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Page 17

by Lynn LaFleur

  She laid the dress on her bed next to the pile of lingerie she’d bought. The red thong lay on top of the pile. She picked it up and ran her fingertips over the silky fabric. It was so light, she could barely feel it in her hand.

  Twyla had bought the red thong on an impulse because she’d felt sexy when she’d tried it on. She hadn’t bought any of the other colors and doubted she’d ever wear this one. Thongs simply weren’t “her”.

  She tossed the thong back on the pile and returned to her closet for a small suitcase. Her cell phone rang as she turned toward the bathroom. She cringed when she saw Sherry’s number in the display.

  “Damn,” she hissed.

  Unwilling to ignore her friend, Twyla flipped open her phone. “Hey, Sher.”

  “Don’t ‘hey, Sher’ me. What do you mean, you can’t come to dinner?”

  She almost made up a phony excuse, but decided the truth would be better. “I don’t want another blind date, Sherry. I tried to tell you that at lunch the other day, but you wouldn’t listen.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that. He called George a few minutes ago and canceled. Said he’s working. He’s working alone in that big building on a Saturday night.”

  Twyla rolled her eyes. Sherry was such a manipulator. “If you’re trying to make me feel sorry for him—“

  “George really likes him, Twyla. You know he has to be a great guy if George likes him.”

  “I don’t care! I don’t want another blind date!”

  “Okay, okay. Sheesh, don’t bite my head off.”

  Finally, she listens to me. That has to be a first.

  “Look, you can still come to dinner. I made that chicken casserole you like so much. And chocolate cake for dessert.”

  Twyla’s taste buds did a happy dance in her mouth. Sherry’s meals were always delicious. Twyla rarely cooked for herself, so always loved eating at the Trahans’. “I appreciate it, Sher, but I wouldn’t be good company tonight. I just want to be by myself.”

  Sherry sighed heavily. It sounded so dramatic, Twyla had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.

  “Wanna do a movie tomorrow?” Sherry asked.

  “Not tomorrow. Maybe next weekend.”

  “You’re being very mysterious.”

  She didn’t want to tell Sherry about going away for the weekend. Her friend would insist on tagging along or try to talk her out of going. “I just want the weekend by myself. We’ll get together next week, okay?”

  “Okay. But if you change your mind, come on over. I have lots of wine in the fridge.”

  Twyla released a relieved sigh as she disconnected the call. She doubted if Sherry would have been so understanding if George’s coworker hadn’t already canceled.

  No matter. Now she could concentrate on herself and get ready for a weekend of bliss.

  She threw a few clothes, toiletries and her e-book reader into the small suitcase before donning her new red bra and bikini panties. Twyla smiled. She loved the way the lingerie fit her body. Despite no visible support in the bra, it definitely pushed up her breasts and showed them off to their best advantage.

  After slipping on her black dress and pumps, she grabbed her suitcase and purse. Halfway through the living room, she stopped. She stood still a moment, then turned and retraced her steps to her bedroom. Reaching beneath her dress, she pulled down the bikini panties and replaced them with the red thong.

  “Wild Rose Inn, here I come.”

  Chapter Four

  Twyla closed the door to her room, leaned against it and smiled. She’d lucked out in getting a room at the Wild Rose Inn on such short notice due to a last-minute cancellation. The rooms were usually booked several weeks in advance.

  A fire burned in the fireplace. It, along with a single lamp next to the bed, cast a warm glow around the room. She couldn’t see anything outside the window now, but knew she’d find a magnificent view of the snow-dusted Cascades tomorrow morning.

  Twyla removed her coat and laid it plus her suitcase on the king-size bed. She crossed to the fireplace and held her hands out to absorb the warmth. The stress began to melt from her body. A glass of brandy, a hot bath, and she’d sleep for twelve hours.

  But first, she wanted something to eat. Her stomach had been growling for the last twenty minutes.

  A quick fluff of her hair, a dash of fresh lipstick, and she was ready for whatever the evening brought.


  Daniel saw the raven-haired woman walk into the bar. He froze with his glass raised halfway to his lips. She stood in the doorway, her gaze traveling over the room. Her eyes met his for a moment before she continued checking out the room. She crossed the floor and sat at a table for two in the corner.

  Glided would be a better description for the way she moved. She walked with her head high, her shoulders back, her breasts thrust forward.

  Gorgeous large breasts thrust forward.

  Those long legs meant she had to be close to six feet tall. With his height at six-two, that would make them fit together perfectly while making love.

  His cock responded to that idea.

  Daniel had come into the bar to have a drink while he waited for an available table in the restaurant. Women had come and gone for the last forty-five minutes. He’d seen women of various sizes and shapes, blondes and brunettes and redheads. None of them had earned more than a glimpse from him. But her, the one with the short, curly black hair…he could look at her for hours.

  Daniel sipped his scotch and watched the waitress step up to her table. The woman smiled and spoke to the server, probably ordering a drink. Once she was alone again, she looked in his direction. Daniel lifted his glass toward her in greeting. She hesitated a moment before she smiled at him.

