Power of Three

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Power of Three Page 7

by Jenna Castille

  “You look beautiful in that kimono, Miss Thompson,” she said with a quick bow. “I knew it would work for this evening. It is just too bad your own will not be ready in time. But Mr. Malcolm will be sure to be both surprised and pleased.”


  The woman smirked and bowed again. “Mr. Malcolm wanted to see that everything was prepared for you at Teien. He asked me to take you down when you are ready. Are you ready?”

  Janice looked around the room one last time before scooping up the matching bag Ishi had lent her. “As I’ll ever be I guess. Lead on.”

  Ishi walked her to the elevator, going to the ground floor. They strolled past the atrium with its tea house and around to the back doors of the hotel. Once outside they followed a stone path to a set of several small buildings in the back gardens. Each building seemed to consist of only one room with a low table surrounded by pillows. One wall in each was made completely of glass, facing outward at different portions of the garden. All were dark, except for one in the far western corner. Ishi led her there.

  “Please remove your shoes before entering,” she told Janice. She took her sandals, put them on a small shelf beside the door and handed her a pair of what looked like white socks with a special place for her big toe. “You will have a few minutes alone before the first course arrives. Please enjoy.”

  The paper screen door slid open and there stood Eric. She felt his nervousness and amazement moments before he first spoke. “Whoa,” he managed to mutter.

  He blushed, actually blushed. A mixture of pride and joy bubbled up inside her. She did that to him. This man who looked like he’d stepped off a European runway, dressed all in black with shining blond hair pulled back in its customary tail, had been rendered speechless by little old her. Talk about an ego boost.

  “Back atcha, big guy,” she teased, patting him on the chest to get him to step back far enough for her to walk through the door. He gave her a sheepish grin, absently rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

  She took a moment to compose herself and looked around the room. “Wow. I feel like I’ve stepped into a foreign film set.” The entire floor was covered with pale brown tatami mats. Plush pillows in jewel tones surrounded the simple wooden table where two glasses of water and two cups of tea sat, with a glass bowl filled with cherry blossoms in the center. Giant candles graced each corner of the room and provided the only light.

  “And you fit in perfectly. I’m the anachronistic one here.” He took her by the elbow and helped her kneel on a pillow facing the glass wall. “And if you hadn’t guessed from my reaction, you look stunning tonight.”

  She slipped her hand behind his head and kissed him quickly before arranging herself on her satin seat. “I got that feeling. And thank you. You look pretty hot yourself.”

  He sat next to her and took her hand, kissing her knuckles. She shivered under the unexpected caress as he held her hand and smiled. It was so gentle and…loving. Her other hand trembled as she reached for her tea cup. That was what she felt, love. He loved her, and deeply, from what she could feel. It was so clear, a warm glow surrounding him and reaching out to embrace her. So strong, how could she doubt its strength?

  Were the emotions getting clearer now? Why? She felt a quick stab of panic. She didn’t want that ability to be stronger. It was freaky enough to know what people around her were feeling. But what if she was losing control of it?

  “Hey,” Eric took the cup from her hand before the tea could slosh and burn her. “What’s that look for? No thinking about anything serious, not work, not moving, not dealing with Saitou. It’s you and me here, enjoying good food and a gorgeous evening.”

  Janice shook off her doubt and shielded herself a bit from his feelings. He was right. Doubt didn’t belong here. “So have you ordered for us already? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, there better not be any sashimi. I only do raw fish wrapped in a gob of rice and seaweed, topped with wasabi, other veggies optional.”

  He grinned, the slightest ghost of a dimple flashing on his right cheek. “I know. I picked your favorite rolls, along with some new ones to try. But we’ll be starting with miso soup and oshitashi. After that, I picked the sushi feast and tempura fried ice cream to top things off. Sound good to you?”

  “I guess I can deal with the spinach salad. As long as the ice cream has chocolate sauce, we’re all good.”

