Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 82

by Maggie Way

  His head lowered until his lips met hers. Passion, lust, and everything primal had filled their weekend together, but this was gentler. His kissed made her lightheaded. She would have fallen if he hadn’t held her so tightly.

  She didn’t think. Only feeling remained, and she felt that she was falling for Hudson Smith all over again. It wasn’t just about sex. His kiss held the promise of something more as he pulled her closer to him.

  His mouth explored her like he had the rest of his life to do it. He took his time taking bits of her, and she didn’t mind offering anything up to him as long as he never stopped.

  “Are we interrupting your little make-out session?” an annoyed voice asked.

  Hudson pulled back but kept his hands on her. She was grateful for his support, or her ass would have hit the tiled floor.

  Arianna and her mother stood in the entryway and stared at them.

  Tonya found her balance and moved out of Hudson’s arms, although it felt like leaving one of the most comfortable places she’d ever been.

  “No,” she said to them. “You’re not interrupting. Come in.”

  She could feel Hudson staring at her before he acknowledged the women. “Feel free to take a seat,” he said. “We have some new pieces that you’ll love.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Arianna snapped. “It is my wedding day, after all.”

  “Of course,” Hudson said.

  “We’re not sitting this time,” Mrs. McKnight said. “My daughter will scan the pieces and decide for herself. We have a busy day, and coming back here has already wasted enough of our time.”

  Tonya had never wanted to slap some sense in another woman more than she did in that moment. Maybe they had some hot melted chocolate lying around that she could use as ammunition. This family was trying her last nerve, and she wondered if losing their order would be worth drenching those fancy outfits of theirs in chocolate.

  “Mother is right,” Arianna said. “We refuse to waste our time.”

  Yep. It’d be worth it.

  She felt Hudson grab her hand and led her closer to the samples the women analyzed. From where they stood behind the counter, the McKnights couldn’t see their joined hands.

  “These are better than the first set, at least. Why didn’t you show us your best work before?”

  Because you never said what you wanted, you dreadful brat, Tonya thought. It took everything in her not to say that out loud. Catering to this woman’s haughty attitude didn’t seem worth it.

  Hudson squeezed her hand, probably thinking she was close to losing it. Maybe he knew her better than she thought.

  Arianna stopped at the chocolate mountain carving. She tilted her head as she studied it. “I like this one. It’s grand and natural at the same time.”

  “Just like you, dear,” her mother said.

  Tonya snickered and the women looked up at her. She faked a sneeze into her shirt to cover it up.

  “Sorry,” Tonya said. “Allergies.” She moved away to avoid fake sneezing on the chocolate and had to release Hudson’s hand to do it.

  She thought she saw a stifled smirk from Hudson, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.

  “This is our most technical piece,” Hudson said.

  “Can you turn it into a volcano instead, so chocolate flows out of it?” Arianna asked. “I want it to be my special chocolate fountain.”

  A volcano? Was she serious? It was a genuine Blue Ridge Mountain replica. Not some junior high science project. Next thing she wanted would be real diamonds embedded in the mountain base.

  “We can do that,” Hudson said. He sounded disappointed in the change, too.

  “Good,” Arianna said, waving her hands around the mountain. “I want that and nothing less than amazing. Mother, pay him so we can leave.”

  “Yes, dear.” The woman took out her checkbook and wrote briefly before tearing it out and handing it to Hudson. “Remember, this is a prominent event. Almost the entire town will be there. Be sure not to embarrass yourself and mess up my Arianna’s special day.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Hudson said, taking the check.

  “Better not.” The woman turned and left them standing there looking at nothing but empty space.

  Why did Tonya’s first clients have to be harpies from hell? She was grateful for the privacy of working in the kitchen. Most times Dezrah, Austin, and Hudson would be dealing with people, and she could go back to working behind the scenes in peace.

  “We need to celebrate,” Hudson said.

  She crossed her arms and stared at him. “That didn’t feel like a victory.”

  “You let them leave unharmed. Seems like a victory to me.”

  Tonya laughed. “I can’t promise to not do something next time. I’m not sure how much more of them I can take without resorting to bakery violence.”

  “Then let’s put them out of our minds for as long as we can. Have dinner with me tonight.”

  “Dinner? You mean like a date?”

  “Yeah, an actual date with me since we haven’t been on a proper one yet.”

  “Eating dinner with you is going to make me forget how crazy our clients are?”

  “Maybe. You’d be surprised what I can help you forget.” His voice held a deep promise that she knew he could fulfill.

  Her time with him over the last couple of days flooded back into her memory. She had a pretty good idea what he could do to make the rest of the world disappear.

  There was heat between them, for sure, but could they actually be compatible and civil enough to date?

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” she said.

  “Why not?” He moved closer to her, reminding her how intimidating he could look when he wanted to.

  “We don’t really like each other?”

  “I like you plenty. After this past weekend, I enjoy you even more.”

  Heat filled her face and traveled through her entire body. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “What did you mean?”

