Heart of Farellah: Book 1

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Heart of Farellah: Book 1 Page 43

by Brindi Quinn

  We followed along the path through the trees.

  I’d stopped singing, but I was still holding the orb back in the tunnel. It grew increasingly heavier the farther away we got, and after a while, I had no choice but to release it. I was so tired, but I had to stay awake until we were safe.

  Whisking me along, Nyte carried me at Elf’s pace. Never stopping. Never letting go. It was still hard to believe that he was really here with me, my arms around his warm neck.

  My Nyte.

  My heartbeat was rapid, my veins in euphoria. I allowed myself to enjoy being close to him. To enjoy his cherry tree scent.

  Eventually, we slowed, but kept on until the path led us to a small, crumbling city on the edge of another cliff.

  “Earthden,” whispered Nyte, pointing to a symbol carved into the stone wall.

  He set me down, and we walked through the deserted city until we found an abandoned stone structure. Its roof had given, and all that remained were a few stone pillars around a solid base. We collapsed inside, silently catching our breath.

  “Are they still following us?” I asked.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Your decoy worked. They lost us a while back.” I felt full relief for the first time since leaving the cavern.

  I leaned against one of the moss-covered pillars and studied our surroundings. The night sky was calm, blanketing the landscape in darkness. I searched my cloak for a canteen, glad I still had one on me. The water was cool and refreshing.

  Nyte grabbed my other arm. “I am so sorry. I cannot believe that I was being controlled like that. I put you in danger; I put everyone in danger. I feel like such a fool.” Voice cracking, Nyte looked away.

  “Nyte, it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re safe.” It was an understatement.

  Inside, my stomach was turning over. We were here together. He was alive. I thought I’d lost him, but . . .

  “I must . . . I am going to fix this.” His voice was still shaking. “We need a plan.”

  “It can wait. Here.” I handed him the canteen.

  He started to drink, but stopped and pointed excitedly to the sky, his eyes for the first time in too long showing a carefree glint.


  A shower of stars had spontaneously erupted in the night sky. They fell slowly through the air, twinkling and crackling. One after another they crashed to the ground, lighting up the forgotten city.

  It was stunning, so I just stared.

  One fell through the open ceiling of our refuge and hovered above our heads for a moment before bursting. As though forgetting everything that had happened, Nyte raced forward to catch the flecks of falling stardust. He managed to snatch one before the rest sank into the ground.

  “Got it!” he said, grinning.

  He brought his face close to mine and cupped his hands in front of my eyes. The dust sparkled and hopped, lighting up his eyes before managing to wiggle out of his fingers. It too leaped to the ground and sank into the earth.

  The star shower was over, but Nyte’s face was still close to mine. I could hear his soft breathing through the darkness. We were completely alone in silence. My heart pounded.

  All that was there was silent anticipation.

  Then, all at once, he grabbed my shoulders, pulling my body close to his in a tight embrace. Goosebumps ran down my arms.

  I squeezed back.

  “I was so worried. I thought . . .” I tried to stop, but the tears came anyway. I thought I’d lost you.

  He held me closer and rested his lips on my forehead. My stomach did a somersault, finally reveling in the warmth now freely coursing through my body.

  My warmth. It wasn’t really mine, but still I felt the urge to call it so. My warmth. My Nyte.

  Dropping his embrace, Nyte cupped my face and brushed the tears away with his thumbs. I stared up at him through watery eyes. He stared back and his expression was serious.

  I stood on my tiptoes as he brought his lips to mine.

  I couldn’t stop myself. I took in more warmth than I should have . . . or was he forcing it at me? Either way, it was too delicious. I couldn’t hold back.

  Though it was already dark, everything went black.


  I opened my eyes to the hazy morning light.


  “I am here.” He was over me, grinning. “Never before have I actually caused someone to swoon.” He looked entirely too pleased with himself.

  I fainted?! How embarrassing! I groaned, but then grew worried when I remembered the way I’d devoured his spirit. Even though it’s not really mine to freely take.

  “Are . . . are you okay?” I asked, biting my lip.

