Claiming the Hunter

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Claiming the Hunter Page 8

by Charlie Richards

  Jeremiah opened to him. Grateman took advantage and thrust his tongue deep. He groaned in delight upon his first true taste of his mate. Even better, as he lapped at Jeremiah’s tongue and mapped his mouth, his human fed him a groan of his own.

  Grateman’s cock ached, filling the pouch of his loincloth. Knowing he could do nothing about it right then, he eased the kiss to an end. He rested his forehead against Jeremiah’s and just reveled in the knowledge that his mate was back with him, and of his own free will this time.

  “I want you,” Jeremiah whispered. “I want you so damn bad that I’m about to burst with it. Fuck!”

  Grinning, Grateman lifted his head. “Then you will have me,” he vowed. “I will take you to my room, lay you down, and ride your cock. All you’ll have to do is lay there and enjoy.”

  Jeremiah’s eyes dilated and he moaned as he pressed the heel of one hand to his sweatpants-covered groin. “God, yes,” he whispered. “But first, I need to talk to Maelgwn. I need to tell him, warn him, that an attack is coming.”

  Growling softly, Grateman jerked a nod. “Right. Can you walk?”

  “Yeah,” Jeremiah stated. “With a little help.”

  When Grateman turned around, he found Golren not far away. He was staring at the front door, a troubled look on his face. Before the pair could get far, Golren fell into step beside him, opening the doors for them.

  “Is Quinn your friend?” Golren asked.

  Jeremiah shrugged. “I’d call him more like an acquaintance,” he admitted. “I always thought he was a good guy, though. Is he really Taolma’s mate?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Damn,” Grateman rumbled. That would be a tough mating, and he’d always thought Taolma was such a good kid.

  “He joined the hunters after his wife and little boy were found killed,” Jeremiah murmured. His voice sounded a little tired, but he continued by saying, “Their bodies had been drained of blood and there were puncture marks on their necks.”

  “Vampires?” Golren asked.

  Jeremiah nodded. “Yeah, that’s what he claims, although how he figured it out I never asked.” He sighed, leaning more of his weight on Grateman, seeming to enjoy his arms around him. “I don’t think Quinn is a bad man,” he told him. “I just thing he’s... heartbroken.”

  “I will tell Taolma of this,” Golren stated. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  “I wish him luck,” Jeremiah stated. “If there is anything I can do to help, just ask. I would like to see Quinn happy.”

  “Thank you again,” Golren stated.

  “No, thank you,” Jeremiah said. “All of you. I owe you.”

  “Just keep everyone safe,” Golren responded. “That’s thanks enough.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Jeremiah replied.

  Golren nodded, then peeled away, heading down another hallway.

  Grateman stopped before his chieftain’s study and knocked. “This is Maelgwn’s study,” he told his mate. “He overheard most of your conversation, so hopefully it won’t take you long to share whatever else you want to share.” He waggled his brows as he told his mate, “Then I’m going to show you my quarters... the suite of rooms we will share together... if you’re willing.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Jeremiah murmured. “That sounds fucking fantastic.”

  “Most definitely fucking,” Grateman rumbled, lowering his head and pressing a kiss to Jeremiah’s lips. He’d just begun sliding his tongue into his mate’s mouth when someone cleared his throat. Lifting his head, breaking the kiss, he spotted Tobias leaning in the doorway, an amused expression on his face. “Right,” Grateman muttered. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “We’ll try not to keep you from your fuckfest for too long,” Tobias teased. “I’m sure we can get whatever information we need to keep our hatchlings and cubs safe without taking too much of your time.”

  “Oh, shit,” Jeremiah whispered. “Now he hates me.”

  Grateman shook his head. “No he doesn’t,” he assured. “Believe it or not, that was his version of teasing.” As Grateman spoke, he helped Jeremiah into the room. “But I do feel like an ass for being selfish, but with you in my arms, and not being bonded, yet, it’s damn difficult to concentrate on anything else.”

  Jeremiah just nodded, his scent suddenly giving off a hint of uncertainty. Grateman wasn’t certain if it was due to the prospect of sex with him. The other possibility was that the room was full of gargoyles. Just about every enforcer and tracker in the clutch was standing around Maelgwn’s study. The obvious one missing was Vane, since his mate had just finished giving birth to their egg. He bet Matthew would be sleeping for hours after five hours in labor.