  “I’m sure they can do that,” he assured her, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of blue-tinted hair behind her ear. “If not I’ll take you to Ghirardelli Square tomorrow for a sundae.”

  She leaned into his hand briefly, taking pleasure in the touch. “Ohh, I loved that cookie one I had last time. Chocolate sauce or not, we’re so doing that.”

  Eric’s eyes glinted and he smirked as he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. “Mmm, mental note. Pick up chocolate sauce while we’re there. That has definite possibilities.”

  Janice shoved his hand away and wagged her finger at him. “Shame on you. This is a romantic date. No dragging my brain down in the gutter.”

  “Funny, you’re usually the one pulling me down there,” he teased. “But don’t worry, there’ll be no pulling down tonight. Not in front of a window this size.”

  “Oh I’m sure the employees would be the utmost in unobtrusive. I bet we wouldn’t see them until we were finished.” Janice stopped to think about what she’d just said. “Look at what you’ve done. You’ve got me doing it now. Be good. I think our salad and soup’s here.”

  “But I thought you liked it when I’m bad.” Eric pouted but he let go of her hand and moved back on his pillow. He nodded politely at the young woman who brought their food as he smoothed a crisp white cloth napkin across his lap. He lifted the soup bowl and took a sip as Janice struggled to get the cooked spinach dripping in clear, sweet liquid to her mouth with chopsticks.

  The rest of dinner went by uneventfully. She enjoyed the chance to flirt a little and have fun with him. She loved being able to play with Eric, be silly. He would still take her seriously when the time called for it.

  Finally the last bit of whipped cream had been licked from their spoons and the last sip of green tea was gone. Janice put a hand over her stomach and moaned, “Good Lord, no wonder those Japanese girls in the movies are always so tiny. I think the obi on this kimono’s going to cut me in half. It’s almost as bad as a corset.”

  “But you like wearing corsets.” Eric gave her a wink and a lascivious grin.

  “Yeah, but I know better than to eat like this when I’m wearing one,” she groaned, stretching to relieve the pressure. “Didn’t expect it from this. I mean, it looks like it should feel like a comfortable wide belt not a straightjacket.”

  “Well I know I promised this to be hands-off date, but you look exotic and hot in that outfit, and I could be persuaded to help you take it off. All in the name of your comfort, of course.”

  “Right.” Janice shook her head. “Sorry, but I ate so much I don’t think I could manage.”

  “Then I’ll see you up to your room and make certain you get settled in.”

  Her heart fluttered as he helped her to her feet…fluttered. God, it was almost sickening. But there ya go. When she was sensing his emotions so clearly, how could she ignore her own?

  Damn, Lisa was right. She’d fallen for the big teddy bear. Gone and committed the L word. But what should she do about it? Did she really want to risk everything and stay in San Francisco with him? Was he worth the risk of marriage? Emotions never lasted, especially love. She knew that, had it drummed into her time and time again. She’d sworn she’d never take a sucker bet like that one again.

  But her stinking heart kept skipping beats when he took her hand. She could feel herself blushing as he complimented her on how good she looked in her kimono again. Before you knew it she’d be fluttering her eyelashes and simpering at him. Holding his arm and expecting to have dinner with him every night.

  Why did that have to sound so damn good?

>   Janice tripped over something in the shadows, a split second of inappropriate terror stabbing her heart. Eric took hold of her elbow. “Careful there, clumsy,” he teased as he helped steady her.

  She laughed it off as being of little consequence and didn’t notice the shadow she’d tripped over slithering away. But the shadow took note of everything. With the Catalyst by her side it couldn’t take the Empath. Her powers over her emotional state were too strong for it to overcome. Without that little bit of negative emotion to build on it couldn’t get a foothold inside a human host, much less control the mortal. It shivered, trying to shake off the bright glow of love that had surrounded it when its form brushed against hers. Its astral flesh crawled. Disgusting, utterly disgusting.

