Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 22

by Iris Bolling

  James rose. "Your Honor, I concur with Mr. Kirkland."

  The judge was stunned by James’ announcement. "You care to elaborate, Mr. Brooks?"

  "Be happy to, Your Honor. May we approach?"

  "Please," the judge replied with a curious gleam in her eyes. James and Kirkland stepped up to the bench. "Mr. Brooks," the judge chuckled. "Care to explain?"

  "It’s quite simple, Your Honor. Mr. Singleton was threatened by Vernon because he threatened my son. I believe it would be wise of the court to protect Mr. Singleton because if he repeats his threat, which I intend to make him do, I may very well kill him here in the court with you and the jury as my witnesses."

  "Your Honor! That is an outrageous statement from Mr. Brooks. You should find him in contempt."

  "If you get in my way, Kirkland, I will take you out first." James turned to the judge. "Did that explain my position, Your Honor?"

  "You did indeed, Mr. Brooks." The judge smiled.

  "Your Honor..."

  "Chill out, Mr. Kirkland." The judge all but rolled her eyes. "I am certain Mr. Brooks was speaking hypothetically." She gave James a side eye. "Isn't that right, Mr. Brooks?"

  "Of course...hypothetically, Your Honor."

  "Step back, gentlemen." James returned to the table. Kirkland returned to the witness. "There will be no order of protection at this time. Proceed, Mr. Kirkland."

  Kirkland looked at the clock. He had timed it well. It was ten minutes after four. He knew Judge Maggie always liked to end her sessions by four. If he released Singleton now, the jury will go home with Singleton's testimony etched in their minds. "I have no further questions for this witness, Your Honor."

  Judge Maggie looked at the clock. "In light of the time, we will adjourn and reconvene at nine a.m. tomorrow morning."

  James stood. "Your Honor, before we adjourn. I would like to suspend my cross-examination of Isaac Singleton until we have presented our case."

  "Very well," Judge Maggie agreed. "Mr. Singleton you are dismissed, however, you are still under subpoena and must return when called." She turned to the jury. "The jury is reminded not to discuss this case with anyone or each other. Have a good evening, ladies and gentlemen." With that her gavel came down and court was adjourned.

  Vernon stood. "It's the right move. Now we will tear apart his story piece by piece. By the time he returns to the stand we will have what we need to nail his ass."

  James nodded. "You're kind of good at this courtroom strategy stuff."

  "Knowing the game and knowing how to play the game are two different entities. When you know the game and how to play it, you end up with a me." Vernon grinned at Kirkland as he walked out the door. "He is clueless."

  "Yes, he is."

  James and Vernon looked up at Bruce as he walked by shaking his head.

  Vernon smiled. "You know I'm beginning to like him more and more." They talked as they made their way from the courtroom.

  "It's clear Murdock doesn't agree with Kirkland's direction of this case. Could it be he does not believe Singleton?"

  "I'm certain of it. Kirkland is blinded by revenge and political gain. Bruce, well, he's looking at the whole picture." By the time they reached the foyer Kirkland and his people were out front talking to reporters. The lobby was almost empty.

  "Hello, James."

  Vernon and James stopped and turned to the person who spoke.

  "Maddie," James replied as Vernon looked on. "How have you been?"

  "I'm well, thank you." She extended her hand to Vernon. "Madison Gresham."

  "Nice to meet you." He shook her hand.

  "I know you're busy but I wanted to give you a heads up."

  "On?" James asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "Kirkland is planning on calling your ex-wife and son tomorrow. He always intended to call them right behind Taylor. He put them further down the list to throw you off."

  "How do you know this?"

  "I'm Kirkland's political advisor. He's planning on running for his seat.....or Attorney General."

  "Depending on the outcome of this trial," Vernon added.

  "Yes," Maddie replied. "Look, I have to go. But I owed you one, James. You could have ruined my career with the stunt I pulled with JD, but you didn't. Prepare your family. It's not going to be pretty."

  "Thank you, Maddie."

  "Take care, James," and with that she walked away.

