A Texan for Christmas

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A Texan for Christmas Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  The cell in Beau’s pocket vibrated once again as he pulled his horse up to Hayes’s stable. He dismounted and hooked the rein around the post. When he turned toward the house, Alexa stepped out the back door and her son, Mason, came barreling out past her.

  Beau smiled, loving how his brother had found this happiness. They’d even decorated the house for the holidays. Sprigs of evergreen seemed to be bursting from the old wagon in the yard, a festive wreath hung on the back door, and red ribbons were tied on the white posts of the back porch.

  “Hope you don’t mind me stopping by,” Beau said as he approached the steps. “I figured I should get to know my new family members a little better.”

  Alexa crossed her arms and offered a welcoming grin. “Never in my life did I think I’d meet a movie star, let alone have one for a soon-to-be brother-in-law.”

  Mason stopped right in front of Beau and stared up at him. “Hi.”

  Beau tipped his hat back and squatted down to the little guy. “Hey, buddy,” he greeted. “How old are you?”

  Mason held up one finger and smiled. Beau had already been educated on the ages of his nieces and nephews. This was just another reason he wanted Madelyn here. This new generation of Elliotts should be close, because when your life went to hell and got flipped upside down, family was invaluable.

  Beau thought of his brother Colt’s reaction yesterday. Part of him knew that if Colt didn’t care, he wouldn’t be acting like a wounded animal right now. The ones you loved most had the ability to cause the most pain.

  “Why don’t you come on in,” Alexa invited. “Mason and I were just about to make some muffins to take to Annabelle this afternoon. She’s got her hands full at the B and B, so I offered to help. I’m not a great baker, but I can make muffins.”

  “I don’t want to interrupt.”

  Alexa raised her brows. “Yet you rode out here without calling or texting?”

  She offered a wide smile and waved her hand. “Get in here. Family doesn’t interrupt.”

  Beau could see how Hayes hadn’t stood a chance with this one. She was sassy and headstrong...pretty much like the sultry seductress down in his cabin.

  Granted, Scarlett didn’t have a clue how his stomach knotted up just thinking of her, how he’d been in a tangle of sheets all night because...well, the fantasies wouldn’t let him sleep.

  Mason lifted his arms toward Beau. Without hesitation, Beau picked up his...well, this would be his nephew. He hadn’t been around children until he’d had his own. Oh, there were a few on some sets that he worked with, but they weren’t his responsibility or they were a little older and so professional, they didn’t act like regular kids.

  But this little guy didn’t care that Beau had two shiny acting awards back at his Hollywood Hills mansion. He didn’t even know who Beau was or why he was here. Mason wanted affection and he was open and trusting and ready to accept the comfort of a stranger.

  If only the rest of the family could be as welcoming as a child.

  “Hayes actually just ran into town to get more supplies at the store,” Alexa stated as she stepped into the house and held the door open for him. “I offered, but he keeps saying he needs to get out more.”

  Which was a huge accomplishment in itself. Suffering from PTSD had kept Hayes hidden away and everyone shut out for too long. Alexa had pulled him out of the rubble he’d buried himself in. The love of a good woman, Beau reckoned, was clearly invaluable. All of his brothers had found their perfect soul mate and secured a happy future.

  There was clearly something in the water on Pebblebrook Ranch. No way in hell was he drinking from the well. The last thing he needed was more commitment or a relationship to worry about. Maybe one day—maybe—but not now.

  Beau stepped into the kitchen and stilled. “Wow.”

  Alexa smiled. “I know. Hayes did an amazing job of renovating this place, though he did take my advice on the kitchen and use some of my Latino heritage as inspiration.”

  Judging by the bold colors from the blue backsplash to the yellow and orange details in random tiles on the floor, there was no doubt Hayes had made his fiancée feel part of this renovation.

  “I haven’t been back,” he murmured as he held on to Mason and stepped farther into the room. “I’m going to need a tour.”

