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Evans, Gabrielle - Upon Crimson Waters [Fatefully Yours 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)

Page 4

by Gabrielle Evans

  A strong arm wrapped around his chest from behind, and Fiero responded by whipping around and crushing his fist into Myst’s nose. His canines began to elongate, his chest heaved with his rapid breaths, and his nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, scenting out his mate. He rose to his feet, forgetting about the prone body beneath him, and turned in a slow circle.

  People gasped, tripping over themselves and each other in their hasty retreat as Fiero’s eyes swept over them. Music still blared in the background, but it sounded distant and hollow to his ears. He couldn’t even think past the clawing need to find his mate.

  Halfway through his turn, his eyes landed on Echo and a feral snarl escaped his lips. Several people stood around the little man, all moving to form a barricade around him when Fiero took a step forward.

  “Move,” he demanded.

  The men before him trembled in their fear, but held their ground. “He’s had enough, buddy,” one of the braver men spoke up. “Just leave the little guy alone.”

  Echo pushed at them from behind, trying to get through them. “He’s not going to hurt me. Let me through.” Still, no one moved.

  Fiero could see his fellow warriors moving in on him. Three came from his left, two from his right, which left one behind him. He ignored them and took another step toward his mate. “Mine,” he hissed.

  “Let Echo through,” Hex called from behind Fiero. “I won’t let anything happen to him,” he added when no one moved.

  The men looked over Fiero’s shoulder then cast glances at each other before finally stepping apart slowly. Echo wasted no time, shoving them roughly out of the way as he burst through their ranks, took two running steps, and leapt into Fiero’s arms.

  Fiero wrapped his mate up in his arms, crushing him against his body as he buried his face in the little man’s golden locks and breathed deeply, letting the warm scent calm the beast within him. “Are you okay, baby?” he asked raggedly.

  “Perfect,” Echo breathed in return. “I’m just fine, big guy.” He nuzzled his face against Fiero’s throat while his arms kept a chokehold around his neck. “You’re scaring people, though. Think you can bring it down just a notch?”

  Fiero began to relax, but he didn’t loosen his hold on Echo. “Did I scare you?”

  “Nope. I think it’s sexy that you went all alpha and wanted to protect me.” Echo’s tongue licked up the vein on the side of Fiero’s neck. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get some ice for your cheek. Does it hurt?” Fiero asked as he began walking them out of the room. The crowd parted for him easily, eyeing him with trepidation as he passed. Fiero ignored them and continued toward the kitchen.

  “Just a little.” Fiero felt Echo lips stretch into a smile against his throat. “You are so ruining your reputation right now.”

  A light chuckle escaped him before Fiero could pull it back. The runt was going to be the death of him. Reaching the kitchen, he settled Echo onto the island counter and eased away to inspect his cheek. A light bruise had already popped up, and the flesh looked swollen and puffy. A deep growl started in his chest as anger boiled inside him once more.

  Echo’s small hands reached up and caressed Fiero’s cheeks. “I’m fine. Thank you for protecting me.” He rubbed their noses together, and Fiero melted at the affection. Damn, he was turning into a fucking sap. “How about that ice?”

  “You called?” Eyce chuckled as he entered the room and strolled over to them. He ruffled Fiero’s short hair before turning his attention to Echo, gripping his chin to turn his face toward him. “Yep. You’re gonna have a shiner, baby.”

  “Do you think it’ll make me look tough?”

  Fiero didn’t think it was possible, but Echo’s words stamped down his anger, and he threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, yeah, you’ll be a regular little badass.”

  Echo giggled, pulling on Fiero’s shirt and then Eyce’s until they both bent to receive his kisses. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime,” Fiero whispered, those damn emotions he didn’t understand clogging his throat.

  “Hex is sending everyone home,” Eyce said as he stood up straight.

  “What? No!” Echo pushed at them until they stepped back, and he could jump down from the counter. “Don’t let that asshole ruin the party. Everyone was having so much fun!”

  “Okay, okay.” Eyce held his hands up and chuckled. “I’ll tell the boss man. I guess we can at least have the midnight toast before we send everyone on their way.”

