Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7)

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Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7) Page 8

by KD Jones

  “I make my own decisions. It’s not happening!” With that, Isis hung up her phone then immediately blocked it. Two more mysterious numbers showed up trying to call her. She didn’t answer knowing who it would be.

  “Who was that?” Torch demanded, coming to stand before her.

  She shook her head. “No one.”

  He squinted his eyes. “It didn’t sound like no one to me.”

  “Look, I don’t want to talk about this right now.” Isis was trying not to cry. She had worked so hard to make a life for herself. She wasn’t going to let Ishop take it from her.

  Torch grabbed Isis’s arm. He had heard the male voice over the line though he didn’t hear the conversation. He felt an overwhelming jolt of jealousy going through him. “I don’t share well, Isis. I keep what’s mine.”

  Isn’t that what Ishop just said to her too. That she belonged to them like a piece of property. She was getting damn tired of males who thinking they owned her. “Back off!” To prove her point she iced up her skin where he touched her. He immediately released her.

  “Fine, I’ll leave it alone for now. But know this, Isis, I want answers from you!” He stormed out, leaving her alone with a sense of dread.

  What was she going to do? Ishop knew where she was. He was probably watching her every move. Damn it! She liked her life. She had a good job, friends, and she was falling in love for the first time. She didn’t want to lose all of that. She was determined not to lose Torch. If she hadn’t already pushed him away. She fell to her knees and cried.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Torch wasn’t answering his phone. Isis was worried, scared, and nervous. She owed Torch an explanation and an apology. But the male was not making this easy on her.

  She walked into the training facility and searched for him. He was there practicing with Hammer. This was clearly not an evenly matched pairing. Hammer was much too big but Torch seemed to want to fight someone.

  She squared her shoulders and walked over to stand by the mat. Zen was there and he pulled her further away.

  “Careful, honey. Torch is in a fit of a temper this evening. I’m not sure what his problem is. Don’t get too close or you could get hurt.”

  “Too late,” she whispered.

  “What was that?” Zen asked, having barely heard her.

  “Nothing,” she replied, turning her worried eyes on Torch.

  She knew exactly what the problem was. It was her and her secrets. She knew this was bound to blow up in her face eventually. Her face was plastered all over the GCFA advertising posters and commercials. She wasn’t sure why it took Ishop so long to act, but there had to be a reason he waited until now.

  She gasped as Torch lunged for Hammer full of fury but the big guy lifted him up and slammed him down with one hand. Hammer glared at him. “Stay down, Torch, and cool off!”

  Torch lay there unmoving for a few minutes. He was stunned. Everyone else walked away but Isis remained. She watched him slowly get to his feet. He saw her and didn’t say a word as he walked past her.

  “Torch, wait!” She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. “Please.”

  “Are you ready to talk?” he asked.

  “I…yes but not here.” Isis looked around and saw most of the fighters turn their heads in a different direction.

  “Then come.” He took her hand and led her out of the training facility. They went down to the elevators and up to the floor her suite was on.

  As she entered her suite, she couldn’t help but think this was where it all started, their disagreement. She hoped it would turn out differently than the last time.

  “Talk.” Torch folded his arms across his chest.

  She rubbed the spot over her heart where her Mating mark was now. If she hoped to have a future with Torch, she had to tell him the truth. “When I Ieft my home world, it was not on good terms. In fact, it was the worst terms imaginable.”

  He frowned. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m…” Her doorbell went off interrupting her. “Let me get rid of whoever this is.” She walked over to the door, opened it, and froze in place.

  “Disa? Crep?” Oh God no. She watched in silent horror as her mother’s cousins pushed their way into her suite. “What are you doing here?

  “We have come to bring you home!” Disa said.

  Torch looked at the two strangers. They were tall and thin with light brown hair and blonde strands streaking throughout. They spoke of taking Isis away.

  “What is going on here? Who are these people?” Torch demanded.

  Isis was panicking. “Torch, could you come back later?”

  “Hell no! I want to know what is going on. You promised answers and I am going nowhere until I get them.” Torch glared at the intruders.

  The male looked down his scrawny nose at Torch. “A Voltan halfsie? Really, Isis, that is so beneath you.”

  Never mind introductions. The male was about to have his head knocked off his damn shoulders. Isis stepped in between them. She looked at Torch. “These are my mother’s cousins, Disa and Crep.”

  “Her official guardians as granted by the Royal Council of the Isle of Isia,” Disa said, looking at the suite with disgust.

  Torch frowned. “Royal Council?”

  “Yes, royal. Princess Isistania is to be returned to the Isle of Isia where her marriage to Prince Ishop will proceed.”

  “You’re engaged?” Torch felt like someone had sucker punched him.

  Isis shook her head. “No.”

  “Yes, she is,” a new voice said from the still open doorway.

  Isis cringed as she turned to face Ishop. Oh hell. “Why are you here?”

  “To bring you back home, my love. It has been far too long.” Ishop walked into the suite glaring at Torch. “Have you gotten this rebellion out of your system yet?”

  “This is my life, not some rebellion!” She looked at Torch but he was fuming, smoke was literally coming out from his ears. This could turn bad if she didn’t do something quickly. She pointed at the door.

