Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 7

by Iris Bolling

  "Vernon, it's not like we have a real marriage."

  "You insisted on it, whatever it may be." He tapped Gary on the shoulder. "Have a good evening."

  He looked at Constance. "Don't come home pregnant." With that he walked out of the restaurant.

  It was that night that Vernon’s personality changed. He became bitter. He began to hate his life as it was and did things to spice it up any way he saw fit. The one thing that remained unchanged was the love and time he spent with his daughter.


  Vernon's phone rang, bringing him back from the memories of the early years with Constance. He reached over Taylor's sleeping head to get the cordless phone off the table.


  "How are you?"

  Vernon smiled. "Handcuff free for the moment. Is it a late night or early morning for you?"

  "Long night at the police station tracking down your phone."

  "Any luck?"

  "No. It has mysteriously disappeared. Officers first on the scene turned it over to the detectives. They claim it was turned in with the other evidence. The evidence clerk said he hasn't received anything from the detectives."

  "Stop looking. Kirkland's people have it. They've probably swept it by now."

  "Without a warrant?"

  "They have possession, they don't need a warrant. It's what I would do." Vernon shrugged his shoulders.

  "You know we have messages on your phone."

  "I know."

  "That could lead to motive."

  "It will lead to motive," Vernon stated. "They have motive, method and opportunity. But they don't have the right man."

  "Vernon," Naverone sighed. "We've seen people go to prison with a lot less." She hesitated, then blurted out, "We can't be together now. Not until all this craziness is over. I don't want to be the reason they come after you."

  "I'm afraid that ship has sailed, my darling. Kirkland thinks he has me dead to right."

  "What do you have?"

  Vernon looked at his sleeping daughter and smiled. "Oh, I see a beacon of light somewhere in the not too distant future. The possibility of a life with a woman who I'm slowly falling in love with and who loves me."

  "Do I know her?" Naverone teased.

  "Oh, she's this fierce ponytail wearing ex-secret service agent with the body of death and the eyes of an angel."

  "It's that kind of talk that is going to land you in jail."

  "As long as it lands me between your thighs first."

  "Daddy, really?" Taylor huffed as she switched her position to put her head under a pillow on the sofa and her feet in her father's lap.

  Vernon laughed. "My daughter objects to our pillow talk."

  "How is she doing?" Naverone asked, concerned.

  "With two days of no sleep, the loss of her mother, her uncle in the hospital and her father being charged with murder, I'd say she is doing remarkably well."

  Taylor sat up and held her hand out. "Let me speak to her."

  "Your ear has been demanded." He gave her the phone.

  "I'm good. Did you talk to Jason?"

  "No," Naverone replied. "You should be the one to talk to him. I still think you are wrong."

  "You mean like you are wrong for keeping your distance from Daddy when he needs you the most. Is that the kind of wrong you are talking about?"

  "Not fair. Your father's life is at stake."

  "You know what I've known for a long time? My dad has been unhappy. You came into his life and I see a light in his eyes. This thing that has happened with Mommy is only the devil blocking his blessings. Don't aid the devil. Stand by your man. You have until I get out of the shower to talk. Then we have to make arrangements for my mom." She gave the phone back to Vernon, kissed his cheek and walked out of the room.

  Vernon inhaled. "I love that kid."

  "I do too."

  They were both silent for a long moment. Each absorbed in their own thoughts.

  "I feel like we have stepped into the world of a forbidden love."

  Naverone’s soft words made him smile. "My tough girl has a romantic side." He sighed. "It does seem like the forces of nature are conspiring against us. The DA has declared I have a propensity for violence. When it comes to those I love, he may be right."

  "In the few months I've known Vernon Eugene Brooks I've seen a propensity for love. Every time that DA uses the term propensity for violence, I want you to remember, in my heart, I know you have a propensity for love."

  The words touched him so deeply they brought tears to his eyes. He’d never had anyone look into his heart to find Vernon Eugene Brooks. To have this woman say those words made him proud to be a man.