  James looked flustered. Vernon had seen the look before and knew he had to keep James away from Kirkland. "I think we better find James Jr. and talk to him."

  "And tell him what?" James’ nose flared.

  "Tell him the truth, his father is a good man who is doing all he can to clear his brother's name. That he is going to hear some accusations, but there is no truth to any of it." He saw James’ clenched jaw relax and his nose stopped flaring. "I also suggest we meet in the judge’s chambers first thing in the morning to discuss Kirkland's fishing expedition."

  Chapter Fifteen

  That night Vernon was restless. It seemed all of his past indiscretions were coming back to hurt the people he loved. Instead of tossing and turning, he decided a walk might help. As he walked down the back stairs, he noticed a light was on in the kitchen. He looked around to find his mother sitting in the sunroom looking out into the night.

  "Hey." He leaned against the door. "What are you doing up?" He watched her wipe a tear away before turning around.

  "Vernon, are you all right?" She put her teacup down and started to stand.

  "Stay." He motioned for her to remain seated as he walked into the room. The lights were turned down low giving a golden glow to the room. "I couldn't sleep." He sat in the opposite chair placing his feet on the ottoman she shared. "The prosecutor is calling Taylor, James Jr. and Katherine to the stand tomorrow. I'm concerned about James." He sighed. "I don't want to lose my brother again." He shook his head. "We've worked so hard at rebuilding our relationship. Now to have it all put on display in public...I just don't know how to stop it."

  Gwen reached over and took her son's hand. "My children have always amazed me." She smiled. "James called earlier this evening worried how all of this was impacting you. He's concerned how you are going to react in court tomorrow. If the jury sees you angry they may believe you were capable of killing Connie. You do act a little scary when you are angry."

  "James doesn’t have to worry. I'll know what the jury needs to see."

  "He wasn't implying you didn't."

  Vernon squeezed her hand. "I didn't take it that way. You don't have to play mediator for us anymore." He smiled.

  They sat quiet for a minute. "I've met this woman."

  "I know." Gwen smiled.

  "Her name is Rene." Gwen started laughing. "What's so funny?"

  "The fact that you think you have to tell me about Naverone. Son, everyone knows. We can see it when you two are in the same room. The feelings radiate from both of you."

  Vernon smiled. "How can my life be falling apart around me and I be so damn happy?"

  "Love does that."

  "Timing could have been a lot better."

  "You can't schedule love, son. It happens when it happens. You have to see the irony in it all. If it hadn't been for Connie doing what she did with Taylor, you would have never met Naverone. In a way Connie brought you together, then moved out of your way. I'd like to think she’d want you to find some happiness."

  "I hate to speak ill of the dead, but the only happiness Connie has ever been concerned with was her own. She is still preventing me from being happy, even from the grave."

  "How so?"

  "Rene and I can't be together in public until this trial is over."

  Gwen waved his statement away. "Child, please. They can't decide what they want your motive to be. You wanted a divorce to marry Naverone. Oh, no, now it's you wanted Isaac's inheritance. If I can see the prosecutor's confusion, I'm certain the jury can."

  She picked up her teacup. "If you want t
o be with Naverone, be with her. Be happy."

  He watched her and knew she was troubled. "What's on your mind? Everything okay with Nick?"

  She sat the cup down. "Nick is progressing nicely. I think Ericka has a lot to do with that."

  "Love can work wonders, or so I've been told."

  "You certainly can't control who you fall in love with, that's for damn sure."

  "Are we still talking about Nick?"

  Gwen looked off into the night. "I brought all of this on my family. Your father, you, Nikki, Nick and James." She sighed. "If I had only made better choices, Isaac would have never been in my life."

  "Then I wouldn't be here."

  "Vernon, I didn't mean..."

  "I know you didn't."

  "Son, I love and cherish you as I do all my children. But I knew Isaac was no good, yet I let him into my life."

  "He was charming," Vernon stated.

  "Yes he was, but he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. You ever hear the saying, when someone shows you who they truly are...believe them."

  He nodded. "Maya Angelou."

  "Well I wish like hell she had been around forty years ago."

