Bound To The Flame

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Bound To The Flame Page 5

by Harmony Raines

  “It is a surprise.” He crossed over to her and placed his hand on her arm squeezing it gently. She turned to him and looked at his lips. The need to kiss him, to touch him in a way that would strengthen their bond was almost too great.

  ShanRohit let his hand drop; he stood looking at her and then turned and left. “I will meet you outside when you are ready.”

  Trinity stood where he had left her and felt sorrow for the loss of intimacy between them. She told herself she would try her hardest to make him trust her, and one day to love her, for they were bound together she could feel it like an invisible thread.

  Collecting all the provisions she could carry in the satchel she found, Trinity went outside to meet ShanRohit. He stood looking majestic in his dragon form, beside him there was a pile of blankets.

  He spoke to her in his metallic sounding voice. “This is a saddle the dragons have used to carry their women. I will guide you in attaching it securely between my horns so that my scales do not rub your legs.”

  Trinity set her satchel down and together they managed to get the saddle secured. She was sure he was being directed by the elder dragons, so when it was fitted and she was sat comfortably on his back she spoke to ShanRohit, “Can you thank the elders for me. I am grateful for this saddle, and their assistance in fitting it.”

  ShanRohit was silent for a moment, then he spoke, “The elders are glad to help, they wish only to make you happy.”

  “And I wish only to make you happy.” She blushed as she spoke, glad he couldn’t see her face.

  She felt the surge of heat fill his body, transmitting itself to her, then he crouched down and leapt into the air, and she could feel the joy he felt. They soared higher and higher, Trinity held onto his horn but felt much safer and more comfortable in the saddle.

  This time instead of closing her eyes she took in the sights of the green valley below. She saw a herd of wild horses moving across the open plain, becoming tiny white dots as he lifted up almost vertically.

  He changed direction and they crested the high peaks and carried on to the south west of the mountain range. Trinity soon learned to enjoy the feel of the fresh breeze on her face, and after being inside for so long she relished the sense of freedom flying gave her.

  ShanRohit beat his wings strongly, his joy in flight transmitting to her, making her body come alive too. Her blood pulsed excitedly in her veins, the connection between them making her feel as though she were actually flying instead of just a passenger.

  She had dressed warmly in some of the clothes ShanRohit had given her. They fit well and were of good quality, if a little outdated. Trinity had guessed they had belonged to the dragon mates that she had seen drawings of in the books.

  When she had time she planned to go over the writings and drawings and try to match some of the outfits to the pictures. It seemed important to her to learn about the other women who had been bound to the dragons. She hoped to keep their memories alive by learning about them.

  He did not fly too far before he began to descend. Using the air currents he mimicked the flight of birds, coasting down until a small cottage came into view. Almost silently he came down to land, and Trinity experienced only a slight bump as his large feet touched the ground.

  She went to climb down, but he stopped her. “Wait,” he said, his voice a warning.

  “Is there something wrong?” Trinity looked around, the cottage and surrounding area seemed deserted. “Why are we here, ShanRohit?”

  His body was tense, she could feel him straining every sense to check for danger, but danger from what, why had he brought her here if it was not safe?

  Suddenly the door of the cottage swung open, the dragon turned towards it and he lurched forward as someone came running out. Then she felt him relax, and a familiar voice called her, “Princess, is that really you?”

  There was no mistaking the voice of her old servant, Rose. Trinity had tried to push all thought of her fate from her head, knowing that her father would carry out his threat to kill her and her family. Yet here she was running towards her with outstretched arms.

  “Rose! You are safe, I thought I would never see you again.” Trinity threw herself off the dragon and ran to meet her.

  “ShanRohit came to the castle yesterday and spoke to your father, and then he accompanied us here.”

  “Is this true?” Trinity turned to question the dragon who nodded in answer. “Why did you not tell me?”

  ShanRohit turned into his human form. “When I left yesterday to talk to your father I did not know if I would succeed in persuading him to honour his side of the agreement he made with you.”

  “Persuade?” Trinity could not picture her father being persuaded by the dragon. The dragon shuffled slightly, trying to avoid her gaze. “You threatened him!”

  “Yes, we decided it was the only way to get him to do as we wanted.”

  “We? You mean the elders were in on this?”

  “Of course.” ShanRohit sounded like a child, there were not many times when his immaturity at dealing with people became obvious, but it did now.

  “Thank you,” Trinity touched his arm and he lifted his eyes to hers and smiled. She smiled back when she added, “All of you. I did not know you cared so much.”

  “We have always wanted you to be happy, Trinity.” Then ShanRohit spoke as himself. “I must be truthful with you Trinity, the elders wished to exert their dominance over your father too.”

  He paused and she knew he was listening to the elders; she got the feeling they were giving him a telling off for saying too much. But he gritted his teeth and looked at her directly again before continuing. “Your father had forgotten that we protect your people because of the bond between a dragon and his mate, no more. I will do what I must to make you happy, but he had to learn that I am not a dog that can be commanded to do his will.”

  “And he knows this now?” Trinity asked.

