A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 13

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Luke shifted back to his human form, and braced his hands on his knees – trying desperately to fight off the overwhelming urge to pass out. He took a few painful breaths before walking over to the witch and lifting the body – tossing it over his shoulder, even though his body was screaming in protest.

  He walked slowly - and a bit unsteadily over to a nearby dumpster and threw the body in, pain slicing through his side with white-hot heat.

  Christ, that really hurt, he thought sourly – his face set in a tight grimace as his body protested each movement that he made. Damn it.


  Luke whipped around at the sound of Kat’s terror filled voice, and found her standing not ten feet away – looking so small and fragile in her oversized t-shirt, her eyes wide and filled with panic. Her gaze swept over his frame and a gasp burst from her when she saw the large bruise and burn mark on his ribs.

  “Oh, my God! Luke.” She ran over to him and reached out to touch him – but stopped herself short, not wanting to cause him anymore pain.

  “I’m fine,” he ground out between clenched teeth and scowled at her darkly. “Get back inside,” he ordered, and Kat met his eyes – that spark of stubbornness flitting across her features in an instant, and he saw her body tense.

  “The Hell I will!” She barked, taking a step closer and wrapping her arm around his waist to help support him when she saw him teetering slightly.

  As much as Luke hated to admit it – her embrace was a welcome relief. He was close to passing out and wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand on his own – but his main concern at the moment was to get her back safely inside. He followed her on shaky legs as she led him back to their room and into the bathroom.

  She closed the lid on the toilet and eased him onto it – and Luke felt the room begin to spin precariously around him.

  Taking another ragged breath, he closed his eyes – trying desperately to steady himself. “Damn witch magic,” he grumbled as Kat grabbed a towel and began running it under the faucet. She squeezed the excess water from it, and knelt down in front of him – her brows knit together with concern.

  “I…I need to clean this,” she whispered, and looked up into his face – her heart breaking at the pain she saw reflected there. She knew that it was bad.

  Luke nodded and gave her a smile - but she couldn’t help but notice how it didn’t reach his eyes, and her fear only increased. With shaking hands, she dabbed the cool cloth against his ribs and cringed when she heard him wince – cussing under his breath.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he replied softly. “There’s nothing l like better than having a beautiful woman tending to my wounds.” This time when he smiled – it did reach his eyes, and Kat released the breath she hadn’t even realized that she’d been holding. “The only thing that would make it better would be if you were naked too.”

  “Luke!” Kat reprimanded, glaring at him. She turned and grabbed a dry towel from the rack behind her, and draped it over his lap - her expression stern. “This is not the time for your games.”

  Luke leaned forward slightly and kissed the tip of her nose. “It’s always time for games, sweetheart. Have no doubt about that…ever.”

  Kat leaned away and pressed the towel back to his ribs with much more force than she had intended and she felt her heart clench in her chest when he gasped. “Sorry,” she murmured, her face flushing.

  “No worries, red. It’s just a few bruised ribs. I’ll heal in no time.”

  “You need to rest.”

  Luke shook his head and started to stand – the towel hitting the floor in the process - leaving Kat kneeling there, eye level with his considerable assets. She shrieked and fell back, landing on her ass with a sound grunt.

  Luke burst out laughing; then grabbed his side in pain. “Shit!” He growled. “That stings. Son of a bitch!” He took a few shallow breaths, and then grinned at her. “Come on, red,” he said, offering her his hand – which she ignored - not wanting to cause him any more discomfort. She pushed herself up and faced him.

  “Come and lay down for a bit,” she suggested, but again he shook his head.

  “No time. Those Bastards know we’re here. We need to relocate and fast. I’m not taking any chances with yours or Harper’s safety.” He walked through the door with Kat following close at his heels, chewing at her bottom lip. “I need you to do me a favor,” he said, picking up his jeans from the chair.

  “What?” She asked, eyeing him suspiciously – not at all comfortable with the wicked gleam that had suddenly come to his eyes. She knew that expression all too well.

  “I need you to help me dress.”