  Alexa reached for an apron on the hook by the pantry doors. “I’m going to let Hayes do that,” she stated. “I’d say you two need some time alone.”

  The back door opened and Beau spun around to see his brother step in carrying bags of groceries.

  “That place was pure hell,” he growled as he set everything on the raw-edge kitchen table. “Remind me never to go in the morning again. Every senior citizen from town was there, all wanting to talk or shake my hand.”

  Beau knew his brother was grateful for the people who appreciated his service to their country, but Hayes had never been one for accolades.

  “That’s because they’re thankful for your service.” Alexa laughed and crossed to Beau. She lifted Mason from his hands. “Your brother wants a tour of the house. Now, go do that and let me work on these muffins so Annabelle doesn’t have to do everything for her guests.”

  Annabelle, Colt’s wife and owner of the bed-and-breakfast next door, was not only the mother of nearly two-year-old twin girls, rumor had it she was also a phenomenal chef. Beau had the utmost respect for her because he could barely make a bowl of cereal and care for Madelyn at the same time.

  Hayes eyed his brother and Beau slid off his cowboy hat and hooked it on the top of a kitchen chair. “Care to show me what you did to the place?”

  “Are we rebuilding the brotherly bond?” Hayes asked.

  “Something like that.”

  Hayes stared another minute before giving a curt nod. “Let’s go, then.”

  Beau followed Hayes out of the kitchen and caught Alexa’s warm smile and wink as he left.

  They stepped into the living room, and Beau noticed the old carpet had been replaced with wide-plank wood flooring. The fireplace and mantel had been given a facelift. The room glowed with new paint, new furniture.

  The fireplace had garland and lights draped across it, as well as three knitted stockings. A festively decorated Christmas tree sat in the front window. Presents were spread all beneath and Beau figured Hayes may have gone a bit overboard with the gifts for Mason.

  Everything before him, from the renovations to the holiday decor, was the sign of a new chapter in his brother’s life.

  Beau wanted to start a new chapter, but he couldn’t even find the right book for his life.

  “We’ll start upstairs,” Hayes said over his shoulder. “That way I can grill you without Alexa overhearing.”

  Beau mounted the steps. “Why do you think I came here instead of Colt’s? I’m easing into this re-bonding process.”

  Hayes reached the landing before making the turn to the second story. “Heard you went to Nolan’s last night. Does that mean Colt is tomorrow?”

  Beau shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  “And Dad?”

  Beau stood on the narrow strip with his brother and stared into familiar dark eyes. “I’ll get there,” he promised.

  Hayes seemed as if he wanted to say more, but he turned and continued on upstairs. “Then we can discuss your nanny while I show you what I did with the place.”

  Great. As if she hadn’t been on his mind already. She actually hadn’t gotten off his mind since she’d showed up at his door looking like she’d just stepped off a calendar for every male fantasy. The fake women in LA didn’t even compare to the natural beauty of Scarlett Patterson.

  “There’s nothing to know about her,” Beau stated, hoping that would end the conversation, but knowing better.

  “Here’s the guest bath.” Hayes motioned toward the open doorway, but remained in the hall. “We
gutted it and started from scratch. So, Scarlett replaced Maggie. That was quite a change.”

  “That wasn’t a very smooth transition from the bath to the nanny.”

  Hayes merely shrugged and leaned against the door frame, clearly waiting for an answer.

  Returning his attention to the renovated bath, Beau glanced around at the classy white and brushed nickel decor. He was impressed with all the work that went into the restoration, but he couldn’t focus. Just hearing Scarlett’s name had his body stirring. It had simply been too long since he’d been with a woman, that’s all. It wasn’t like he had some horny hang-up over his nanny. For pity’s sake, he was Beau Elliott. He could have any woman he wanted.

  Yet he wanted the one with a killer body, doe-like eyes, a layer of kickass barely covering a heavy dose of vulnerability. The fact that she cared for his daughter above all else and wasn’t throwing herself at him was just another piece in the puzzle that made up this mystery of emotions.