  Vernon laughed. "I think she was."

  "Well, I missed her."

  He took his mother's hand. "Life has a funny way of reminding you of your past. You feel Isaac brought this all on. I believe I did. I should have never married Connie. Maybe I should have tried harder to make our marriage work. Neither of us can go back and change the past. To be honest, we shouldn't want to, for the past made us the people we are today. If you hadn't met Isaac you may have never met Pop and where would we be then?"

  Gwen patted her son’s hand and smiled. "You are filled with wisdom, Vernon Eugene Brooks. I believe God is preparing you for better things." She sat back. "Now tell me about the house."

  "How do you know about the house," a shocked Vernon asked.


  "I should have known."

  "Does Naverone like it?"

  "I think so."

  "Are you going to marry her?"

  "The minute the foreman on that jury says not guilty."


  It was eight o'clock the next morning. Judge Maggie listened as James motioned to have James Brooks Jr. and Katherine Stallworth-Brooks’ names removed from the witness list.

  "Neither is a party to any information connected to the trial, Your Honor. This is the District Attorney's attempt to smear my client’s name with gossip and innuendo. This type of attack does not belong in a courtroom."

  "Your Honor." A cool Kirkland took a seat in front of her desk. "The prosecution contends Vernon Brooks has a propensity for violence. Each of the witnesses will lead to incidents where his violence was demonstrated."

  "My son has never witnessed violence from his uncle."

  "No disrespect intended, but I prefer to hear that from him."

  "Your Honor, may I say something?" Vernon remained in the seat he had taken when they first arrived in chambers.

  "Yes, Mr. Brooks, you may."

  "District Attorney Kirkland is on a fishing expedition. If he has evidence to show where each of the witnesses in the motion has first-hand knowledge of a specific incident related to violence, he should provide it to the court. If he does not, he should sit in the corner and have a coke." He spoke as if Neal wasn’t in the room.

  Neal stepped towards Vernon. "We have an affidavit from a witness who has already testified to the incident in question. You do not want this incident before the jury simply because it shows your propensity for violence."

  "Hearsay, Your Honor." Vernon never acknowledged Kirkland. "Mr. Singleton did not witness the alleged incident. Nor was the alleged incident mentioned in the recording from Mrs. Brooks."

  "He has you there, Mr. Kirkland."

  "Push me, Brooks, and I will subpoena your attorney to testify to the incident."

  Vernon continued to address the judge. "Attorney client privilege exists. A subpoena to my attorney would be deemed inadmissible."

  "Hold on, Mr. Kirkland." Judge Maggie held up her hand. "Mr. Brooks has a few valid points."

  "The prosecution has a right to get answers about that situation from the sources involved. Simply because Mr. Brooks indicates the parties on that list were not involved, doesn't make it so."

  Judge Maggie sat back and pondered. "Mr. Brooks, I'm going to allow Mr. Kirkland some leeway. However, the moment I sense you are crossing the line, Mr. Kirkland, I will put an end to the questioning. Understood?"

  "Understood." Kirkland nodded and they all returned to the courtroom.

  "Mr. Kirkland," Judge Maggie called out. "Please call your next witness."

  "The people call Katherine Stallworth-Brooks to the stand."

  Katherine walked through the doors dressed in a navy suit that showed off her perfect size six and those gorgeous legs. It was the first thing that caught James’ attention when they first met.

  Kirkland waited eagerly as she was sworn in.

  "Mrs. Brooks..."

  “Mrs. Stallworth-Brooks," she corrected him with her sophisticated southern drawl.

  "He has no idea what he is in for," Vernon whispered to James.

  "No, he doesn't." James grinned.

  "My apology, Mrs. Stallworth-Brooks. You are the ex-wife to James Brooks, are you not?"

  "I am."

  "How long were you married?"

  "Three questions, Mr. Kirkland," the judge warned.

  "Strike that," Kirkland said to the clerk. He thought for a minute. "During your marriage did your husband have extra-marital affairs?"

  "Don't answer that." Judge Maggie stared at Kirkland. "The focus of this trial is Vernon Brooks. Not James Brooks."

