Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 18

by Iris Bolling

  "Sweetheart, do you know what this means?"

  "Yes, my Bobby is finally going to receive what is rightfully his." She pulled him to her and began unzipping his pants.

  "Wait, I need to put this away."

  Patrice took the papers from his hand and threw them aside. "Baby, I made so many copies of that thing I was able to wallpaper your bedroom with them." She laid back with her hands above her head. "Come here and give me my reward, big boy."

  The next morning Bobby Singleton Kennedy went to the offices of Thomas Letcher with Letcher, Barnes and Wentworth, Attorneys at Law. At the door he was met by Avery and Vernon Brooks.

  Bobby extended his hand. "Thank you for meeting me." He handed them the document. "This is the last will and testament of Estelle Singleton. As you can see at the bottom, it is signed. I contacted Mr. Sheldon, who you can see is the attorney who handled the will and he is more than willing to verify it is binding."

  Vernon looked from the document to Bobby. He turned it over to his father as he extended his hand. "Congratulations. Once this is verified I will release the injunction."

  "That's why I called you here. I don't want you to lift it yet. I want this situation finalized before we make any moves. I don't know about you, but I don't trust Singleton."

  "The document appears to be legitimate," Avery said while still examining it. "Letcher will be in a better position to certify this. Let's see what he has to say."

  "Mr. Brooks." Thomas Letcher extended his hand. "It's good to see you again, sir. Mr. Brooks." He shook Vernon's hand. "I'm certain things will work out for you."

  "I thank you for that. Mr. Letcher, I'd like to introduce you to Bobby Singleton Kennedy."

  "Mr. Singleton." Mr. Letcher shook his hand.

  "It's nice to meet you, sir," Bobby replied.

  "Letcher, this document shows that Estelle Singleton did indeed have a will." Avery handed a copy to the man.

  Letcher reviewed the document by first going to the last page to verify the signature, then quickly skimmed through the contents. He then looked up at Bobby. "Well, I think this is something we should discuss in my office." He stepped back and motioned. "Shall we go?"

  Avery walked behind the man and Vernon held his hand out motioning for Bobby to follow.

  Bobby looked at him and grinned. "Oh no, after you, nephew Vernon."

  Vernon took a step then looked back at Bobby who was laughing at the expression on his face.

  "I haven't lifted that injunction yet."

  "You will."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yes," Bobby laughed.

  "Cocky already?" Vernon raised an eyebrow.

  "No." Bobby walked by him. "You're going to lift it because I'm your uncle and I told you so." He fell out laughing.

  "Ha Ha," Vernon mocked him. "Go," Vernon said as he laughed at the man’s back.

  Chapter Twelve

  It had been a tough day for people she cared about. It didn't happened often, but she needed to see her family. With Kiki taking over the situation with Taylor, Naverone took the opportunity to take a quick trip home.

  Before boarding her late night flight, she was sitting in the airport with her eyes closed and an overnight bag in the seat beside her. She felt a presence over her. Opening her eyes, she smiled and shook her head. Vernon was standing over her dressed to kill - suit, a long black trench coat and sunshades. "What are you doing here?"

  "Come with me."

  "They should be calling my flight in a minute."

  He held out his hand. "Come with me, Rene."

  There was something in the way he said her name that touched her in places it just shouldn't. She took his hand as he helped her up. "Where are we going?"

  He picked up her bag. "To my plane. I'm going to take you home."

  "What?" She pulled away.

  He stopped and turned to her. "You are drawing attention to us. I’m trying to be low key here."

  They walked to the private plane section of the terminal.

  "I don't think this is a good idea," Naverone said as they reached the hangar. "Are you supposed to leave the state?"

  "State, yes; country, no. That's a shame. I could use a trip to Costa Rica right now. See you in a bikini." He did a two-step. "Dance a little," he teased.

  Naverone smiled. "You’re on trial for murder and you're dancing."

  "You have to have a sense of humor about these things." They reached the steps of the plane. "Shall we?"