  His cell buzzed again and this time Beau pulled his phone out, grateful for the interruption so he could stop the interrogation.

  The second he glanced at the screen, though, he barely suppressed a groan at the sight of four voice mails and three texts. The texts, all from his new agent, were frantic, if the wording in all caps was any indicator.

  “Problem?” Hayes asked.

  Beau read the messages, but ignored the voice mails. “The movie I have coming out is getting in the way of my sabbatical.”

  Hayes crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “Is that what this is? You’re just passing through until something or someone better comes along?”

  Beau muttered a curse and raked his hand through his hair. “Hell, that didn’t come out right. I just... I have no clue what I’m doing and it’s making me grouchy. My agent and publicist have scheduled so many media slots for me to promote this movie, but I’ve told them I need to cancel. I’ll do call-ins, but I’m not going to LA or New York right now to appear on talk shows.”

  He simply couldn’t handle it. First, he wasn’t dragging Madelyn to every event because they lasted from early morning until late at night. Second, well, he needed a damn break.

  “You’re a good dad.”

  Beau jerked his attention to Hayes, surprised by his brother’s statement. “Thanks. My agent, he tried to get me to take Madelyn and basically use her for more publicity. I won’t do that. Jennifer tried and I won’t have it. I want Madelyn as far away from the limelight as possible.”

  Hayes nodded, whether in understanding or approval Beau didn’t know. Perhaps a little of both.

  “Maybe now you can see a little where Dad was coming from.”

  Hayes muttered the statement before moving on down the hall like he hadn’t just delivered a jab straight to the heart of the entire matter.

  Beau respected the hell out of his brothers and his father. Perhaps because they all had chosen one path and been happy with their lives. Beau had thought he’d been happy and on the right path, until he became a father and his ex had decided drugs and wild parties and a future as a star were much more important.

  “Show me what else you’ve done with the house,” Beau said, shoving his cell back in his pocket.

  “Don’t you need to call someone?”

  “This is more important.”

  Hayes offered a half grin, which was saying something for his quiet, reserved brother. “There’s hope for you yet. But we’re still going to circle back to Scarlett.”

  Of course they were, because why not? He’d left the house to dodge her for a bit, but now he was forced to discuss her. There was no end in sight with that woman.

  Well, in less than three weeks there would be an end.

  But he had a feeling she’d haunt his thoughts for some time.


  Scarlett handed Madelyn another fruit puff while she sat in her high chair. She wasn’t surprised Beau wasn’t here when she’d gotten home from the store.

  Home. No. Pebblebrook wasn’t her home by any means.

  Yet she’d gone a tad overboard purchasing Christmas items to decorate the place. But she couldn’t pass them by. She only hoped Beau didn’t mind.

  She busied herself putting together one of her favorite dishes. She’d come here in such a hurry and at the last minute, she had no clue if Beau had food allergies or what he liked.

  Madelyn smacked her hands against the high chair tray and made little noises then squeals. Her little feet kicked and Scarlett smiled.

  As much as being with a baby hurt her heart, Scarlett couldn’t deny it was something she’d missed. Madelyn was such a sweetheart and so easy to care for. The few times she’d fussed with her swollen gums had passed quickly, thanks to cold teething rings.

  Once the casserole was assembled and put into the oven, Scarlett unfastened Madelyn from the high chair. Madelyn let out high-pitched happy squeals and Scarlett’s heart completely melted. Babies had their own language, no doubt about it.

  “You need a bath,” Scarlett crooned. “Yes, you do. You have sticky fingers and crazy hair.”

  The click of the front door had Scarlett shifting her focus from the baby to the sexy man who filled the doorway. The second he stepped inside, his dark eyes met hers. Even from across this space, she felt that intense stare all through her body. Those eyes were just as potent as his touch.

