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Finally My Happy Ending (Meant for Me Book 3)

Page 7

by St. James, Brooke

  I laughed. "Thank you for being so cool about everything," I said.

  He smiled as he lifted the bag slightly. "Thanks again for the sandwiches."

  "Don't blame me if you get hooked," I said. "I made sure there was a menu in the bag since you probably will."

  He smiled at me when I said that. The side of his upper lip was still a little swollen, making his smile slightly asymmetrical in an extremely handsome way. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Stop being ridiculous," I said.

  I assumed I thought it, but apparently, I said it out loud because he said, "What?"

  "Nothing," I said. "I'm tired and hungry. That makes me babble." I waved at him. "Thanks again for everything you did to get my ring back, and thanks for forgiving me."

  "Don’t mention it," he said. "I'm glad you came by."

  I was turning to leave when I said, "Me too," from over my shoulder. I waved to him again as I walked out the door.

  I wasn't sure how it was possible to feel a sense of closure and longing at the same time, but that's exactly what I felt as I drove away. I was definitely happy I had gone by to talk to him, but I still couldn't get over how I treated him—especially after learning everything he had gone through to get my ring back. I wasn't really hungry, but I ate half of my chicken wrap on the way home because I knew I needed some sustenance.

  I called Carly after I stashed the uneaten portion of it back into the paper stack. "Hey Chica," she said answering the phone.

  "Hey," I said. "I wanted to let you know you were right about Brock."

  I heard a sharp intake of breath, and then I heard her rustling around as if she was trying to find a quiet spot to talk to me. "What happened?" she asked, obviously intrigued. "Did you talk to him?"

  "Yeah, I'm just leaving his studio right now."

  "You went over there?"

  "Yes, and he is just about the sweetest guy I've ever met. He looks all tough, and dark, and mysterious, and then he talks and the words that come out are sweet, and gracious, and forgiving."

  "Aw, I'm so glad you went over there," she said. "It sounds like you worked out whatever hard feelings you were having. I told you he was a good guy."

  "He didn't have anything to do with my ring getting stolen," I said. "His friend took it to support his drug habit. Brock didn't know anything about it."

  "I knew he wouldn't do something like that," she said. "But it was hard to tell you that when everything pointed to him. How'd he get the ring back?"

  "I think it was a bit of a fiasco," I said.

  I wasn't sure if Brock wanted people knowing the whole story, so I hesitated to repeat it.

  "What happened?"

  "He didn't tell me every detail," I said, "but I think he had to go through a lot to get it back, which made me feel even worse about being so mean to him."

  "You didn't know," she said.

  "I know, but I still feel bad. He was really nice about it."

  "I'm glad. I think it's great that you went over there and talked to him."

  "Me too," I said. "Thank you for nudging me in that direction."

  "That's what friends are for. Hey, speaking of that, don't forget about Micah's thing this Friday. You told me to remind you."

  Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought she had mentioned that Brock would be there too. It seemed like when she said it I was revolted by the idea, but now I felt differently. Not only was I looking forward to seeing him, but I also felt as if I should do something for him—like bring him some sort of gift or token for everything he had gone through to get my ring back.

  "Are you there?" she asked, since I was silent for so long.

  "Yeah, I'll be there," I said.

  "Great," she said. "It should be fun. I sent an invite to your house. You should get it sometime this week. Bring Ryan, Isaac, and Annie too."

  "I'll see if they can come," I said.

  Carly and I said our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone just as I was pulling into the driveway of my house. All of my roommates' cars were there, but Annie was the only person in plain sight when I walked in the door.

  "Where you been?" she asked as I walked in. "Was it volunteer night?"

  I set my bags by the door, took my shoes off, crossed to the couch, and plopped onto it in a dramatic fashion. "Yes, but I finished with that a while ago," I said.

  "Sounds like there's more to this story," she said.

  I sighed. "There might be some six pack abs."

