Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 25

by Iris Bolling

  He pulled her down to her knees to join him. Looking lovingly into her eyes, he ran his hands through her hair and removed the band holding her ponytail, dropping it to the floor. He fanned her hair around her shoulders, then cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with such tenderness. "Just let me love you tonight, Rene. We'll worry about tomorrow--tomorrow."

  She covered his hands with hers. "Love me, Vernon, and don't ever let me go."

  He took her lips with the urgency of a drowning man. The hunger from longing for her touch took over his senses as he submerged deep to claim every inch of her mouth.

  His hands eased her panties down. He laid her on the Persian carpet, pulled the panties off, then spread her legs. He smiled. "We're just going to go ahead and get this one out of the way."

  He dove in with nostrils flaring, taking in her scent. His mouth covered her clit between his lips and he sucked as if he was a baby pulling on a nipple. Her muscles tensed as the pressure of his lips continued to increase. His hand squeezed her behind, enhancing the sensations he was causing between her thighs. The moment he felt her about to come, he released her clit, then used his tongue to travel from there to her opening. He dipped in, once, then a second time with a wiggle of his tongue, then deeper the third time. When he felt her muscles tighten around his tongue he pulled out again, this time replacing his tongue with his long fingers. His lips captured her clit sucking while his fingers entered her again and again and again. Her body trembled as a scream so primitive it echoed throughout the room. Vernon put his hands behind her butt, holding her open lips against his mouth as he drank in every sweet drop of her release. Her thighs tightened around his neck. The skin was as soft as a baby's behind. He felt like he was in a cocoon of warmth that radiated throughout his body. He put her down, shed his sweats, placed his hands around her waist and entered with a swiftness that caused him to pant. He moved inside her with an urgency. All of it, he had to have all of what she had to give before his drive would be satisfied. His erection grew, stroke after stroke, as he continued to drive into her like a locomotive racing down the track. He was desperate to feel her body explode around him as he drove deeper and deeper until he heard her scream. Then and only then did he allow himself to take her with the desire of a man getting his first taste of love. He drove inside her until his dam broke, eliciting a roar to match any king of the jungle. He broke out in a sweat, the hairs on the back of his neck came to attention, but his heart stilled and his soul settled. He covered her body with his. Brushed her hair from her face, then used his thumb to caress her temple.

  "Open your eyes, Rene," he spoke softly. She did and he saw the depth of emotions that he was feeling, were impacting her too. He looked into her coal black eyes. "I love you, Rene. I don't know what you are feeling and I don't need to." His penis throbbed to move again, but he had to say what was in his heart. "I want you in my life, anyway you are willing to be."

  Rene knew the moment he filled her she was gone. To hear him declare his love for her heightened the sensations building inside. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into her.

  "I want babies, Vernon Brooks." Her inner lips squeezed him, still contracting from their first orgasm.

  He kissed her lips, then moved slowly within her.

  "Two, maybe three, little Vernons running around the house."

  He pushed up on his arms to angle over her. "You can have whatever you want." He pulled out, then slowly eased back in.

  Rene moaned. "I want more of that."

  He smiled down at her as he pulled out and entered her again. "You want more of that?"

  Her eyes closed from the tingling that was beginning to build again. "God, yes."

  "I'm happy to hear that, Rene." He pushed in deeper as his eyes closed. "I plan to make love to you in every room in this house."

  Rene smiled as a groan escaped her lips. "Is that a fact?" She reveled in the movement of his body over hers.

  He moved her legs from around his waist to his shoulders. "That’s a fact." He pushed further into her touching uncharted areas.

  She gasped, "How many rooms?"

  He put his hands around her waist. "You tell me." He pulled her waist to him, driving into her thirty-two times before he stopped, then one last time that caused both of them to climax.

  He kicked the door with his foot, closing it.

  Rene began laughing as she realized they had been making love with the front door wide open.

  "I hope the home owners aren’t around anywhere."

  Vernon gathered her in his arms, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking glistening on her skin. "I'm sure they are okay with it."

  "Good," Rene said as she rolled over and mounted him, her hair flowing around him as she leaned over him. "Cause I plan on riding you in all thirty-two rooms."

  She stood, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it to the floor. Vernon smiled as he followed her, walking naked to the next room. He watched as she took one step to stand on the dining room table. She stood there with her legs braced apart as she reached up to touch the chandelier that hung above.

  "Counselor, I wonder..." She swung on the chandelier. "Have you ever made love hanging from a chandelier?"

  Vernon joined her on the table. "There’s a first time for everything." He lifted her, putting her legs over his shoulders. As she hung on he used his tongue to dip into her sweetness and ravished her. The essence of her scent filled the room as he licked up everything she released to him. When he finished, her body was so limp he had to carry her to the next room. "Two down, thirty to go," he said carrying her over his shoulder fireman style.

  The next room looked like a study or an office. He sat her on top of the desk. She switched positions pinning him against the desk.

