A Texan for Christmas

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A Texan for Christmas Page 4

by Jules Bennett

  Beau knew coming back would rip his heart open, but he’d had no clue his brother would just continually pour salt into the wound. But he had nobody to blame but himself. He was man enough to take it, though. He would push through the hard times and reconnect with his family. If losing Hector had taught him anything, it was that time was fleeting.

  “I can’t make up for the past,” Beau started. “And I can’t guarantee I’ll stay forever. I just needed somewhere to bring Madelyn, and home seemed like the most logical place. I don’t care how I’m treated, just as long as she’s loved. I can work on Colt and hopefully mend that relationship.”

  “Maybe you should start with seeing Dad if you want to try to make amends with anyone.”

  The heavy dose of guilt he’d been carrying around for some time grew weightier at Hayes’s statement. His older brother was absolutely right, yet fear had kept Beau from reaching out to his father since he’d been home.

  “Will he even know me?” Beau asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  Hayes shrugged. “Maybe not, but what matters is that you’re there.”

  Beau swallowed the lump of emotions. Everything he’d heard over the past year was that their father barely knew anything anymore. The Alzheimer’s had trapped him inside his mind. He and Beau may have had major differences in the past, but Grant Elliott was still his father and Beau respected the hell out of that man...though he hadn’t done a great job of showing it over the years.

  His father had been a second-generation rancher and took pride in his work. He’d wanted his sons to follow in that same path of devotion. Beau, though, had been a rebellious teen with wandering feet and a chip on his shoulder. Pebblebrook hadn’t been enough to contain him and he’d moved away. On his own for the first time, he’d wanted to experience everything that had been denied him back home, and ended up in trouble. Then he was discovered and dubbed “a natural” after a ridiculous commercial he wanted to forget.

  Beau threw himself into the acting scene hard. His career had seemed to skyrocket overnight.

  At first he’d been on a path to destruction, then a path to stardom. And through it all, he hadn’t even thought of coming home. He’d been too wrapped up in himself. No excuses.

  Then one day he’d realized how much time had passed. He had come home but the cold welcome he’d received had sent him straight back to LA.

  But this time was different. This time he was going to stay, at least through the holidays, no matter how difficult it might be.

  “I’ll go see him,” Beau promised, finally meeting Hayes’s eyes. “I’m just not ready.”

  “Always making excuses.”

  Beau and Hayes turned to the sound of Colt’s angry voice. Just what he needed, another round with his pissed brother.

  * * *

  Colt glanced to the pitchfork in Beau’s hand. “Are you practicing for a part or actually attempting to help?”


  “No.” Beau held out his hand, cutting Hayes off. “It’s not your fight.”

  Hayes nodded and took Beau’s pitchfork and his own back to the tack room, giving Beau and Colt some privacy.

  “I came home because I needed somewhere safe to bring my daughter,” Beau stated, that chip on his shoulder more evident than ever. “I came home because it was time and I’d hoped we could put aside our differences for Christmas.”

  Did he think he could just waltz back onto the ranch and sing carols around the Christmas tree and all would be well? Had he been gone so long that he could just ignore the tension and the hurt that resided here?

  “You won’t find a red-carpet welcome here,” Colt grunted. “We’ve gotten along just fine without you for years. So if you’re just going to turn around and leave again, don’t bother with all this show now. Christmas is a busy time for Annabelle at the B and B. I don’t have time to figure out what the hell you’re doing or not doing.”

  Seeing his twin back here where they’d shared so many memories...

  Every part of Colt wished this was a warm family reunion, but the reality was quite different.

  Beau had chosen to stay away, to make a new family, a new life amidst all the Hollywood hoopla, the parties, the women, the money and jet-setting.

  Bitterness had settled into Colt long ago and showed no sign of leaving.

  “What did you want when you came by this morning?” Beau asked. “Other than to berate me.”

  Hayes carried a blanket and saddle down the stable and passed them, obviously trying to get the hell out of here and not intervene.

  Colt hooked his thumbs through his belt loops. “I was going to give you a chance to explain. Annabelle told me I should hear your side, but then I saw your replacement nanny and realized nothing about you has changed.”

  Of course Beau would have a stunning woman living under his roof with the guise of being a nanny. Was his brother ever going to mature and just own up to his responsibilities?

  “Replacement nanny?” Hayes chimed up.

  Beau’s eyes narrowed—apparently Colt had hit a nerve. But they both ignored Hayes’s question.

  The resentment and turmoil that had been bubbling and brewing over the years was best left between him and his twin. Colt didn’t want to drag anybody else into this mix.

  Though his wife had already wedged herself into the drama. He knew she meant well, he knew she wanted one big happy family, especially considering she lost her only sibling too early in life. But still, there was so much pain in the past that had only grown like a tumor over the years. Some things simply couldn’t be fixed.

  Beau kept his gaze straight ahead to Colt. “Who I have helping with Madelyn is none of your concern and I didn’t decide who the agency sent to replace Maggie. Her husband fell and broke his hip so she had to go care for him for a few weeks until their daughter can come help. If you have a problem, maybe you’d like to apply for the job.”