  “Please?” Echo looked up at them with such pleading, Fiero knew he’d give his little mate whatever he wanted.

  “If you promise to stick close to one of us,” he finally responded.

  Echo nodded eagerly. “I promise.”

  Fiero sighed and jerked his head toward the door. “Go tell Hex.” He waited for Eyce to nod his agreement and hurry out of the room before returning his attention to Echo. “Let’s get you that ice and a drink. It’s almost midnight.”

  Echo nodded his head, but frowned.

  “Hey, what’s all this? You just said you wanted the party to continue.” Fiero’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “Did you change your mind?”

  “No.” Echo chewed his lip for a minute before continuing. “I want to kiss you all at the stroke of twelve, but I don’t know how to make that work.”

  Fiero rolled his eyes. “The clock will sound twelve times at midnight. There’s only seven of us. I think we’ll figure it out.”

  Echo’s eyes lit up and practically vibrated where he stood. “Oh, I didn’t think of that.” Then he pushed against Fiero’s chest, urging him toward the refrigerator. “Hurry!”

  They rushed around, getting an ice pack for Echo’s cheek, and making sure everyone was calm and had a drink in their hand for the toast. Though it rankled his feathers, so to speak, Fiero apologized for his earlier behavior. To his astonishment, everyone was very understanding, stating they would have reacted in the same way if someone had put their hands on their loved ones.

  Everyone gathered around the living room, the air buzzing with excitement as they counted down to the New Year. “Seven! Six! Five!” Fiero wrapped his arm around Echo’s waist, pulling him close as his other lovers circled around them. “Four! Three!” He bent slowly, his gaze never leaving Echo’s beautiful sapphire blue eyes. “Two! One! Happy New Year!”

  The room erupted into cheers, but Fiero barely heard them. He leaned in the rest of the way, placing a tender kiss on Echo’s lips and gliding his tongue inside to lick at his mate’s mouth. “Happy New Year, baby,” he whispered when he pulled away.

  Echo gave him a brilliant smile, unshed tears shining in his eyes. “Happy New Year.” Then he moved around the group, kissing each warrior in turn before they all started grabbing and kissing each other.

  Fiero knew they were getting some strange looks from their guests. He could only imagined what the eight of them looked like, making out in the middle of their little party. He didn’t care, though. Pulling Hex to him, he claimed the man’s mouth next. “Happy New Year,” he said with a smile when he pulled away. “And just for the record, I got the first kiss from Echo again.”

  Hex snorted and jabbed him in the ribs. “Asshole.”

  Yep, it was the perfect start to a new beginning.

  Chapter Four

  Echo waved happily as the last guest said their good-byes and headed out into the night, then turned to beam up at Hex. “Tha’ was awesome.” He hiccupped. “We should soon, again.” He waved a hand around. “Ya know wha’ I’m meaning.”

  Hex chuckled, reaching out to muss Echo’s hair. “I’m not sure the good people of this town could handle us more than once a year or so.”

  Shrugging, Echo turned to make his way across the living room, but tripped over his own feet and went sprawling across the living room carpet. Hex hurried over to him, lifting him to his feet and holding him steady. “Are you drunk?”

  Echo swayed a bit before finally giving up and leaning heavily on hi
s lover for support. “No’ sure. Ne’er been drunk before. I feel kin’a fuzzy.”

  Onyx laughed as he entered the room from the direction of the kitchen. “He’s totally smashed!”

  “’M’not,” Echo slurred as the room tilted on its axis. His legs wobbled, and he began sliding down Hex’s body until his warrior caught him and slung him up in his arms. “’Kay, but jus’ a wibble.”

  “A wibble?” Hex snorted and rolled his eyes. “Let’s get you to bed, ya lush.”

  “No’ sweepers.” Echo turned his head to glare at Onyx as the man doubled over in laughter. “S’not funny.” Crap, his tongue felt furry and too thick for his mouth. Why the hell wouldn’t it just cooperate with what his brain wanted to say? “Sfink my tongue is swollen.” He stuck it out at Hex, wiggling it around a bit.

