I Can Explain

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I Can Explain Page 14

by Missy Johnson

  “Hang on,” she says, pulling back enough to narrow her eyes at me. “How come I’m naked and you’re still completely dressed?”

  “Because there’s something incredibly hot about fucking you, naked, in this tiny stall, while I’m still fully clothed,” I say. The plane jerks forward suddenly, sending me crashing into her.

  “I think the question I should be asking, is how long we have before we take off,” she whispers, her face going pale. I chuckle, and she frowns at me. “Yeah, it’s all right for you. I’m the one who’s going to be sprawled out face down in the aisle out there, butt naked.”

  “Relax. I’m sure we’ve got plenty of time,” I say with a laugh.

  I lower my zip and reach inside my pants to free my very hard cock. She glances down and smiles as she wraps her fist around my shaft, sliding her fingers up and down my length as she presses her lips against mine. I groan and nudge her legs further apart. She takes the hint and positions her foot halfway up the wall, giving me much better access.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet,” I mutter, sliding a finger inside her. She whimpers as I alternate between massaging her clit and thrusting my finger into her pussy. I lift my hand to my mouth and suck on my finger. “You taste pretty good too,” I mutter.

  I get down on my knees and bury my tongue in her pussy. She gasps, covering her mouth with her arm to smother her screams. I take that as a challenge and work harder and faster, determined to get a very vocal reaction out of her. I lift her onto my face and suck her clit, wrapping my arms around her thighs for better control. She groans, thrashing around in my arms as she does everything she can to be quiet.

  I smirk when she looks down and meets my eyes, then I slow things right down, focusing only on her clit. I suck it until it’s stiff, then bite down on it, before drawing circles around it with my tongue. She’s so close. I run my fingers up over her stomach, to her breasts, and roll her nipples between my fingers. She moans, her thighs clenching around my face as she flexes her hands against the wall, bracing herself.

  “Holy shit,” she gasps, panting softly as I slide my tongue back and forth over her clit. “Oh God, please stop. I can’t. Oh God, I can’t…” Her voice trails off as I fuck her sweet pussy with my tongue. I’m relentless, and moments later, her body begins to spasm. “Oh God,” she cries out.

  She groans loudly as she comes on my face. I grunt, ignoring the glower she’s directing my way as she rides out the last of her orgasm. When she’s done, I let her off me, laughing as she reaches over and slaps me on the arm.

  “Hey,” I say with a grin. “I think what you mean is thank you.”

  “Because now I have to go out there where everyone now knows exactly what you were doing to me in here?” she growls. “You’re lucky I’m not spiteful, or I’d be doing the same thing to you.”

  I look down at my stiff cock and shrug.

  “Knock yourself out.”

  She opens her mouth to respond, just as a call is put out over the intercom to prepare for takeoff.

  “Sorry. Looks like we’re out of time,” she says, smiling sweetly at me as she quickly dresses.

  “Yeah, I bet you’re sorry,” I murmur, watching her step back into her panties and roll them up over her thighs.

  This is certainly going to be an interesting trip.

  We get off the plane and catch a cab to the hotel. It’s the same location as the wedding, so I’m nervous about running into someone who knows me. I glance over at Alana. This thing with her wasn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t planning on taking her to this wedding either, until Josh cornered me into naming a companion, but at that point, nothing had happened between us, so I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. Now, it all just feels complicated.

  As we walk into the hotel, Alana looks around the lobby, her eyes wide. It’s a five-star place, like I always stay in, but the look on her face has me wondering if we’ve struck another first. She grabs my arm and pulls me aside, a serious expression on her face.

  “So we’re on the same page, this is a business trip, right? Meaning, we keep things professional?” she says.

  “Like on the plane?” She glares at me. “Okay,” I agree, swallowing a laugh. “But this isn’t work.”

  “No, but it’s work related. I don’t want everyone at work thinking I got my promotion by sleeping with you, and the same goes for here. People will already be wondering if I’m sleeping with you. I don’t want to give them proof.”