  "Until now, I've never really experienced a loss. This thing with Constance has made me realize just how precious life is. I've been playing at life, Rene. With you I don't want to play. I want to love each day we have. If this goes to court, things about past are going to surface."

  "I'll be here. Never doubt that."

  He lowered his head and smiled. "Get some rest. I'll call you later."

  Vernon hung up the phone. He began stripping off his clothes as he walked into the bathroom. He stepped into the shower, turned the heads to full blast and for the first time in years, he allowed tears to fall down his cheeks. The tears were not for the situation he was in. They were for the loss of his daughter's mother.

  Chapter Four

  James walked into the hospital room to find his mother in one corner in a chair asleep, and Ericka in a chair next to his brother Nick's bed with her head on his shoulder and her other hand wrapped around his wrist. Nick was in a neck brace, his left arm and leg were in a cast. He was hooked up to several IVs and a monitor that gave that dreadful sound with each breath he took. He had only been awake for a few minutes at a time since he arrived and that was a concern for everyone.


  He turned to see his father Avery standing behind him with two cups of coffee in his hand. "Pop," he said as he stepped back out of the room. "What are the doctors saying?"

  "They’re hardly saying much of anything at the moment. The concern is the back injury. There was some damage from the impact."


  "They will not know for sure until they are able to run some tests. For now the trauma to his body prevents that. They will try once he is stabilized."

  "Being paralyzed would kill Nick."

  "He's alive, son." Avery gave one of the cups to James.

  He nodded his agreement. "He's fortunate. Out of a hundred and twenty seven passengers there were five fatalities, seventy-two injured, and the rest suffered minor scrapes and bruises."

  "Investigators have been talking with the survivors to determine if there was any foul play. They have not been able to speak with Nick." Avery motioned to his son to have a seat. "Why was Nick in New York? Was he seeing clients? Why was he on a commercial flight? Where was the jet?"

  "I don't know, Pop. There are more questions than we have answers to right now."

  "What happened in court with Vernon?"

  "The charges were read, bail set. I paid it and he was sent home."

  "What do they think they have on him?"

  "Just that he was standing over the body with the murder weapon in his hand."

  "The proverbial smoking gun."

  "That's what Kirkland said in court."

  "Kirkland? The DA was at the arraignment?"

  James nodded. "He walked in and took it over. Had the case moved to another court."

  "For what purpose?"

  "A newer judge. One who hasn't experienced Vernon's thoroughness in a courtroom."

  "He thinks that's going to help him?" Avery chuckled. "That's when Vernon is at his best. He likes to show off."

  "I don't think he will be doing much of that with this judge," James replied as he stood when his sister and Nick's twin, Nicole stepped off the elevator.

  "Morning, Pop." She hugged her father. "Hey James." She k
issed his cheek. "How's he doing?"

  "No change from last night," Avery stated with a touch of disappointment in his voice.

  "I'm going to peek in on him. I'll be right back."

  The two men sat back down. "Kirkland is going to use this case to propel his political career.”

  "Yes he will. He did a number for the camera last night," James stated. "Vernon played into it."

  "If this case goes to trial, Vernon will be your biggest challenge."

  "I know."

  "You're talking about Vernon," Nicole asked as she rejoined them. "Is there any chance that Singleton is behind this too?"

  "Why do you think that?" James asked.

  "Hell, look at everything we have gone through in the last six months, he has been behind it all in some way. I'm not saying he killed Connie, but what if he had someone do it just to discredit Vernon?"

  "Would the man go as far as killing someone?" Avery asked.

  "He's done it before." Nikki smirked. "That's part of the reason Nick was in New York. He was supposed to meet with the prosecutor from the Bell case."

  "Why was he on a commercial flight?" James asked.

  "Naverone and her team had flown to New York to get evidence to clear up the paternity of Stacy Crane's son. Naverone, her team, and Taylor flew back on the jet. Nick had to meet with the prosecutor so he said he would take a commercial flight home."