  “Maybe you could worry more about your daughter and less about your dick—”

  * * *

  Beau didn’t think before his fist planted in the side of Colt’s jaw. He simply reacted. But before he could land a second shot, a restraining hand stopped him. Hayes stood between the brothers, his hands on each of their chests.

  “All right, we’re not doing this,” Hayes told them both.

  “Looks like I missed the official work reunion.”

  At the sound of the new voice, Beau turned to see Nolan come striding in. No fancy doctor clothes for his oldest brother. Nolan looked like the rest of them with his jeans and Western shirt and boots and black hat.

  There was no mistaking they were brothers. Years and lifestyles may have kept them apart, but the Elliott genetics were strong. Just the sight of his three brothers had something shifting in Beau’s chest. Perhaps he was supposed to be here now, for more than Madelyn.

  “Throwing punches took longer than I thought,” Nolan growled, closing the distance. “You’ve been here a whole week.”

  Beau ignored the comment and glared back at Colt. “You know nothing about me anymore, so don’t presume you know what type of man I am.”

  “Whose fault is that?” Colt shouted. “You didn’t let us get to know the man you grew into. We had to watch it on the damn movie screen.”

  Guilt...such a bitter pill to swallow.

  “Why don’t we just calm down?” Hayes suggested as he stepped back. “Beau is home now and Dad wouldn’t want us going at each other. This is all he ever wanted, us together, working on the ranch.”

  “You haven’t even been to see him,” Colt shot at Beau, his dark eyes still judgmental.

  “I will.”

  Colt shook his head in disgust, but Beau didn’t owe him an explanation. Beau didn’t owe him anything. They may be twins, but the physical appearance was where their similarities ended. They were different men
, with different goals. Why should Beau be sorry for the life he’d created for himself?

  Nolan reached them then and diverted his attention. “Pepper wanted me to invite you and Madelyn for dinner,” he stated in that calm voice of his. “Are you free this evening?”

  Beau blew out the stress he’d been feeling and raked a hand along the back of his neck. “Yeah. I’m free. Madelyn’s been a little cranky. Scarlett thinks she’s cutting teeth, but we should be able to make it.”

  “Scarlett?” Nolan asked.

  “His new nanny,” Colt interjected. “She’s petite, curvy, stunning. Just Beau’s type.”

  Beau wasn’t going to take the bait, not again. Besides, already he knew that Scarlett was so much more than that simple description. She was vibrant and strong and determined...and she’d had his fantasies working overtime.

  “You’re married,” he said instead to his twin. “So my nanny is none of your concern.”

  “Just stating the facts.” Colt held his hands out and took a step back. “I’m happily married with two babies of my own, so don’t worry about me trying to lay claim. I’m loyal to my wife.”

  “Scarlett can come, too, if you want,” Nolan added, clearly ignoring his brother’s argument. “Pepper won’t mind.”

  Scarlett joining him? Hell no. That would be too familial and definitely not the approach he wanted to take on day one with his temporary help. Not the approach he’d want to take on any day with her, actually.

  Not that long ago he would’ve jumped at the excuse to spend more time with a gorgeous woman, but his hormones were just going to have to take a back seat because he had to face reality. The good times that he was used to were in the past. His good times now consisted of a peaceful night’s sleep and a happy baby.

  Damn, he was either getting old or finally acting like an adult.

  He’d always tried to keep himself grounded over the years, but now that he was home, he realized just how shallow Hollywood had made him. Shallow and jaded. Yet another reason he needed to keep himself and his daughter away from that lifestyle.

  “It will just be Madelyn and me,” he informed his brother. Then he shifted his attention back to Colt. “Do you want my help around here or not?”

  “From the prodigal son?” Colt’s jaw clenched, and Beau could see a bruise was already forming there. Colt finally nodded. “I’ve got most of the guys on the west side of the property mending fences. I’ll take your free labor here.”

  Well, that was something. Maybe there was hope for them after all. Beau decided since they weren’t yelling or throwing more punches, now would be as good a time as any to pitch his thoughts out there.

  “I want in on the dude ranch, too.”

  Beau didn’t realize he’d wanted that until they all stood here together. But there was no denying his wishes now. Whether he stayed on the ranch or not, he wanted to be part of his father’s legacy with his brothers.

  Colt’s brows shot up, but before he could refuse, Beau went on. “I’m part of this family whether you like it or not and Dad’s wish was to see this through. Now, I know you plan to open in just a few months and a good bit of the hard work is done, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use me.”

  Hayes shrugged. “Wouldn’t be a bad idea to have him do some marketing. He’d have some great connections.”

  Colt’s gaze darted to Hayes. “Are you serious?”

  “Hayes is right,” Nolan added. “I know none of us needs the extra income, but we want Dad’s dream to be a success.”

  Colt took off his hat, raked a hand over his hair and settled the hat back in place. “Well, hell. Whatever. We’ll use you until you take off again, because we all know you won’t stick.”

