Sinful Intent

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by C. M. Steele

  Sinful Intent

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2018

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Shutterstock

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Copyrighted © 2018

  Dean and Nancy

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10


  Chapter 11


  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13


  Chapter 14





  Baby time

  Ten years later…

  Shotgun’s loaded. Tenth birthday with daughters!

  Standing There

  Chapter 1


  Dean and Nancy

  The room freezes as their eyes connect. Hearts racing, thoughts run wild as the predator eyes his prey. And like a flash in a bottle, it’s over. The blonde beauty makes her escape from him while Dean gives chase. Will he catch his elusive beauty before she’s fled the gala?

  She can’t believe she’s falling for her boss. In a panic, she flees before he can stake the claim he had dancing in his honey-colored eyes. She has to quit, but when she sees her boss again that momentary attraction’s gone. Confused and worried about her career, Nancy is ready to run when in walks a sexy surprise…a twin.

  Chapter 1


  “Mom, please tell my brothers to give me a break. My boss doesn’t date, and that’s why I’m going with him as his assistant. It’s just a work event—nothing more. He has no interest in me like that, and I don’t like him,” I explain pointlessly to my overly worried mother. Seriously, just because she made some bad choices in her life doesn’t mean I am going to make them as well. Damn it, why did I answer my phone? Oh, I know why…because she’d call my brothers, who would, in turn, call me until I explained.

  “Honey, I’ve seen a picture of that man. He has sin written all over him,” she emphasizes every word like it should matter to me. It’s not like I’ve ever fallen over myself for a man because he’s so gorgeous that my womb demands his baby. I’ve rolled my eyes more times than I should have over our last few conversations. I love her, but this is getting out of hand.

  “So, what does that have to do with me? I’m not interested in him,” I reiterate for the thousandth time since I started working for James Black.

  “You’re beautiful, and your brothers are crazy. They’re going to worry about anyone you’re dating,” she informs me as if I wasn’t already aware. I have four brothers total, three wonderful, incredible, pain in the ass brothers and one normal big brother. Mitchell who just turned thirty-two and Mason who’s going to be thirty are the products of my mother’s marriage to her high school sweetheart. His untimely death crushed her. She’s never gotten over his loss. He died in a combat training mission in Iraq back in 1992.

  My father was a friend of his who came to console her. For years he cozied up to her until she caved from loneliness and the need for financial security. My brother Cameron is twenty-five, and Alex is a year older than me. I was the product of the last straw. She finally walked out with the boys after he beat and raped her in a drunken rage. She nearly got rid of me, but in the end, she couldn’t live with the idea of doing something so crazy. I know it kills her that she even considered something that awful. And I don’t blame her for it.

  I’m not trying to act like my whole life is a “woe is me” story, but it’s the reason that she and my brothers have made it their mission to constantly protect me from all the ills in the world.

  In fact, I’m speaking through my Bluetooth device as I drive my 2017 Lexus my brother Mitchell bought me for my college graduation. I’m totally spoiled, but they keep me uber-protected which negates the perks.

  “I’m not dating him. James hasn’t shown an ounce of interest in me. In fact, I’m the one who mentioned that I’ve never been to a fancy event before.”

  “Well, honey your brothers worry you’ll fall for the wrong kind of man,” she drones on, covering for their ridiculousness.

  “Are they all virgins? How many broken hearts or dirty sheets have they left in their wake?” My brothers haven’t been known for dating, but they all have had girlfriends at one point or another. With them, I feel like I’m trapped in a bubble. I want to fall in love. I don’t want to get hurt, but if it happens at least, I’ll have lived. I love them, but I need more than that. This job did just that. It’s my first taste of life on my own in a different city and everything.

  “I don’t know. I don’t ask them their business,” she stammers out, trying to hide her bias, but I’m well aware of what she is informed on. I’m doing all I can to stop myself from screaming in frustration.

  Instead of losing my cool, I scoff, “But all of you can’t stay out of mine. I’m not going to have this conversation right now. I’m almost at work. Goodbye.”

  “I love you. Be safe,” she quickly throws out, knowing damn well I’m done with this conversation. These conversations are bound to get me to change my number.

  “I love you, too.” I cut off the call before she’s tempted to warn me off again. I don’t understand why she feels like I’m just going to fall into my boss’s arms.

  I pull into the parking garage and into my space about five minutes later. I park next to the elevators. It pays to be the boss’s assistant. I get the best spot, so I don’t have to ruin my pretty heels on the ground. I hate when they get scuffed at all.