  Naverone hesitated then walked up the few steps. "I do love your ass in jeans," Vernon commented as he followed her.

  "You have to stop that."

  "Good evening, Mr. Brooks." The stewardess smiled. "Everything is set per your instructions."

  Vernon gave the stewardess his coat. "Thank you." He helped Naverone out of her jacket and passed it on. "Let them know we are ready for takeoff."

  "Yes, sir,” the stewardess replied as she put Naverone's bag and the coats away then disappeared.

  "You want to share?"

  He pointed towards the middle of the plane where there was a table, with a vase of red roses in the center and dinner set for two.

  Naverone blushed as she turned back to look at him. "Is this the romantic side of Vernon Brooks?"

  "He hasn't been out for a while so I thought I would take him out for a spin." He pushed a button on the overhead panel. The lights dimmed and The Whispers’ song In the Mood began to play softly in the background. He took her hand. "Dance with me as we ascend to the stars."

  Naverone stepped into his arms allowing him to transform her to Rene. His hand around her waist was so sensuous. He held her as if she was a delicate flower that he did not want to crumple. His other hand held hers so securely, her alert senses vanished. She rested her head against his cheek, relishing the feeling of just being Rene, not the Secret Service agent or the bodyguard. It felt so good to be held by this man in this way. For months, she had been hesitant to get too close. First there was the wife and now the trial. But for this moment, as they began their ascent to the stars, she wanted to sway to the music, inhale his scent and just be...Rene.

  "You're quiet. What are you thinking?"

  She turned to look into his eyes. They were a warm brown, with devilish little gold specs, a representation of the man. "How nice it would be to stay here among the stars for a while."

  "Hmmm, don't tempt me." He gently kissed her lips. "The slightest sign you are serious, I'll have a house built on Venus and we will live among the goddesses, right where you should be." Their eyes locked and held. "I've wanted you from the moment I saw you. It wasn't the dress or those spiked heels you were wearing. Your eyes drowned me. I see a good man when I look at myself in them. I want to be that man, Rene. The man I see in your eyes."

  She ran her hand down the back of his head. "My eyes reflect what I see when I look at you. The warmth from your eyes spreads throughout my body. Being here, like this with you, makes all the craziness disappear. So for now, just hold me tight and never let me go."

  Vernon's hand cupped her cheek, bringing their lips together. They touched, sending sensations through their bodies. He released her waist, bringing his other hand to cup her other cheek and stood there marveling in the wonder of her taste, at the acceptance of him as Vernon. Finally, the sweet taste of love he had been longing for. He broke the kiss, resting his forehead on hers. "I could spend a lifetime kissing you." He softly kissed her lips, then took her hand. "First I'm going to feed you." He seated her on the soft leather seat, then unbuttoned his blazer and sat across from her. "I spent a few hours in the kitchen to prepare this meal. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." He spread the napkin on his lap. "I hope it works for women."

  The stewardess magically appeared. She poured the wine, then removed the covers from the food. "Enjoy your dinner." The stewardess disappeared.

  "You cook?" Naverone raised an eyebrow.

  "I did." He reached over. "It's Tuscan Steak Salad." H
e began cutting her food up. "I wasn't sure how you like your meat, so it's medium rare."

  "Did you stomp the grapes for the wine too?" She smiled.

  "Actually, I reserved that for us to try together. That way I can suck the juice from your toes." He picked up his wine and drank.

  Naverone picked up her fork. "I'm certain there are one or two areas I can find to suck." She took a bite then looked up at him.

  "This is going to be interesting."

  " is." They laughed, ate and talked about life, past loves and the future.

  After dinner they spent the rest of the flight in each other's arms dancing. The interlude to I'll Give All My Love to You, by Keith Sweat came on. Vernon began singing in her ear. His rich baritone voice sent sensations through her like she had never experienced before. The hand around her waist roamed her back as he hit note after note. The hand that held hers, rested against his heart. Her cheek touching his, she could feel the caress from his jaw as the words touched her heart.