  The big demon started laughing so hard his entire body shook. Afraid that Hex might drop him, Echo tried to reach up to hold on to his lover’s neck, but he couldn’t get his arms to move. He frowned down at his hands where they rested in his lap. “Stupid han’s.”

  “What’s so funny?” Myst entered the room, surveying the scene before him with his head cocked to the side. “Did I miss something?”

  “Echo’s sloshed,” Onyx gasped through his laughter.

  “Really?” A wicked grin spread over Myst’s face.

  Echo wanted to punch him. And he would, too. Just as soon as the room stopped spinning, and he figured out which one was Myst and which one was his double vision playing tricks on him. “Bed,” he mumbled thickly, resting his head heavily on Hex’s chest.

  “Where would you like to sleep tonight, baby?” Echo could still hear the amusement in Hex’s voice.


  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Hex nuzzled his cheek against the top of Echo’s head before placing a quick kiss on his brow. “You’re going to hate yourself in the morning.”

  Echo just sighed and curled in closer to his warrior’s warm body. He was so tired. Yawning hugely, he closed his eyes and was asleep before they even made it out of the room.

  * * * *

  It was official. Echo hated himself, but not nearly as much as he hated alcohol. Although, his men might be running a close third since they gathered around him while he paid homage to the porcelain god the next morning. No one said a word, but he could practically feel their knowing smirks. Yeah, would have been nice if someone had warned him before he downed all those glasses of wine.

  Eyce knelt down beside him, pushing his hair back and holding it away from his face, as Echo’s stomach continued to heave. His head throbbed, his entire body felt achy, and all he wanted to do was crawl back into bed and sleep for the rest of his life.

  “Thank you,” he mumbled as he rested his forehead on toilet seat. Gross, maybe, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.

  A cool, damp cloth found its way to the back of his neck, and Echo lifted his head, groaning as the room began to swim. Myst smiled down at him as he swiped the cloth over Echo’s face and down his throat. “Better?”

  “No,” Echo croaked. His throat felt raw, and his stomach continued to cramp and churn. “I feel like death warmed over.”

  “Drink this.” Hex shoved a glass into his hands and nodded firmly. “Trust me.”

  Echo stared down into the glass, his eyebrows drawing together at the fizzy looking liquid. “What is it?” He bent closer, but pulled back immediately when the bubbles tickled his nose.

  “Morning After Relief,” Hex said around his chuckle. “Just sip it slowly. I promise you’ll feel better in no time.”

  Deciding he was in no position to argue, Echo brought the cup to his lips and took a tentative sip. It didn’t taste too bad, but he still didn’t like the bubbles that kept trying to leap up into his nasal passage.

  By the third sip, his belly began to settle a bit, and his head didn’t throb quite so much. He sat on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, sipping his fizzy water until he’d drained the last drop and passed the cup off to Eyce. “Bed.”

  Eyce nodded and leaned forward to kiss his brow. “That’s probably a good idea. You’ll feel better when you wake up.” He lifted Echo into his arms and carried him back to Hex’s bed, placing him gently in the middle of the mattress.

  The other warriors gathered around, helping to get him tucked into the bed with the blankets pulled up around his shoulders. Echo sighed, letting his eyelids drift closed as he snuggled down into his pillow. “Stay.”

  “Who, baby?” Eyce eased down on the edge of the bed and began softly stroking Echo’s hair.


  “I’m not sure we’re all going to fit in the bed.” Eyce chuckled, but Echo heard the rustling of the warrior removing his clothing. “How about we take turns staying with you until you feel better?”

  “Okay.” Echo didn’t feel like arguing, but he made a mental note to talk to his men about ordering a custom-made bed, big enough to fit all eight of them. Silly maybe, but sometimes he hated all the bed-hopping. They were a family, and even if his men wouldn’t admit it, they cared for each other as much as they cared for him.

  The blankets lifted, and cool air rushed over his back, causing him to shiver before Eyce’s heated chest pressed against him, and his massive arm wrapped around Echo’s waist, pulling him closer. He eased his other arm under Echo’s head, cradling it in the crook of his elbow and sighed.

