Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7)

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Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7) Page 3

by KD Jones

  “Good, I am glad to hear it." He glanced over at Torch’s table. “So, are you seeing anyone?”

  Isis choked a little on her glass of water. “I’m sorry, what did you ask me?”

  His coloring pinkened a little. “I wanted to know if you were seeing anyone?”

  “I…am not seeing anyone.”

  He sighed. “Good. I mean…I’m glad that you are available.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at his discomfort. Here was a male that was always put together, successful, handsome, and eloquent. But he stumbled to ask her out. It actually put her at ease. She took mercy on him. “Are you trying to ask me out?”

  “Yes, and I am doing a poor job of it,” he admitted.

  “Well, we are already out together," she pointed out.

  “That’s true, but this was actually a business dinner. I want to take you out on a real date. Pick you up and everything.”

  “I will probably say yes if you asked me on a date," she admitted.

  “Really?" His eyebrows rose and he gave her a charming smile

  “Try it.” Isis nodded at him.

  “Isis, would you do me the honor of going out with me on a real date, tomorrow evening?”

  “Yes, Nigel, I would be honored to go on a date with you,” Isis answered.

  He gave her an even bigger smile. “Shall I pick you up at eight?”

  “Yes. Now, what business did we need to go over?”

  “I have some promotional ideas that I wanted to run by you,” Nigel told her still smiling.

  “Okay, shoot.”

  Chapter Four

  The next morning Isis was regretting having agreed to the date with Nigel. The male was attractive enough and his accent was sexy. But she really didn’t date guys. Plus, he seemed so polished and out of her league. Having so little experience, she was so out of her element. She was grateful to have a morning practice to help take her mind off things.

  She went down to the breakfast hall where most of the other fighters shared their meals. She went through the buffet line and grabbed a cup of ice water and her food. She was going to sit at an empty table but Sersan, the beautiful Reptan halfsie, waved her over to the table she was at with Alana.

  Sersan and Alana had become her friends, which surprised Isis since most halfsies steered clear of her. Sersan was sweet and it was hard not to like her. Isis felt the most self-conscious around Alana even though she was sweet too. Alana the Beautiful was almost too gorgeous to look at. She was the perfect shape and every single male wanted her. Isis was short and not as curvy as the other females were.

  “Good morning," Isis greeted them as she sat down.

  “Good morning," both Alana and Sersan said.

  “You guys look like you are in a good mood." She noticed the other two females seemed to be bubbling with excitement.

  “We are excited. There is going to be a concert tonight at the spaceport we are docking within a few hours. Our favorite band, the Galactic Led, is playing. We have an extra ticket. Would you like to come with us?”

  “I wish I could but I have a date," Isis told them. She jumped when she heard something heavy hit the table behind them. She turned and saw Torch glaring at her. What was his freaking problem? She faced her friends. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Sersan asked, “Who are you going out with?”


  “Oh…my," both Sersan and Alana went on and on.

  “What is it?" Isis felt like she was missing some vital piece of information.

  “It’sss jussst that every female on thisss ssship hasss been ogling Nigel, drooling over him, wondering who will be the lucky girl he finally doesss the nasssty with.”

  “Every girl?" Isis flushed with nervousness.

  “Every girl over the age of eighteen who is not already mated," Alana told her.

  Nigel could have any female on the ship. Why does he want to take her out? She had not realized she had spoken out loud.

  “You are an exxxotic beauty, with your sssilver hair and blue eyesss.”

  Alana agreed with Sersan. “All the males have noticed you but none have had the balls to ask you out. Nigel is smart, successful, and drop dead gorgeous. You two would make a great match.”

  “Wait a minute, this is just a date. Not a mating." Her palms were starting to sweat and her body was getting hot. She reached for her ice water to cool her temperature down.

  “Yeah, but it could work out to be a mating if things are right between the two of you,” Alana said with a wistful voice.