  Holding her in his arms gave him the strength to endure anything. What the press printed about him didn't matter. He prayed the things that were sure to come out in court would not take her away. As long as he could have her in his life, he knew he could be a better man.

  "I'm falling in love with you, Rene Naverone." He kissed her neck.

  "Music to my ears, Vernon Brooks. I was a goner on the first note."

  He smiled as they continued to sway to the music.


  The wrought iron gate, which had an N circled in the center, opened as the vehicle pulled up.

  "You’ve been holding out on me, Rene?" Vernon asked as he looked at the sprawling green lawns.

  Naverone smiled. "It's not as big as your place, but it's home."

  She entered the house from the side door, which led into a mudroom. "Hey, I'm home," she called out as she dropped her bag at the door.

  A woman wearing a headband around a head full of natural hair, looked around the corner. "Rene." She smiled as she gathered her daughter in her arms. "I didn't know you were coming home."

  "I called Daddy to let him know. It'll just be for tonight." She looked behind her. "Mom, this is Vernon Brooks. Vernon, my mother Ella Naverone."

  Ella looked from her daughter to Vernon, as she approached him. "I want grandbabies."

  "Mom," Naverone groaned.

  Ella smiled and reached up to hug him. "I can't tell you the last time Rene brought a man home." She turned and walked into the kitchen. "Come on in. I was just cleaning the kitchen for the night. Are you hungry?"

  "No, we ate on the plane." Naverone pulled him by the arm. "Let's go into the family room and get comfortable. Where's Daddy?"

  "Right here waiting for my hug."

  It was clear Rene got her height from her father. He was a good six four, olive skin, coal black hair, with a touch of gray at each temple, and a ponytail hanging between his shoulder blades. The sleeves to his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows as he captured his daughter in his arms lifting her from the floor. "It's good to have you home."

  "Hi, Daddy." She kissed his cheek, then stepped back and took Vernon's hand. "This is Vernon Brooks the man I told you about. Vernon, my father Rennie Naverone."

  The man's eyes captured his and held them. Vernon extended his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

  "Well, Rene tells me you're in for a bit of a ride."

  "I'm afraid so, sir."

  "Did you do it?"


  "I already told you that, Daddy." Rene hit his chest then turned and took the beer bottles her mother held out. "Here, Vernon." She gave him a bottle and one to her father. They held the bottles up in the air and toasted. "Family," they all said and Vernon joined in. Then they chugged the contents of the bottle down and did not stop until it was all gone. When they finished they all looked at Vernon. He understood then. He turned the bottle up, finishing it off with a belch.

  Her father laughed at him, then patted him on the back nearly knocking him over. "Come have a seat. Let's talk about this case."

  "I don't know if I told you. My dad is a judge in the criminal court of Fulton County. I wanted to get his take on the case the DA has and how the judge will view the evidence." She directed Vernon to a chair. He sat, and she sat on the ottoman in front of him. "Did you have a chance to look at the information I sent?"

  He raised an eyebrow. "No questions about your brothers?"

  Rene smiled. "Are they still bullies?"

  Vernon smiled as the conversation revolved around family. For some odd reason, he did not feel the least bit out of place. The room was large, with a fireplace, a large sofa, two chairs with ottomans, a huge television mounted on the wall and pictures everywhere. It felt like a home, not a house. As he looked around, he caught glimpses of Rene as a child, high school and college graduations. What caught his attention were the pictures of her with different dignitaries, including two Presidents. His roaming eyes reached her mother, who was watching him. He had a ‘wow’ moment when he looked into her eyes. They were the same as Rene's. He could feel them piercing into his soul to see what was beneath the exterior. At first he thought her father was the one he would have to win over. Now he knew better.

  "Let me take that bottle from you." Ella reached out.

  "I'll collect the others." Vernon stood taking the bottles from Rene and her father then followed her mother into the kitchen.

  "I'll take those."

  Vernon looked around the large kitchen. He took a seat on one of the stools at the island in the center of the kitchen. Ella placed another beer in front of him. "Thank you."

