A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 11

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Kat took a few tentative steps closer as Harper watched her intently, feeling as if she was about to toss up everything that she had ever eaten in her entire life. When she stood beside Luke, he put his hand to the small of her back and urged her forward as he took a few steps behind her to give them some space.

  Kat stared, unable to utter a word – her heart pounding in her chest so hard that she feared it would burst. She took a deep, steadying breath and glanced back to Luke over her shoulder. He gave her a gentle smile and a wink – nodding to her that it was all right, and Kat felt a surge of strength at his encouragement.

  She turned back to Harper and tried to smile – hoping to put the girl at ease. The poor thing had had so much dumped on her in the last day, that Kat had the overwhelming urge to comfort and protect her. “I didn’t know,” she began softly, her eyes shimmering with tears. “You were…you were kept a secret from me.” Damn it! Kat inwardly chastised herself. She was totally messing this up. “If I had known…I would have come sooner.”

  Harper narrowed her eyes, biting at her bottom lip much in the same fashion as Kat did when she was concentrating. “My mom and dad were the best,” she threw out, her chin jutting out in defiance, but Kat could see the emotion in the girl’s expression. “They loved me, and took care of me – but now…” She shook her head slightly, her eyes shining. “You really didn’t know about me?” She asked, after what to Kat seemed like an eternity, and she shook her head.

  “My…our mother sent me away before you were born.”

  “Why?” Harper asked as a tear slipped free and slid down her cheek - and Kat wanted nothing more at that moment than to take her in her arms and hold her. Instead, she again shook her head sadly.

  “I don’t really know. She did everything she could to hide you from me.”

  “I have no one now,” Harper whispered, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

  Kat took a step closer to her, her own tears running down her face. “That’s not true, Harper.” She said, trying her best to give her a reassuring smile. “You have me.”

  Harper stared at Kat a moment in silence, her hazel eyes sparkling with moisture. “I’m a handful,” she finally croaked out, and Kat couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yes, well; that makes two of us,” Kat replied softly, and decided to take a giant leap of faith. She swallowed back her fear and opened her arms to her sister, praying that she would see the love in her eyes.

  Harper hesitated a moment, glancing at Luke standing there silently, before looking back to Kat. Then suddenly she was stepping forward in a rush and throwing herself into her arms.

  As soon as their bodies touched there was an explosion of blue light that sent them each flying backwards with a loud pop.

  Harper landed firmly on her backside in the sand, and Kat was thrown back, right into Luke’s arms - the force of it, knocking them both to the ground. And Kat had the insane thought that she had finally moved the mountain - and all that it had taken was a small sonic boom.

  “What in the Hell was that?” Harper asked, getting to her feet and brushing off her bottom.

  Kat lay there on top of Luke, painfully aware of his strong arms wrapped around her, and tried to calm her beating heart. She felt him twist, and effortlessly stand up as he pulled her up with him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her, his hands curling over her shoulders, and his eyes boring into hers with concern. Kat nodded slowly, trying hard to figure out just what in the Hell had just happened. She had never experienced anything like it before.

  Luke turned to glance at Harper. “How about you, kid?” He asked her, as he led Kat over to where she stood.

  “Oh, I am just fine and freaking dandy,” she said with a sarcastic smirk. “I always enjoy getting the crap shocked out of me. It totally makes a girl feel alive, ya know? And I am not a kid!”

  Luke couldn’t help but to burst out laughing. The girl was just as much of a smartass as her sister, and he had the strong feeling that they were going to get along brilliantly.

  “Do you feel funny?” Kat asked Harper, and Luke’s eyes shot back to her. His gaze roaming over her body and face for any signs of injury – and his heart pounding in his chest with panic at the thought of her being hurt in any way.

  “Yeah,” he heard Harper respond. “I feel…kind of,” she broke off, trying to find the right words.

  “Energized?” Kat offered, and the girl nodded emphatically.

  “Yeah! That’s it exactly!”