  Isis shook her head. “I am not sure I want a mate. I like being independent and doing things without having to ask permission first.”

  The other two females stared at her in shock. Alana asked quietly so no one else in the room could hear. “It was similar in the facilities for us. But you were never in one of the facilities. Is that how it is on your planet? The males have complete control over the females?”

  Isis nodded. “Yes.”

  “Fuckersss!" Sersan swore.

  Isis snorted, which turned into a giggle, and then a full out laugh. The other two joined her in laughing and some of the tension evaporated. It was good to have friends.

  Alana patted her hand reassuringly. “Well, it’s not like that everywhere else in the galaxy. I mean, I guess there are plenty of males who like to be in control like that anywhere you go. But you don’t have to mate those assholes. You can choose who you mate.”

  “Ssso, what are you going to wear?" Sersan asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  Isis felt the warmth build in her face. “I don’t know. I don’t usually go on dates.”

  Alana waved off her concern. “We’ll all go shopping right after morning practice. There won’t be an afternoon practice because a lot of the fighters are going to the concert. Don’t worry, we’ll find you some sexy date clothes.”

  “Thanks.” She wasn’t sure about the sexy clothes part. She was normally very conservative, except when she had to wear her GCFA costume. She glanced once more behind her and noticed Torch was no longer there. When had he left the room? And why did that bother her so much?


  Torch hit the punching bag with a vengeance, hitting it as hard as he could. He wasn’t in complete control of himself. His emotions were flying high and he was angry. Smoke was coming from his fingers. He hit the bag once more and the whole thing lit up on fire.

  “Damn it, Torch! That was my favorite bag!" Zen came over with a fire extinguisher and put the flames out. “What is your problem?”

  “Nothing!" Torch stomped over to one of the treadmills and set a fast pace.

  Zen leaned against his treadmill with his arms crossed. “You sure you don’t want to talk about it? They say confession is good for the soul.”

  Torch suddenly turned his machine off and stared down at Zen. “Hey, didn’t your female date Nigel once?”

  Zen growled. “She didn’t date him.”

  “But, he must prefer brunettes, right?”

  Zen shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Why are you so curious about Nigel? You want to date him or something? You are brunette.”

  Torch rolled his eyes at him. “No. But I hear he is supposed to be taking out one of the female fighters tonight and I just wanted to see what kind of guy he is. Whether he is trustworthy or not.”

  Zen snorted as he walked over to some barbells. “He’s an alright guy, I guess. Who’s he going out with.

  “Isis,” Torch told him without looking in his direction.

  “Really? She is normally so quiet and reserved. I’m surprised she agreed to go out with any male at all.”

  “Well, she did," Torch grumbled.

  Zen looked at Torch’s expression and smirked, “Ah, I see.”

  “What?” Torch straightened his shoulders and tried to cover his expression.

  “You’ve got the hots for the Ice Queen.”

  “That is ridiculous!” he tried to deny it but it came o
ut sounding strange.

  Zen held up his hands. “Hey, man, I’m not judging. I’ve always said that opposites attract. Just look at Rage and his mate, Rachel. Can’t get more different than those two.”

  “I’m not attracted to her!" Even Torch could hear the insincerity in his voice. “Even if I was, I don’t think we would be compatible."

  “You never know what will work until you try it." Zen rubbed his chin. “So…she is going out with Nigel tonight, right?”


  “Where to?" Zen put his barbell down.

  “I don’t know," Torch said with frustration.

  “Well, they will probably have dinner on the ship.”

  “Unless they go to a restaurant at the spaceport.”

  “Oh that’s true. Well, I have an idea that might help keep some kind of control over the situation," Zen said.

  “What’s your idea?" Torch looked at him warily. With Zen, there was no telling what kind of plan was forming.

  “Leave that to me," Zen said with a wink.