  Kat’s eyes widened slightly and her mouth fell open - but she quickly recovered and grabbed the jeans from his hand. There was no way in Hell she was going to let this arrogant ass know the effect he consistently had on her – even in the midst of all this crap going on around them. “Brace your hand on my shoulder,” she directed, as she leaned down. “One leg at a time, Tonto.”

  “Believe me, sweetheart,” he said with a grimace as he lifted first one leg, then the other. “I know how to do it. Although, I must admit - I never thought I’d see the day when I would be asking you to dress me.”

  “Ha-ha – you are just a frigging laugh riot,” she ground out, as she carefully slid the material up his legs. Her face suddenly turned scarlet when she reached his groin, and she coughed uneasily. “I…um…do you…do you dress to the left or to the right? I mean, you guys have a preference, don’t you?” She asked; her voice barely above a whisper and Luke choked out a laugh.

  Dear God! They knew each other intimately, he thought with a grin – and yet she was completely flustered by the simple task of helping him dress. Women! If he lived to be a thousand, he didn’t think he would ever understand what went on in their heads.

  “I can manage the rest, thanks. Unless you would prefer…”

  “No!” she barked, and turned to hurry and find his bag. She rifled through it, looking for a shirt. “Don’t you own anything besides black t-shirts?” She grumbled, looking for something with buttons so he wouldn’t have to lift his arms.

  “As a matter of fact I do – but I didn’t think to bring any dress shirts along for the ride. So a t-shirt it is. Besides, they’re much easier to get in and out of if I have to shift…or whatever,” he finished with a leer that made Kat’s cheeks heat slightly.

  She rolled her eyes as she pulled one from his bag and walked back over to him. “Can you lift your arms?”

  Luke did as she asked, and she slipped the shirt over his head – pulling it down his muscular frame. When she finished, she glanced up into his face and saw that oh so familiar heat in his eyes, and gulped. He leaned forward and captured her lips – kissing her so tenderly, that it caused her eyes to burn and sting.

  “Thank you,” he whispered against her mouth – and her heart melted. It actually freaking melted – right into a puddle of mush in the middle of her chest. Holy cow! “Now go get dressed, sweets.” He shook his head with another laugh. “Damn - that’s another thing I never wanted to ever have to say to you.” He gave her a wink, and slowly turned and headed towards Harpers room. “I’ll go wake the brat and tell her to get a move on while you do the same. I want to get the hell out of here – now.”

  Twenty minutes later, Luke led them to the car, and cautiously slid in. Kat noticed him flinch as he did, and looked at him with concern filling her eyes. “Do you want me to drive?” She asked, and Luke shook his head.

  “I’ll be fine. Would you please stop worrying so much, Glinda?”

  “Where are we going to go now?” Harper asked, as she settled herself into the back seat. She had been none too happy at being woken in the middle of the night - but she was being a trouper, and Luke’s admiration of the girl just grew.

  She had been through so much in her short life- yet she just kept pushing forward. Luke couldn’t help but notice how much she reminde
d him of Katrina. She was strong and stubborn and a complete smart-ass. Just like her sister. And he really found himself liking the kid.

  “I’m going to find another hotel for the rest of the night.” He said, pulling out of the lot.

  “Hopefully not another flea bag,” she huffed, but Luke saw the smile on her face in the rearview mirror as he glanced back at her.

  “Maybe worse,” he offered with a wink, and Harper giggled. “Sorry if our accommodations aren’t making the cut, princess – but I believe the Taj Mahal was booked.”

  “Oh, please! I slept in a park for God’s sake.” She laughed. “I’m tougher than I look. I guess I can manage one more night among the creepy crawlies.”

  “Harper!” Kat admonished, but she too had a smile on her lips – and it felt good. Her worry for Luke was consuming her, and she desperately needed a distraction.

  “You think I’m kidding? I saw a roach in the bathroom that you could have put a saddle on and rode in the rodeo!”