  “They’ll only get that if you’re as loud as you were on the plane,” I murmur. She glares at me, so I stop. “Okay. Point taken, and if that’s what you want. No sex. We even have separate rooms, so you don’t need to worry about the temptation being too much.”

  I strut off over to the reception desk to check us in before she can respond to that.

  “I'm sorry, sir. You said that you booked two rooms?” the attendant asks after I give her my name. She frowns at the computer screen.

  “Yes,” I say, frowning. I know where this is going, and I can't believe it. Alana isn’t going to believe this is a mistake. She’ll think I had this planned. With everything else that’s going to piss her off, I don’t need this too.

  “I'm so sorry, sir, but you only have the one room showing up on our system. We don’t have anything else available, either. There's a big wedding on this weekend.”

  “I know,” I say, gritting my teeth. “I'm part of it.”

  “It’s a double room if that helps at all,” she says with an unnaturally wide smile.

  Sighing, I nod. It’s not like I have any choice other than to agree. At least we have separate beds. It wasn’t like I intend to let her use her room anyway, but I wanted her to know she had the option. And now with this no sex at work rule she’s implemented, I want it to be her decision to break it.

  Our relationship has developed so fast that neither of us has really had time to process it. For all I know, she regrets sleeping with me in the first place. That wasn’t the impression I got on the plane, but still…

  “Fine. If I can have the keys now, it would be greatly appreciated,” I say with fake gratitude.

  I take the key and turn around, scanning the room for Alana. I spot her sitting over by the indoor water fountain, a look of dismay on her face. I watch her as she glances around, making sure nobody is looking before she tosses a coin into the water. I laugh and walk over there.

  “What exactly are you doing?” I say with a grin.

  “Oh my God, would you look at this?” she hisses. “Who the hell puts a water fountain in the middle of the lobby?”

  “I'm glad you're enjoying it,” I say, amused. “But you do realize that it’s not a wishing well, right?”

  “I was just making sure,” she says defensively, her cheeks flushing.

  “What did you wish for?” I ask, looking at her closely.

  “Nothing,” she mutters, refusing to look at me. “Can we go to our rooms now?” she asks, changing the subject.

  “Sure, but there's, uh, a slight issue with the rooms,” I say. She raises her eyebrows at me. “I promise you, this isn’t some elaborate scheme to tempt you into my bed, but they've lost one of my room reservations.”

  “Convenient,” she says. She narrows her eyes at me and frowns. “So, you expect me to share a bed with you?”

  “No, of course not,” I growl, shaking my head. “There are two beds. It’s just the room we’re sharing. But, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can sleep in the lobby, or something.” I say. I glance around, looking for a good spot to sleep.

  “Oh, don't be stupid.” she says rolling her eyes, “You think I’d have a problem sharing a room with you after what happened on the plane? And your kitchen counter?” she says with a giggle. “And everywhere else you’ve fucked me?”

  “I didn’t want to assume,” I reply honestly. I also didn’t want her to think I wasn’t taking seriously what she’d said earlier.

  “It’s fine,” she says. “I meant what I said about
keeping things professional, but I think we can manage to share a room together. Of course, if you’re thinking that only one of those beds is going to be used, you’re going to be disappointed.”

  “Not at all,” I say without missing a beat. “I have great plans to fuck you senseless in both of those beds when you finally come to terms with the fact that you can’t resist me. I figure we can use one for morning sex and the other for evening sex. Mix things up a bit.”

  “I…” Her voice fades away as she stares at me, open-mouthed.

  “See? You can’t even think of a way to respond to that,” I say as I grab our bags and walk over to the elevators.

  She joins me a few seconds later, still not saying anything. Every now and then I feel the weight of her stare as she looks at me. When I finally catch her, I wink at her. She flushes and looks away. I tap my foot impatiently, and when the doors finally open, I’m happy to see the car is empty. I step in and smile at her.

