, I was walking by the antique shop on the way over here and saw this in the window and just had to get it for you.”

  He was hiding something behind his back.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I spun on the stool to fully face him, closed my eyes, and held out my hands. Harley had already done so much for me that I couldn’t imagine why he was buying me a gift. “You didn’t have to,” I said, happy that he had.

  I felt something soft and furry in my hands. At first I worried that he had done something crazy like buy me a dog, but whatever it was, it wasn’t moving.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw a pink pillow shaped like a ghost. “Is this from that game?”

  He nodded. “Pac-Man. They used to have an old one at a pizza place my friends and I used to go to. I love that game.”

  He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss as if it was something he’d been comfortable doing for years. His bold move left me dizzy, confused, and breathless.

  “So what do you want to do today?” I asked.

  He leaned forward and whispered into my ear. “You.”

  “Check, please,” I told my sister. “Hey, Harley, do you want to throw anything onto the order before we go?”

  “Sure, one of those chocolate chip cookies.”

  When Echo handed me the receipt, I passed it to Harley without even thinking about it, and immediately worried if I’d gone too far.

  But he just reached into his pocket for his wallet and paid.

  It would take some time to get used to having someone other than Echo take care of me, but if he was determined to pamper me, why would I fight that?

  Griffin and Shane both groaned and said that was their cue to leave.

  Echo pointed a mixing spoon at Harley and me. “If you two are going to chase away my customers, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Before she let us go, though, she hurried around the counter to give us a group hug. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two but you look happy. Grab hold of that and make it work.”

  We walked out into the sunshine, ready to embrace the day, together.



  “Brr. I didn’t expect it to be so cold in here,” I said.

  Without taking his eyes off the guide who was explaining how long it had taken for the stalactite to stretch from the ceiling of the cave to the floor, Harley took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. It would have been rude to interrupt him while he was listening so intently, so I couldn’t have turned him down if I’d wanted to.

  Harley did sweet things all the time without appearing to even think about it. It was just his nature. I had a hard time reconciling the man he seemed to see himself as with the one I’d gotten to know over the last week.

  “Thanks for the jacket,” I said when the guide led us through a tunnel toward the next speaking spot. “But aren’t you going to get cold?” I asked.

  He nodded and said, “I hope so. It’ll give me an excuse to do this.”

  He wrapped me in a bear hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “That’s better. You always heat me up.”

  “If kissing my forehead warms you up when you’re a little cold, I hope you freeze your ass off so you have to aim for my lips instead.”

  Harley’s smile went slightly cockeyed when he was most amused.

  Seeing the smile in the shadowy caves made me want to sneak away. Unfortunately, there was nowhere we could fool around on the guided tour.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said. “But I don’t think they’ll let me run around in here with my shirt off just so I have an excuse to kiss you.”

  I shook free from his embrace and put my hands on my hips, and in a joking tone asked, “And just why do you need to look for an excuse to kiss me?”

  I hoped it was clear I was fishing for a kiss rather than actually starting a fight.

  Harley answered my question by stepping forward and pressing his body against mine. With my back pinned against the cave wall, it was a toss-up between which was harder. I ran my hands up his chest and gave his pecs a squeeze to test.

  Harley glanced over each shoulder to make sure no one was looking before leaning down and giving me the most passionate kiss he’d given me since we’d gotten out of the car in the parking lot.

  Once the dam had broken on our wedding night, Harley never missed a moment to kiss or touch me. We felt like teens who had just found our first love, and couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.

  Neither of us had risked bringing up the topic of exactly where things were headed. We both seemed to be just having fun and living in the moment.

  His parents were coming home soon and we were scheduled to meet them to discuss Harley’s money. The closer the day came to meeting them, the more I dreaded it.

  Not because of them, but because of what it meant for our marriage. Meeting his parents was supposed to be the first step on the path to getting the money, and eventua
lly getting divorced.

  He had certainly been pampering me since the wedding. We ate out so often that it wouldn’t be long before I needed to go and buy new clothes because of the pounds I had put on. It was as though he lived every day of his life on vacation. At this rate, by the time his parents got back in town, I would probably be ready to turn down the money entirely, as long as I could stay with Harley in exchange.

  But that wouldn’t be fair to him. He wanted that money, and would definitely need it. He’d had no new money coming in since they’d cut him off. He didn’t have a job. Either we needed to tighten our belts, or we needed to have the meeting with his parents.

  I had lost track of time while kissing Harley and thinking about our future. Neither of us heard the guide sneak up on us. When he cleared his throat to get our attention, we discovered that our group had moved on without us and the next group had caught up to us.

  “You’re supposed to stay with your group,” the new guide said. “We don’t want you getting lost or hurt in the caves. Please stay with me the rest of the tour, or we’re going to have to ask you to leave.”

  As we continued through the cave, listening to the new guide, Harley whispered in my ear, “You’re twice as good of a guide as either of these guys.”

  “Maybe I should see if they’re hiring?” I whispered back.

  “No way. You’ve got your own theme. Your tours are more interesting. We’ll make it work. That reminds me that I need to call a friend of mine who knows all about websites.”

  Harley seemed to have an answer for all of my doubts. I wondered, but didn’t dare to ask, what he thought I should do about my fear of losing him.

  He didn’t look cold, but I squeezed myself against his body just the same, and tried to fake a little bit of his confidence. He hadn’t said anything to make me doubt that he wanted to be with me, so why should I listen to the voices in my head telling me otherwise?


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