The Lucky Ones

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The Lucky Ones Page 1

by KG MacGregor

  Table of Contents


  Other Books by KG MacGregor

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Bella Books


  Scarred by her mother’s betrayal, Brittany Iverson left home half a lifetime ago for the promise of California, with its vibrant, cosmopolitan lesbian community. She wouldn’t go back to Kentucky for a million dollars. But several million? That’s a different kettle of fish. All Britt has to do is help resurrect her father’s failing business so they can sell it to the highest bidder.

  Thanks to a college softball scholarship, Ninah Faust escaped her upbringing as well, leaving eastern Kentucky’s impoverished coal country for the quaint small town of Leland. Now a high school history teacher, she enjoys a laid back lifestyle, a close-knit circle of lesbian friends, and the Longdogs, Leland’s minor league baseball team. Ninah knows better than to fall for newcomer Britt, whose plan is to get in, get rich, and get out. Britt knows better too, since the last thing she needs is a girlfriend in Kentucky. But fall they do—so which one will give up her perfect life for the other?

  The Lucky Ones marks a return to the idyllic hamlet of Leland, Kentucky, where you’re sure to run into the town’s most prominent lesbian couple—Justine Hall and Carly Griffin, from The House on Sandstone.

  When you shop at Bella, more of your dollars reach the women who write and produce the books you love. Thanks from all of the authors & staff at Bella!

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  Praise for KG MacGregor

  A Proper Cuppa

  A Proper Cuppa Tea is a smart and sexy romance featuring two professional women. While their relationship first stutters from the distractions of their lives, when they decide to pursue it, the romance develops in a realistic, charming, erotic, and organic manner. These characters are well rounded and fully depicted. They have careers and responsibilities as well as relationships with other people. The blended plotlines and complications are integral to the potential for Lark and Channing’s future together. MacGregor’s newest romance is a marvelous, entertaining, captivating book as complex and full-bodied as that perfect cup of tea. Put the kettle on to boil, find a cozy chair, and settle in to enjoy A Proper Cuppa Tea.

  —Lambda Literary Review

  The author did a remarkable job of bringing all of the characters to life for me. I was able to form a vivid image of each delightful character in my mind and I felt as though I could hear the witty banter between Channing and Lark. There wasn’t a lag in the storyline or any unnecessary drama and I am very pleased to admit that the author made me fall in love with the charming English landscape. This story entertained me from the first word and I can’t tell you how many times I had to suppress my laughter while I kept sneaking a read when I was at work. I adore British humor and I tend to fall in love (quite deeply, I must say) with quirky and sarcastic British characters who have a wicked sense of humor. If you love books with picturesque landscapes, feisty women, meddling and well-meaning friends coupled with countless cups of delicious tea, then this story is definitely for you!

  —The Lesbian Review

  Moment of Weakness

  Moment of Weakness… is a romance that doesn’t follow the usual track of a les-fic romance. The author’s use of time in this story keeps the pages turning as the reader learns bit by bit how Zann and Marleigh met, what happened to Zann in Afghanistan, and who they are. I loved the story and the way I learned about Zann and Marleigh’s relationship–not in a straight timeline, but moving backward and forward in time. KG MacGregor’s characters are well developed and have flaws. I love that. I loved the romance. I highly recommend this book to KG MacGregor fans.

  —The Lesbian Review

  MacGregor has written a story that lulls the reader into thinking it will continue along a certain trajectory, then—wham!—we’re thrust in another direction with a startling revelation we never saw coming. Every scene skillfully moves this tale along, adding to the tension. From desperation to longing, anger to disappointment, unconditional love to fear, all those moods and emotions and more are well portrayed. The superb writing, characters, and well-timed plot twists are skillfully done to make for an entertaining and revelatory story. Moment of Weakness explores the often unexamined tragic aspects of war, the power of true love, and gives the reader a thrill ride that lingers long after the last page has been turned.

  —Lambda Literary Review

  The Touch of a Woman

  What makes this an interesting read beyond the standard plotline are unusual back-histories. The characters are well drawn, complex women, who will resonate with many. And their tender attraction is a reminder that real life isn’t always about the grand passion, but a gentle falling.

  —Lesbian Reading Room

  Anyone But You

  More than a sizzling romance, a well researched and well-written eco-thriller... I loved the way the story was written: fast-paced, with great punch lines, a tidy, well thought-out and thought-provoking plot, at times witty, at times dramatic. Dating the archenemy added zest to the romance and both heroines were very believable and easy to like.

