Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 187

by Maggie Way

  As I turned around, I spotted her and the blood rushed to my head. Grace was beaming her thousand-watt smile as she spoke with other guests and I stood there entranced, just waiting for her to notice me. She was about fifteen feet away. She wore a strapless black dress that hugged her slim frame all the way to her knees and sexy, pointy-toed heels the color of a cerulean blue ocean. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of her, but the crowd suddenly thinned and I felt exposed. I wasn’t ready to face her just yet; it didn’t feel right.

  The wedding was about to start down on the beach. It was 3:20 PM and the ceremony was scheduled for 3:30. Jake and Alyssa must have departed while I was looking at the terrace. I followed a group of guests down a couple flights of stairs. There was a bench area where some people took off their shoes. Others left theirs on. I stalled, about to take mine off but decided not to. I didn’t want Grace to come across me. I stepped down into the soft sand and my shoes sank in deeply as I stepped. It was hard to walk, feeling more slippery than I expected and I struggled to walk as normally as I could.

  It was an intimate setting. A symbolic white canopy and an altar sat perched on the sand several yards from the water. The Rabbi stood smiling. Three violinists sat just to the right of the canopy. To my relief many people remained standing allowing me to blend in. The white folding chairs that had been set in rows of five by five on each side of a sandy aisle were all filled. Admiring the elegant scene, I thought that it would be just what I would want if I ever got married again. I joined the group standing farthest away and looked out at the ocean.

  It couldn’t have been a more beautiful day for a wedding. The sky was cloudless; the sun golden and warm, casting a sepia tone over everything it touched. A warm, light breeze ruffled everyone’s hair and made the canopy billow. Hope filled me. Hope for Grace and even more so for the plans I had put in motion over the past few months, plans to fight for the right to see my daughter. The time had come to fight for the people I loved and left behind.

  Finally, music began, a sweet symphonic sound that I immediately recognized as Pachelbel’s Canon in D, written in the late 1600’s. The song was quite possibly the most famous wedding song of all time. The crowd grew quiet and I closed my eyes taking in the beauty of tune. Canon in D with its rhythmic pattern of two important melodies created a counterpoint and texture so profound that it’s used as inspiration in modern-day music – imitation and repetition that function separately but when played together, sound harmonious.

  When I opened my eyes, Marty appeared first, walking toward the altar in his black tuxedo and bare feet. He looked happy and terrified all at the same time. The standing guests parted, making way for Marty and a trio accompanying him – probably his family, mother, father, younger brother. Marty stood alone with the Rabbi near the altar. My eyes roamed over the crowd looking for Grace. I spotted her right away, way on the other side. I took in her fine features and swore that time had only made her more beautiful. As her hands came up to her face covering her mouth, a collective gasp floated through the air. Everyone turned to face Nadine.

  Chapter Five


  I gasped.

  Tears stung my eyes as soon as Nadine appeared and a flood of memories crashed over me. I looked away to steal everyone else’s reaction. Were they as taken as I was? A wistful sigh leaked from the depths of my dreams as my eyes wandered over the crowd. There was the perfect number of people in attendance. Not too small, not too large. It looked to be under one hundred, even less – I always had wished for a smaller, simpler wedding – though never regretted all the love that was lavished upon Phillip and I on our wedding day.

  The drape of Nadine’s white gown fell perfectly at her bare feet. Her 1930’s inspired sleeveless silk sheath with its cowl bodice, beaded v-neckline and belt was the epitome of elegance. A dainty jeweled tiara sparkled in the sunlight like an angel’s halo atop her smooth tresses.

  A sweet classical wedding song played as Nadine walked down the aisle, clutching her father’s arm. As she began her ascent up onto the thin wooden platform perched atop the sand, a radiant smile covered her face. Marty’s adoring eyes beamed at her. I glanced back over the crowd of smiling faces, stalling on one face that stood out because he was the only one whose teeth weren’t shining with his smile. He was a handsome man with short dark hair and electric eyes. His face seemed familiar. I blinked as he held my gaze, racking my mind trying to recall him. We held each other’s stare long enough for butterflies to start batting their wings. Did I know him? He wore a black suit with a white shirt and no tie. His lips began to curl upward, smiling at me and in an instant with the flip of a three-finger wave, it dawned on me. It was Kai.