  For a moment, Beau didn’t move and she wondered what he was thinking. She really wished he’d say something to ease the invisible charge that crackled between them.

  Scarlett finally broke eye contact, needing to get beyond this sexual tension because suddenly she was getting the idea that it wasn’t one-sided anymore. And that could be trouble.

  Big trouble.

  “I just put dinner in the oven,” she stated as she held on to Madelyn and circled the island. “I’m about to give Madelyn a bath.”

  The front door closed, then the lock clicked into place. Beau slid his black hat off his head and hung it on a peg by the door. Finally, his gaze shifted from her and roamed around the open cabin.

  “What’s all that?” he asked, nodding toward the sacks lining the sofa and dotting the area rug.

  Madelyn reached for Scarlett’s hair and tugged. “Just some Christmas decorations,” she said, pulling her hair from the baby’s sticky grasp.

  Beau propped his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Give her to me. I’ll give her a bath.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind at all.”

  Beau stepped toward her, that long stride closing the distance between them pretty quickly. “I’ll do it.”

  He slid Madelyn from Scarlett’s arms and once he had his daughter, he lifted her in the air and a complete transformation came over him. He smiled, he made silly noises and had the craziest baby-talk voice she’d ever heard.

  Well, Maggie had been right on this. Beau was completely different with Madelyn. He may be dealing with his own personal battles, but he wasn’t letting that get in the way of his relationship with his baby.

  When he went into his room and closed the door, Scarlett figured she might as well tidy up the kitchen. She’d put groceries away, then fed Madelyn when he brought her out, and laid her down for a nap. With time on her hands, she knew she should continue the house hunt. Each day that passed took her closer to her move and it was looking more and more like she’d be in a hotel for longer than she’d anticipated.

  But she pushed those worries aside for now, eschewing the laptop for the bags of decorations. She got to work taking the holiday items out of the sacks and figuring where to put them. Considering she was watching every penny, she hadn’t bought too much, but now that she was looking at everything in this small space, maybe it was a good thing she’d limited her impromptu spree. But there had been sales and, well, she was a savvy woman who couldn’t turn down a bargain—or those
little rustic cowboy boot ornaments.

  Live garland nestled perfectly on the thick wood mantel. Once the two plaid stockings were in place, Scarlett stood back and smiled. This was already starting to look like home. Not for her, but for the little family in the other room.

  She tried to take into consideration Beau’s tastes, though she didn’t know him well. At least she’d kept the decor more toward the masculine side. Though it had been difficult to leave behind the clearance garland with kissing reindeer and red sparkly snowflakes.

  For reasons she couldn’t explain, there wasn’t a tacky Christmas decoration she didn’t love.

  Before Scarlett could go through the other bags, the oven timer went off.

  She’d just set the steaming casserole dish on the stovetop when Beau stepped from his bedroom. He had Madelyn in a red sleeper with little reindeer heads on the feet. The baby looked so cute, but it was the man who drew her eyes like a magnet. Beau looked so sexy, his chest bare and his jeans indecently low on his narrow hips.

  She licked her lips, then realized that wasn’t the smartest move when his eyes dropped to her mouth. There went that tug on the invisible string pulling them together.

  Why did he have to put those tattoos on display? The image of wild horses obviously paid homage to his roots, but she couldn’t help it they also encompassed his true spirit of wanting to be wild and free...or maybe he used to be.

  Either way, the ink was a distraction she didn’t need, yet she desperately wanted to explore. Along with the lean muscles and six-pack abs.

  Scarlett cleared her throat. “Dinner is ready.”

  Beau moved closer, his eyes locked on hers as if he could read her thoughts. “Is that why you’re staring at my chest?”

  Scarlett blinked and snapped her eyes to meet his. “I was not.”

  “You’re a liar, but I won’t report that to your employer.” As he handed Madelyn over, he leaned in close and inhaled right by her neck. “Dinner smells good.”


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