  "You're in love with her." Ella took a drink.

  Vernon smiled. "From the moment I met her."

  Ella smiled as she leaned across the other side of the bar. "You're a man on trial for murder."

  "I am." Vernon took a drink.

  "Rene said she was there. You're innocent. For them to have you in court, they have something."

  Vernon nodded. "They do."

  Ella watched him. "You're concerned with how Rene will respond to it all." She took another drink. "If she loves you, she is going to stand by you no matter what. It's the Naverone way."

  Vernon nodded. It's funny, other than Bernice, he had not had much experience at meeting parents. "How many children do you have?"

  "Five. Two older than Rene, Richard and Robert, both military and married. Two younger, Reggie and Roland. We refer to them as the bullies. One is a forensic detective and the other a homicide detective here in Fulton County."

  "A family of enforcers."

  "You can say that. We are a family who believes you can accomplish anything you want in life. You are older than Rene, more sophisticated, yet it seems like you haven't lived. People say you really haven't lived until you have loved."

  Vernon stopped the bottle as he was about to take a drink.

  "This is Rene's first time too."

  "You think so?"

  "I know so." She studied him. "I like you. Are you going to stick around? If you do, I want grandbabies."

  Vernon laughed. "So you said."

  "What are you going to do about that?"

  Vernon took a drink. "I guess I better get you some grandbabies."

  Ella laughed. "Good answer. How are you going to get Rene to slow down long enough to have one?"

  "She'll do it in her own time."

  "Good answer," Naverone said from the doorway.

  "You marrying my daughter off?" Rennie asked as his huge body filled the room. He stood next to his wife and put his arm around her waist.

  Naverone stood next to Vernon with her hand on his shoulder. He put his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

  "Based on what Rene shared with me, the DA, if he has any balls, is going to take you through the wringer. Not much a judge will be able to do to stop him from dragging your family through the mud. If you have anything on the DA, I suggest you pull it out. If
you don't, you need to find something." He took his wife's bottle from her. "Find the man who shot your wife. That will clench it for you."

  Vernon looked up at Rene and just held on tight.


  That same night James sat back to review all the evidence Kirkland's office had sent over. The police found Vernon standing over the body with the gun in his hand. This would be easy to explain with the timeline from the cell phone call. They could capture every tower Vernon's phone bounced to, from the beginning of his drive when he left the estate, until he reached Connie's house. That would establish a timeline of his travel.

  Next, the gunshot residue on his hands. The recording, the police testimony, Taylor and Naverone's testimony would establish that they heard a gunshot. Vernon's own statement indicated he did fire the gun. Therefore, residue would be on his hands and suit jacket. The problem would be explaining why this was not the shot that killed Connie. The question to answer would be, where is the second bullet? The prosecutor would state there was no second bullet. The gunshot the police heard was the one and only shot and that killed Connie. The defense would counter with, the person who killed Connie was still in the house. That's who clicked the second gun and that's who Vernon shot. They will further contend that the blood found outside the back door, which the prosecutor did not have tested, belonged to the person Vernon shot. Find that person and you will find the second bullet. The defense would further contend, where is the blood spatter? Vernon had no blood on him. Since the medical examiner testified that Connie was shot at close range, there should be blood on the shooter. Good for reasonable doubt. The prosecutor is going to try to establish a propensity for violence. They would use Taylor's, Nail’s and Cannon's testimonies to establish Vernon's volatile temper. According to Vernon, if questioned correctly, Cannon may be dangerous to them. That's the one they had to keep off the stand. Cannon. The problem is his testimony against Singleton is crucial to the defense. They cannot rebut Taylor's testimony for she did hear her father threaten her mother. Nail's testimony can be explained by telling the jury about the assault on Taylor. If necessary, they could use Xavier to rebut Nail's testimony. But Cannon...that's a can of worms they did not want to open. They would use Katherine to establish Vernon as a person of questionable moral character. She would testify to the fact that she was married to James when she and Vernon slept together. The DA would then try to bring in the paternity of James Jr.


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