  Picking up a woman hadn’t been on his agenda when he decided to come to the Wild Rose Inn. He came here to relax, forget about work and have a good meal. Seeing her changed his mind. He wondered if she was dining alone or waiting for someone.

  There was an easy way to find out.

  “Ready for another?” the bartender asked Daniel.

  “Yes. And I want to pay for her drink.” He nodded toward the woman’s table.

  The bartender looked in her direction and grinned. “I can’t blame you for that. She’s hot.”

  “Yes, she is. Do you know her?”

  He glanced at her while adding more scotch to Daniel’s glass. “I don’t know her, but she does look familiar. I think she was in here a few months ago. I see a lot of people, so it’s hard to keep track of who comes in when.”

  The bartender poured a glass of red wine and gave it to the waitress. Daniel observed the exchange between the server and the woman. She appeared surprised when the waitress pointed his direction after she set the wineglass on the table. She looked at him, lifted her glass and smiled.

  Grabbing his jacket from the back of the stool, he carried his drink to her table. She watched his approach, her gaze traveling slowly down his body. She paused at his crotch on the way back up to his face.

  “Good evening,” Daniel said. He wouldn’t sit unless she asked him. Just because she smiled at him didn’t mean she wanted him to join her.

  “Good evening. Thank you for the wine.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She gestured toward the chair opposite her. “Sit, please.”

  “Am I intruding?”

  “No, not at all. I’m alone.”

  He draped his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down. “I’m Daniel.”


  Leaning forward, Daniel rested his crossed arms on the table. “What brings you to the Wild Rose Inn, Twyla?”

  She smiled. Her lips were full and looked soft. Kissable. “I’m treating myself to a weekend of pampering.”

  “And what does a weekend of pampering include?”

  “Manicure, pedicure, facial, massage. All the goodies.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim bar lighting. High cheekbones, an ov
al face, creamy skin. Add all those features to that killer body and Daniel thought her one of the most attractive women he’d ever seen.

  “How often do you treat yourself to all the goodies?” Daniel asked.

  “Not as often as I’d like. It’s been several months.”

  “So you live close by?”

  She nodded. “In Seattle.”

  “So do I. I moved there three weeks ago. I’m still learning my way around.”

  She leaned forward, giving him an enticing view of her cleavage. He couldn’t help looking, but quickly lifted his gaze back to her face. Men probably gawked at her large breasts all the time. He didn’t want her to lump him in the same category with men who were too busy staring that they didn’t hear anything she said.

  “Where did you live before you moved to Seattle?” Twyla asked.


  “How are you surviving the clouds instead of the constant sunshine?”

  “Actually, I like it. I didn’t think I would since I lived in Albuquerque all my life, but I’m enjoying the different climate. And the scenery is breathtaking.”

  “I can’t imagine living anywhere else. The view of Mount Rainier on a clear day is worth the days of cloudy weather.”

  “I’ve seen the base of it, but the top has always been covered by clouds.”

  “You’ll see all of it before the weekend is over. It’s going to be gorgeous tomorrow.”

  “Twyla, party of one,” a female voice announced over the speaker. “Your table is ready. Daniel, party of one. Your table is ready.”

  “That’s me,” Twyla said.

  “And me. Shall we leave one of those tables for someone else and dine together?”

  She smiled. “I’d like that.”


  Twyla couldn’t believe her good luck to meet Daniel. Her stomach had jumped when she’d first seen him. His dark brown hair and good looks had naturally drawn her attention. Any woman would be attracted to such a handsome man. She’d learned that good looks didn’t mean a good man. Her last blind date had been with one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen. He’d turned out to be the biggest jerk she’d dated in the last four months.

  Daniel buying her drink gave her the chance to meet him and discover if her initial reaction was wishful thinking or if he might truly be a nice man. She’d watched him approach her table. He’d walked with the confidence of a man comfortable in his body.

  And what a body. Tall, broad shoulders, flat stomach, long legs. He wore loose-fitting black pants, but that didn’t stop her from seeing the impressive bulge behind his zipper.

  She’d only talked to him for a few minutes in the bar, but had quickly realized he was intelligent and charming. He’d looked into her eyes while speaking to her, instead of staring at her breasts as so many of her dates had done.

  He rested his hand on the small of her back as the hostess led them to their table. The simple touch sent a jolt directly to her clit. Finally, finally, she had met a man who made her want to take the evening past dinner and to her bed.

  She hoped he felt the same way about her.

  She’d never picked up a man in her life. She’d dated a lot since the breakup with her ex, but had never made the first move. The fact that she invited Daniel to join her in the bar still surprised her.

  She’d gone from high school sweetheart to husband without the normal flirting and dating that most women experienced. Her ex-husband had destroyed her self-confidence and belief that she was a sexy, alluring woman. No more. From the moment she’d slipped on the red bra and thong at Lavender Lace, she’d become the new, confident, sexy Twyla Gardiner…a woman who knew how to seduce a man and drive him up the wall with desire.

  A man like the one sitting across from her.

  Daniel opened his menu. “Do you have any recommendations?”

  “The steaks are wonderful and so is the salmon. If you like prime rib, theirs is the best I’ve ever eaten.”