  “Just because we’re good together in bed doesn’t mean we’re compatible as a couple.”

  “Haven’t you heard what they say about opposites?”

  “Attraction isn’t enough to last forever.”

  “I’m not asking for forever, Tonya. Just dinner with possibilities. Can you at least indulge me a little?”

  His blue-green eyes sparkled enough to make any woman melt and give him anything he wanted. It was hard to say no when he added a scowl to go along with it.

  “Fine. Just dinner. Stop it with the pouting. It’s distracting.”

  “Then it’s working.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up against him until she was forced to place her hands on his chest for balance. “I’m going to change your mind about us. That’s a promise.”

  She thought he was going to kiss her, but he released her as the sound of the first employees arriving hit them.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven,” Hudson said. “Wear something tasty.” He slipped out the back exit but winked at her before he left.

  Dinner with that man was a bad idea. A very bad idea. So why was she looking forward to it so much?

  Chapter Eight


  Hudson waited outside for Tonya and leaned against his blue Jaguar. He texted he was there, but he couldn’t go inside. If he did, he couldn’t be sure they’d make it out for dinner.

  Besides, he had a package delivered to Tonya, and he was anxious to see if she wore it. He’d taken enough clothes off her to know her dress size, and he picked out something to show off those amazing curves, only a few parts of her he couldn’t get enough of.

  When she finally appeared, he felt like his breath had been punched out of him. The teal-colored dress flowed over her skin like butter and accentuated each line of her figure as she walked.

  Immediately, he knew that dress was a mistake because he wanted to rip it off of her. He also knew she could turn the head of ev
ery guy in the restaurant, and he would have to calm himself mentally to keep from punching the shit out of them for looking at her.

  “Hi,” she said, and even her voice matched the seductiveness of the dress.

  “You wore it.”

  She smiled. “You told me to wear it in your letter, and it looked too pretty to not put it on.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t look so surprised. I’m good at following directions, especially when I’m motivated.”

  His cock jerked in response to her voice, and he regretted going out to eat when all he wanted to do was drag her back into her apartment and head straight for her bed.

  He knew Tonya didn’t like to be told what to do. She only did what she wanted, and he respected that about her. That she had followed his instructions so well only made him wonder what else he could ask for. Things that could have her panting beneath him and begging for more.

  “You look gorgeous in it,” he finally said when he could stop ogling her. He opened the car door for her. “I make no promises as to whether it’ll stay on you tonight.”

  Her head fell back with laughter and her breasts shook. Damn the woman was driving him crazy, and the night hadn’t even started yet.

  He got to the restaurant on a hope and a prayer. Otherwise he would have had an accident since he kept taking his eyes on the road to look at Tonya’s bare legs. Thank goodness for a small town on a weekday night. Back in his hometown of New York would have been nightmare central, which was why he rarely drove when he lived there.

  He pulled in front of the La Colline Bleue, a ritzy French restaurant at the edge of town named for its place snuggled at the base of a hill. A uniformed attendant came over to park his car. Usually, he gave a short speech about not scratching it up, but he wanted to be next to Tonya sooner rather than later.

  He tipped the worker generously and tossed him the keys. Another attendant opened Tonya’s door and was practically drooling over her.

  “I got her,” Hudson said. “Thanks.” He gently pushed the kid back, but the attendant’s eyes never left Tonya’s body. He wondered if it was too early to start kicking asses, but Tonya brought his attention back to her.

  “Fancy place to celebrate, Mr. Smith,” Tonya said, grabbing his arm with both of hers. “I may actually enjoy this dinner after all, but promise not to kill every guy who looks my way.”

  He held her close as if letting her go would send her flying away from him. “If they keep staring like that, I may have to start a death list.”

  She giggled. “He’s just a boy, Hudson. I prefer men.” Her fingers stroked his arm and he calmed a little.

  “Good. That just means the list is a little smaller,” he said with a grin.

  The coat check area was the first part of the restaurant before they got to the host.

  “Welcome to La Colline Bleue,” the girl at the desk said. “Can I take you jackets?”

  Hudson slid Tonya’s wrap off her shoulders, taking his time to graze her skin. He loved the way she reacted to him. He handed it to the coat check girl before getting their ticket.

  They were seated immediately, and he ordered a bottle of their best French red wine.

  “Care for me to order for us?” he asked.

  “Please,” she said looking over the menu. “I have no clue what any of this is, except the dessert menu.”

  “I figured we could have that later,” he said. He could see her squirm in her seat at his dark promise, and he couldn’t wait for later.

  He tried to keep the talk light as they went through the wine and dinner. He ordered honeyed pork loin with roasted apples and thyme. It was a savory and sweet combination he knew Tonya would love, and he enjoyed every moment she ate. Her lips wrapping around the fork, the small but sure chews she made, the small moans that drove him wild.

  He kept the conversation going about her and her time in Richmond before moving with Dezrah to Bluehaven, although he noted some of his New York experiences and college days at Columbia.