  "Your Honor, how am I to give the people the truth if you won't allow me to ask my questions?" He was now playing to the jury.

  "You have two questions left to get to the point."

  Kirkland sighed, as he ran his hands through his hair as if frustrated.

  Murdock stood. "Your Honor, may we have a moment?"

  "Take two."

  Neal gave Bruce a look of death as he whispered in his ear. He listened, then glared at the man. Neal turned back to the witness as Bruce sat back down. "Did you have an affair with Vernon Brooks?"


  "Was a child conceived at that time?"


  "Isn't it a fact, you and your brother-in-law conceived a child?" Neal slammed his hands on the front of the witness stand as he yelled in Katherine's face.

  "Calm down, child, before you bust something."

  "Answer the question, Mrs. Stallworth-Brooks."

  "I simply refuse to on the grounds that you are being an ass."

  "Instruct the witness to answer the question, Your Honor."

  "Change your tone, Mr. Kirkland, this is not your show."

  Kirkland stepped back. "Your Honor, please instruct the witness to answer."

  "Please answer the question."

  "No," Katherine replied.

  "You are under oath."

  "Objection, Your Honor. Badgering the witness. The question was asked and answered," James stated.

  "Sustained. Move on Mr. Kirkland.

  He did not get what he wanted with the line of questioning so he had to adjust. "Mrs. Stallworth-Brooks." He looked at the jury. "Who was the aggressor in the affair?"

  "I was."

  That wasn't what he wanted either.

  "You are attempting to protect your family by lying on the stand. You are under oath. Is it true that Constance threatened to tell your little secret and that's why Vernon killed her?”

  "Objection." James stood.

  "Oh, darling, please don't object, let me answer that one. Constance was the one with the secret lovers, Mr. Kirkland. Not Vernon."

  "No further question of this witness." A frustrated Neal walked away from the witness box.

  "Your witness, Mr. Brooks."

  James stood. "Thank yo
u, Your Honor."

  James smoothed his tie down as he walked towards Katherine. Instead of standing in front of her he leaned against the jury stand with his hands in his pockets and his legs crossed at the ankle.

  "Hello, Katherine."

  Katherine smiled. "Hello, James."

  "I only have two questions."

  "You can ask all the questions you like, darling. I’m an open book."

  James smiled. "Did you or Vernon ever deny the affair?"


  "Who is James Jr.'s father?"

  "You are."

  James looked up. "I have no further questions, Your Honor."

  "The witness is dismissed." Judge Maggie looked at the clock. "Let's recess for lunch. We will reconvene at 1:00."

  Katherine walked over to James, just as Kirkland walked by. "You forgot the number one rule in law, Neal. Never ask a question you don't know the answer to. Have a good lunch."

  Kirkland pushed the gate open and walked through.

  Katherine looked at James. "Don't you let him hurt our son.”

  "It won't happen."


  Kirkland stood, smiled and walked slowly towards the witness box. "Good morning. Would you state your name for the record?"

  James Jr. sat up comfortably in the witness chair as he spoke. "My name is James Avery Brooks Jr."

  "And how old are you, Mr. Brooks?"

  "Nineteen, sir."

  "When is your birthday, sir?"

  "Objection, Your Honor. This information was provided to the DA and the court."

  "Sustained. Mr. Kirkland, you were warned about this in chambers. Don't try my patience. Move on."

  "Mr. Brooks, do you see your father in the courtroom?”


  "Would you point him out?"

  James Jr. pointed to James. "My father is James Brooks.”

  "Did there come a time when you heard rumors to the contrary?"

  James Jr.’s expression changed. A smirk appeared on his face. He looked at his father then at his uncle. He cleared the expression from his face and turned to the judge. "Your Honor, if it would please the court may I speak freely without interruption? I believe I can dispense with this line of questioning with one statement."

  "Objection, Your Honor," Kirkland yelled.

  "You can't object to your own witness, Mr. Kirkland.”

  "Your Honor, this statement could be anything that his father or his uncle may have fed to him. I prefer to ask my questions, my way."


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