  Luke burst out laughing, and then winced in pain once again - causing Kat to reach over and touch his arm gently – her brows furrowed. “Please, Luke,” she whispered, her lips turning down in a frown. “Quit being so damn stubborn and just let me drive. You need to rest.”

  He glanced her way and gave her that lopsided grin that made her weak in the knees. “No can do, red,” he breathed. “Besides, I’m pulling off soon, and we’ll settle in for the night. The brat needs some sleep…and so do you.” Kat felt her cheeks flush at the sudden heat in his expression, and diverted her gaze. Geez, the man could have her hotter than sin with just a look!

  Forty-five minutes later, Luke led them to the room he had rented. This time a suite on the tenth floor of a lovely hotel - and Kat was grateful when the elevator doors opened and they followed him down the hallway.

  She watched Luke walk with intense interest, not liking his stiff gait at all. She knew that he was trying to put up a brave front for them – but she also knew that the man had to be in excruciating pain. Damn it! She silently seethed. Were’s were supposed to heal quickly, weren’t they? So just what in the hell was wrong? Why was he still wincing when he moved?

  Harper grabbed her bag and headed towards one of the rooms. “I’m going to bed,” she informed them tiredly. “This getting jerked in and out of sleep at all hours of the night…sucks ass. I can barely keep my eyes open. Promise to call me if anything exciting happens,” she finished with a chuckle and a shake of her head.

  “Goodnight,” they called in unison - then looked at each other, and smiled.

  Kat waited until Harper had disappeared into the room before taking Luke by the arm and leading him to what she hoped was the other bedroom. She opened the door and ushered him in ahead of her.

  “Okay, let’s get that shirt off, and then I want you to go and lay down on the bed,” she ordered, and Luke stopped dead in his tracks. But only a moment later, he slowly turned to face her - that smarmy grin plastered across his face full force.

  “Damn, red. Now, that is what I’m talking about!” He chuckled, raising his brow at her.

  “Don’t get any ideas, Benji,” she bit out, her temper beginning to flare. “I want to check your ribs. Or… better yet,” she said looking around. “Come into the bathroom.” She ushered him through another doorway that led to a large tiled and marble bathroom, and directed him to lean up against the vanity. She stood in front of him and cautiously grasped the hem of his t-shirt and began to ease it up.

  When she chanced a glance at Luke, she found him watching her intently – his pupils dilating almost to the point that his eyes appeared to be black.

  “Down, boy. I just need to check your wound. Don’t be getting any ideas in that fool head of yours. Playtime is over.”

  “Awe, baby,” Luke whispered, sounding wounded. “It’s always playtime.”

  “In your dreams…Fido. Wait here. I’m going to call down to the desk and see if they have a first aid kit.” She directed, and went to turn - but Luke’s hand on her arm stopped her.

  “I have alcohol and some gauze in my bag,” he informed her.

  “Well, why in the Hell didn’t you tell me that before?” She snapped. Angry that he would suffer, just to get she and Harper out of danger first – what an ass! “Damn it, wolf. You are an ass-monkey! Dear God! When they were passing out brains they must have run out by the time they got to you.” She grumbled as she stormed from the room - and he heard her digging through his overnight bag mumbling to herself the entire time; before returning with the bottle of alcohol and gauze a moment later. “Why’d you bring all of this crap with you anyway?” She bit out, glaring at him – furious that he would suffer because of her. As if she wasn’t feeling guilty enough!

  “What can I say,” he shrugged. “I was a boy scout. You know, be prepared and all that.”

  “This is going to hurt,” she told him, as she grabbed a wash cloth and poured some of the alcohol onto it.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Glinda,” he replied, grinning.

  “You know, Blackwater.” She ground out. “You really, truly missed your calling in life. You totally should have been a comedian. You are just a laugh riot. I can barely contain myself.” She pressed the washcloth to the burn and winced when he spit out a string of curses – her anger instantly cooling.

  “Son of a bitch! Shit!”

  “Awe, come on big boy. You can handle a little sting, can’t ya?” She asked, raising her brow at him in challenge – even though her heart was pounding in her chest at the thought of causing him pain.

