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LavenderLaceTrilogy_Bundle Page 8

by Lynn LaFleur

  “Keefe.” She squeezed his hands. He could tell by the tone of her voice that he wouldn’t like what she was about to say. “No strings or promises, remember? That’s what you said in my office last night. Nothing but pleasuring each other for the weekend.”

  “What if I changed my mind and want more?”

  “I can’t give you any more. I can’t risk stirring up any rumors.”

  “Do you think your employees are going to believe I’m getting special treatment because I’m fucking the boss?”

  “No.” She looked away from him and blew out a heavy breath. “It’s more complicated than that.”

  “Marci.” He waited until she looked at him again before continuing. “I went through hell when Jeania and I broke up. Getting involved with another woman wasn’t anywhere in my plans, not for a long time. And I’m not saying I’m ready to get serious about a woman yet. But I enjoy being with you. I want to keep seeing you.”

  “We’ll see each other at work. That’s all. I can’t be with you again.” She kissed him again. “Goodbye.”

  Keefe stood with his hands in the back pockets of his jeans while she jogged to her car. Once inside with the windshield wipers going, she waved. He jerked his head to acknowledge her. She backed out of the driveway, looking at him once more before heading down the street. He watched until he could no longer see her car.

  Loneliness seeped into every pore. He never would have believed he could feel something for another woman so quickly after Jeania. She’d been his whole world, until she tore that world apart. Loving another woman didn’t seem possible.

  Until now.

  He wasn’t in love with Marci. It was too soon for that. But he wondered if his feelings could grow into love if given the chance.

  He wouldn’t give up on Marci until he knew for sure.

  Chapter Eight

  The gray, misty day fit Marci’s mood perfectly. She listened to the whoosh whoosh of her windshield wipers as she searched for a parking spot close to Jennie’s Java. Barely five hours of sleep last night meant she desperately needed a double shot of caffeine this morning.

  Thoughts of Keefe had kept her awake until after one. She’d relived their time together, over and over, remembering every touch, every kiss, every thrust of his cock into her pussy. Her mind had continued to whirl with dreams of him and their lovemaking. She’d awoken before six, aroused and frustrated.

  An SUV pulled away from the curb directly in front of her. Marci whipped her car into the space.

  She stepped into Jennie’s Java and glanced to her right. Molly sat at “their” table, pecking away on her laptop. The words must be flowing for her fingers were flying.

  Marci ordered her double shot latte and made her way to Molly’s table. The young redhead was so engrossed in her typing, she didn’t notice when Marci sat down. Grinning, Marci reached over and tapped the lid of Molly’s laptop with one fingernail. Molly jerked and whipped up her head.

  “Good morning,” Marci said, still grinning.

  “Marci. Hi. Ohmigosh, how long have you been here?”

  “Only a few seconds.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She pressed a few buttons on her laptop and closed it. “I was lost in my own world.”

  “Apparently. Is the writing going well?”

  Molly’s smile could’ve lit up the entire room. “I’m having such a good time.” She bobbled her eyebrows. “I’m in the middle of the first love scene.”



  Marci sipped her coffee. Molly’s scene would be explosive if she patterned it after Marci’s time with Keefe.

  “How did the dress work?” Molly asked, breaking off a piece of her spice muffin.

  “Perfectly. I’ll definitely be back to buy more dresses.”

  She popped her bite of muffin into her mouth. “Did you make it to Lavender Lace?”

  Marci nodded. “You were right. The store is incredible. I didn’t take the time to really look around the whole store. I want to go back and do that.”

  “My sister is starting there next week. She’s really excited.”

  The front door opened and Twyla swept in. She looked tall and regal, the same as last week. A smile broke over her face when she caught Marci looking at her. She waved, then headed for the counter.

  “Twyla just came in,” Marci told Molly.

  “I see her.” Molly sighed heavily. “I’d love to have her figure.” She switched her attention to Marci. “Or yours. It would be so nice to have breasts.”