  As I make my way to the elevator, I take out my cell to see I have six messages coming in from the boss man. He’s busy so sends
me things when he thinks of it, so at least one of us will be ready. He must be on a roll this morning. The messages are short and always straight to the point. Nothing ever more than business. My family is freaking nuts. I can’t even explain how many crazy cousins I have. My lousy father had a lot of family members, including some extra brothers and sisters that he made while married to my mother.

  I laugh all the way up the elevator as I make notes. When I get off, I walk over to start some coffee for myself. The sound of my heels against the floors is music to my ears. I love my heels and dresses. I wear them every day to work. I’m not a pants type of girl unless it’s yoga pants at home. With my hot cup in hand, I sit at my desk, getting straight to work.

  A few minutes later my boss strolls out of his office with a weak, frustrated grumbled greeting, “Good morning, Nancy.”

  “Good morning.” I take in his appearance. He’s a handsome man, but he looks a little frazzled this morning. “Is everything okay, boss man?”

  “Yes, I’m going to get some coffee.” I hide my smile because this has been his habit. He’s going to be gone for a while.

  “Okay.” I already knew it. He goes around the same time twice a week. It’s weird, but he never talks about it. I’m starting to think he’s spying on the place. He bought it and maybe he’s doing some sort of quality control kind of thing. Either that or he has interest in someone that works there.


  “Mr. Black, you’re one o’clock is waiting in the conference room,” I tell him, entering his office to file some documents. It’s my usual habit throughout the day, or his office would be a total wreck with files stacked everywhere.

  “Shit, I forgot,” James Black bites out. He’s busy in the middle of typing another email up. He was at the coffee shop for three hours this morning. Then came back working non-stop. I never met a man who worked more than my brothers, but he takes the cake. I’ve been working for Mr. Black for almost five months now. We have a great working relationship, and I love it. Since it’s my first administrative job, I’m surprised that I landed it with ease. “Thanks for reminding me. By the way, are you still able to make the gala?” From his tone, it’s clear he has no interest in going.

  “Absolutely. I’ve picked my dress and everything.” He gets up and adjusts his appearance in his window’s reflection, looking somber as hell. “I’m going to be bored, aren’t I?” I add.

  “Probably, but you’ll meet my family there.” He turns around and smiles as if that’s going to be fun to witness. “I’ll keep them at bay.”

  “They don’t think we’re dating or anything, right?” I ask. My brothers have done a great job of keeping boys and men away from me. At twenty-one, I’m still holding onto my v-card. It’s not something I planned on, but when you have brothers that have dominant alpha personalities you just go with the flow. Moving away has really opened up dating opportunities, but heavens if I know where to even start.

  “Of course not. My parents know my fastidiousness when it comes to work and women.”

  “Never mix business with pleasure is a great policy. That’s what I tried to explain to my mother and brothers.” I reply, filing the first round of files.

  He moves toward the door, but stops to add, “Mothers…I get it, but honestly, if I had a sister, I’m sure I would have been probably just as bad as your brothers.”

  “Well, then that’s something to be thankful for,” I say rolling my eyes dramatically.

  “Yes, thank fuck for that. Do you have the Hi-Ching folder?” I pull it from the stack. It’s just been added to this morning.

  “Thanks, Nancy.” I go back to work while he rushes out of his office. Halfway through the meeting, I pop in to make sure he has everything he needs then I head out to a late lunch. I love working in downtown. There are so many choices of restaurants.

  It’s a little windy as I step outside of his office building. This is going to have to be a quick trip. I’m glad today I have my light blue spring coat with a matching scarf. My pin-up curls hold in the gusty breeze. I pick up a slice of pizza and head back into the office. My pace is quicker as I get inside the building because my nylons aren’t enough to combat the sudden chill. I’m glad that my gown for tonight is a full-length one and my faux-fur wrap will ease the cold.

  We have three hours before we will get ready. We’re leaving straight from here. My gown is upstairs in James’s condo. He’s sending over a stylist to freshen up my face and hair. And then I’ll be movie star ready for the gala. I’m giddy as I think about the perfect gown I picked out.

  I’m looking forward to seeing all the lovely gowns. It’s a charity function with a few celebrities and local officials attending. There’s going to be style flowing all around. I’m mentally squealing and dancing with excitement. The phone rings and startles me out of my fantasy and back to work.

  Chapter 2


  After twenty minutes of being in here, I want to leave. I know it’s just getting started, and dinner is almost ready, my mind couldn’t give a rat’s ass about snobs talking to other snobs and being snobbish to the staff. The party is dull as fuck as always, and my patience left me five minutes ago. “Hello, Mother. You look lovely as ever,” I say as she comes up for a kiss on my cheek.

  “Thank you, Dean. You are forever the charming son. Have you met your brother’s assistant yet?” This woman with her need for grandbabies.