  Torch wasn’t sure he should be leaving things in Zen’s hands. This could blow up in his face. But he couldn’t let another male close in on Isis. Not until he figured out what he himself was feeling for her.


  Isis looked in the mirror in shock. Was that her? Not only had she gone shopping with Alana and Sersan, they had talked her into going into a beauty shop. They took her braids down and brushed out her hair, which now shown in smooth bright waves down to the middle of her back.

  Then the cosmetician came in and applied smoky eye shadow to her eyes and red lipstick. It wasn’t as heavy a make-up regimen as the GCFA used on her when she had to do pictures or appearances. It was softer and sexier.

  She wore a silver tube dress that clung to her slight curves, ending two inches above her knee. The dress was exquisite and it had a blue shimmer to it. It was fascinating to look at. She didn’t know what kind of material it was made out of.

  The whole effect left her in awe. She looked exactly like her mother. A lump formed in her throat thinking of her parents. Not a day went by she didn’t miss them. The doorbell brought her out of her depressing thoughts.

  She went into the living room over to the door and opened it. The look on Nigel’s face made the last four hours' worth it. “Hi.”

  Nigel didn’t speak right away. He looked at her from top to bottom, lingering on her legs. Then he came back to look into her eyes. “You look incredible, my dear.”

  “Thank you. You look very handsome as well. Are those for me?" she asked, pointing at the flowers he was holding.

  “Oh, yes." He handed them to her awkwardly.

  “Let me put them in some water before we leave." Isis left the door open as she headed to the kitchen. She came back out to find Nigel holding a photo frame with her parents and her as a baby.

  “Your parents?” he asked.

  “Yes. They died when I was younger, I miss them,” she admitted.

  “Must be hard to be so far away from family and friends.”

  She shrugged. “I just have cousins but I was never close to them.”

  Nigel placed the picture back on the table. “You look like your mother, very beautiful.”

  She smiled a big warm smile at him. “Thank you. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  He held out his arm for her to take. What a gentleman. Isis wasn’t used to that kind of treatment. But she liked it. It made her feel special. Nigel was the perfect male. Everything about him screamed boyfriend material. But there was just one problem, another male was plaguing her every waking and sleeping thoughts. One who was totally inappropriate, rude, and just downright ornery. She couldn’t help but wonder what would it be like to go on a date with Torch?

  Chapter Five

  Torch paced back and forth in one of the corner VIP booths on the upper level at the concert stadium. Zen had booked two VIP booths that were almost across from one another. He gave free tickets to Nigel and encouraged him to bring Isis to the concert, claiming he had heard it was one of her favorite bands. Then Zen had set Torch up in the opposite VIP booth that was darkened so he could watch what was going on without being seen. Zen also had managed to plant a listening device in the VIP booth so Torch could listen to what was being said. But the concert started about thirty minutes ago, Isis and Nigel had not showed up yet. He was about to leave when he finally caught sight of them entering the booth.

  “It’s about damn time," he mumbled.

  “What did I miss?" Zen asked as he came back with a beer and popcorn.

  Torch glared at him. “They just got here. Did you get me a beer?”

  Zen snorted. “We are not on a date. Get your own damn beer.”

  “Why aren’t you with your mate, Shawna?" Torch asked.

  “She is interviewing some council member from another region. All political boring stuff. This is much more fun. So are they making out yet?”

  “Shut the hell up! I am trying to hear what they are saying." Torch tried to ignore Zen’s annoying questions. He put the listening device further in his ear.


  “Did you enjoy dinner?" Nigel asked as he helped Isis into her seat.

  “Yes. It was delicious,” Isis reassured him.

  “I am sorry about getting here late. I know this band is one of your favorites, but I didn’t take into consideration how much traffic there would be.”

  Isis frowned. “I have never even heard of this band before Alana and Sersan told me about them.”

  “Really? Zen gave me the tickets and told me that he had heard this was your favorite musical band." Nigel looked confused as well.