  But it wouldn’t be long. This fragile, mortal scum wouldn’t be allowed to continue like this for long. Soon, all too soon, Lord Balimorth would lead its brethren on a rampage that would set this world aflame. There would be no room for love or hope then, only pain and anguish. Such tasty morsels. All they had to do was keep the Three apart a few days longer. And the Empath, while in love with the Catalyst, was insecure in that love. Insecurity was negative, maybe negative enough to allow a seed to grow if she were caught alone.

  It slithered through the tear in reality back to its home dimension. Lord Balimorth would have a plan.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The serenity of nature sat neatly tucked in the back half of the hotel lobby, the morning light sparkling through a large row of windows lining the area where wall and vaulted ceiling met. Janice strolled through the atrium, enjoying the tranquil sound of falling water while breathing deeply of the cherry blossom air. Though the trees weren’t in bloom the floral scent laced the air-conditioned breeze. But the best part about the secluded area was that no one else occupied it. No anger, lust, greed or panic bombarded her. It was a nice change of pace, just herself and her thoughts. A nice place to take a moment and ponder the choices life had to offer her.

  It all came down to Eric. What should she do about him? She’d gotten to the point that she could begin to wrap her mind around maybe admitting that they were in a committed relationship, that they weren’t only dating. Now he wanted her to uproot her life and move to another state to work for him? What the hell was he thinking?

  And what was she doing, actually considering it?

  If she knew for certain that he was her one and only she’d be jumping at the chance. But while she knew she loved him something still didn’t feel right, complete. Not to mention she knew all too well how fleeting any emotion, even love, truly was.

  God, what was wrong with her? Everyone saw her as the jump-in-feet-first-and-ask-questions-later type. Hell, she prided herself on her adventurous tendencies. Why was this situation so different?

  Could Eric actually be in the position to hurt her that much?

  She stopped at the middle of a bridge overlooking several koi gliding through a rock-lined stream. She put her elbows on the railing and propped her chin on her hands, staring off into space with a sigh.

  “Now that sounds far too serious coming from a lovely woman in such a peaceful setting.”

  Janice jolted at the voice, spinning as she scanned the other side of the stream. Ryuu Saitou stepped out from behind a ginkgo tree. He sauntered toward her, hands tucked in the back pockets of his dark slacks. His light-colored button-down shirt set off his deep olive skin, almost causing it to glow in the soft light.

  “I didn’t know you were a ninja on top of the whole rich business tycoon role,” she quipped, surprised by how much his presence didn’t disturb her.

  Saitou smiled, his dark eyes flashing. Somehow that joyful expression on his otherwise stoic face warmed a tiny piece of her heart. “I prefer to be thought of as a samurai, as their bushido code of honor matches my own,” he replied. “But ninja will do in a pinch, as long as I’m making some sort of an impression.”

  “I doubt you ever have a problem with that,” Janice replied with an answering smile. A sense of confidence tinted with the slightest shade of arrogance rolled off the man. He’d never disappear into his surroundings, not unless he wanted to.

  “Maybe, but it’s always nice to hear someone as lovely as you say so.”

  Janice shook her head and turned her back to look at the darting fish again. She didn’t have time for this. She had deep thinking to do and the company was too distracting. “You’re wasting your flattery on me. We’re the ones trying to get something from you, not the other way around.”

  “Is that what you think?” Ryuu asked, coming to stand close enough beside her that she could feel the warmth of his bare arm through her sleeve. His emotions suddenly crowded in on her own.

  A wave of longing crashed down on her, rivaling her present confusion. He possessed a pit of yearning, the depths of which she’d never experienced before in her life. She turned and eyed him carefully, trying to read the cause in his expression. His face remained passive as he too looked over at the darting flashes of white, black and gold beneath the water.

  “What should I think?” she finally asked.

  It was Ryuu’s turn to sigh. “Now that is the question, isn’t it? What should you think? What should either of you think?” He paused for a moment before giving her a strange, almost knowing look. “Or how about, what do you feel? Would that be an easier question to answer?”