  Echo’s eyelids drew back slowly when he felt a weight on the bed in front of him. Smiling softly, he nodded his head at the question in Fiero’s eyes. “Please,” he whispered.

  Fiero didn’t return his smile, but he did slip under the blankets and pressed close to Echo, his arm wrapping around him, so that Echo was sandwiched between him and Eyce.

  “Well, it’s my bed,” he heard Hex huff. Then the bed dipped again, and Echo felt another large hand caress his hips.

  “Make room,” Myst mumbled, and Echo felt more than heard him crawl into bed on the other side of Eyce.

  “I guess that means we’re out,” Vapre pouted. “I’ll go get breakfast started.

  “Yeah, I’m coming, too.” Echo could hear the disappointment in Onyx’s voice. He hated it, but he didn’t know what to do about it. Maybe they could all sleep on the floor like a big wolf pack or something.

  “They’re fine,” Syx said softly. “We’re not jealous, baby. We just want to be able to hold you, too. We understand, though, and we’ll come give you lots of attention later.”

  “Just sucks,” Echo returned.

  “I know,” Eyce whispered in his ear. “I don’t like it either.”

  “We’ll figure something out,” Hex said from Fiero’s other side. His fingertips skimmed up and down Echo’s thigh, drawing light circles over the skin and causing Echo to shiver. “We’ll make this work.”

  * * * *

  “It’s snowing.” Eyce stood by the sink, staring out the kitchen window as he sipped his coffee. They’d traded off about an hour ago, and Syx, Onyx, and Vapre were taking their turn with Echo.

  “How bad is it supposed to get?” Hex hissed as he pulled the bread from the toaster and dropped it quickly, blowing on his burned fingers.

  “Not sure, but it doesn’t look good.” The wind whipped and howled, swirling the heavy falling snow around the field behind the house. Eyce didn’t know precisely when the snow had begun to fall, but he guessed already two inches covered the frozen ground.

  Hex stepped up beside him, bumping him with his shoulder. “We’ve seen worse, and there’s not much we can’t survive.”

  “Echo’s not a demon, though,” Eyce reminded their leader.

  “Right.” Hex sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Bring in more firewood, and get the candles and flashlight from the attic in case the electricity goes out. I think there’s an old battery-operated radio up there as well.”

  “I’m on it.” Fiero jumped up from his seat and hurried out of the room immediately.

  Hex watched him
leave with a slight frown on his handsome face. “What’s gotten into him? He seems…different.”

  “I think he’s got a crush on Echo,” Eyce said loudly, hoping his voice would carry to the fleeing demon.

  “I do not,” Fiero yelled back indignantly.

  Chuckling, Eyce looked at Hex with his raised eyebrows. “See?”

  Hex joined in his laughter and bobbed his head up and down. “Got it.” Then he became serious again as he pushed away from the counter and began pacing the kitchen. “We have enough supplies to last for about four days, so I guess the main thing is to just keep warm and ride out the storm.”

  “Four days,” Eyce groaned. “The new moon is coming, and we still don’t have a plan. We don’t even know what’s coming. I’m pretty sure when the Oracle said that rivers would run crimson, she didn’t actually mean they’d turn to blood.”

  Hex shook his head thoughtfully. “I don’t think so either, but I don’t know what else could turn the waters red.”

  “Google it,” Myst mumbled around a mouthful of toast.

  “Excuse me?” Eyce swung around and stared at Myst in confusion.

  “Google it,” Myst repeated. “You know, like do a search on the internet for natural phenomenon that could turn rivers and lakes and other bodies of water red. I bet you’ll find something. Maybe not on the scale we could be facing, but it might help.”

  Eyce raced across the room, grabbed Myst’s face in both hands, and placed a loud, smacking kiss on his lips. “You’re a genius.”

  Myst pushed him away, his face flushing with embarrassment. “It’s not a big deal, dude. If I was really a genius, I would have thought of it long before now.”

  Eyce just rolled his eyes as he stood up straight and headed out of the kitchen and toward the office. Why couldn’t anyone in the damn house just take a compliment? “Grab the coffee and meet me in the office!” he yelled over as his shoulder as he jogged down the hallway.


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