  “Yes.” ShanRohit seemed to smile.

  “I would like to have been witness to that conversation.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “You should have taken me with you.”

  He turned his head and kissed her hand, heat immediately radiating out from him into her. “I could not have risked your safety,” he murmured.

  Rose cleared her throat and the two lovers pulled away from each other. “Would you like some tea, miss?”

  “Yes, thank you Rose, and you must call me Trinity now, I am no longer your princess.” Rose blushed and Trinity knew that would take some practice, for both of them, but she was determined they should now be equals. “I have some food to share with you; did all your family come with you from the city?”

  The two women walked towards the house, ShanRohit did not follow. Trinity turned back to him. “You are not joining us?”

  “No, I will return to my dragon form and make sure you are safe. We wish to be certain your father has not sent any soldiers or spies.”

  Trinity nodded and went back to her conversation with Rose, her heart lighter than it had ever been. He loved her, she was sure, why else would he have helped Rose? He could have put her father in his place without going out of his way to help her old servant.


  Trinity spent the day with Rose and her family. She learned that the dragon had accompanied them here, with no help from her father’s soldiers. He had carried their belongings on his back while they had ridden in a wagon.

  “We will be eternally grateful for everything you have done for us,” Rose told her as she said goodbye to Trinity.

  ShanRohit stood a little way off from the cottage, Rose's nephew was standing staring at him in awe. As Trinity moved closer she asked the little boy. “Do you want to touch his scales?”

  The boy looked wide eyed, but nodded. “Is that all right with you?” she asked the dragon.

  “Of course,” he said in his strange metallic voice. The child took a step back at the sound but Trinity took his hand and led him closer. Slowly, and very nervousl
y, the little boy slid his hand over the smooth shiny scales, his face filled with wonder.

  “There, he is not so scary now is he?” The little boy shook his head and Trinity felt the dragon draw his breath ready to breathe fire. “Now, now, do not be a show off,” she chided the dragon

  ShanRohit let the breath evaporate, she laughed to herself at the feelings coming from him. Now he really did feel like a dog that had been petted, he wanted to prove himself a beast to be feared.

  The thought flashed through her mind of how she would like him to show her what a beast he was. ShanRohit picked up on her feelings before her own body had a chance to react to them. She felt his arousal grow along with her own. As quick as she could she said goodbye to her friends and promised to return soon.

  With a great leap the dragon flew up into the air heading back to his ancestral home with his bound mate. His body vibrated under Trinity, her sex excited by the feel of him, she knew what he was doing and it was all she could do not to rub her clit against him in the hope of some relief.

  He flew fast, the wind streaking across her face, the mountain peaks soon appeared and he barely scraped over them before descending down to the ledge. Once there she threw herself off his back and he turned into a man in a shimmering blur.

  Two large strides and he was beside her, he picked her up in his arms and carried her inside. His head bent down to hers and he kissed her urgently as he took her to the bedroom. She twined her hands into his hair roughly and pressed herself against him, her breasts crushed against his chest.

  Setting her down on her feet he quickly removed her dress, trying not to tear it in his haste. Trinity's fingers worked on removing his clothes, which always seemed to be covering him when he shifted, she would ask him about that one day, but for now she wanted to feel his skin against hers.

  Once completely naked he pushed her down onto the bed, sliding down next to her and taking her breast in his hands. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples while his mouth returned to hers. Kissing her roughly he pushed his tongue inside her mouth to claim her. She yielded to him, no part of her wanting to fight him this time.

  With a groan he lifted himself up and tried to move between her thighs. “Wait, I wish to taste you, as you have tasted me.” She lifted herself up onto one arm and bade him lie beside her.

  He did as she asked, his large cock springing up from his loins, invitingly. Licking her lips to moisten them she kissed the tip of his hard length, She was rewarded by ShanRohit grabbing the covers on the bed in his fists to keep himself from taking her at once.

  Bravely she took the head of his cock in her mouth, tasting the first drop of pre come as it appeared. Swallowing his essence she took more of him in her mouth, her tongue swirling over the head of his cock before running down its length.

  He raised his hips off the bed, pushing deep into her mouth. She took him in as far as she could, feeling him against the back of her throat. But he was huge, and she could not take him inside completely, instead she used her hands to work up and down his shaft while her mouth bobbed over the head.

  He tensed and roared, his cock beginning to spurt into her mouth as he came. She swallowed down all that she could, tasting him. A mixture of the earth and fire, she licked him, and sucked him until he had nothing more to give, then she released him.

  He remained still, his hands relaxing and returning to stroke her body. However she had not finished with him, she needed to feel him inside her. Her small hands set to work on his cock once more, stroking him and fondling his balls until he hardened. When his cock stood up proudly again she lifted herself to sit astride him and very slowly took the head of his cock inside her sex.

  Lowering herself very slowly, she took him inch by slow inch. Fear gripped her, making the feel of him penetrating her even more delicious. Would she please him, would she even manage to take the whole of him inside her? Even now with her weight on her knees she felt completely filled, yet there was more of him left to accommodate. His cock vibrated inside her making her want to try.