  Isaac chose that exact moment to come into the living room. It was like he had a radar indicating when people were talking about health and fitness. "Who had a six pack?" he asked.

  "She was talking to me," Annie said. "Who had a six pack?" she asked.

  I sighed again. "Brock."

  "The guy who stole your ring?" she asked.

  "Yeah, but turns out he didn't take it."

  "I thought he brought it back," she said, walking from the kitchen into the living room to sit beside me on the couch.

  Isaac went into the kitchen and started digging in the fridge as if he wasn't really interested in our conversation anymore.

  "He did bring it back," I said, "but he wasn't the one who took it. It was a big misunderstanding."

  "It sounds like you like him," she said, giving me an intrigued, wide-eyed look.

  "It's not so much that I like him; it's more like I feel really bad about disliking him. He had to go through some unexpected crap to get my ring back, and I was really mean to him about it."

  "Did you work it out?" she asked.

  "Work what out?" Ryan asked, coming into the living room to join us.

  "Trish was wrong about that dude taking her ring," Annie said.

  Ryan shot me curious expression, and I nodded, confirming that Annie was right.

  "And she saw his six pack," Isaac said from the kitchen.

  "I did not!" I said. "I mean, I did, but that had nothing to do with the story. Basically, I just went over there and apologized for the misunderstanding."

  I wasn't sure why I felt like I had to defend myself when the subject of the six-pack was brought up in front of Ryan. He and I had never had had a romantic encounter, but for some reason I thought his feelings would be hurt if he knew how I had looked at Brock that night. There were two things about that scenario that disturbed me. One, I didn't want to admit that there had been even the slightest attraction toward Brock, and two, I didn't want to admit that Ryan would care.

  "I think I need a shower," I said, feeling overwhelmed by those thoughts. I got up and headed toward my room. "Oh, and Micah's band is having an album release party this Friday," I said as I walked. "Carly wants us all to come if we can."

  Chapter 10

  All three of my roommates agreed to come with me to Micah's album release party the following weekend. Annie committed to it right away. She worked regular business hours at a bank, therefore had nothing else going on Friday at 8pm and wanted to check it out. Isaac said he'd go as well, which surprised me. My hunch was that it was more about hanging out with Annie than having any interest in the show. Ryan was scheduled to work a bartending shift, but he traded with someone in order to get out of it. I was happy to have them all come along.

  I didn't know what to expect other than it was to be held in an old, historic dance hall on the outskirts of town. Carly had also told me they were expecting a good crowd, which didn't surprise me because I'd heard Micah's music and knew it was good. I wanted to ask Carly a little bit more about it, so I went by the Happy House that Wednesday after school since I knew it was her regular day to volunteer. I could have called her, but I was bored and felt like going by there to tell everyone hello.

  I came in during the middle of her science class and ended up helping her out with the experiment. I was slightly surprised to find Thomas and Mary Katherine sitting next to each other when I came in, but I acted like I barely noticed other than greeting her and telling her I was glad she made it out to another class. Thomas was looking dapper
with a button-down shirt and his hair freshly combed, which made me smile.

  Carly had a stinky, messy experiment that dealt with burning various foods and recording the times it took each one to completely burn up. It was interesting though, and she was glad to have me around to help her monitor everything and clean up the mess.

  "I'm glad you came by," she said to me while she was gathering up her things after class. "Were you coming to check on Mary Katherine?"

  "I didn't even know she was coming," I said.

  "Thomas knew," Carly said in a quiet voice. Everyone had already headed out toward the living room, but I could tell by the way she said it that she thought they might still be looming in the hallway. "He called Micah yesterday and told him all about her," she said. "I think he's in love."

  "I wonder how he knew she was coming today," I said, still being quiet.

  "I'm pretty sure they exchanged contact information."

  I put my fists to my mouth and shrugged my shoulders, scrunching up into a ball with delight at the prospect of Thomas finding a lady friend. "Isn't she pretty?" I asked.

