A Higher Education

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A Higher Education Page 39

by Rosalie Stanton

  “Say nothing.” She turned her fingers to his belt and had it ripped free within seconds. Then she was jerking down his fly, freeing his cock. He hadn’t bothered with boxers today and he’d never been gladder than he was at that moment. Will let his head roll back, surrendering as she fisted him and began to pump.

  That was until she drew her hand away and shoved his jeans the rest of the way down his legs and he remembered that he still had undressing to do.

  “Shoes,” Elizabeth said as he toed the first one off. “Now jeans.”

  He stepped out of the puddle they’d made at his feet, now left only in his socks, which didn’t feel nearly as ridiculous as it should.


  He nodded and forced himself to move. When he sat on the edge of the mattress, Elizabeth shook her head and gestured to the headboard. “Lay back.”

  Will swallowed but obeyed. The next second, he felt her pulling his socks off his feet. She paused to pinch his big toe and run her fingers up the arch of his foot, giggling when he jerked.

  “Oh, dangerous move. I now know your weak spots.”

  He lifted his head to admire the wicked smirk on her face. “That’s the last one. You had all the others.”

  “Then you’re conquered.”

  “Officially yours.”

  “Mmm.” Elizabeth climbed onto the bed and moved to straddle his legs, bits of rabbit fur skimming along his skin and sending a wave of goosebumps in their wake. “And here you have a flag.” She wrapped her fingers around his cock again, squeezing. “But I think it’s on my side.”

  “Definitely,” Will agreed on a moan.

  “I think you’ll find I am a benevolent queen,” she said, leaning forward until those perfect lips of hers were just a hair away from his cockhead. “Very generous.”


  “I told you I wanted to do this for the right reasons. I do.” She grinned up at him again, then drew a line from the base of his shaft to the tip with her tongue. “Not to win.”

  “I’m already yours so you’ve won anyway.”

  “Bonus.” Elizabeth lowered her mouth again, this time pressing a hot kiss against the base. Then another a bit higher. And another. And another until those wonderful lips of hers were again caressing the crown of his cock. “Don’t blink. I want you to watch.”

  Yeah, he wasn’t going to last long. At the moment, he wasn’t sure he gave a damn. And when her mouth closed around him, that magic tongue of hers doing its magic thing, he was sure he didn’t.

  Despite his best intentions, Will did close his eyes. It was instinct when wanting to savor something. But he also remembered himself quickly and forced them back open again to find her giving him a particularly impish look, all the more impressive since her mouth was around him.

  “Good boy,” she said, then brushed a tender kiss to the head of his cock. And before he could respond, her mouth was on him again, and he watched. Watched as she licked around his crown and sucked him in, as that magnificent mouth descended inch over inch, then drew back again.

  She had lit a match to every nerve in his body, the sensation both unbearable and habit-forming. Will understood he was, in many ways, atypical of what people assumed of a wealthy twenty-something in this age, which he chalked up largely to his upbringing. Sex was to be enjoyed but not necessarily indulged like this—where he had permission to ogle the sight of his cock disappearing into the heaven she called a mouth as pleasure mounted. And her eyes remained on him the entire time.

  Will hissed as her lips tightened around him, the suction of her mouth becoming more intense, taking him deeper and deeper until he felt himself brushing the back of her throat. He bucked without meaning to and was fumbling with an apology when she murmured and began swallowing around him.

  “Fuck!” he gasped, hands flailing, unsure where to land. He threaded his fingers through her hair, massaging in an effort to keep from holding her in place. Elizabeth made a sound of encouragement, drew back so that a couple inches of his shiny prick were visible, then sucked down on him again.

  “Oh… Elizabeth…” He wasn’t going to last and he wanted to last. As much as he relished the idea of spending down her throat, he wanted to be inside her again. Wanted to feel her come around him, because as heavenly as her mouth was, her pussy was even better.


  Elizabeth arched an eyebrow, again managing to look much too critical with her mouth full of him.


  She drew back until her lips were at his tip. “Thought that’s what I was doing.”