  “He must have gotten me confused with Alana or Sersan. He may have heard us talking about them coming this evening.”

  “Must have." Nigel turned his head, looking around the seating area. His eyes seemed to focus directly on the darkened VIP booth that Torch and Zen were sitting in.

  They stopped talking to listen to the music. Isis found herself enjoying the band. She laughed and pointed out at a few of the fans that were dancing and acting goofy.

  “Care to dance?" Nigel asked.

  Isis laughed. “I don’t know if I can dance to this fast stuff."

  A few minutes later the band started to play a slow song. Nigel stood and offered his hand. “How about this one?”

  Isis took his hand and blushed. “I have to confess, I haven’t done a lot of dancing.”

  Nigel pulled her to him and started swaying their bodies in small circles in the booth. “I recall you dancing at some of the after parties.”

  “Yeah, but that was part of my job.”

  “This isn’t part of your job," Nigel said in a low voice. His lips mere inches from hers.

  “No, it’s not.” Isis looked up into his eyes. Was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to?


  “Oh hell no!" Torch ripped the earplugs out of his ear and stormed out of the booth.

  “I’ll keep an eye on things!" Zen called out as he bobbed his head back and forth, watching the concert.

  Torch growled something about how useless Zen was. He rushed down the stairs and made his way through the crowd. He made it to the stairs on the other side that led up to the other balcony and climbed as fast as he could. He paused right outside the back of the booth and peered inside.

  He wanted to bust in on them and break them apart. What if she became angry with him and went after Nigel even more. He had to wait and see what happened.


  Isis was loving this. She hadn’t had anyone hold her since her parents were alive. It felt good. She looked up at Nigel and he was staring at her lips. She licked them out of reflex, making his pupils dilate.

  “I’m going to kiss you, Isis,” Nigel whispered to her.

  She didn’t move a muscle as Nigel lowered his head and touched his lips to hers. It was a soft gentle kiss. He didn’t try to force himself inside her mouth. She appreciated
that. It was a really nice kiss. She wouldn’t mind him doing it again.

  “Nigel," her voice softer than normal. She was just so nervous. She didn’t know how to ask him to kiss her again. A sound like a growl startled her and she pulled away. She looked around. “What was that?”

  “Probably one of the fans trying to get the band to start back up again," Nigel said, glaring in the direction where Torch was hiding.

  Isis went back to her seat. “When did the band stop playing?”

  “A few minutes ago, while we were kissing." Nigel lifted her hand in his.

  Isis blushed again. “Oh." She carefully pulled her hand free from his. She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt very uncomfortable being alone with him.

  “Is something wrong?" Nigel frowned.

  “I hate to ask this, but I really need something cold to drink. My body temperature is too hot right now.”

  “I think the concession stand closed thirty minutes ago. We can leave and go find you something cold to drink.”

  “I don’t want to be a bother.”

  “You are no bother. Plus, I really don’t want my date passing out on me.”

  Isis giggled. “That would be bad, huh?”

  “My ego would probably never recover,” Nigel teased her.

  Isis let him help her up. As he led her down the stairs, she felt like someone was watching her. She glanced around but couldn’t find anyone in particular who was watching her. She shook it off. It was probably her imagination.


  Torch didn’t bother to go back to the VIP booth for Zen. He could find his way home. He followed Isis and Nigel at a distance so they wouldn’t see him. When they got back on board the GCFA ship, he let them get inside the elevator first. He took the stairs, running up the eight flights. He was breathing heavy by the time he reached the floor that Isis was on.

  He cracked open the door but remained hidden. He watched as Isis opened her door and stood in the doorway. Nigel stepped closer to her and leaned down. Fucker! He was kissing her again!

  Torch was relieved when Isis pulled back and said goodnight. Nigel left heading back to the elevator. He closed the door and leaned against it. He breathed in and out. It took a lot of effort not to rip Nigel’s head from his shoulders.


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