  “Coming in?” I ask. She hesitates. She doesn’t trust herself to be alone with me.

  If she can’t even handle herself alone in an elevator with me, how is she going to handle sleeping in the same room as me? She steps inside, shooting me a glare, before facing away from me.

  “This keeping things professional rule while at work is your call, remember. I’m more than happy to bend the rules.” I raise my eyebrows and grin as my gaze slides down over her ass. “Among other things.”

  “God, you infuriate me sometimes,” she mutters.

  Her eyes blazing, she turns around and walks over to where I'm standing. She presses herself against me, her mouth almost on mine. I groan as she reaches down and rubs her palm over my cock.

  Holy shit, that feels good.

  I cradle her face and press my mouth against hers, kissing her passionately. My heart pounds, because being with her is everything. I feel like her intention was to wind me up and show me that she is in charge, only now she can’t break away, and I can’t either. I’m resisting the urge just to rip her clothes off and drive myself into her right here and now. My hands creep towards the button on her jeans, when suddenly, the doors fly open.

  We both spin around to see an elderly couple waiting to get in. Alana flushes and looks down while I smother a laugh. The lady hesitantly steps into the car, but her companion puts his arm out to stop her. He looks from Alana to me, alarm in his eyes. His expression has me seconds away from being in hysterics.

  “He was just checking something in my eye,” Alana mumbles desperately.

  Her comment sets me off. Alana glares at me, which makes me laugh harder. She would've been so much better off not saying anything at all.

  “Stop laughing,” she hisses.

  “I can’t,” I gasp through fits of laughter.

  In the end, they decide to wait for the next elevator.

  “Asshole,” Alana hisses when the doors close. She glares at me. “You made me look like a fool. Again.”

  “I’m sorry, but you made yourself look like a fool.” I chuckle.

  I reach for her hand, pulling her closer to me. She narrows her eyes, but then her expression softens, and she relents, letting me wrap my arms around her.

  “And all because you can’t keep your hands off me.”

  I open the door to our room and let her walk inside first. She looks around, examining everything from the minibar selections to the bathroom amenities. I check the message that’s flashing on the phone. It’s the reception desk, letting me know they found us a second room.

  “You’ll be relieved to know that you don't have to share my room with me, after all,” I say when I find Alana in the bedroom.

  “What do you mean?” she asks, frowning.

  Is it just me, or does she look disappointed about that?

  “The message on the phone was the reception desk, letting us know that they found another room,” I say. I run my fingers down over her arm and cock my head slightly. “If you like, we can pretend that message never came through…”

  She looks up as I lean down and kiss her. I cup her neck, pressing my lips against hers, whilst guiding her back toward the bed. She sits down, lying back as I hover over her. She sighs as I lift up her shirt and kiss along her stomach.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  I roll over onto my back and groan while she stiffles a giggle.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I groan. It’s like nobody wants me to get off today.

  “We can ignore them,” she suggests, a fire in her eyes. “It’s just going to be the hotel letting us know about the room.”

  We both lie there, completely still, hoping they go away. Just when I think they have, the knocking starts again.

  “Chase, are you in there? It's Josh.”

  “Shit.” I mumble, jumping to my feet.

  “Josh?” she repeats with a frown. “Who’s Josh?”

  I glance back at Alana who’s looking at me, confused. I know the questions it’s going to raise, but I have to be honest with her.

  “Josh…is my brother.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Your brother is at your work function? What's he doing here?” I ask, confused.

  Chase stands up and buttons up his shirt. He sighs and rubs his forehead, before turning back to me.

  “It's a long story,” he mumbles. He glances back at the door, hinting that he doesn’t have time to go into it now. “I’m sorry, Alana. Do you mind…?”

  “Sure, of course.” I straighten myself up and then grab my phone. “It’s your room, after all,” I add, walking toward the door.