  “Need your…” He shook his head, wrestling with propriety—which decided to make him feel self-aware at the oddest times—then shrugged it off. “I need to feel your cunt.”

  “That’s a naughty word.”

  “You like it when I use naughty words.”

  “I do.” She pressed a kiss to the head of his cock, and he thought for a moment she was going to deny him, but she started making her way up his body instead. The drag of the sleek fabric against his flesh made him burn with awareness. He itched to tear the garment off her, but there was something about admiring her nipples through the satin curtain that halted his fingers.

  Will released a ragged breath as she settled on his hips, his cock pressed against the wet strip of silk separating him from her pussy. He scaled his hands up her sides until he had a breast cradled against each palm. “You’re my favorite present,” he said, running his thumbs over her pebbled nipples. “Fuck, the way you feel…”

  “Mhmm.” She wrapped her hand around his cock and began to stroke. “You want me like this? On top?”

  He nodded. Yeah, if there was anything better than watching her suck on him, it was this. He dropped a hand to delve beneath the hem of the teddy. “You like these?” he asked, fingering the skimpy strands that held her thong in place.

  “Sorry to bust your bubble, but I am not a thong person. I’m wearing this on account of it being your present.”

  “Part of my present is unwrapping then, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Then you won’t mind if I…” He fisted the material and tugged. It was by virtue of the fact that the material had been more or less designed not to last that the fabric snapped as cleanly as it did. Once she was bare to him, he nudged her forward until the wet seam of her pussy was pressed against his cock and he could feel her heat.

  “You’re very lucky,” Elizabeth said, somewhat breathless. “That could have gone badly. Nothing turns me off faster than a wedgie.”

  He barked a laugh and tugged her down for a kiss before he did something stupid, like tell her he loved her again. The words were there, pressing at his lips and desperate for freedom, but he forced them back for another time.

  He wouldn’t rush in again. Refused to. With as perfect as the past couple days had been, he didn’t want to complicate them now with declarations she might not want.

  This time, he was doing things right.

  Her kisses were hot and eager. She fed him back his own hunger with urgency that every cell in his body blazing, and only with a whimper pulled away to sit up again. Breathing hard, Elizabeth fisted the material of her teddy. “Do you mind if I ditch this?”

  Will answered by tugging it over her head. “I was wrong,” he decided, hands going back to her breasts.

  “About what?”

  “Whether or not your nipples looked better behind that satin or like this.” He gave them a playful tug. “Like this.”

  “For the record,” Elizabeth said, lifting her hips and running the tip of his cock between her labia, “if a girl offers to wear that stuff for you, it means she likes you. A lot.”

  “Oh yeah?” he breathed, watching her tease her clit with his cockhead. Then she shifted and he was pressed at the hot mouth of her pussy.

  “Yes,” she agreed with a moan, and sank down until he was buried to the hilt. “Oh, shit, Will. Every damn time.”

  “I know
.” And he did. Sex had never been this good. He hadn’t thought it could be.

  A ragged breath rode from Elizabeth’s lips. She held him inside her for a long second, then began to move. Slowly at first. Rise and fall. Rise and fall. She steadied her hands on his chest, fingers curling.

  “You’re perfect,” he breathed, grasping her hips. “Perfect, Elizabeth.”

  She shook her head, strands of brown whipping across her face.

  “Perfect for me.”



  He didn’t know what he was agreeing to and he didn’t care. His senses departed, leaving him stranded in the moment, watching as her eyes grew darker, hotter, as her cheeks turned red. The swing of her breasts every time her pussy took him back in. She looked like a goddess, wanton and gorgeous and for the moment, his. Will dug his fingers into her hips, determined to drink in every second. The way she whimpered and sighed, the shape her lips made when he struck her just right. The intoxicating sight of his cock, slick with her juices, pushing in and out of her cunt as she took him inside again and again. The illicit smack of their bodies coming together as the bed springs whined and their breaths tangled. The way her flesh molded around him, hot and silky and so tight he could hardly think.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” The words left him in an explosion. “Elizabeth.”