  “I’m not nearly as well endowed as Twyla.”

  “I’ll take anything I can get. Two more cup sizes would be good.”

  Marci laughed. She really liked Molly. “Tell you what. I’ll trade you some of my breasts for some of your curly hair.”


  Twyla walked toward their table, a coffee cup in one hand, a chocolate chip muffin in the other. “What’s so funny?”

  “I want some of your boobs,” Molly said.

  “You can have some.” Twyla sat down and sighed. “I hate shopping for bras. I have to buy plain ones with lots of support. I’d rather buy lacy and sexy.”

  “Have you checked out the bras at that new lingerie store, Lavender Lace?”

  “Never heard of it.”

  “Marci went there. Tell Twyla about it.”

  “It’s a wonderful store, Twyla. Great selection, everything arranged by color. Even if you didn’t find anything that works for you, it’s worth the visit to see the hunk who helps the owner.”

  Molly’s eyes widened. “There’s a hunk in the store? Shawna didn’t tell me that.”

  “A hunk in the store doesn’t interest me.” Twyla peeled the paper wrapping off her muffin. “I’ve sworn off men forever.”

  “Why?” Molly asked.

  “I had the worst date ever Saturday night. I guess the guy figured he had the right to grope me since he paid for dinner.”

  Marci winced. She’d gone out with guys like that. She’d been tempted to break some fingers when they wandered where she didn’t want them to wander.

  “My friends mean well,” Twyla said, tearing her muffin in half. “My divorce was final six months ago and they’ve been fixing me up with guys ever since. I say no and I get this ‘but he’s perfect for you’ speech. Trust me, none of them has been perfect for me. That’s why I’ve given up on men. No more blind dates.”

  “What about you, Marci?” Molly asked. “Did you have a date Saturday night?”

  Marci took her time draining her cup, mostly to avoid Molly’s question. “I…had a business dinner.”

  Molly’s eyebrows disappeared into her curly bangs. “You wore that sexy dress to a business dinner?”

  “What sexy dress?” Twyla asked.

  “Marci came into Nordstrom Saturday, looking for a special dress. I helped her find one. Then I told her about Lavender Lace.” She looked back at Marci. “You said you went to Lavender Lace. Did you buy something to go with your dress?”

  “A bra and thong set, stockings and a garter belt.”

  Molly grinned. “Sexy!”

  Marci looked from Molly to Twyla and back again to Molly. She had friends and acquaintances, but few she could talk to about anything. Peggy was one of her special friends, Anne Marshall another. Although she’d met these two women only days ago, she’d had coffee with them three times and instinctively knew she could trust them.

  “My business dinner turned into more than a business dinner. We spent the night together.”

  “And?” Molly prompted.

  “And it was amazing. The best sex I’ve had in a really long time.”

  “You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” Twyla said.

  “It is.” She started to pick up her cup before she remembered it was empty. “I wasn’t totally honest with you when I said I work at Marshall Media. I not only work there, I’m the president.”

  Molly’s eyebrows shot up again. “Wow.”
  “And the guy you had dinner with is an employee.”

  Marci nodded at Twyla’s comment. “My newest vice president. So you understand my dilemma.”

  “I don’t,” Molly said, frowning. “So he’s a VP. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “It’s unprofessional for Marci to date her employee.”

  “Who made up that stupid rule?” Molly’s frown deepened. “If you two had a great time, what does it matter if he works for you?”

  “Things are different in the corporate world, Molly. My employees look up to me. I can’t do anything that might destroy their trust or make them think I’m playing favorites.”

  Molly wiggled her lips back and forth. “Yeah, I guess I can see that. Still, it’s the pits. A gal can’t always get great sex from a guy.”

  “Amen to that,” Twyla muttered.

  “I had a wonderful time with Keefe, but it’s over. I can’t be with him again. I have to accept that.”

  “Sometimes that’s easier said than done,” Molly said softly.