  "So pretty. I had a hard time giving my lecture tonight because I was so preoccupied by their cuteness.

  "I wonder if she'll come to the concert on Friday," I said.

  "Oh, I should've mentioned it to her," Carly said with a worried glance into the hallway as if wondering if she'd already left.

  "I'm sure Thomas will invite her," I said.

  She smiled, nodded, and continued putting her things away.

  "That's actually one of the reasons I came by tonight," I said. "I wanted to find out more about the show."

  "It's gonna be amazing," she said. "KROS is doing some radio promotion for it. I think it's gonna be even bigger than we originally thought."

  "What should I wear?" I asked.

  "Jeans or whatever," she said. "It's not dressy or anything if that's what you're asking."

  "I just wanted to know what to tell the roommates," I said.

  She looked at me. "I know you straightened everything out with Brock, but I just thought I'd warn you that he and Shane are going to be there."

  "You told me," I said, shrugging as if it was no consequence to me. "I probably won't even see them if it's as packed as you say."

  "I hope it is. I'm so excited for Micah, and it's a great album."

  A few seconds of silence passed between us while she pulled her bags onto her shoulder. "I know it doesn't matter to you, but I thought I'd also warn you that Emily's friend, Chelsea, is going to be there as sort of a date or whatever for Brock."

  I let out a little laugh. "Why would that matter to me?" I asked. "I think it's great that he's dating someone. I've actually met Chelsea up here one time. She's a cool girl. They'd make a cute couple."

  Carly shrugged. "Emily would be happy to see them hook up because she and Chelsea are such good friends. Chelsea's been trying to get with him for a while, but Brock's really not into dating."

  "Well, I'm sort of glad you told me," I said. "I got him a little something and was planning on giving it to him on Friday, but that would just have been awkward if he was there with someone."

  She smiled at me in a way that told me she thought I liked Brock, so I quickly backpedaled.

  "I didn't get it because I like him or anything. I just felt bad about being so mean and felt like I needed to repay him somehow for his trouble with getting my ring back."

  "What sort of trouble?" she asked. Carly knew I had more information then I was offering, and I could tell she was curious.

  "He had to fight for it," I said.

  "Fight?" she asked, looking confused. "Like fistfight someone to get it back?"

  "Yes, but it was an organized match—like in a boxing cage or whatever. The guy who had it told him if he won, he could have it back."

  "Who'd he have to fight?" she asked, still looking like she didn't believe it.

  "Some guy named Nick The Hammer."

  "Are you kidding me?" she asked.

  "No, but don’t mention it to him. He seems like a pretty private guy and I don't want him to think I went around repeating it."

  "I won't," she assured me. "I can't believe that, though."

  "I couldn't either, but I know he was telling me the truth."

  "I know, he's a nice guy, isn't he?"

  "Too nice," I said. "That's why I felt so bad for blaming him for everything."

  "What'd you get him?" she asked.


  "You said you got him a gift. What was it?"

  "Oh, it's nothing," I said, feeling like it was a stupid idea now that I knew he was dating someone.

  "Tell me," she said, nudging my shoulder playfully.



  "Because it feels wrong now that I know he's going out with that girl."

  Her eyes widened as she stared at me smiling. "Do you like him, Trisha?" she whispered.

  "No!" I said defensively. "I just couldn't think of what to get him. He seemed like such a practical, guy that I knew he wouldn't care about a random gadget or gizmo."

  "So what'd you get him?" she asked, still wide-eyed.

  I sighed. "Uhhhh, it doesn't matter. It's stupid. I just picked something random that I thought was practical. I'm gonna end up returning it anyway."

  She smiled and pushed at my shoulder again. "What is it?" she asked.

  "I'm not telling you," I said. "I'm not giving it to him, and I feel like an idiot for buying it in the first place."

  "Don't say that!" she said. "I think it was nice. He'd probably love it."