  Easing onto a love seat, Grateman helped Jeremiah sit next to him. He curled his arm around him, holding him close. Maelgwn settled on one of the chairs, his mate curled up on his lap. Einan and Sapian shared the other love seat, dwarfing the piece of furniture. Tobias took the final chair.

  “Holy shit.”

  Hearing Jeremiah’s softly-hissed words, Grateman focused on his lover. His mate was staring open-mouthed at Maelgwn, or more to the point, Maelgwn’s mate, Bobby. The small human smirked, his left hand resting protectively on his slightly distended stomach.

  “Jeremiah,” Grateman said, interrupting the staring contest. “This is Bobby Truman. He is Maelgwn’s mate. They’ve been together a couple of years, now.”

  Bobby lifted his right hand, waving. “Hi. Welcome to the clutch.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jeremiah responded, probably more due to ingrained habit than anything else. He followed that up by whispering, “You’re pregnant.”

  “I am,” Bobby continued. “Eight weeks now. I’m due in another four.”

  Jeremiah gaped for a few seconds, then snapped his jaw shut before asking, “And you’re okay with that? This is your choice?”

  Maelgwn’s eyes narrowed and a low growl rumbled through him. Bobby chuckled and patted his chest. “Down, big guy. Surely you can understand his concern.”

  “I don’t like what he’s insinuating,” Maelgwn grumbled.

  Bobby chuckled. “He’s not insinuating anything other than being confused. You remember how long it took me to accept that I’d be the one carrying our child?” he pointed out. He caressed his belly. “This is not normal for humans. We take a little... time to get our mind around it.” As he patted Maelgwn’s chest again, he smiled at Jeremiah. “This is him doing that, that’s all.”

  “Right,” Maelgwn grumbled. “Sorry.”

  Upon seeing Jeremiah’s wide eyes and gaping mouth, Grateman didn’t know whether to laugh or kiss him. He did neither, considering the situation. Instead, he reached over and gently closed his human’s mouth.

  “So,” Grateman rumbled. “What do we need to know about this upcoming attack?”

  Jeremiah cleared his throat, his neck showing a hint of red. “Well, according to Paris, we would have to attack during the day,” he stated. “Because some of the demons can’t tolerate daylight and will be sleeping.”

  Grateman grimaced. That was sort-of true.

  Maelgwn turned and eyed Einan. “Make certain everyone knows to roost on the parapets and behind something. No one should be sleeping in any place that’s easily accessible or out in the open.”

  “Got it,” Einan responded.

  When Maelgwn returned his focus to Jeremiah, Grateman watched his mate glance his way, as if seeking reassurance. He gently scraped his claws along the tendon in the man’s neck. Licking his lips, he envisioned sinking his canines into his flesh. His cock twitched at the thought.

  “You with us, Grateman?”

  Upon hearing Sapian’s amused comment, Grateman glanced around the group. He’d definitely missed something, judging by the stony expression on most of the gargoyle’s faces. Not to mention, Jeremiah sat with hunched shoulders.

  “Uh, guess not,” Grateman admitted. “What’d I miss?”r />
  “Evidently, Jeremiah thinks Quinn told the hunters the location of the infirmary and that a human just laid an egg today,” Tobias growled. “That’s where they’re going to be focused.”

  “Damn,” Grateman rumbled. “They go after Vane’s egg and there’s going to be a whole lot of dead hunters littering our grounds.”

  “Exactly,” Maelgwn responded, expressing his displeasure in that one word. “Anyone who goes after eggs is dead.” After that declaration, he turned to Tobias, “Spread the word. If a mate or hatchling is threatened, deadly force should be used.”

  “Will do,” the second snarled. “And we should increase eyes in the security room.”

  “And put up more cameras,” Grateman added. “We have gaps.” Before the attack on the hunter’s warehouse, he’d been working with Raymond to establish placement. “How many extra do we have?” Grateman directed that question at Einan. He knew the enforcer handled ordering and inventory of most of the electronic equipment.

  Einan rubbed his jaw, his eyes narrowing. “Only three, but if they don’t attack within the next thirty-six hours, then we might get the shipment of a dozen. I ordered it last week and it’s due day after tomorrow.”