  Kat took another step, so that she was standing directly in front of her - and tentatively reached out her hand towards her sister.

  “Katrina,” Luke protested softly with a hand on her arm. “Perhaps you shouldn’t.”

  Kat shook her head, stopping any further protest - and took Harper’s hand. There was a slight tingling at the contact, but no shot of electric current or ball of light. It felt almost like a diluted form of the tingles she had felt when she and Luke had made love, and she felt her cheeks grow warm with the memory. She shook off the thought, and pulled Harper into a hug, holding the girl close.

  Harper relaxed a moment later when she realized that she wasn’t going to be shot through the air again, and her arms lifted to return Kat’s embrace. After a few moments, they broke apart – smiling.

  Harper looked at Luke who was standing there silently, a look of apprehension marring his perfect features. She eyed him up and down a moment before looking back to Kat. “So, who’s Tarzan?” she asked with a grin. “Boyfriend?”

  “No!” Kat burst out, her face flushing even redder than it had been. “He’s a…well; he’s sort of a friend.” She stammered, and then glanced at Luke. “And, a giant, stubborn pain in the ass.”

  Luke broke out into laughter, and blew her a kiss. “You don’t know the half of it,” he replied.

  Harper’s eyes went between the two, her brows lifting slightly as if she knew something that they didn’t, and finally shrugged.

  “Whatever,” she said after a long pause. “So, what do we do now?”

  Luke walked over to them and grinned. “How about we get you both something to eat, and then settle into a hotel for the night. We have a lot to discuss, and you and your sister need a little time.”

  Kat nodded distractedly and looped her arm through Harper’s, following Luke back to the car – trying as hard as she could not to stare at his behind as they did.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Luke laughed when, not thirty minutes later, both Kat and Harper ordered pancakes at the little diner that they sat in. “Seriously?”

  “What? Pancakes are the perfect food,” Harper informed him, and Kat nodded in agreement.

  The two seemed to be slipping into an easy friendship, and Luke knew without a doubt that in time they would become inseparable. There was an instant bond between the two that you would have to be hard-pressed not to see. “So,” Harper asked, interrupting his musings. “What’s your deal, jungle-boy?”

  Luke choked back a laugh and studied her a moment. “Jungle-boy?” He finally asked; his mouth quirking up at the corners.

  “Yeah,” she stated, glancing at Kat quickly, then back to Luke – her lips turned up in a saucy little smile that was so much like her sisters. “What’s the deal with the braid? Like, that look went out in what…the 1800’s?”

  Luke leaned back in his seat and grinned – thoroughly enjoying himself. “I guess I just never bothered worrying about it much, brat.”

  “You should really let me cut it,” she went on, taking a sip of her soda and smiling. “I mean, catch up with the times for God’s sake.” She finished with a crinkling of her nose in distaste.

  “So, I take it that you have your cosmetology license?”

  Harper huffed - tossing her long hair behind her shoulder. “I know enough to cut that mop. It’s not like I’ll make you look Amish or anything! Geez.”

  Luke burst out laughing, his gorgeous eyes twinkling playfully, and Kat felt a
warmth spreading through her. She sat there and silently watched the two – her heart tightening in her chest at their playful banter. God, this all just seemed so natural – so right.

  She sighed at the thought of having to call Elaine and end all of this, and a moment later, her brows furrowed as a feeling of unease hit her full force. For some reason she couldn’t fathom; she didn’t want to call her mother. Call it instinct or a gut feeling, but the very idea made her unbelievably uneasy – as if a dark cloud had suddenly passed overhead.

  “Katrina, are you all right?” Luke asked; abruptly pulling her from her thoughts. She glanced at him, and noticed the worry clouding his features, and cursed the man for being so perceptive.

  “I’m fine,” she replied halfheartedly and thankfully, before he could press the issue, the waitress came over with their food.