  "This one is on me." She fell to her knees and took him into her mouth. Her hands massaged his family jewels as she sucked him to full erection. She pulled him out, licked him up and down like a lollipop then took him so deep he touched the back of her throat. He looked down. The sight of her black hair hanging around him as her mouth moved up and down on him caused him to explode. She took every bit of him letting nothing escape. When she finished she climbed on top of him on the desk.

  He entered her and just held her with his arms wrapped around her. His hands ran up and down her body as her body swirled in slow circular movements. Her head rested on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around him.

  "I love you, Vernon. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

  He brought her face up so he could see her eyes. Looking in them, he could see two children and her. "Yes."

  "You have to ask my daddy." She looked so serious he had to laugh.

  They awakened hours later in one of the bedrooms, their bodies tangled together as only lovers could do. Rene stretched and opened her eyes to find Vernon leaning on his elbow looking down at her. She smiled and pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm a wild sleeper."

  "I know. I watched you all night."

  "It's morning?"

  "Around six," he replied.

  "How many rooms did we make it to last night?"

  "Eleven if you count the shower."

  She laughed. "When do we have to leave?"

  He pulled her body beneath him. Settled in.

  "Hmm," he moaned as he moved within her. "We don't."

  "Don't what," she groaned meeting each of his thrusts.

  "Leave," he moaned. "We don't ever have to leave." He captured her lips, moving his tongue in motion with his body, touching areas he knew he must have missed last night, for every spot felt different, exciting, until they came together in their first morning love session.

  With her arms wrapped around his neck, she held him when he tried to move. "What do you mean we don't ever have to leave?"

  Vernon rolled over and brought her body with him. "I bought the house. We don't close until the end of the month, but I thought of you the moment I stepped through
the door. Signed the papers, then rented it until the closing because I didn’t want anyone else in this house but us."

  Naverone sat up, leaning against his raised legs. Vernon now had his hand behind his head as he smiled at her. "You bought this house?"

  "I did." The stunned look on her face made him laugh. "You like it, don't you?"

  "Yes, but if I had known it was ours, I would not have been hanging from the freaking chandelier."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Genesis had sat on the clinic for almost two weeks now. This was the first sighting of the good doctor. "Finally," she said as she dialed Naverone's phone. "The doctor is in."

  "Be there in ten," Naverone replied.

  Ten minutes later Naverone walked into the clinic. There was a good-sized reception area. Chairs were about ten deep in three rows. Trash from today's patients was still on the floor. A janitor was standing inside collecting trash.

  "Good evening." Naverone stood there in a red dress, heels and her infamous ponytail swinging.

  "Well, hello there." The older man's eyes brightened. "What can I do for you?"

  "I'm looking for Dr. Parks. Is he in?"

  "Yes, he just went to his office in the back. But the clinic is closed."

  "That's okay, I just came to see him."

  "You can go on back. I'm sure he won't mind seeing a pretty little thing like you."

  Naverone smiled and she swore she saw the man come. "Thank you." She walked down a small hallway to the back office where she heard someone talking.

  When she reached the doorway, Dr. Parks was on the telephone, and going through a stack of folders on his desk. He looked up and smiled. "Let me call you back." He stood and extended his hand. "Good evening. May I help you?"

  "Are you Dr. Parks?"

  "I am." He nodded as he smiled. "Please come in. Have a seat."

  "Thank you." Naverone sat in the chair in front of his desk and crossed her legs. Parks wasn't a bad looking man. He had a touch of gray at the temples of his short cut hairline. It seemed he had just come back from a vacation. His skin was tanned, he had on a polo shirt with shorts and sandals. It was November. "You have a beautiful tan."

  "Thank you." His blue eyes sparkled at the compliment. "My family and I just returned from ten days in the Bahamas."

  "Sounds wonderful."

  "It was." He glanced at the door. "The clinic is closed. Is there something I can help you with?"

  "Yes, in fact there is." My name is Rene Naverone. I'm an investigator working on the Brooks murder case. Have you been keeping up with it?"

  "No, not really."

  "I find that surprising since you are so intricately involved in it."

  He stood. "I think you have the wrong person. Now if you would excuse me."

  "No, I believe I have the right person." She pulled out her cell phone and pulled up a picture. "See this man right here? He came to your clinic late on the night of October 10th. I believe you treated him for a gunshot wound. I need you to tell me who he is."

  "If that took place there would have been a police report filed. I suggest you check there."

  She stood as she noticed he was easing towards the door. "See, I did. They did not have a report."

  He stopped. "It's possible it could be a different date."

  The man was lying, Naverone could see it in his eyes. "I don't think so."

  "I tell you what. Let me check the reports for that day at my nurse’s station. Maybe something is there. What date was it again?"

  He is good, Naverone thought as she sat back down. "Thank you for helping me." She smiled. "That would be October 10th."

  "The tenth." He smiled. "I'll be right back with you."

  Naverone closed her legs and began counting to ten. She had only reached seven when Genesis appeared in the doorway, pulling Parks by the back of his shorts.

  "Dr. Parks. Did you try to go out the back door?" Naverone stood. "I forgot to introduce you to my partner, Genesis Morgan. Genesis, Dr. Parks is going to help us identify the man in the picture."