  “Everyone leave!” Isis yelled.

  Disa and Crep looked at Ishop who nodded for them to go. “We’ll leave for now, but we won’t be leaving this ship unless you are with us.” Ishop left and was followed by Disa and Crep.

  Isis turned to look a still raging Voltan. “Torch…”

  “When were you going to tell me you were engaged?” he demanded. He felt betrayed. Like everything between them had been a lie.

  “I’m not engaged.” She shook her head. “You don’t understand.”

  “The three people who left would disagree with you. Probably the Royal Council and all of the Isle of Isia would disagree with you!” Torch yelled. “I don’t understand, then explain it!”

  She cringed at his raised voice. “It was an arranged marriage agreement made by my guardians, Disa and Crep, with the Isian Royal Council while I was still a minor. As soon as I was old enough, I left Isia before the marriage could take place.”

  “He’s a prince?” He paced.

  “Yes.” She stood still, watching him.

  “You’re a princess?” He lifted his brow at her.

  She nodded her head. “None of that matters to me. I just wanted to live a normal life. Where I could fit in with everyone else. One where I could...fall in love with whomever I wanted.”

  Torch paced back and forth. His thoughts were running rampant. “I knew you didn’t belong here with the GCFA. You were too soft. It figures that you’re a princess. Destined to be with a prince to lead your home world. Not with someone who can’t barely take care of himself. You don’t need me.”

  “The marriage isn’t about ruling or love, it's about pure blood lines. I have just enough full Isian in me that they consider me a full species, not a halfsie. They want me as a breeding mare not as a princess. I have no voice there.”

  Torch walked to the door. He needed time to think. She grabbed his arm in desperation. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “I need to think. There is so much to filter through. You have a match tonight and need time to prepare for it. I will see you afterwards and we will talk then.”

  “Please, Torch, I…” She wanted to tell him how much she loved him. But the new realization hit her and she was overwhelmed by it. He pulled loose from her grip and walked out of the suite. God, please don’t let me lose him. Not now. She rubbed her Mate mark. She would never recover from his loss.


  Ishop stood watching as the Voltan filth left Isistania’s room. What did she see in the halfsie? Why would she chose him over Ishop?

  “She will come to her senses. I will talk to her about it,” Disa said, standing with Crep behind him.

  “That’s not necessary. I think I know of a way to get Isistania to come back willingly.” He smiled cruelly.

  “We still get our money right? We helped locate her and everything,” Crep said with a nasally voice.

  “Yes, you will get your just rewards soon,” Ishop said levelly before walking away. He had no plans to pay them money. As soon as the union ceremony was over, he would have them eliminated.


  Later that night…

  “Give me another!” Torch ordered another whiskey sitting at the ship’s bar.

  “Don’t you think you have had enough?” the bartender asked.

  “No.” Torch drank his whiskey and watched the GCFA fight that was going on. Isis was next. He should leave but he felt he needed to torture himself a little while longer by watching her. She looked so beautiful walking in the arena wearing her GCFA fight clothes. Her perfectly toned figure shown easily with the skintight two-piece outfit. Her silvery blonde braids hung down her back hitting her ass with each step she took. Her face was exquisite and delicate. She held herself with such poise and grace. How could he have not known she was a princess?

  “Mind if I sit here?” a blonde female asked.

  Torch looked at her and knew right away she was an Isian. “Not my barstool.”

  The female sat down and ordered a vodka on the rocks. She took a sip as she watched the announcers discussing Torch and Isis’s relationship.


  “Did you hear the latest about Isis and Torch?”

  “Yes, I heard there is trouble in paradise. A male was seen leaving Isis’s suite and it was not Torch.”

  “I bet the Voltan was fuming over that, literally.”

  “It was just a matter of time. Mixing a Voltan and an Isian can only lead to a meltdown.”

  “I agree. Let’s see if this is going to affect the way Isis fights tonight.”

  “Should be interesting.”


  “So are you the Voltan halfsie the little princess got involved with?” the female asked.

  Torch turned to glare at the irritating female. “Who are you?”

  “I am Clovis. Courtesan to Prince Ishop from the Isle of Isia.” She didn’t offer her hand to shake.

  “Courtesan? As in lover?” Torch raised an eyebrow at her.

  She smiled. “I am a highly trained, highly sought after, Royal Courtesan. I usually only service Kings, but since Isia has been without a king for a long long time, I have been in the service of the Princeship of Isia. Specifically with Prince Ishop for over five years.”

  “So he was with you after the Council arranged the union between Ishop and Isis?” Torch’s mind was a little fuzzy but it was starting to clear up little by little.

  “Yes, of course. I will also still be in service of him after his union,” she said it like it was a well-known fact.

  “Does that not bother you, that he will be in a union with another female?” He couldn’t understand this. Why would Isis want that?

  “Not really. Most arranged unions, the couples are only together until the female is breeding, then she is shipped off somewhere else and barely heard of until she has to present the child to the Council. Isistania is too timid to please Ishop as he demands to be pleased. He only needs to get a child with her to uphold the Council’s will. But he does seem to enjoy seeing her suffer. So I suppose he will keep her around for a while.” She shrugged her shoulders like it didn’t matter. But he wasn’t fooled. The female did not want to share the power she had with another female.