  “Good,” Maelgwn rumbled. “No one patrols alone and increase frequency.” He rubbed Bobby’s arm as he growled, “We’ll be ready for them.” Then, Maelgwn focused on Jeremiah. “Thank you for the information. Now you should go get some rest.”

  Grateman knew a dismissal when he heard one. He figured the others would spend the next hour assigning whoever to the patrol schedule and sending pairs out to set up new cameras. He also knew they didn’t yet trust Jeremiah and didn’t want to voice specifics until he was gone... especially since in times like this, the hatchlings would be hidden in a massive recreational room in the basement that was fireproof and bulletproof. Guards would be assigned inside and out.

  “Let’s go,” Grateman murmured, helping Jeremiah to his feet. “We have unfinished business, my mate.”

  That comment drew a couple of chuckles, breaking the seriousness of the mood in the room. It also caused Jeremiah to flush. Grateman loved that pink hue on his skin. He wanted to put it on there for a whole other reason.

  “Have fun!” Sapian called, drawing a few chuckles from some of the others.

  Grateman snorted, closing the door behind him. “Just ignore him,” he urged.

  “Does everyone think we’re headed to your rooms to have sex?” Jeremiah grumbled.

  Grinning, Grateman winked at his mate. “We are, though? Aren’t we?”

  Jeremiah’s face turned beet red. “Y-Yeah.”

  “I made you a promise, my mate,” Grateman crooned, helping Jeremiah walk down the hall, leaving the chieftain’s wing of the estate. “I’m going to show you how good it feels for me to ride your cock.”

  Groaning, Jeremiah used the hand he didn’t have around Grateman’s waist to press against his sweatpants-covered erection. “You all are so damn open about it,” he whispered. “Is that normal?”

  Grateman nodded. “I suppose we are. We understand the need for sex, the need to be intimate with our mate.” He pressed a quick kiss to Jeremiah’s temple, not breaking his stride. “You are my mate. I want to touch you, soothe you, and care for you. Seeing you hurt is like a knife to my gut. I hate seeing you struggle,” he admitted. “I want you well, and I know sharing my blood with you will assist. Now that you’re ready to accept that, I want to get to it as soon as possible.”

  Chuckling wryly, Grateman added, “And I’m struggling with a case of blue balls.”

  Jeremiah’s brows shot up. “Right. You got me off the other day and got nothing out of it. Shit. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Grateman replied. “I don’t mind.” He waggled his brow ridges at his mate as he stopped outside the door to his suite of rooms. “Besides, now we’re going to fix that with several spectacular orgasms.”

  “Several?” Jeremiah gasped, clearly disbelieving.

  Grateman nodded. “Oh, yes.”

  Opening the door to his suite, Grateman helped Jeremiah inside. He closed the door behind them, then urged Jeremiah forward again. “All the suites for those without hatchlings are pretty similar,” he explained. “Front living space, small kitchenette, and breakfast nook. Then a large bedroom and bathroom.” He pointed as he talked, letting his mate know where everything was, ending by leading Jeremiah into the bedroom.

  “What do you guys need a bed for, if you turn to stone to sleep?”

  Grateman barked a laugh. “Just because we turn to stone while we sleep doesn’t mean we don’t like soft things while in this form.” He winked, then added, “Besides. Once we find our mates, we enjoy holding them just as much as the next paranormal.”

  Jeremiah nodded quickly. “Right. Sure. I didn’t mean—”

  Ceasing his mate’s ramblings with a kiss, Grateman wrapped both his arms around his waist. He thrust his tongue deep and plundered his mouth as he slid one hand down to his human’s ass. Jeremiah’s firm mound felt amazing in his hand and he couldn’t help but squeeze the globe he cradled.

  Once Jeremiah leaned against him, becoming pliant in his arms, Grateman lifted him. His mate slid his arms up and wrapped them around his neck. Never stopping the kiss, Grateman plundered him as he carried Jeremiah to the bed.

  Grateman eased Jeremiah onto the soft mattress, ending the kiss. He gripped the waistband of his mate’s sweats, then paused. Grimacing, he did something he should have done first thing.