  "Is that a fact? Was that what he needed inside his car? That’s where he was heading." Genesis picked the man up off the floor and stood him on his feet. Then she brushed him off.

  "You were trying to leave, Dr. Parks?” Naverone shook her head. “Well, you look a little ruffled. What happened?"

  "She hit me with a whip."

  "Genesis," Naverone scolded.

  "He was running. I had to stop him." Dr. Parks rubbed at his ankles that bore red marks around them. "I'm certain you have an ointment to help with the rope marks." She pulled him by the shirt and guided him to the chair behind his desk.

  Naverone leaned across it. "Dr. Parks, I believe the man you sewed up was Isaac Singleton. You knew him back when you were an NBA trainer. You were kicked out for questionable medical assistance you provided to some of the players." She stood. "We're not here to cause you any problems. We just need you to confirm who the person was you assisted on that night. If you can tell us who that person was and testify to it, we may forget to report this to the medical authorities and allow you to keep your little clinic open."

  "If I testify to doing anything like what you just mentioned, I could lose my license."

  "If you don't you could lose your life." Genesis stood in the doorway, dressed in jeans, a zipped up jacket and three inch high boots, with the whip in her hand.

  "Dr. Parks, we promise to do all we can to help you keep your license." She leaned back over the desk. "If you don't help us, I'm going to allow Genesis to carry you to the police station with the information we have. What do you think they will do? That is if you make it there.”

  Genesis uncoiled the whip and snapped it in the air.

  "All right." Sweat was pouring from the man's neck. "What if I give you something better than my testimony?"

  "Something better like what," Naverone asked.

  Dr. Parks reached into the bottom drawer of his desk. Genesis snapped the whip right at his hand. The doctor jerked it out of the way. She then walked over and pulled a small iron box from the open drawer. She opened the box. Inside was a plastic bag. Dr. Parks held it up. "How about the bullet I took out of him?"


  The next morning the courtroom was packed. Vernon, Wade, James, Joelle and Bruce appeared in Judge Maggie's chambers.

  "This is inconceivable," Judge Maggie said from behind her desk. "Is any of this true, Mr. Murdock?"

  "According to the information I received from the Attorney General, the indictment was pending a witness’s return to the country." He nodded his head. "DA Kirkland is named in the indictment along with twenty others."

  "Is the district attorney's office ready to proceed with this case?"

  "Yes, Your Honor." Joelle spoke up for the first time on this case. She flinched and glanced at Bruce.

  "Your Honor, the prosecution has completed its case. We have been on this case from the very beginning. There is no reason why we would not be able to cross-examine any witness."

  "Mr. Brooks," Judge Maggie exhaled. "What's your take?"

  "We are anxious to clear my brother's name. It's unfortunate what has occurred with District Attorney Kirkland, however, the defense has no problem continuing with ADA Murdock."

  "Very well." The judge stood. "Let's go to court."

  Inside the courtroom Ericka Kennedy was called to the stand and sworn in.

  "Good morning, Ms. Kennedy," James began.

  "Good morning."

  "Ms. Kennedy, for full disclosure will you tell the court your relationship to me?"

  "I am engaged to your brother Nicolas."


  "Thank you."

  "How did you meet Nicolas?"

  "I was hired to run a con on him."

  "Who hired you?"

  "Isaac Singleton."

  "What was his purpose?"

  "Objection. Hearsay, the witness cannot speak for Mr. Singleton."


  "I'll rephrase," James replied. "What was your objective?"

  "To cause a public scandal on the misuse of funds by Nicolas’ firm."

  "What was your payment?"

  "Whatever I gained from the con."

  "Mr. Singleton did not want the money?"


  "He only wanted the scandal?"

  "Yes," Ericka replied.

  "Thank you. Your witness," James said to Bruce.

  "Good morning, Ms. Kennedy."

  "Good morning."

  "Ms. Kennedy, did Mr. Singleton hire you personally?"


  "Thank you, Ms. Kennedy." Bruce looked at the judge. "No further questions."

  Ericka stepped out of the witness box and was walking toward the gate when she glanced at the evidence table. She stopped, looked at the gun with the tape on it then looked at the judge then back at James. She walked over to him. "I need to talk to you now."

  "Your Honor, may we have a ten minute recess?"

  "We just started court, Mr. Brooks."

  "I understand, Your Honor. Please, just ten minutes."

  Judge Maggie looked at the witness, then back to James. "Court is recessed for ten minutes."

  "What's going on?" Vernon asked.

  Seeing the confused look on Ericka's face, James turned to Vernon. "Let's talk outside."

  "What is Nick's gun doing in there?"

  Wade shifted to block people from overhearing the conversation.

  "How do you know that's Nick's gun?" Vernon asked.

  "What's going on?" Naverone asked. She had to sit outside the courtroom because she was due to testify next. They also had Dr. Parks in case Adam was able to come up with a match on the bullet he gave them.

  "We're trying to find out now." Vernon took her hand unaware of where they were standing.


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