  “Please touch me.”

  Will lifted himself until he was upright, and they shared a moan. He wanted to feel those breasts against his chest, but not before teasing them with his lips. Elizabeth wove her fingers through his hair, her nails scaling his scalp.


  He nodded, nipping at her breast, then dragged his lips up her sweat-laced skin until they were a whisper from hers. “Like this?” he asked, and edged a hand between them.

  Elizabeth nodded, her eyes going somewhat wild. “Like—”

  He tapped her clit on her downstroke and moaned when she shuddered.

  “That,” she agreed. “Will. That’s it.”

  “Faster now.”

  She nodded in agreement and seized his shoulders. Then she was bouncing on him in earnest, every thrust accented with a throaty grunt that drove him wild. He kissed a line up and down her neck, her jaw, tugged at her earlobe with his teeth, and every time she took his cock inside, he was there, pressing against her clit, massaging her slippery flesh, and willing her to topple because fuck him he couldn’t last much longer. His balls ached and his spine tensed, but he gritted his teeth and willed restraint, needing to feel her first.

  Then, thank god, she was coming. Her pussy tightened and her body tensed and she threw her head back, a raw, sexy cry tearing at her throat. Will threw his arms around her as she shuddered, pushed her back onto the mattress so she was under him, still whimpering, and began pounding into her, chasing his own release now. Wanting to milk every damn second.

  “Fuh…fuck, Will…”

  Shit, she was still coming, spasming wildly around his cock. He shuddered and groaned and thrust harder still, until he couldn’t hold on any longer. He buried his face in her neck and groaned as he spilled himself inside her, ecstasy blistering a path through his body so for a second, he became a full-fledged believer in spontaneous combustion.

  Seconds, minutes, decades later, Will became aware of the sensation of small, whispery kisses fluttering across his brow. He forced his eyes open, found Elizabeth grinning at him, about as gorgeous as he’d ever seen her. Face flushed, eyes warm, her sweat-drenched hair plastered to her skin.

  I love you.

  The words were unspoken but tangible, and they became more so by the second.

  Before break was through, he’d tell her. He could only hope she understood what that meant for him. That when he said the words, he had forever on the brain.

  “What are you thinking?” Elizabeth asked, grin still in place.

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Something along the lines of best Christmas ever.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, the sound giddy. And that last piece cemented for him.

  Yeah, this had better be forever. He wasn’t sure he would survive losing her again.


  The best thing about Christmas that morning was the part that happened before she managed to crawl out of Will’s bed, namely because it had involved a naked Will and a tickle fight that neither one of them had really lost. Elizabeth had eventually shoved him off so she could take a shower—a shower she had to somewhat limp toward, given the tenderness between her legs. And yeah, seeing Will’s satisfied smirk at her condition had done all kinds of things to her—things that made her care less about limping and more about skipping breakfast.

  Sadly, that much was not an option, but it did lead to the second best thing about Christmas that morning.

  That was the mixture of shock, horror, and outrage that made up Caroline Bingley’s face when Elizabeth joined them at the breakfast table.

  “What is she doing here?”

  “Elizabeth!” Charlie Bingley, the perpetual opposite of Caroline in every way, bounded to his feet and threw his arms around her. “What in the world brings you to Pemberley?”

  “I…uhh…” Elizabeth looked over Charlie’s shoulder to meet Will’s eyes. She quirked an eyebrow. “You didn’t tell them I was here?”

  Will hid his smile behind a hand. “I wanted to,” he said. “But I lost the coin toss.”

  Georgiana straightened her shoulders, beaming. “And, obviously, my way is always superior.”

  Charlie pulled back and practically dragged her to the vacant seat. “We were taking bets on who was going to join us. I was seriously worried it was going to be Anne de Bourgh.”

  “Anne who?”

  “Snooty McSnooterson,” Georgiana said, rolling her eyes. “Since you were staying with the Collinses, I’m sure you got to hear all about Rosings, right?”