  Turning away in shock, I tried to calm my heart, which pounded like a jackhammer in my chest. My head went woozy. Sucking in a deep breath, I wondered if I was seeing things. I felt flushed in the cool ocean breeze. It couldn’t be him. I was sure I looked as shocked as I felt. Turning my head to confirm my suspicions, I found he was gone. Rubbing my sweaty hands together to dispel my nerves, I tried to focus on the ceremony. The Rabbi recited something, but I couldn’t concentrate enough for the words to make any sense. All I heard was the whooshing of blood rushing through my ears.

  Then I felt his presence. How was it that after all these years apart, my body still seemed to be attuned to him enough to KNOW he was near?

  I watched Nadine and Marty, willing myself to not to look over my shoulder. My feelings were as accurate as a heat-seeking missal – Kai was by my side. The warmth of him wrapped around me. As I peeked at him, he tipped his coifed head to me. I gulped my desire down, looking away.


  The essence of him curled into my head as I felt his breath at my ear, his voice silky and deep. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  Feeling like a schoolgirl all of a sudden, I gave him a timid smile and thanked him under my breath. I was barely able to spit out a more than deserving compliment back to him, “And you certainly polish up nicely,” I lamely managed to whisper back through all my flustered thoughts. As I said it, I looked up at him, but his eyes were on the bride and groom.

  A cute smirk sprung to his lips. I couldn’t get over his short hair. The cut took his good looks to a whole new level. As long as I’d known Mordechai Burton he’d always worn his hair in long. And I couldn’t recall ever seeing him without some sort of uneven scruff on his face. I had to peel my eyes away from his redefined appearance.

  When the ceremony finally ended with the breaking of glass, my first thought was Thank God. Kai had a stranglehold on my concentration. A surge of electricity rushed from the small of my back to my fingers when Kai briefly laid his hand there before he began his celebratory clapping. Guests erupted with good cheer as man and wife made their way down the aisle hand in hand, glittering in wedded bliss. I felt as if I’d been frozen, barely recalling the details of their union. I put on a happy face, all the while cursing my curiosity as to why Kai was at my side.

  I wasn’t really surprised Kai was at the wedding. Jake had mentioned he would be singing some songs as a favor to Marty, so to see his drummer there, made sense. I just wasn’t prepared for what was happening.

  What was happening?

  Guests began to move from their seats, making their way across the sand back to the hotel. I sighed, afraid to look in Kai’s direction. Then I felt his hand press gently on my back and I turned toward him. Our eyes danced and I could barely fight the lure of him.

  I grabbed at any bravery I had left asking, “Kai, what is it?”

  He swallowed as if mustering his own courage. Taking both my hands in his by the fingertips, he tenderly kissed the top of each. My heart melted and ripples of thawing desire pulsed through me. He looked deep into my eyes and asked, “May I have the first dance with you?”

  His eyes were pools of longing. The undertone of the moment was heartfelt. Taken by Kai’s gesture, I had trouble finding my voice and nodded my acceptance.

  “What have we g
ot here?” A female voice sounded, snatching our attention from each other. Alyssa stepped toward us with Jake right behind. They both smiled with inquisitive glints in their eyes.

  Alyssa shook her head staring at Kai. “Holy shit, look at you! What have you done? You look beyond handsome, Mister. This,” she nodded at both Jake and I pointing at Kai, “This is his look. You look dashing, Mr. Burton.”

  Kai laughed and stood tall, running his hand over his lapel. “Thank you, Alyssa.” His eyes zipped over to me. “I just thought this occasion deserved some respect.”

  “Dashing is the word. I told him he looked like 007,” Jake announced.