  “That’s one thing I miss about not going to college,” Tonya said. “The fun college days you’re supposed to have.”

  “Really? I can’t see you relaxing on campus. You would have probably spent all your time in the dorm rooms studying.”

  “Not all the time.”

  “You were lots of fun when I met you at the Christmas party, but since becoming the head baker, you seem so serious all the time. When’s the last time you just cut loose and had some fun?”

  “I like to have fun, too. I can be spontaneous.”

  “You sure you haven’t forgotten how?”

  “It’s true.”

  “All right. What’s the last spontaneous thing you did?”

  Her faced filled with determination like she had been challenged and it was dutifully accepted. “Wait here,” she said. “I’ll be right back.” Tonya left before he could ask where she was going.

  The waiter came with the check and he paid, anxiously wondering what Tonya was up to.

  She finally reappeared, but there was something different about her. Her cheeks glowed and darkened as she sat back down.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  Tonya stared at him and smiled. She looked around them, as if checking for others within hearing distance.

  She eventually leaned over the table, and he mimicked her movements.

  “I’m not wearing any underwear,” she said, pride filling her face.

  “None?” he asked, his breath hitching.

  She opened her purse to show matching panties and bra inside of it.

  He noticed then the small outline of her nipples, and he couldn’t stop the reflex of licking his lips.

  It was time to go. Right now.

  He got up so fast that people turned to look at them. He couldn’t give a damn about them as he grabbed Tonya’s hand and yanked her up.

  “Hudson,” she said.

  He couldn’t talk. He was a man on a mission.

  They weren’t going to make it back to either of their places, by the feel of the straining bulge in his pants. Fuck it then. He saw the coat check girl was missing, and he acted on impulse. Hudson pulled Tonya into the coat closet, which wasn’t a closet at all but a large room with rows upon rows of coats and jackets.

  “Hudson,” Tonya asked, “what are you doing?”

  “Finding us some privacy.”

  “In a coat closet?” she asked.

  Hudson led her to the far end in a shadowed place that was hard to see. It was good enough for what he needed. He pushed her up against the wall and took her mouth with a vengeance.

  She tasted so sweet and divine, with the remnants of apples in her flavor. He teased her tongue and nibbled her lips like a mad man.

  He didn’t care if anyone walked in on them. He had to have this woman. His woman.

  His fingers slid up her legs, and he found her bare ass and cupped her cheeks. He lifted her up until her legs wrapped around him.

  “Here?” she asked.

  He kissed along her neck. “It’s either here or I take you right back out there and we have an audience. I have to be inside you.”

  He kissed her again to make the decision an easy one. Then he cursed under his breath.

  “Shit, shit, shit.”

  “What’s wrong?” Her voice was breathy.

  “I left the condoms in the car. I don’t have any with me.”

  “I’m on birth control,” she said.

  “I haven’t been with anyone but you in months,” he said, “but I want you to feel safe.”

  “I do. Hudson, don’t stop.”

  “Are you sure, baby?”

  She nodded.

  He wasted no time freeing his hardness from his pants. His fingers found her wetness and slid inside her from behind. She was so ready for him, and he couldn’t wait any longer.

  He lined himself with her entrance and pushed forward, sending her head back. He worked her against the length of him. They both groaned int
o each other, keeping as quiet as they could.

  She was perfection as she gripped him tight with each thrust forward and each pull back.

  Every time with her was like a new one. Tonya consumed every part of his mind and body. Not only did she belong to him, he was hers, too. She just didn’t know how much yet.

  He waited for her orgasm first, pulled it out of her body and needed to hear it crash into her.

  “Hudson,” she moaned.

  “Right here, baby,” he said. “Not letting you go.”

  He changed angles so he hit the spot that always made her shudder for him. That’s when she broke down her walls and allowed pleasure to consume him. Watching her pushed him over.

  He released everything he had deep inside of her, marking every part of her body as his.

  He didn’t put her down until they slowed their panting. He claimed her mouth again, this time thanking her with each one.

  He found her shawl with the number on his ticket and led her out of the coat room.

  The coat room girl was back, but he wasn’t fazed. He wanted to get out of there so he could get access to all of Tonya.

  “There you are,” he told the girl. “You were out, so we got our stuff.” He tossed the ticket to her. “Have a good night.”

  Hudson didn’t give her a chance to respond.

  “You’re awful,” Tonya whispered.

  “You didn’t think so a minute ago in the coat room,” he teased.

  Tonya shook her head, but a smile was there so he couldn’t miss it. “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her heated skin. “I was wondering the same thing about you.”

  He didn’t deserve her, but he let her go once. It wasn’t happening a second time.

  Chapter Nine


  The Founders Day Festival was a weeklong event for Bluehaven. They had everything from contests to plays to a carnival for the people. As a new resident, it was all big for Tonya. The town came alive with decorations and strung-up lights through the main street. It was almost like Christmas in the spring, and Hudson had been her date to all of it. It was odd but familiar at the same time.


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