  —Curve Magazine

  Etched in Shadows

  Well written, well edited, thoroughly enjoyable read... The loss of memory and feelings she once had gives Ms. MacGregor the opportunity to show a woman before and after a life changing event, and to explore how starting from scratch as an adult might allow us to make different choices... Johnelle and Alice are strong characters, well drawn and developed.

  —The Lesbian Reading Room

  Other Bella Books by KG MacGregor

  Anyone But You

  Etched in Shadows

  The House on Sandstone

  Just This Once

  Life After Love

  Malicious Pursuit

  Moment of Weakness


  Out of Love

  Photographs of Claudia

  Playing with Fuego

  A Proper Cuppa Tea


  Sea Legs

  Secrets So Deep

  Sumter Point

  T-Minus Two

  The Touch of a Woman

  Trial by Fury

  Undercover Tales

  West of Nowhere

  Worth Every Step

  Shaken Serie

  Without Warning


  Small Packages

  Mother Load

  About the Author

  KG MacGregor is the author of twenty-six books, including the romance saga, The Shaken Series. Her works feature strong, career-minded lesbians, and blend romance with intrigue, adventure and dramatic events. She has been honored with nine Golden Crown Awards, a prestigious Lambda Literary Award, and the Alice B. Medal for career achievement. She served as president of the board of trustees for Lambda Literary, the world’s premier organization for LGBT literature. A native of the Blue Ridge Mountains, she now makes her home in Nashville, TN. Visit her on the web at

  Copyright © 2019 by KG MacGregor

  Bella Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 10543

  Tallahassee, FL 32302

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  First Bella Books Edition 2019

  eBook released 2019

  Editor: Katherine V. Forrest

  Cover Designer: Judith Fellows

  ISBN: 978-1-64247-041-3


  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  Some books are harder to write than others. Weaving multiple story lines through an ensemble of characters is especially tricky when you’re trying not to lose focus on a pair of women destined to fall in love. Fortunately I have my own pair of women to keep me on task.

  First there’s my partner Jenny, who hears every wayward idea before it hits the page. I can usually tell what she thinks by the tilt of her head. More often than not, I let her reaction be my guide. She also sweeps up at the end, lopping off my extra words and sticking in a few I skipped.

  Second is my editor, Katherine V. Forrest. I warned Katherine ahead of time that I’d had some trouble wrangling this one, so she was ready with her pencil. Nice of her not to use a red pen. I especially appreciate her friendship, which shined through in her notes. Sometimes authors need more than pencil marks.

  Chapter One

  A voice mail from someone at the hospital had assured Britt Iverson that her father’s surgery was successful and there was a good chance for a full recovery. That meant she wouldn’t need the black suit after all, nor a dark car for a funeral procession.

  From the line of available rentals at Lexington’s Blue Grass Airport, she chose a red Toyota Camry and slid her rolling suitcase and carryon bag into the trunk. Her smartphone had mapped the route to Grace Hospital in Leland, twenty-six miles that would take her past one of Kentucky’s most beautiful stretches of horse country.

  It was hard to feel even a crumb of pleasure from this trip, given the guilt over what it had taken to get her here. Nearly two years had passed since her last visit. Her dad had called only a week ago with a fresh invitation, which she’d answered with her usual promise of “soon.”

  Exiting the highway onto two-lane Pinckard Road, she allowed gentle traces of nostalgia to calm her anxiousness. Mile after mile of white rail fences lined rolling pastures, where the occasional cluster of sleek thoroughbreds frolicked in the morning mist. Despite her general aversion to all things Kentucky, she had fond childhood memories of riding along this rural road with her father, the wind blowing through the car’s open windows and whipping her hair.

  As she neared Leland, the roadside fence ended and a stone chimney rose above the charred remains of the old Iverson homestead, a rickety farmhouse brought down two summers ago by a lightning strike. Four generations of her family had lived there even as it gradually fell to ruin. It was a blessing in disguise, for her at least, since it had forced her dad into a modern home closer to town.

  Pinckard Road ended at Main Street, which she found quiet for a Monday morning. Leland was still a small town, but it had grown considerably since she left for college. The downtown area was now several blocks long with shops, offices, the courthouse and the high school. The sidewalk ended at shady City Park, with its picnic pavilions, playgrounds and a municipal pool. Alongside was a modest baseball stadium that was home to the Longdogs, a minor league baseball team that happened to be her father’s greatest passion.