  She didn’t want to have to explain this feeling of dread that was wrapping itself around her like a cloak. She needed to get him to take her and Harper home, and then decide her next move. If she told him about her fears, he would just argue that much more about staying with them. And she just could not have that. As much as it killed her, she knew that Luke was not to be a part of her life. That she needed to leave him. And something was telling her - the sooner the better.

  Harper dug into her pancakes and grinned impishly at Luke, and Kat couldn’t help but smile at the pleasure she seemed to take in teasing him at every given opportunity.

  “So, are you a witch too, Jungle-boy?” she asked between bites, and gave him a wink.

  Luke took a swig of his coffee and returned her smile. “Not quite,” he informed her with a shrug. “I’m a Were.”

  Harpers eyes widened. “Are you serious?” she asked, her mouth dropping open in wonder. “That is like…so wicked cool! I mean; I really didn’t think that werewolves were real.”

  “Well, I’m certainly real enough, brat.” He chuckled, and glanced at Kat- who in turn, turned beet red at the devilish gleam in his eyes.

  Oh, yes – she silently gulped. He sure as Hell was real. And yummy and sexy and…

  Kat shoved a forkful of food into her mouth and tried to ignore his gaze and what it did to her body temperature. The man was just too damn dangerous.

  “And, I’ll let you in on a bit of a secret,” he said, turning his attention back to the girl. “Two of my best friends happen to be Vampire’s – and one of their mates is part Fey.”

  “Holy crap!” Harper breathed - her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Holy freaking crap!”

  Luke laughed and took a bite of his burger – his eyes once again straying to Kat. God - he thought with a tightening of his body - she was beautiful, and he had the overpowering urge to lean across the table and kiss her full, sweet lips. Her mouth was set in a thoughtful grin, and it literally took his breath away.

  “So, can I like see you as a wolf sometime?” Harper asked, and he mentally shook himself back to reality.


  “Nice!” Harper laughed. “I always wanted a dog.”

  Kat choked on the bite of pancake that she had just stuffed into her mouth and began to cough and sputter - laughing at the look of complete shock on Luke’s face.

  Chapter 7

  “Um, is it ok if I take this room,” Harper asked softly as Luke ushered them into the motel room, and Kat felt her face instantly heat. “It’s nothing personal or anything,” she explained nervously. “But I’m just kind of used to having a room to myself, and I’m told that I talk in my sleep and… I hope that’s all right?”

  Luke smiled and gave her a wink. “I don’t have a problem with it at all,” he murmured, glancing at Kat and giving her a snarky grin that had the blood rushing through her body in a warming rush. “Is that all good with you, red?” He lifted his brow in challenge, and her body instantly stiffened.

  Damn it! Kat silently cursed - the thought of sharing a room once again with the mangy cur was scaring and exciting her all at the same time – throwing her damn mind and body into overdrive. But she would be damned if she was going to let the mangy cur know that.

  “That’s fine,” she bit out, her heart pounding in her chest and her palms getting clammy. She wiped them on her jeans and headed over to the door that adjoined the two rooms Luke had rented.

  She groaned as she walked through the threshold and saw the single king sized bed. Crap! Did the man have a thing for king sized beds or what? She knew that with his large stature a king would be much more comfortable – but… come on! Really?

  She threw her backpack on a nearby chair and sighed raggedly. When was she going to catch a break? Just what had she done to deserve this torture? She had always tried to be a good person – so why was fate dealing her such a crappy hand at every turn?

  Luke strolled through the door, kicked off his boots and plopped down on the bed. Stretching out with his arms behind his head, he studied Kat silently – causing her to grow extremely uncomfortable. She shot him a glare and walked back into Harpers room.

  “Is there anything you need?” she asked, trying desperately to forget about the gorgeous man sprawled out so damn seductively on the bed in the next room. He was utter temptation and that was proving to be a problem. Their no touching rule seemed to have been thrown out the window, and now she was going to have to share a bed with the irritating ass!