  "Did he meet with the prosecutor?" James asked.

  "I don't know. Maybe he talked to Ericka or Vernon before boarding."

  Avery looked at James. "Do you think..." He stopped and shook his head. "Too farfetched."

  "What?" James asked staring as his father.

  "Is it possible Singleton brought that plane down? It's a hell of a coincidence, don't you think?"

  "We will have to ask Vernon that question." James shrugged. "I was kept out of the loop on things when it came to Singleton."

  "It's a good thing you were," Nicole huffed. "He needs someone who is not tainted by all that's been happening."

  "Where is Vernon now," Avery asked.

  "At the house with Taylor," Nicole replied. "I just left there. I believe they plan to claim Constance's body and make funeral arrangements."

  "I'm going to wake your mother up. I'm sure she wants to help them with that." Avery put the cup on the table and walked away.

  "Where is Xavier?" James asked Nicole.

  Her face lit up with a smile. She had met him a few months ago at a male auction and the two had been inseparable ever since. "We drove to Richmond last night. He stayed there to work and I went by Nick's place to get some things for Ericka. I’m sure she is not going to leave his side."

  "So your opinion of her is shifting?"

  Nicole shrugged. "Nick loves her. That's good enough for me."

  James kissed his sister's forehead. "You're a good sister. What's your take on Nick's condition?"

  "He's in a lot of pain. That's about all I can tell you right now." She sighed. "I wonder how all of this is going to impact Vernon. I mean he and Naverone seem to be getting close. This can't be good for them."

  James shook his head. "They certainly cannot be together right now. It would give the DA all the ammunition he needs for motive."

  Nicole stepped closer to her brother so she would not be overheard. "Just between us, Vernon didn't have anything to do with this--right?"


  "Okay." She stepped back quickly. "Just clearing that out of my mind."

  James smiled. "I know. Ashley asked me the same question."

  "My girl." Nicole smiled. "Where is she?"

  "At home with the kids."

  "Have you told the kids about Connie?"

  "No. We'll have to soon."

  "She was family. I may not have liked her, but she was still family."

  James reached out and hugged his sister. "I know." He looked up to see Vernon and Taylor step off the elevator. His brother looked tired. This whole ordeal was going to test him, and James knew the worst was yet to come. He reached out and shook Vernon's hand then pulled him into an embrace. "Did you get any shut eye?"

  "Very little."

  Nicole hugged Taylor. "How are you doing, baby girl?"

  "Okay, I guess."

  "Taylor and I wanted to check on Nick before we head over to the funeral home."

  "I will go with you," Nicole offered.

  "Thanks, Aunt Nicole, but this is something Daddy and I need to do alone."

  "The media coverage on this is crazy," Nicole said as she pushed Taylor's hair away from her face. “We should put your protection team on alert. I think we need to call all of them."

  "Naverone is meeting us downstairs."

  "Vernon," James cautioned.

  "She's Taylor's protection," he explained. "We still need someone to handle the press."

  "A simple statement from your PR person will take care of that," Ericka said as she walked up behind them.

  "My mom used to take care of all of that stuff."

  "I can call a friend who can help out for a while," Ericka said to Taylor.

  "You have friends?" Nicole smirked.

  Ericka almost smiled. "Yeah, hard to believe, isn't it."

  Nicole gave the overnight bag to Ericka. "I brought you some clothes. Here's something for now. I put the rest at the house in Nick's suite."

  Ericka Kennedy could not help being beautiful, even early in the morning after days of being at the hospital at Nick's side. Nicole and Ericka did not get along. Part of the reason was because Ericka's original intent was to con Nick and to wipe out one of his client’s bank accounts, which she succeeded in doing. But somewhere along the way, the two fell in love and Ericka returned the funds. Nick forgave her, however, Nicole still held a grudge. Ericka wasn't sure where she stood with the woman. But she was grateful for the gesture. She smiled as she took the bag.