  The view outside her office window of the Olympic Range usually raised her spirits. Not today. Marci stared out the window, holding her coffee mug with both hands. The coffee had grown cool since she hadn’t drunk any of it.

  She had to be professional when she saw Keefe today. She didn’t know how she’d do that.

  “Good morning,” Keefe said behind her.

  The sound of his voice made her heart skitter in her chest. Taking a breath for courage, Marci turned to face him. Her tongue almost fell to the floor. He wore navy pants and a blue sweater that brought out those icy blue eyes. He was clean shaven, unlike yesterday when he’d worn a day’s worth of whiskers. He’d told her he never shaved on Sunday. That was his day to be a bum.

  The dark whiskers had made him look devilish and sexy.

  “Good morning,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

  He stared at her, his gaze dipping briefly to her breasts before returning to her face. “You look lovely.”

  She stopped herself before she smoothed her skirt. She’d worn a suit, as she always did to work, but had picked out the one that flattered her figure the most. “Thank you.”

  He glanced around her empty office. “First one here, huh?”

  “Yes. Most of my VPs straggle in here right at nine.”

  “I didn’t want to be late my first day.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  End of small talk. Marci wanted so badly to step into his arms, lift her lips for his kiss. She cleared her throat and motioned toward her kitchenette. “Would you like coffee? Peggy brings the donuts and pastries, so they aren’t here yet.”

  “Coffee sounds good.” He nodded toward her mug. “Need a warm-up?”

  “I let this cup get cold. I need a fresh one.”

  “I’ll get it for you.”

  He stepped closer and reached for her mug. Their fingers touched. Marci sucked in a sharp breath. Keefe’s fingers slid over the top of hers, his thumbs gently caressing.


  “Good morning,” Peggy said in a singsong voice.

  Marci jumped back from Keefe as if he’d suddenly turned poisonous. Peggy stopped in her tracks, looking from Marci to Keefe and back again.

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Marci knew her cheeks had to be flaming. “Of course not. Keefe and I were about to have coffee.” She hurried on before Peggy could ask any more questions. “You brought the donuts. Good.”

  “I always bring the donuts. You know that.”

  “I hope you brought lots of chocolate. I’m in a chocolate mood today.”

  “Any reason why?”

  Keefe moved to the kitchenette. Marci watched him turn over a thick black mug that bore Marshall Media’s logo and fill it with regular coffee. He leaned against the cabinet and looked at her while sipping the hot brew.

  Marci forced herself to turn away from him. Her gaze clashed with her friend’s. Peggy continued to look between Marci and Keefe, a smirk touching her lips. “So, how was your weekend?” she asked Marci.


  “Anything…unusual happen?”

  Her friend might suspect Marci had been with Keefe, but there was no way Marci would admit it. “No. Everything was great.”

  Peggy looked at Keefe. “How about you? Are you getting settled into the area?”

  “I am. I even unpacked some boxes yesterday afternoon after the game.”

  “Moving is such a hard job. You should put out a call for help. I’m sure there are a lot of people on staff who would be willing to lend a hand.”

  “I might do that. Thanks.”

  “How about you, Marci?” Peggy asked, that smirk back on her lips. “Would you be willing to help Keefe?”

  Two more of her vice presidents entered the room. Marci sighed with relief. The distraction meant she didn’t have to answer Peggy’s question. She hurried forward to greet Cierra and Leo. Dara, Harold and Larry entered the room moments later. They all wandered to the kitchenette for coffee and donuts. Marci knew from previous meetings that it would take everyone a good ten minutes to get settled into their chairs so she could start the meeting.

  She stepped up to her place at the conference table and perused her agenda. It would be a long meeting, probably running into lunchtime. She jotted down a note to have Lauren order lunch around eleven-thirty.

  Keefe joined her and held out a full mug of steaming coffee. “I hope I put enough cream in it.”

  He remembered how she liked her coffee. For some silly reason, his thoughtfulness brought a lump to her throat. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He gazed at the conference table. “Which chair is mine, boss?”