  “Oh, believe me sweetheart,” he murmured, leaning forward slightly so that his mouth brushed against hers, “I can handle a lot more than just a little sting.”

  “Good Lord, Benji. What on earth is wrong with you? Are you in heat or something?” She burst out, and Luke chuckled. “I’m trying to help here.”

  “Look, red,” Luke breathed against her mouth, and she felt that blasted shiver run up her spine. “I just need to get a little sleep; and I’ll be as good as new. I promise. For some reason, witch’s magic takes a bit longer to bounce back from - and I don’t know what these assholes are packing – but it sure as hell packed a wallop.” With that he tilted his head slightly and deepened their kiss – needing more than anything at that moment to taste her; feel her – to know that she was safe.

  His hands reached out and grabbed her by the upper arms - pulling her snugly in between his legs and flush against his chest as his tongue explored and teased hers with slow, deliberate strokes.

  He groaned when he felt her relax and lean into him – her hands making their way up his arms, and into his hair - pulling his mouth closer as her tongue toyed with his.

  They stood that way for what seemed forever – making out like two high school kids, before Kat finally came to her senses and reluctantly pulled away.

  The man needed rest, she thought with a slight groan – and at the rate they were going, that didn’t seem likely. One of them needed to keep their wits about them – and she was sure as hell certain that it wasn’t going to be Libido Boy! The man got aroused if the damn wind blew!

  “Come on, Benji. Let’s get you to bed.”

  The smile he gave her sent a shot of electricity straight through her entire body, and she felt her toes curling in her shoes. She took a deep breath and shook her head, trying with everything she had to look stern. “Not gonna happen, Ace,” she said, her voice an octave or two lower than was normal – and she cleared her throat nervously. “You, my friend are going to sleep. You need rest.”

  “You mean, we are going to sleep, don’t you? You need to get some rest yourself.” He replied, his eyes roaming over her face slowly, only to land on her full, kiss-swollen lips. God damn! He just wanted to hold her and kiss her forever.

  “Whatever, Tonto. Just no funny business.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. What I have in mind isn’t funny in the least.”

  Kat rolled her eyes
and walked into the bedroom with a grunt. Keeping her back to the doorway of the bathroom - she kicked off her shoes and dropped her jeans – leaving on only her t-shirt and underwear to sleep in.

  “A little assistance please,” she heard him whisper from behind her, and jumped when she realized that he stood not even a foot from her. Damn but the man was silent! But, she guessed with a sigh – predators were, weren’t they?

  She closed her eyes and took a quick steadying breath before plastering a smile on her face and turning to face him – her hands going to the fly of his jeans and deftly opening it before sliding the zipper down.

  She heard Luke’s sharp intake of breath when her hand accidently brushed up against him, and she felt him instantly come to life at the contact. Oh, Hell and damnation – she silently screamed. Dear God - he was just making this so damn hard.

  She shook off the urge to laugh at the irony of that thought, and slipped his jeans down over his tapered hips-and strong, perfect – muscular as all get out – thighs, desperately trying to ignore the proof of his desire as it sprang out of his jeans proudly. Oh, dear - dear Lord!

  “Lift,” she stammered, feeling her cheeks heat with desire - and she swallowed what felt like a small hamster that had lodged itself in her throat with difficulty.

  No! No! And No! She had to stay strong – he needed rest….he needed rest - she inwardly chanted, but her mind screamed at her that he just smelled so damn good. And he just looked so damned tempting standing there – his perfect, muscular body standing there before her in all of its stunning glory.

  Her eyes went to the ugly bruise marring his ribs, and she garnered the strength that she so desperately needed. She turned and pulled back the comforter of the bed – then stepped aside so that he could slide in.

  Once he did, she covered him and walked over to her bag, reaching in and pulling out her bottle of aspirin. She dumped a few in her hand and went into the bathroom to get a glass of water. “Here,” she said when she returned – and held out the pills and water to him. “This might take the edge off of the pain a bit.”


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