  I just smiled and shook my head, feeling embarrassed that I'd even mentioned it.

  "What was it?" she pressed.

  "Nothing!" I said with a drop it expression.

  "Tell me," she said smiling.

  I knew she wouldn't leave me alone about it until I told her. "I just tried to get something practical," I said.


  "Some lounge pants and a bottle of shower gel. It's the only thing I could think of that all guys would use."

  "Are you talking about that expensive soap you always said you liked?" she asked. "You were obsessed with that stuff. I remember you smelling it on that guy in college and asking him what it was. Is that what you bought?"

  "Yeah, but it's only because I didn't know what else to get."

  She stared at me for a long time.

  "What?" I asked finally.

  "You totally like him," she said.

  "I do not!"

  She put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "I can tell you do, Trish, and I think it's great."

  "I don't like him like that," I defended.

  "Let me finish," she said. "I think it's great, but I do have to warn you that he's different. He's private. He doesn't really let people into his world. That girl Chelsea's been trying for months and the only reason Brock agreed to escort her this Friday was to get his brother and Emily off his back about it."

  The thought of Brock escorting Chelsea gave me a stomachache, but I acted unaffected. "I know he's private," I said. "And I don't care who he's going to the show with. I just felt bad about the ring, and I wanted to get him a little something. End of story."

  Carly lifted her hands in surrender, but smirked as if she could see right through me. "Okay," she said. "But for what it's worth, I think you'd be great together—way better than him and Chelsea."

  I smiled. "You better not tell Brock that. The last thing he needs is someone else trying to set him up."

  "I think you should at least give him the gift," she said.

  I laughed and shook my head. "You're crazy!" I said.

  "I think he'd appreciate it."

  "Sorry, but no," I said as we began to make our way out of the classroom and down the hall that led to the living room.

  "I'm glad you're still here!" Carly said when she caught sight of Mary Katherine and Sarah Miller. "I wanted to tell you about an album release part
y this weekend. My husband's band is playing—"

  "Thomas already invited me," Mary Katherine said.

  "Mary Katherine's riding with us," Thomas said. He stared at us with a serious expression as if wondering whether or not we'd put it together that it was a date.

  "Oh, good!" Carly said.

  "I'm gonna ride with them too and sit in the middle!" another student named Benji announced from behind them.

  "No you're not!" Thomas said, turning to scold Benji who laughed.

  "You're welcome to come if you want, Benji," Claire said sweetly.

  "Yeah, but he's not riding with us," Thomas said.

  This made Mary Katherine giggle and bat her eyes at Thomas who, in return, stood up a bit straighter.

  "He can ride with us if he wants to," Claire said.

  Thomas looked at him. "Fine but he's not sitting in the middle." It was unlike Thomas to act that way to anyone, but Benji was always doing his best to get under Thomas's skin, and obviously Mary Katherine was a subject that was off limits.

  "We've got things going on Friday night anyway," Benji's mom said. "Thanks for the invite, though."

  Thomas smiled sweetly at Benji as he and his mom said goodbye and headed out. Claire didn't bother bringing up the way Thomas acted toward Benji since we all knew he had it coming.

  "We'll drop Mookie off at your house at seven," Sarah said, as we all made our way to the door.

  "I guess I should wear a dress," Mary Katherine said, stopping shy of the door, and causing a big, traffic jam. She stated it as more of a question and regarded us girls curiously.

  "I'll probably wear jeans," Carly said.

  "Me too," I added, "but I'll probably put a nice sweater with them, and some heels."

  "What color sweater?" Mary Katherine asked.

  "I was thinking green since my eyes are green," I said. "Either that or brown."

  "I think green," she said before turning to Carly. "What about you?"

  "I'm not sure, but I have a black shirt I really like. I thought I might wear that one."

  Mary Katherine nodded.

  "We should go, Mookie," Sarah said from the back of the group since her daughter was the one holding everyone up in the doorway.


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