  He half-heartedly tries to stop me but gives up when I leave the room. I brush past Josh without a word. I can immediately see the resemblance between the two of them. Josh is like a younger, more innocent version of his brother. I disappear down the hallway before either of them can say anything.

  Outside I breathe out and shake my head, trying to work out what is going on. I'm so confused. Why would his brother be here at a work-related event? Is he in the property sector too? Maybe he’s part of the merger? It’s possible, but why wouldn’t Chase have mentioned it? Come to think of it, he’s never mentioned his brother before at all. I guess that's not that unusual, but I still can't help feeling like I'm missing something. I just wish I knew what.

  I walk a few blocks down from the hotel toward the beach, where I stumble across a funky looking coffee shop. I wander in and order myself a drink, sitting down at one of the tables along the window while I wait. I pull out my phone and try calling Peyton. I’m disappointed when she doesn't answer, and then my insecurities set in. Maybe she’s out with her new friend. I shake off the jealousy refusing to let myself fall into that trap. Besides, I have enough to worry about with Chase.

  The waitress brings over my coffee. I smile at her and then glance over at the rowdy group of girls sitting at the table over from mine, wishing they would talk a bit quieter. My head is pounding and they’re making it worse. I know jet lag from a three-hour flight isn't really a thing, but I feel like crap.

  What I’d been hoping to do was have a nap before doing whatever it was we had to do tonight, but I guess that's not gonna happen now. It probably wouldn’t have happened without the interruption from Josh either, but still. Unless I go back to the hotel and ask for that other room.

  I’m so tempted… I shake my head, thinking about Chase. The way his lips felt on mine when he kissed me, the way he smiled at me when I say something he found cute… I groan.

  That's the thing; I don't want another room. I want to sleep in the same room as him. I want to fall asleep in his arms, preferably after he’s sufficiently fucked every part of my body.

  “Right. So, Chase is Josh’s brother. He’s like a sexier, naughtier version of Josh.”

  My ears prick up. I glance back at the table of girls, hoping I’m subtle enough with my eavesdropping. The blonde at the table laughs at something the redhead just said.

  “I know I shouldn’t
say that, considering what he did to Casey, but that doesn’t change how sexy he is. Though I am shocked he even showed up here.”

  I frown, my heart racing. How do they know Josh and Chase? And why do I feel like I’ve been played?

  “I know,” exclaims the brunette next to her. She’s wearing way too much makeup, so when she moves her mouth, it all cracks. “I can't believe that he had the nerve to show up for the wedding. I mean Jesus, have some respect for poor Casey.”

  “I heard he brought along some chick, too,” the blonde says, rolling her eyes, “Just to rub salt into the wound, but I guess that's perfect Chase behavior, isn't it?”

  I haven’t even finished, but I get up and quickly leave. I know they have no idea who I am, but I’m seconds away from bursting into tears in the middle of a crowded coffee shop. I race back to the hotel and walk up to the reception desk, hoping I look confident enough to pull this off.

  “Hello,” I say, smiling again. “You left a message with my boss, Chase Winston, that you found me a room? I’m here for the key.”

  “Right, yes. We’re very sorry about the mix-up. I hope it didn’t cause too much trouble for you.” She hands me a key. “It's conveniently located right next to your boss’s room. You’ve even got an interconnecting door.”

  “Fantastic,” I say, plastering a smile on my face.

  Something I definitely don’t plan on using.

  I take the key and head back upstairs, praying to God that I don't run into him. I need time to think, and I can't do that with him in my face. I let myself into my room, locking the door behind me. I can faintly hear voices on the other side of the wall, near the bed. My heart races as I walk over there. Am I really about to listen through a wall to try and overhear the conversation between my boss and his brother?

  God, what would Peyton say if she could see me now? Okay, so she would probably be cheering me on, but that's beside the point. It's not like I can hear anything anyway. I give up and lie down on the bed, closing my eyes. Maybe if I fall asleep, I might wake up and discover that this is all a bad dream.


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