  Elizabeth snickered as she took her seat beside Will, who promptly passed her a serving dish full of scrambled eggs. “Yeah, Charlotte’s husband is…well, I gather a fan.”

  “If by fan you mean lives with his head crammed up her old lady ass,” Georgiana agreed.

  Elizabeth snickered again, shoveling a healthy portion onto her plate.

  If possible, Caroline went even stiffer, though she tried to smile. Tried being the operative word. Her lips were pulled so tight it looked like her face was ready to crack. “I see Elizabeth has already left quite an impression on Pemberley.”

  “Yes,” Will said, exchanging the eggs for a platter full of bacon and sausage. “Georgiana’s behavior hasn’t been this refined since I bribed her to play nice at Louisa’s wedding.”

  “Anyway,” Charlie said loudly, giving his sister an uncertain look, “Catherine de Bourgh, who owns Rosings, has been trying to set up Will with her daughter since… How long’s it been, man?”

  “Well, I think the first time I heard her mention it, I was in my He-Man phase, so…”

  “That narrows down precisely squat,” Georgiana said before stuffing a biscuit into her mouth. She turned to Elizabeth, cheeks bulging. “How you can stand to let him bone you in his Fortress of Geekitude, I dunno, but mad props.”

  Caroline spat out a mouthful of orange juice, her face going bright red.

  “Georgie,” Will said, turning a little rouge himself, but his eyes were dancing, “remember what we were talking about before breakfast?”

  “I distinctly remember making zero promises.” Georgiana looked back to Elizabeth. “Anyway, since they’re taking forever to get to the point of an already boring story: Old Lady Rosings has been hot for Will to marry Anne because, I dunno, old blood stuff, you know.” She shuddered. “And before you walk-of-shamed your way to breakfast, Anne was the favorite as to who was joining our happy family for Christmas. Thankfully, big bro has better taste than that snoozefest.”

  “Georgie,” Will said, “Anne’s a perfectly nice person.”

  “With a witch for a mom.” />

  “You two are terrible,” Charlie said with a laugh. He shook his head and looked back to Elizabeth. “This can go on for a long time, just to warn you.”

  “Oh, I’ve already seen some pretty spectacular throwdowns,” she said, smiling her thanks at Will as he handed her the breakfast potatoes. “They might want to invest in a sign or something for the front door—Beware of Sniping Siblings or something.”

  Georgiana nodded. “It is only fair to warn people.”

  Caroline, having just finished mopping up the last of her spilled orange juice, looked up and set her narrowed eyes on Elizabeth. “What are you doing here?” The question wasn’t so much asked as it was snapped. Her cheeks were stained pink and her hair, which Elizabeth had never seen looking anything but flawless, had lost whatever shaped it had been pulled into. Stray strands stood up in every which direction.

  She tried not to enjoy the scene too much, she really did, but Elizabeth couldn’t seem to convince her mouth that smiling probably wasn’t the best thing to do at the moment. “I was staying at Hunsford House and Will asked me to spend Christmas here.”

  “What are you doing in Derbyshire?”

  Charlie stared at his sister. “What is your problem?”

  Georgiana snorted and rolled her eyes.

  “I was making my way back to campus from St. Augustine,” Elizabeth said coolly. “Derbyshire happened to be on the way.”

  “And I invited her to stay,” Will said, his tone firmer than it had been all morning.

  “I thought you two broke up.”

  Charlie blinked, looking from Will to Caroline to Will again. “Wait…you and Elizabeth were dating?”

  Elizabeth managed to keep from squirming, but only just.

  “Yes,” Caroline stated when neither of them volunteered an answer. “But Elizabeth, weren’t you seeing someone else before break? I could have sworn I saw something about you and George Wickham.”

  Every inch of Elizabeth went rigid, her heart giving a wild spasm. Oh fuck you.

  But she didn’t have time to respond. The sound of breaking glass shattered the air and Georgiana, pale as a ghost, leapt to her feet. Elizabeth didn’t realize she had jumped too, until she had her arms around the girl.


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