  “Are you feeling up to this, Jeremiah?” Grateman asked, doing his best to ignore his throbbing cock. “If you need more time or you need one of the docs to look at your wounds, we can wait.”

  Jeremiah glared up at him. “Oh, hell no,” he snapped. He grabbed the base of his t-shirt and with a wiggle and twist, managed to get it out from under himself and over his head. He tossed it off the side of the bed, then pointed at his sweats. “Take these off me, Grateman. You promised to ride my dick.”

  Grateman’s shaft twitched and he groaned. “Hell, yeah,” he whispered, doing as his mate commanded.

  Lifting the fabric away from Jeremiah’s erection, Grateman freed his lover’s beautiful dick. He spotted the beads of nearly translucent fluid beading from his mate’s slit and licked his lips. Remembering what that had tasted like, he wanted to enjoy the sweet flavor again.

  Quickly divesting Jeremiah of his sweats, Grateman tossed them on the floor with one hand. He reached over with the other and grabbed the tube of lube from his nightstand. Seconds later, he pushed Jeremiah to the middle of the mattress, climbed up beside him, and swallowed his mate’s bobbing prick to the root.

  Jeremiah groaned. He twisted his fingers into the comforter and bucked against Grateman’s face. “Shit,” he hissed. “You’re too good at that.”

  Popping the cap off the lube, Grateman eased off Jeremiah’s cock. He poured a large dollop onto his fingers as he nuzzled Jeremiah’s pubes. “You want me to stop?” he crooned. Reaching behind himself, he pushed two fingers into his own hole, quickly stretching himself. At the same time, he licked along the wide vein running the length of Jeremiah’s erection, ending by lashing his tongue over the red, spongy cap.

  Moaning and shuddering, Jeremiah’s hips thrust. His body instinctively searched for more friction even as he muttered, “Fuck, no, I don’t want you to stop, but you should.” Heaving a breath, he released the comforter and grabbed onto Grateman’s horns, forcing him to look up at him. “I’m going to come in about fifteen seconds, either way,” he panted. “So if you want to ride me, you’d better get to it.”

  Grateman shuddered, a combination of delight upon feeling Jeremiah’s hands on his horns and pride at hearing the need in his mate’s voice.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Chapter Ten

  His heart pounding in his chest, Jeremiah watched Grateman pull his fingers out from behind him and crawl closer. Gaping, Jeremiah
peered at the shiny slick coating his fingers. The big gargoyle grinned widely, showing off his sharp teeth as he reached down and wrapped those fingers around Jeremiah’s shaft. He groaned as Grateman’s calloused fingers slid easily up and down his erection.

  “It’s lubricant,” Grateman rumbled. “Always use plenty of lube when fucking,” he advised. “It eases the way, making it more pleasurable for both of us.”

  Jeremiah jerked a nod. “Lube. Right.” He’d used it plenty for jacking off, so knew how it helped soothe the way. Jeremiah would have said more, but then Grateman levered over his hips, held his dick steady, and sat down on him.

  Sucking in a harsh breath, Jeremiah felt the pressure against his head. It suddenly gave way, the gargoyle’s passage opening to his invasion. The tightest, hottest tunnel he’d ever experienced swallowed him.

  Grateman didn’t stop though. He sank down, and down, until Jeremiah’s entire shaft was engulfed in rippling pressure. The gargoyle’s ass rested against his thighs, and finally he paused.

  Jeremiah gritted his teeth, searching for self-control. He latched onto Grateman’s thighs, desperate for something to balance him. His cock throbbed almost painfully, hidden inside the gargoyle’s body.

  Groaning, Jeremiah shuddered. He wanted to buck, to push Grateman up a few inches, but he didn’t have the strength. Still, he needed the gargoyle to move.

  “Easy, Jeremiah,” Grateman rumbled. He moved his hands to Jeremiah’s stomach. “Just relax a moment.” One hand felt a little slick, the other dry, but the fingers of both rubbed over his scars.

  That caught Jeremiah’s attention. He blinked, glancing from Grateman’s hands to his face. There was no disgust there, no revulsion, only... admiration. It was almost as if Grateman enjoyed touching his scars.

  At least the pause eased Jeremiah’s burning need to come.

  “What are you doing?” Jeremiah whispered. “How can you be comfortable touching those?”


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