  Beau didn’t say a word. What could he say? He knew full well he likely wasn’t staying here long-term. He’d returned because of a deathbed promise and to figure out where to take his daughter. Pebblebrook was likely a stepping stone...nothing more. Just like Hayes had said.


  Scarlett swiped another stroke of Cherry Cherry Bang Bang on her toes. Beau had taken Madelyn to dinner at his brother’s house and told her she didn’t need to come.

  So she’d finished unpacking—getting all of her panties put away properly. Then she’d caught up on social media, and now she was giving herself an overdue pedicure with her new polish. She wasn’t a red type of girl, but she figured with the new move coming and another chapter in her life starting, why not go all in and have some fun? Now that she was admiring it against her dark skin, she actually loved the festive shade.

  And that’s about as wild as she got. Red polish.

  Could she be any more boring?

  She never dreamed she’d be in this position at nearly thirty-five years of age: no husband, no children and a changing career.

  She was fine without the husband—she could get by on her own, thank you very much. But the lack of children would always be a tender spot and the career change hurt just as much. Not that her career or lack of a family of her own defined her, but there were still dreams she’d had, dreams she’d had to let go of. These days she tried to focus on finding a new goal, but she still scrambled for something obtainable.

  Scarlett adored being a nanny, but she simply couldn’t continue in that job. Seeing all that she could’ve had but never would was just too painful.

  Ultimately, she knew she had no choice but to walk away from that career. And because she had no family, no ties to this town of Stone River, she’d decided to move away, as well. In a large city like Dallas, surely there would be opportunities she didn’t even realize she wanted.

  As she stretched her legs out in front of her on the bed, Scarlett admired her toes. If Christmas wasn’t the perfect time to paint her toes bright red, she didn’t know when would be.

  She settled back against her thick, propped pillows and reached for her laptop. In three weeks she’d be starting her new job as assistant director of activities at a nursing home in Dallas. While she was thrilled about the job and the prospect of meeting new people, she had yet to find proper housing. The one condo she’d hoped to rent had fallen through, so now she was back to the drawing board. Her Realtor in the area kept sending listings, but most were too expensive even with her pay raise.

  While her toes dried, she scrolled through page after page of listings. She preferred to be closer to the city so she could have some social life, but then the costs just kept going up. She also preferred a small home instead of a condo or apartment, since privacy was important to her. But there was no way her paycheck would stretch enough to make a mortgage payment on a house. The condo she’d wanted to rent had an elderly lady living on the other side, so Scarlett had been comfortable with that setup.

  She was switching to a new website when she heard the cabin door open and close. She eased her laptop aside and, after checking that her toes were nice and dry, she padded barefoot toward the living room.

  As soon as she stepped through the door, Beau held his finger up to his lips and Scarlett noticed the sleeping baby cradled in his arm...against one very flexed, very taut biceps.

  Down, girl.

  She’d seen him on-screen plenty of times, but seeing him in person was quite a different image. She didn’t know how he managed it, but the infuriating man was even sexier.

  Wasn’t there some crazy rule that the camera added ten pounds? Because from her vantage point, she thought maybe he’d bulked up since being on-screen because those arms and shoulders were quite something.

  Scarlett clenched her hands, rubbing her fingertips against her palms at the thought of how those shoulders would feel beneath her touch.

  She seriously needed to get control of her thoughts and focus. The only person she needed to be gripping, touching or even thinking about was Madelyn.

  Scarlett motioned toward her room and whispered, “Let
her sleep in here tonight since you didn’t sleep last night.”

  He looked like he wanted to argue, but Scarlett quirked a brow, silently daring him to say one word. He may be the big, bad billionaire, but she wasn’t backing down. Part of being a good nanny was to not only look after the child, but also take note of the parent’s needs.

  When Beau took a step toward her room, Scarlett ushered ahead and pulled the blinds to darken the space over the crib. The moon shone bright and beautiful tonight, but she wanted Madelyn to rest peacefully.

  Scarlett took her laptop and tiptoed out of the room while Beau settled Madelyn in her crib. After taking a seat on the leather sofa in the living room, Scarlett pulled up those listings again. The sleeping baby didn’t need her right now and she figured Beau had things to do. So, until he told her differently, she wouldn’t get in the way.

  Moments later, he eased from her room and closed the door behind him.

  “I have food for you.”

  His comment caught her off guard. “Excuse me?”

  Beau came around the couch and stood in front of her. That black T-shirt and those well-worn jeans may look casual, but the way they fit him made all her girly parts stand up and take note of just how perfectly built he truly was. Not that she hadn’t noticed every other time she’d ever looked at him.

  “Pepper, Nolan’s wife, insisted I bring you food and she was angry I didn’t invite you.”

  Scarlett smiled, but waved a hand. “No reason to be angry. You didn’t need me.”

  Something flared bright and hot in his eyes, but before she could identify what she’d seen, he asked, “Have you eaten?”

  “I had a granola bar, but I’m not really that hungry.” She was too concerned with being homeless when she moved to Dallas.

  Beau muttered something about needing more meat on her bones before he headed back out the front door. An instant later he came back in with containers and headed toward the open kitchen.


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