  Talk about circling back to the beginning. But what did he mean? “I’m not sure how to answer that.”

  “It’s a simple question. You seem like the type of person who is good at peeling back the layers and really getting at how another person feels. What do you get from me? What am I feeling? What are you feeling?”

  His earnest expression threw her. Coupled with his question, she should feel some shock or surprise. Regardless of how familiar he felt, he was practically a complete stranger, not some long-lost friend. She should demand that he mind his own business, or just turn around and walk back to her room. Instead she felt almost compelled to answer him. Still, she purposely ignored the second half of his question. “You want something or need something. I’m not certain what but you have an air of desperation to you. I don’t think it’s anything that RM&J can help you with.”

  “You’re right there,” he seemed to have no problem admitting. “But what about you? Could you help me?”

  Janice mentally tested the walls she’d built around herself. While she always got a certain amount of leakage when she didn’t reach out on purpose, it hadn’t taken her long to figure out if she stayed too open to other people she’d go a little crazy. So she had built up defenses over the years, barriers she didn’t even think about, to keep herself safe. She had to stop for a moment, opening herself completely to him, to his emotions, in order to see beyond what managed to make it over the walls.

  The deep-seated lust came as a complete shock to her. An emotion that strong should’ve broken through her guard. How could he disguise that so completely? She should have been on the lookout the moment he stepped next to her with those raging hormones of his. Instead she hadn’t felt the least bit uncomfortable in his presence.

  At least, not until now.

  She took a step away from him, the low heels of her shoes scraping across the wooden plank drowning out the gentle sound of the stream. He tilted his head and gave her a half-grin. “Eric predicted that you wouldn’t go for it.”

  “Go for what?” she whispered, eyes widening. What the hell had this man been talking to Eric about? Didn’t Eric realize how much the man wanted her?

  “The thought of the three of us together, is it that difficult for you?”

  “Three of us?”

  The question seemed to puzzle Ryuu, who turned the full power of his attention on her. “What exactly do you think I want?”

  “Me,” she whispered.

  Ryuu laughed. Not a cruel, teasing laugh. He gave the full-bellied laugh of surprised enjoyment. “Yes, I do want you, Janice. More than you probably know. But
I want Eric too. I want the both of you.”

  Memories of her previous bouts of jealously toward her friend Lisa flashed through her mind. A three-way sounded much more interesting when it wasn’t really possible. Being offered one on a silver platter was plain scary. Be careful what you wish for. “Well I don’t think Eric would be too keen on that.”

  “Funny, he said much the same thing about you. Don’t think he’d want to share?” Ryuu asked. She didn’t have to see the heartfelt look on his face to feel both his honest curiosity and blatant disbelief.

  She leapt to her lover’s defense. “I’m pretty sure he isn’t into the guy-guy thing.”

  “Oh, you might be surprised.”

  Janice didn’t like Ryuu’s smug grin. She liked the echoing confidence flaring around him even less. What the hell was that all about? What did he believe he knew that put him at an advantage?

  She stepped closer to get a better read. He took immediate advantage of her move, wrapping his arms around her and spinning. A momentary shot of panic surged through her as he trapped her between the rail of the bridge and his body. She moved one arm back, the palm of her hand poised to strike out at his nose. But the expression on his face stopped her.

  It wasn’t fierce. It wasn’t predatory. It wasn’t the face of a monster about to take what he wanted regardless of her feelings. His face held only a deep sense of longing. She felt something close to sorrow and a deep loneliness rising up from his soul, almost tragic in its intensity.

  With the agony so sharp around her, she just couldn’t gather the strength to push away someone who so obviously needed comfort.

  Instead she found herself trying to send him her own emotions, her sympathy and compassion. For a moment those emotions seemed to flow from her and into him, calming his need. She reached up and cupped his cheek with her palm.

  He groaned, a grating and painful sound. A maelstrom of emotions broke apart inside him, slamming against her. The violent waves of release crashed over her, sending her head spinning.


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