  “No, I haven’t. I can’t even find him in here. You think it would be easy since he looks identical to me, but I haven’t spotted him once.”

  My father possessively slides his hand on the small of my mother’s back. It’s his way of reassuring himself that she’s his. After all these years and the both of us, he doesn’t let her go for long. He scans the room, then says, “He’s around here somewhere. We need to corral him before it’s too late. I want to meet this assistant. He’s never had one of his assistant’s attend an event like this.”

  “Do you think it’s more than a working relationship?” I ask, wondering if that’s why James has been acting unusual lately. He’s not up to his usual level of perfection I’m used to seeing.

  “Could very well be,” my mother says with a nod.

  “I’m going to twirl your mother around the dance floor like she deserves. Be nice.” He taps my shoulder twice before stealing my mother away.

  “I’ll try,” I concede, throwing up my hands.

  I walk over to the bar and order while I look around for James and his assistant. I have no idea what she looks like, so I keep my eyes peeled out for James. The bartender taps my shoulder, then hands my drink over to me with a flirty smile. I’m not interested, and she probably isn’t either, but it’s their game for more tips.

  I take a drink of my scotch on the rocks, then walk around the room. I pull the rest of amber liquid down in one gulp. It burns and yet still smooth. I set it down on the small cocktail table and as I do a woman appears across the room. I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s tall, slender, but she has killer curves. It’s not even her perfect body that I’m focused on. Her face is ten times better if that’s even possible. She has pale skin and plump red lips. Her blonde hair is curled perfectly in a nineteen forties style with a silky golden gown that wraps tightly around her body. She looks like a movie star from that era—classic beauty with elegance. I gravitate toward her leaving my drink. I want my hands free to twirl her around the dance floor, then carry her out of this place and make her mine.

  Our eyes catch, and her face twists slightly, then she looks at me strangely. I can’t make it out why she’s looking at me that way, but I intend to find out. She moves away, hiding amongst the sea of tuxes. I have to know her, win her, worship her.

  The crowd continues to get in my way, and before I can reach her, she’s out of my sight. Where is she? My heart’s racing. I have to find my Cinderella. I dash around the room, running into my brother…my twin brother. “Hey, Dean, what’s going on? You’re looking wild,” he as
ks, stopping me in my tracks.

  “I don’t have time to talk. I’m looking for someone,” I mutter, looking past him and searching for her golden-colored dress.

  “Well, I hope you find the person. Dinner is about to start. I have to find my assistant.”

  “Okay, excuse me.” I run in the opposite direction. Thoughts of her dancing in another man’s arms forced me to scour the entire building. It’s as if she’s a figment of my imagination. For the next hour, I look everywhere, but she’s nowhere to be found. The party is coming to an end, and I’ve come to the realization that she’s gone. I missed her somehow. Finally accepting temporary defeat, I slide into the back of the town car I ordered for the night. I tug at my bowtie and open my top button, loosening my collar. I release a harsh breath as he pulls away from the gala. As an assistant district attorney, I would never be caught drinking and driving even after one drink.

  As we pass the street lights, my mind goes to her. The woman who stole my soul with one glace is a complete mystery. I growl to myself, frustrated. My life is too busy for this. I have a full caseload to deal with this coming week, so I need to forget my phantom beauty. The entire drive back to my home, I rest my hand on my cock, rubbing and squeezing it just enough to take the edge off. I’ve never been this hard up before. Hell, I’ve never felt this way before. I get a hold of myself before my driver notices.

  As soon as I step in the door, I’m hitting my computer. She has to be somewhere in the pictures from the gala. The photogs were everywhere, but I essentially ignored them. The invite via email has a link to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I hit up Instagram first because I know it’s the place to post just pictures. I see a handful had made it online already, but I’m in search of just one. It’s the first picture because it has the most likes. It’s the perfect side view of her looking in my direction. Had they captured our moment? I look at the caption: A Beauty looking for her Beast. It’s sort of true. She had already found me. Her bright eyes sucked me in, but I must have scared her away. It doesn’t matter why she ran. Soon, I’ll find her and make her mine. I stare at her image and take in her profile. Her lips are plump with the red lipstick stained across them. Her nose fits her face perfectly, not too big or too small. The silky blonde curls press against her temple in waves, reminding me of Kim Basinger in one of my favorite movies, L.A. Confidential. Sexy and sultry come into my mind as I look at her image. A few comments are already posted on the perfect picture. Jealously, I want it taken down. First, I save the image to my laptop, then I transfer it to my cell phone. Making it my screensaver, I head up to bed. “I’m going to find you.” I kiss my phone and pass out.


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