  His hands slid up to her breasts and he tortured her nipples until they were hard and sore, the feeling connecting with her sex and seeming to allow her to stretch further for him. Down she moved, his cock pressing so deep inside her. She began to move, circling her hips while, pressing the walls of her sex against his hard shaft, the thrum of it setting her nerve endings alight..

  Relaxing, as much as she could, she moved to sit with her full weight on him. She had done it, he was buried up to the hilt inside her heated sex. ShanRohit sat up and held her close to him, his lips found her breasts and his hands held her hips and set a rhythm they both found satisfying. He guided her, teaching her the way of pleasure, until her body took over and he moved his fingers to stroke her clit.

  Her body shuddered, her inner walls gripped his huge cock, and pulsed against him. He could not contain himself and erupted inside her. The chain reaction was incredible, her body shook and trembled as he came, filling her with his seed. It pumped deep inside her, and her own juices mixed with his because she was so wet with need for him.

  He gripped her neck with his hand and pulled her head down for a fierce kiss, before he threw his head back and roared in triumph. Deep inside her she could feel the other dragons joining with him, they had succeeded, she was truly his, not bound by some spell, now they were bound by love and a need to satisfy each other.

  The elder dragons knew there would be a new life in her womb before long, and they celebrated. Then they closed themselves off from ShanRohit to give the two lovers some privacy as he pushed her down on the bed and mounted her. The days he had abstained from her bed had been unbearable and now they were each sure of their feelings for the other he meant to make up for lost time.


  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Visit Harmony Raines Author Page On Kindle


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  Erotic Tales Of Monsters


  Mythical Creatures

  An Heir For The Flame (Dragon Fantasy Romance)

  The elder dragons have predicted that Trinity will conceive the new dragon child tonight. So she mates with ShanRohit under the full moon.

  However their joy is soon snatched away from them when Trinity is kidnapped by the Galvainian Marauders, intent on destroying the dragon who now protects the city.

  Will ShanRohit succeed in his rescue attempt? Or will the last dragon be killed by the marauders? And will Trinity discover why she is inexplicably drawn to Gunnar, her captor?

  Warning: This 12,000 word story contains scenes of a sexual nature and is for adults only.

  Excerpt: Trinity could feel the heat rising in her body before he even touched her. This was the effect he always had on her; they were bound together by something greater than flesh and blood.

  Her heart began to race wildly when he placed his hand on her arm and turned her to him. The place where his skin touched hers burned as though he was fire itself. Yet its heat did not harm her, it simply made her need for him more intense.

  Her eyes took in his magnificent body, toned and hard as though sculpted from the very stone they stood beneath. She never got used to how he took her breath away, in either form.

  Only moments earlier he had descended from the sky, a magnificent creature of muscle and sinew with scales of burnished red giving an impression of living fire when the rays of the sun reflected off them. Trinity had watched him in awe, never tiring of the sight of the creature that was hers, as she was his.

  Bred By The Unicorn (Virgin Paranormal Erotic Romance)

  Used to lure a unicorn to it’s death, Iona is shocked when she is rescued by the creature and taken to his world. Their sexual attraction is too strong for them to deny. But other creatures are drawn to her virgin innocence too. Can the shape shifting unicorn keep her safe?


  Captured By The

  Hannoth Barbarians

  Tilda - Captured By The Hannoth Barbarians (Virgin Sex Slaves)

  After being treated cruelly by her mistress, Princess Yolanda, for as long as she can remember Tilda is pleased when she is captured by the barbarians.

  Tilda soon falls in love with the young barbarian, Rond. He wishes to make her his. Can he persuade Darroth, the barbarian chief to let him have her?

  Warning: This 13,000 word short story contains scenes of a sexual nature only suitable for adults.

  Excerpt: “I can please you in other ways,” she said nervously. Would he even want her?

  “You are offering yourself to me?” Surprise resonated in his voice again.

  “Yes, why would I not want to please my rescuer?”

  He crossed the short distance left between them and gripped her arms roughly. “Do not make fun of me.”

  Tilda felt a surge of fear, and something else, longing for this man to touch her. She had to persuade him that she wanted only to please him.

  Thandor - Captured By The Hannoth Barbarians (Virgin Sex Slaves) Reluctant First Time Gay Sex

  After Having his first taste of a woman, Thandor is captured by barbarians. He expects to be taken to work down the mines, but instead he is given to Garth as a replacement for his slave Tirim.

  Thandor is soon taught the ways of the barbarian clan. Will he fight or will he accept being used by the barbarians?

  Princess Yolanda - Captured By The Hannoth Barbarians (Virgin Sex Slaves)

  Princess Yolanda is on her way to be married to Prince Arrat when she is taken captive by the barbarians. She is convinced she can get the chief of the barbarians to change his mind about mating with her, after all she is a princess!

  However in the eyes of Darroth, the barbarian chief she is the same as any other virgin sex slave, and will be presented at the mating room.

  Find out how Princess Yolanda is introduced to the many pleasures of the barbarian clan, whether she likes it or not.


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