  “That seems cold and cruel,” Torch commented.

  “That is how it is on Isia.” She studied him. Licking her lips. “I get why she chose you. You are big, and strong, and I can feel the heat coming off you, which has me panting for more. I would consider sharing a night with you.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “If you change your mind, I’ll be in room 512.” She stood and walked out.

  Torch thought about everything the courtesan told him. This prince was not someone who would be faithful to Isis. For Isis to run away showed that she didn’t have strong feelings for the other male. Torch really needed to talk to her, hear her out. He only hoped he had not pushed her away with his anger. Sometimes being a hot-tempered Voltan halfsie had its downfalls. He turned to watch Isis’s fight on the TV.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Welcome back everyone to the beautiful sports arena here at the North Eastern Gamma Region. I am Poland and this is my fellow commentator, Johann. We have been witnessing some spectacular sportsmanship this evening. Alana has proven once more that she is more than just a beauty and Maxim demonstrated his half-computerized abilities. Simply amazing. But our current match has some surprising results after the first round. Isis the Ice Queen is fighting Jara the female Priman and not doing a good job of it. The reason behind this might be because this is the first time since rumors have spread the quick romance between her and the Torch has suddenly fizzled out.”

  “That’s right, Poland. Sources say that Isis believes Torch has been cheating on her and Torch supposedly accused Isis of being too clingy. There is rumored to be another male involved as well. Seems Torch has asked that they call a halt to their relationship. Isis is coming fresh off a breakup and from the expression on her face, she is not taking it well. If she doesn’t get her head back in the fight, she is not going to win this match. Let’s see how things play out.”


  Round Two…

  Isis is already out of breath. She had been holding back using her Isian abilities until the last moment. But her biggest issue was that her head wasn’t on the fight. Which was a big mistake. She took a direct hit, which knocked her to the fence. She tried to push off coming back with a combination. She landed a few shots but the Priman wasn’t letting up.

  She took a hard liver shot and it almost brought her to her knees. She wasn’t going to be able to hold back any longer. She got her footing and prepared to freeze her opponent, but the Priman took to the fence propelling herself enough to knock Isis back. If it wasn’t for the bell, Isis would have been out for the count right then. But the bell sounded, signaling the end of the round.

  As she stood she looked out into the crowd and locked eyes with Ishop. He was sitting in the VIP section with her cousins. He was watching her, giving her a smile. Fuck!

  The bell rang signaling Round Three. She came in and circled the Priman. She managed to get the other female in a clinch. But the Priman broke free easily giving her a right hand. Isis tried to get some kicks in but she was much shorter than the Priman who seemed to dodge them then throw a few back kicks that hit their mark on her.

  She allowed herself to get distracted by looking over at Ishop once more. The Priman took advantage, charging at Isis, hitting her legs, and taking her down hard. Two hard hits and an elbow. Isis was out.


  “Johann, the Ice Queen has lost her match! Can you believe it?”

  “I am shocked, Poland. She seemed to let herself get distracted. She is going to kick herself when she wakes up in medical for this night.”

  “This break up must have really gotten into her head.”

  “I agree. Well this has tu
rned into a very interesting night. We will see you all at the next event. Have a good night.”


  Shit! Torch threw his money on the bar and headed out. Isis should have had that Priman. What was she thinking? She looked pretty beat up. She wasn’t even moving.

  Torch went down to the lobby of the GCFA ship and out the main entrance. He wanted to be there when the healers brought her on board the ship for treatment. Hopefully there wasn’t anything that required a hospital. He paced back and forth waiting.

  He was so worried about Isis that he didn’t see the weapon until it was too late. He heard a shot and then he felt incredible pain in his side. He fell to the ground and the last thing he remembered was thinking about Isis and wondering if she was okay.


  Isis frowned as she heard a commotion outside of medical. The GCFA healers brought her back to the GCFA ship to treat her. She was bruised and swollen, but in a few hours' time those would barely show, halfsies healed quickly and the healing boost the healers gave her would speed up the process. She was more upset that she allowed Ishop to distract her during her match.

  She had worked too hard to make a career out of fighting. She was a respected fighter. But one look from Ishop and he reduced her to that young scared girl who fled her home world almost a year ago.

  Another commotion outside the medical room had her sitting up and cringing. She had cracked a rib too. Fun. “What is going on out there?”

  Alana was also in medical having her bruises from her match healed. “Let me go and check. The healers said you are not to move for a couple of hours still.” She walked to the door and opened it stepping out into the hallway. A few minutes later she came back inside and she looked pretty shaken up.

  “What is it?” Isis had a bad feeling.

  “Security is trying to keep the reporters out of medical. Specifically, they are trying to keep them away from you.”

  “Why? I’m not that badly injured. It’s mostly my ego that’s bruised.” Isis was confused.

  “That’s not it. Honey, there was a shooting here tonight. Right outside of the GCFA ship. It was Torch.”


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