  I nodded in agreement saying, “It most definitely took me by surprise. You look remarkable, Mordechai.”

  A silly grin appeared on his face. “You’re the only one who calls me that…besides my mother.”

  Jake slapped him on the back. “Let’s go. We have got some songs to sing.”

  Kai pointed at me. “I’ll see you on the dance floor.”

  My heart skipped a beat and I felt myself blushing. When I looked over at Alyssa she was eyeing me intentionally making me feel as if she knew something I didn’t.

  I stepped quickly to her. “What’s with Kai? You know something, what is it?”

  She laughed. “I don’t know anything. I just think it’s cute the way he is with you.”

  I shook my head. “What do you mean?”

  “We watched the whole thing. We were seated at the back and saw it all unfold.” She giggled before her lips turned down quickly. “I feel bad because I was watching you guys and not Nadine and Marty!” She looked over her shoulder as she said it, then she whispered, “She won’t know. If you’ve seen one wedding, you’ve seen ’em all. I just couldn’t stop watching. Kai is really smitten with you.”

  I moaned. “He needs to be smitten with someone else.”

  Alyssa nodded dolefully. “He certainly put on his party clothes today.”

  I looked up at the hotel’s terrace as people began to fill the space. An upbeat tune wafted through the air.

  “Come on.” Alyssa waved her hand for me to walk with her. “I checked on the boys; they’re having a great time with my brother and his kids.”

  “Thanks for offering to have Ethan along. I’m sure your brother didn’t sign up for that.”

  “It’s fine. He loves kids and it makes it easy on him with older kids to help.” She said in an attempt to squelch my guilt for piggybacking off their sitting arrangement. “I think it’s awesome that Jackson and Ethan are so close.”

  We walked into the hotel and dusted off our feet with towels provided by the hotel staff. Slipping my shoes back on I watched and wondered about the other guests.

  “I know Nadine is light on girlfriends or any friends for that matter, so who are all these people?”

  Alyssa chuckled. “She’s gotten better at making friends. But most of these people are Marty’s family and family friends. Some are new friends Nadine made through her job. But other than Marty, she swears she only needs me and Marshall in her life.”

  I smiled, feeling akin to her small garden. “I prefer tending to a limited selection too, so I get it.”

  As Alyssa and I made our way through the small hotel lobby, I couldn’t help but search for Kai. My mind told me to stay away from him, but everything from the neck down told me to explore the situation. I knew Kai, and he was on a mission to make some sort of an impression with me. Much as I hated to admit it, it was working, because I never thought in a million years I’d see him as anything other than your typical rock star.

  A cute blonde waitress approached me carrying a tray of champagne flutes filled with pink bubbling liquid. I quickly grabbed two. Alyssa reached for one of them but stopped when I shook my head and swallowed half a glass in an instant.

  “Excuse me!” I called out and looked at Alyssa. “She needs one.”

  Alyssa laughed and thanked the girl when she returned with the tray.

  “Sorry,” I said and finished off one glass with a final big gulp. “I suppose I should keep it classy and stick to one glass.”

  She took the empty glass from my hand. “Grace, you could be wearing a burlap sack, holding a bottle of whiskey and would still look more classy and beautiful than any woman here.”

  Her words took me by surprise and I felt like crying on the spot. I pressed my fingers to my lips holding back the tears. I held up the champagne glass. “Maybe I should stick to just one.”

  “Aww, Grace.” Alyssa said and rubbed my arm.

  “I’m sorry.” I said composing myself and smiled. “I can’t remember the last time a woman complimented me.”

  Alyssa’s head tilted and she sighed. “I know. I can’t recall it either. I think women are too hard on each other. Women tend to let their insecurities rule their actions.”

  I held my shoulders back. “Cheers to women supporting women.”


  “Thank you for hanging out with me. I don’t know anyone here and I knew I was on Nadine’s short list, so I just had to come. Weddings used to be fun.”