  “No, I’m good.” Harper said, giving Kat a weary smile. “I think I might just take a shower and call it a night. I’m wiped and I feel just all kinds of disgusting. Sleeping in the park is not my idea of a good time.” She hesitated a moment, watching Kat closely. “Um…when were you planning on calling your mother?” She asked finally - and Kat couldn’t help but notice the look of trepidation that crossed her features.

  “Harper,” Kat said, walking over to her and touching her arm. She instantly felt that low hum when they made contact. “Tell me the truth. Do you have a bad feeling about calling Elaine?”

  The girl was silent for a long moment, and then finally nodded her head slowly. “I can’t explain it, and I don’t want you to be upset – but it just feels… wrong somehow.”

  Kat pulled her over to the bed and sat down, taking her hands in hers. “Harper, listen to me. I’m not what you would call a ‘practicing witch’ really,” she explained softly. “I didn’t go to the celebrations as often as I should have. I had a life that I was content with, and never really had time for any of that.” She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “My powers are simple at best. I can scry and cast certain fundamental spells – and every so often I can feel a person’s emotions if I touch them and they are strong enough, but…” she shook her head. “The one thing that usually doesn’t fail me is my instincts. And they are telling me not to let Elaine know that we’re together.”

  Harper watched her closely a moment before throwing herself into Kat’s arms and hugging her fiercely. “Thank God!” She cried. “I…I can’t explain it either, but it just doesn’t feel right, ya know? Being with you…and Luke – that feels right.”

  Kat swallowed the lump that had formed instantly at her words. How could she tell her that she and Harper needed to leave Luke behind? That the only way to keep him safe - was to go off somewhere on their own and leave him behind.

  In time, she thought with a deep, overwhelming sadness – she would tell her soon. She would explain everything to her after Luke dropped them off at her apartment tomorrow.

  “Listen, kiddo,” she murmured, brushing the hair off of her face with the tips of her fingers. “We are going to be ok. Got it?” And Harper nodded – her hazel eyes as big as saucers, and Kat knew for all her outer toughness – the girl was scared. She might be seventeen years old, but she was still a confused, lost little girl inside. “I have the same reservations about calling her as you do. It just doesn’t feel right to me either - so between the two of us, I’m pretty sure our guts are right on the money. We’ll figure out where we’ll go tomorrow. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Harper agr
eed and hugged her again. “I’m glad you’re my sister,” she whispered in her ear, and Kat felt her heart swell. She had a sister!

  “Me too, kiddo. Now go take your shower and get some rest. You have to be exhausted.”

  “I am.”

  Kat stood and walked over to the door. Looking back over her shoulder, she threw Harper a wink – then turned back to go and face her biggest problem.

  When she walked back into the room, Luke still lay on the bed – but he seemed to have fallen asleep. She stood there silently and watched him a moment - once again taken by the pure, sensual beauty of the man.

  She knew that men weren’t usually considered beautiful – but this man could be described no other way. He was masculine, and chiseled and perfect beyond comprehension – and completely out of her reach. If she wanted to keep him safe, she had to let him go – and there was absolutely no changing that.

  It wasn’t as if they had anything together anyway, she told herself with a huff - except maybe some animosity and earth-shattering sex – and even though she found herself enjoying every moment that they spent together, she knew that it had to end. To save him she had to let him go- she repeated to herself, and walked across the room and into the bathroom – grabbing her backpack along the way. Maybe a nice hot bath would calm her battered heart.

  Luke woke the instant that Kat stepped into the room, but kept his eyes closed - hoping to give her a little space. He knew that she was nervous at the prospect of sharing a room with him again, and he wanted her to relax. It had been an emotional day for her and she needed to relieve some of her stress.

  When he heard her go into the bathroom and start a bath, he finally opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling - wanting nothing more than to go in there and be the one to help her ease her tension.

  He sat up with a groan and rubbed his hands across his eyes. Knowing that she was not more than fifteen feet from him, naked - and wet, had his body doing dangerous things. Damn it to Hell!

  “Hey, Jungle-boy,” Harper whispered, opening the door to their room and peeking in. “You wouldn’t happen to have some toothpaste, would you?”


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