  Past the high school, a stoplight marked the entrance to the town’s medical complex. She parked near the emergency entrance, where a volunteer located her father’s room in ICU on the third floor. A quick look in the elevator’s mirror reminded her why overnight flights from the West Coast were called the red-eye. The best she could do to freshen up was tighten her ponytail, touch up her lip gloss and straighten her shirt collar. She hardly cared who saw her or what they thought as long as she put on her best smile for her dad.

  A nurse looked up from her station and drawled, “May I help you?”

  “I’m looking for Vernon Iverson. He’s in intensive care. I’m his daughter.”

  “Oh right, the one from California. He’s already had a slew of visitors this morning, ’cept Darlene won’t let anybody stay more’n a minute or two. She runs a tight ship in there.”

  A couple of minutes…plenty of time for him to see that she’d dropped everything to rush to his side.

  Her left shoe squeaked obnoxiously as she followed the nurse down the glossy vinyl hall. In the special-care room, her dad was lying connected to drips and monitors, a bandage covering his head. Deep bruises lined his eyes, presumably the trauma of brain surgery.

  Fighting back tears, she took his hand. “Dad? Dad, it’s me, Britt.”

  His eyes fluttered briefly, filling her with joy and relief. “My girl.”

  “That’s right, I’m here.”

  “You should…J…JT.”

  She recognized the name of his best friend, JT Sharpe, a local attorney he’d known since childhood.

  “He’s still a little fuzzy but that’s normal,” the nurse said.

  Stroking his hand, Britt added, “Don’t worry about a thing, Dad. I’ll handle it. All you have to do now is take it easy and get well.” To the nurse, she said, “Is there any chance I could talk to his doctor?”

  “Dr. Dhawan has finished his rounds for today, but I think he left word. Let me check at the desk.”

  Alone with her father, she let go of her selfish, impotent tears. She’d never felt so helpless as in the last twelve hours as she frantically made her way across the country. She was all the real family he had. It broke her heart that he’d faced this life-threatening emergency alone.

  “Brittany Iverson?”

  She turned to face a striking middle-aged woman, tall and trim, with flowing auburn hair women half her age would envy. A lanyard clipped to her dress identified her as part of the hospital’s administration.

  “I’m Britt Iverson.”

  “I could see that a mile away. You look so much like your daddy.”

  Beyond her father’s lanky build and fair coloring, she wasn’t aware of any other resemblance. That said, she embraced any and all features that distanced her from her mother.

  “So pleased to finally meet you, Britt. I’ve known Vernon for ages, and he’s told us all about you. Bragging how he’s going out to visit you in sunny California while we’re back here shoveling snow. I’m Justine H
all, executive assistant to Dr. Henderson. He’s our hospital administrator. I’m the one who left you that voice mail this morning.”

  “Oh, right.” She instantly recognized the soft Southern lilt.

  “My goodness, you’ve flown all night to get here. San Diego, right? How ’bout I buy you some breakfast in the cafeteria?”

  She was deeply touched that someone so important would take time to give her such personal attention. “Thanks, but I ate on the plane.”

  “Coffee then. Let’s go to my office and I’ll try to fill you in on where things stand.”

  Britt kissed her father’s forehead and whispered that she’d return. Then she fell into step with the long-legged Justine.

  “It may not look like it, but your daddy is one lucky fellow. If he’d been by himself…Lordy, let’s not even go there. He was at home with a whole houseful of people there to kick off the baseball season. Starts this coming Friday. That bunch does it every year, a big party where they dream how this is gonna be the Year of the Longdogs.” She punctuated the last bit with finger quotes and whirled to add, “You know about the Longdogs, right? That’s our minor league baseball team. Summertime in Leland, half the town revolves around the Longdogs.”

  “Right. Dad’s always excited about it.”

  “So’s my wife Carly. She and Ninah—that’s our friend, Ninah Faust—they went in together on season tickets, and their seats are right next to Vernon’s. JT’s there too. He’s your daddy’s best friend, you know…and my ex-husband, the ol’ snake. They were all there at the party last night. Carly and I live on Sandstone too, third house on the right, but ours isn’t on the lake like Vernon’s.”

  Britt barely processed the string of connections, as she was stuck on the unexpected revelation that Justine Hall had a wife. She’d never have guessed it in a million years. That explained her father’s insistence that Leland had a visible LGBT community.


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