  “Well, from the looks of it, this wedding will be especially fun for you. I think you should have a good time and keep an open mind.” She said grabbing my hand and leading me out to the terrace where she was whisked by people she knew. Moving toward the buffet, I glimpsed at the offerings then spotted Kai several yards away, next to the DJ stand. He was talking with a woman. I stood and watched him as I slowly finished my glass. He certainly looked chic and disarming. The young woman had his full attention.

  Chapter Six


  Felicity. That was her name. Her bright hazel eyes brimmed with excitement and youth. She grabbed a glass of champagne without concern, as if she’d done it a hundred times before, so she had to be twenty-one. But she couldn’t have been much older than that. Her story was engaging. Her older brother was one of my old band’s roadies on tour so, I remembered when she was just a pre-teen hanging around. Her dad worked with the Marty’s father, Morris.

  Our conversation ceased when Jake joined us. Felicity asked for a selfie with Jake and me. “My friends are gonna be so jealous!” She handed me her business card, asking that I keep in touch before she wandered off to mingle.

  Jake angled against the high top table next to him and tugged at his collar. “No shoes required, but they wanna strangle me,” he said under his breath and then eyed me. “So?” he said in singsong.

  “So, what?” I leaned my elbows onto terrace railing looking out over the sand and sea. Small clusters of people had formed below and a few pointed. I waved and Jake smiled, waving too. Screams rang out from a few girls as they jumped up and down. I heard Jake’s name float up.

  “Watch out, now that they know you’re here…” I said, pointing at a couple men who were obviously paparazzi, “Social media is gonna unleash your whereabouts.”

  “You’re not immune, my friend.” He asserted.

  “Let’s give ’em a picture.” I grabbed Jake and pulled him over, draping my arm around his shoulders. Flinging my other arm in the air I shouted. “Here’s your chance!”

  The phones and cameras went up instantly. We stood there for a few moments smiling at the people, like we were European royalty, for them to take our pictures.

  “What the heck is going on?” I turned to see Alyssa walking up. She hung on Jake’s back and peeked over his shoulder. “Oh geez.”

  “Aly! Oh my gawd! It’s Aly! Aly!” A brunette shouted. “I love you! My sister plays volleyball too!”

  Jake yanked Alyssa from behind him. “Wave to your fans, darlin’.”

  “It’s Aly and Jake!” Another shrill voice shouted.

  “Give ’em something to see, Alyssa.” I chuckled.

  “Nadine’s gonna kill you, Kai.” She said through a fake smile and gritted teeth. Waving at the girls below, she followed up with, “She’s gonna kill me for participating.”

  “Hey, her wedding w
ill be all over the world now. She’ll love it.” I replied and pointed out, “Look, there are people way over there, taking pictures of them taking their wedding pictures.”

  I wondered for the umpteenth time where Grace was. Peering over my shoulder, I honed in on her right away. She was talking to a couple near the bar. “Gracie!” I called out and signaled her over. “Come here.”

  An embarrassed smile spread on her lips when she saw the eyes trained on her. Oops. I gestured her over again without shouting. Jake and Alyssa turned their backs on the people below causing shouts of disappointment to peal through the air. Grace approached wearing with a playful simper. Without a word I reached for her hand.

  She gave me a little nod and greeted Jake and Alyssa. “What’s worth the calling?”

  Alyssa turned back to face the crowd below. Her name could be heard in bursts of excitement from the mass. “The boys decided to say hello to some people, and I bet if you check social media the whole world now knows they’re here.”

  Grace’s hand slipped from mine and I took it back. “You’re missing all the fun, Gracie. Come here and say hello to the people.”

  “You’re insane.” She giggled. “The people don’t care about me.”

  “I care.” The words flubbed out softly and I held my breath.

  She didn’t flinch as she looked out over the beach. “Look at all the people taking pictures of Nadine and Marty.”

  “Look, she’s waving.” Alyssa announced and both of her arms flew up in the air, hands flapping. “She’s blissfully unaware or doesn’t care that you guys are causing a scene.”


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