  The still-grinning Elf helped me sit up. “I am fine. You passed out before it affected me. I could not resist feeding you. I am sorry.” His grin turned to a smirk, and it betrayed that he was not at all sorry for the way things had played out.

  I blushed and looked away, but I couldn’t keep from grinning.

  “Anyway, what should we do now? Go back? We weren’t able to get the prophecy after all.”

  He shook his head. “Druelca was swarming that place. It would be too dangerous.”

  “Scared?” I teased.

  “Scared of losing you,” – he was still smiling, but his eyes bore into me – “my most worrisome captive.”

  Though the mood had been light, I could read the serious sincerity of his statement.

  Again, I blushed. “I’m certain you’ve given me much more cause for worry recently.”

  His face fell. “I do not know how to atone for what I have-”

  But I put my finger to his lips.

  You don’t have to. You’ve suffered enough. It is The Mystress that must atone. It is The Mystress that’ll pay for these sins you’ve committed.

  He gave one nod, and I lowered my finger.

  “I don’t understand, though,” I said. “My song was released. Was that the Song of Salvation?”

  He thought for a moment. “I do not think so.”

  “Then maybe I’m not the Heart of Salvation after all.”

  I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

  “You are,” he whispered, “of this I am certain.” He lowered his gaze. “There are things I have to tell you; things it is time you knew.”


  He shook his head. “My memory is still fragmented, but I believe that Daem may be able to help put the pieces back together.”

  That Daem . . . “I hope they’re all okay.”

  “They are capable fighters. Do not worry. Most likely they returned to Crystair. We should set that as our next destination.”

  “Alright, but there’s something else bothering me. Was that true – that The Mystress and I both need to be present to retrieve the prophecy? The officers didn’t mention anything like that.”

  He stared off into the gray morning horizon. “I do not think so. For her maybe, but not for you.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It seems that you are her sacrifice, but I believe your sacrifice, your test, is something else.”

  If I’m her sacrifice, then . . . “What about Illuma?”

  “I do not know, but I fear that Yes’lech’s version of the prophecy may be wrong. However, I think I know someone that can give us a more accurate one. I do not know how, but . . .” He stared off through the abandoned, decaying structures that spotted the cliff-side.

  I followed his gaze through the once majestic city of Earthden that was now laid to waste. I wondered if a similar thing would happen to Farellah if The Mystress won. I couldn’t let that happen. I wouldn’t let her release the Song of Destruction.

  I’d fight until my last breath.

  I sighed. “We still have a long way to go.”

  Nyte tucked a strand of starlight hair behind my ear.

  “I will be with you until the end, Miss Havoc.”

  Thank You For Reading Heart Of Farellah!
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  Don’t forget to read the rest of the story. Heart of Farellah: Book 2, available now!

  More Info

  About the Author:

  Heart of Farellah: Book 1 was MN author Brindi Quinn’s first published work.

  Shortly after finishing college in 2010, Brindi began her mad dash into authordom. The Heart of Farellah Trilogy was first to hit shelves in 2011, and she hasn’t stopped since. In addition to her debut trilogy, Brindi’s publications include: Seconds: The Shared Soul Chronicles, a third person sci-fi romance; Sil in a Dark World: A Paranormal Love-Hate Story; The World Remains, a dystopian adventure; Atto’s Tale, the miniseries spinoff to Heart of Farellah; The Eternity Duet, a two-part fantasy romance; The Death and Romancing of Marley Craw, a sexy supernatural tale; and The Ongoing Pursuit of Zillow Stone, a post-apocalyptic series.

  Brindi considers herself a nerd, indulging heavily (when she can) in video games, anime, manga, horror flicks and good sci-fi TV. Brindi recently set off on a grand adventure. After spending a time near the northern coast of California, she’s currently tucked away in a cozy hobbit hole near Seattle.

  Follow Brindi on Twitter:


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  About the Cover Artist:

  Ene Karels is a young artist working from her home studio in Minnesota. She creates both digital and traditional art using watercolors, acrylics and pencils. Her works are in styles ranging from anime, to cartoon, to realistic. From people, to animals.

  She has done several book covers and countless character portraits.

  Follow Ene on Tumblr:





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