  “Prime rib sounds great. I haven’t had it in a long time.” He closed his menu and laid it on the edge of the table. “That was easy.”

  He sipped his drink, watching her over the rim of his glass. He had the most incredible green eyes with thick eyelashes. His hair was combed back from his face and held the slightest bit of curl. Twyla imagined tunneling her fingers into the brown strands, holding his head still while she kissed him over and over…

  She laid her menu on top of his to give her a moment to drag her thoughts back to reality. “Why did you move to Seattle?”

  “Work. I was offered a position I couldn’t refuse.”

  She couldn’t resist teasing him. “Does that mean you work for the mafia?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Nothing that dramatic. I crunch numbers. It would be boring for most people, but I like it.”

  “I work for an attorney. Most people would probably find that boring too.”

  “It isn’t boring if you enjoy it.”

  “I do. I have a great boss, flexible hours, wonderful benefits. I even have a window with a view. It’s perfect.”

  “You’re lucky. Very few people have what they consider the perfect job.”

  The waitress arrived with glasses of water and a basket of hot bread. Daniel waited until Twyla placed her order, then gave his to the server. Twyla watched his mouth the entire time he spoke. His lips were nicely shaped, a light rose in color. Once again, she imagined them pressed against hers while he ran his hands over her body…

  She quickly lowered her gaze before he could see the desire in her eyes. They needed to get to know each other better before she suggested going to her room after dinner. He wasn’t wearing a wedding band. That didn’t mean he was single. No matter how hot Daniel was, Twyla would never become involved with a married man.

  Twyla circled the rim of her water glass with one finger. “I assume, since you’re here alone, there’s no Mrs. Daniel.”

  “You assume correctly. I was engaged once, but it didn’t take.”

  “Why not?”

  “Lots of reasons. We didn’t love each other the way two people should who get married. Luckily we realized that before we set a wedding date.”

  “No bitter breakup?”

  Daniel shook his head. “We stayed good friends, even after we broke up. She got married three months ago. I attended the wedding. I’d never seen her so happy.”

  The waitress returned with their bottle of merlot. Daniel smiled at the server as she splashed a bit of the red liquid into his glass. After his approval, she added more to his glass and poured some into Twyla’s.

  When they were alone again, Daniel lifted his glass toward Twyla. “To new friends.”

  She clicked her glass against his. “To new friends.”

  She sipped the excellent wine and felt its warmth flow down her throat. She usually limited herself to one glass of wine because she refused to drink and drive. Since she already had a room on the second floor, she could enjoy herself without worrying about getting behind the wheel of a car.

  If she had her way, Daniel wouldn’t be driving away tonight either.

  Daniel set down his wineglass. “What about you? No Mr. Twyla at home?”

  “Not anymore. We divorced four months ago.”

  His eyes softened in sympathy. “I’m sorry.”

  “I was too, at first. We’d been married since right out of high school. But he decided he’d be happier with other women.”

  “Women? As in plural?”

  Twyla nodded. “He changed from a loving husband to a wandering rat in a few months.” She held up a hand before Daniel could say anything. “I’m sorry. It’s rude to talk about my ex-husband with you.”

  “I don’t mind. Sometimes it helps to talk.”

  “I’ve talked enough about him.”

  “Okay.” He lifted his wineglass again for another sip. “But he’s an idiot. You are an extraordinarily beautiful woman, Twyla.”

  No man had ever said she was extraordinarily
beautiful. Heat crept into her cheeks at the sweet compliment. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I thought that the second I saw you walk into the bar.” He reached across the table and laid his hand over hers. “Is it all right to touch you?”

  It was more than all right. Twyla craved his touch the way someone thirsty craved water. She nodded.

  “There are all kinds of things I’d like to say to you, but they’ll all sound like pickup lines.”

  Twyla chuckled. She liked his honesty. “I haven’t heard a pickup line in a long time.”

  “How about if I just say what I’m thinking?”

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  “I want to spend the night with you.”

  The heat of his gaze warmed her body all the way to her toes. He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. Each movement made her pussy clench.

  She wanted him with a passion she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  “Am I moving too fast?” he asked.

  “No. I like honesty from a man.”

  “If you aren’t ready for that and simply wish to have dinner with me, I’m all right with that. I would never expect you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. I’m happy to get to know you before we take anything further.”

  “I appreciate that.” She drew her hand from beneath his and picked up her wineglass. “Let’s enjoy our dinner and see where the evening leads.”

  Daniel touched her wineglass with his. “To wherever the evening may lead.”


  Daniel poured the last of the merlot into Twyla’s glass. “Shall I order another bottle of wine?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “We drank the whole bottle?”

  “It took us three hours. That isn’t bad.”

  “Three hours?” She glanced at her watch. “It doesn’t seem like we’ve been here that long.”

  “I hope that’s because you’re enjoying my company.”

  She smiled. “Very much. But we should think about leaving. It’s almost ten-thirty and I think they close the restaurant at eleven.”

  Disappointment curled in Daniel’s stomach. He hadn’t been with a woman in months whose company he enjoyed as much as Twyla’s. Her charm, intelligence and sense of humor made talking with her a delight.


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