  “That one.” She pointed to the chair to the left of hers.

  “Okay.” He glanced over his shoulder at the group of VPs huddled by the coffee area, then leaned closer to her. “I wish I could bend you over the table and lick your pussy.”

  He moved away from her before she had the chance to respond. That was good, because Marci had lost the ability to speak with his comment.

  Peggy wandered by on the way to her chair. She stopped at Marci’s side long enough to whisper, “”Don’t even think about leaving today until we talk.”

  She took her place at the foot of the table, her hands folded on top of the agenda, her face set in the stern don’t-mess-with-me expression Marci recognized as the one Peggy usually reserved for her husband. Or her children.

  Marci caught herself before she twisted her hands together. That would be a dead giveaway to her friend that she had something to hide.

  The rest of her vice presidents slowly made their way to their chairs. Marci waited until everyone was seated and settled before she spoke.

  “Good morning. As you can see by my agenda, we have a lot to discuss today. You might as well think about what you’ll want for lunch, because I promise you we’ll be here a while.

  “First, I want to introduce all of you to our newest vice president, Keefe Donegan.”

  Keefe nodded his head when everyone applauded.

  “Keefe comes to us from Los Angeles and I consider us very lucky to have him. Keefe, the lady seated next to you is Cierra Adkins, VP of Marketing. Next to her is Larry Bagby of Public Relations. You already know Peggy. On the other side of Peggy is Dara Nash, in charge of Finance, Harold Pape of Legal and Contracts, and seated to my right is Leo Whitaker, our incredible IT guy. There isn’t anything on a computer this man can’t find or repair.”

  “So when do I get a raise?” Leo asked, humor shining in his eyes.

  “Sorry, raises aren’t on the agenda today.”

  The group laughed, and that helped Marci to relax. She was back in president mode, in charge of her employees. No more thinking about how Keefe’s sweater made his eyes look so blue, no more remembering his touch on her skin, his mouth on hers. Professional only.

; If she told herself that at least fifty times today, she’d eventually believe it.

  Chapter Nine

  She was a total professional on the job. Keefe knew that ten minutes into the meeting. Marci controlled every aspect of Marshall Media, but relied heavily on her vice presidents’ opinions and advice. She listened when someone spoke, wrote down what he or she said. She didn’t put down anyone’s ideas or overrule them simply because she was the boss.

  His respect for her grew with each hour that passed.

  His desire for her grew too. She’d worn her hair down today, held with a clip at her nape. Soft tendrils fell over her left shoulder. If he reached out, he could twirl a tendril around his finger and pull her closer for his kiss.

  Keeping his mind on business hadn’t been easy. Images from Saturday night and yesterday would flash through his mind without warning. His cock swelled when he remembered the way Marci had taken it in her mouth, the way she’d ridden him here in her office and in his living room. Those perfect breasts had bounced with her movements, her nipples hard and begging to be sucked.

  He was thankful the table hid his lap.

  Shortly after two o’clock, Marci adjourned the meeting. Keefe gathered up his paperwork, Marci’s handouts and the legal pad on which he’d made copious notes. A gentle touch on his left arm made him turn his head. Cierra smiled at him.

  “I want to personally welcome you to Marshall Media, Keefe.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I think you’ll be an asset to the company.” She slowly ran her fingertips up and down his arm. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, just let me know.”

  He couldn’t mistake the interest in her eyes. Cierra was a beautiful woman with shoulder-length dark hair and a curvy body. He didn’t doubt she’d say yes if he asked her out. Two weeks ago, he might have considered that. Now, after being with Marci, dating another woman held no appeal at all.

  “I appreciate that, Cierra.”

  She gathered up her own paperwork, then gave him a seductive smile. “Remember if you need anything, anything at all, my door is open.”

  “I’ll remember.”

  He watched her saunter toward the door. She glanced at him over her shoulder before leaving the office.


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