  "Thank you." She held Nicole's stare for a long moment, before turning to Vernon. "Nick heard your voice. He needs to talk to you. Something about New York. Your mother is talking with him now." She turned to Taylor. “I spoke with Ty Pendleton yesterday when he called about Nick. He is at the office in Richmond talking to Nick's clients. He will be here today. I am certain he will put things in place for you."

  "Thank you," Taylor replied.

  "Anytime. I’m so sorry about your mother. I'm here if you need to talk." She squeezed Taylor's hand, then looked around. "I'm going to see if there's somewhere I can take a quick shower and change."

  They all watched as she walked away.

  "Damn, that's a beautiful woman," James commented.

  "The Brooks brothers seem to have a certain radar when it comes to beautiful women," Vernon commented then turned to Taylor. "I'm going to talk to your Uncle Nick. Come in when you are ready."

  Taylor nodded.

  "I'll go with you." James turned. "We need to know what happened in New York."

  The two brothers walked into the room just as Gwendolyn kissed her youngest son on the cheek.

  "I don't want you to overdo it," she instructed. “If the pain gets to be too much push that button to call the nurse." She turned to see her boys walking through the door. “Don't push him too far."

  "Yes, ma'am," they both replied.

  "I am going to take your mother home to get some rest." Avery stared at his two older boys. "Don't wear him out."

  James and Vernon settled down beside the bed to talk to Nick.

  "How are you doing, kid?" Vernon asked.

  "Train wreck," Nick mumbled.

  "No, plane crash," James joked.

  Nick wanted to laugh but the pain was too great. "Don't." He shifted his head back-and-forth. "I can't."

  The one thing Vernon always admired about his little brother Nick was his ability to laugh through anything. "Look, I hate to do this. But I need to know about New York."

  "Premeditated." Nick was beginning to trail off again. “Files from Drummond." That was the last thing they got o
ut of Nick before he dosed off.

  The two stepped outside the door before they spoke again. "Did they recover anything from the plane that belonged to Nick?" Vernon asked.

  James shook his head. “Whatever he had is probably in the river."

  Vernon cursed. "Damn. We will have to get someone back out to talk to that prosecutor. It may be a while before we can question Nick thoroughly on this."

  "The number one priority here is Nick’s health," James stated. "We will let the family and Ericka handle him. I am going to handle you. Nothing comes to this room that may hamper his recovery. Agreed?"

  "Agreed." Vernon nodded.

  "Who is the best attorney in your office?" James asked.


  James shook his head. "Other than you."

  "Oh." Vernon smiled. "Wade Logan."

  "Give him a call. He will be my second chair if this goes to court. I need to meet with him today to start working on deposition and strategy. You take care of Taylor and Connie's arrangements."

  "We need a few hours to bring you into the loop on Isaac Singleton. Let's plan to meet tonight."

  Nicole and Taylor approached them. "Everything okay with Uncle Nick?" Taylor asked.

  "Yes, he's resting again," Vernon replied.

  "I'll stay with him," Nicole said. "You guys do what you have to do."

  "I want to see Uncle Nick for a minute." Taylor walked inside the room.

  "How is she doing, Vernon?" Nicole asked.

  "She's a strong girl, but she feels guilty. She and Connie had an argument about Jason. Their last words were harsh."

  "That explains why she is not answering his calls." Nicole nodded.

  "Yeah," Vernon replied. "As much as I hate to say it, she needs to talk to him."

  "Be careful what you ask for," James warned. "Are you ready for your little girl to turn to another man for comfort?"

  "As long as that comfort remains vertical and not horizontal, I can handle it, I think."

  Nicole laughed out loud, then stopped the moment all eyes turned on her. "Sorry."

  "You know something I don't?" Vernon raised an eyebrow.

  "No," Nicole insisted then walked into Nick’s room.


  The media was surrounding the exit when Vernon and Taylor walked out. Naverone and Genesis immediately surrounded them and pushed their way to the SUV.


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