A Texan for Christmas

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A Texan for Christmas Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  “Small towns do have perks.” Annabelle came to her feet and went to one of the three high chairs they’d set up. She lifted one of her twins—he still couldn’t tell the difference—and wiped the child’s hands. “Miss Emily is messy and I need to clean her up and get her changed. I’ll be right back.”

  Scarlett took a drink of her tea and then scooted her chair back. “I can start taking these dishes to the kitchen. Dinner was amazing.”

  “Sit down.” Colt motioned to her. “Annabelle wanted to make a good impression so she made everything herself, but our cook will clean up.”

  Scarlett didn’t sit, but she went to Madelyn who played in her high chair, patting the top of the tray, then swiping her hands in the water puddles she’d made by shaking her bottle.

  “Let me get her,” Beau said as he rose and circled the antique farm-style table to extract her from the high chair. “I haven’t seen her much today and when we get back she’ll need to go to bed.”

  Which would leave them alone again. Night after night he struggled. Last night had barely taken the edge off. No, that was a lie. Last night only made him want her even more. She’d come to him tonight, that much he was sure of.

  “Never thought I’d see you back at the ranch,” Colt stated. “Let alone with a child.”

  Beau patted Madelyn’s back as she sucked on her little fist. “I knew I’d come back sometime, but I never had intentions of having children.”

  When Lucy started fussing, Colt immediately jumped to get her.

  “You plan on settling down anytime soon?” he asked as he picked up his daughter. “Maybe have more kids?”

  Beau wasn’t sure what his next move was, let alone if there was a woman somewhere in his future. “I have no idea,” he answered honestly. “Believe it or not, I did love growing up here and having a large family. I’m not opposed to having more kids one day. Being a parent changes you somehow.”

  Scarlett cleared her throat and turned away. “Excuse me.”

  She fled the room and Beau glanced over his shoulder to see her heading toward the front of the house. What was wrong with her? Was it something he’d said? Was she that uncomfortable being at this family dinner?

  She didn’t owe him any explanations, but that wouldn’t stop him from finding out what he could do to make her stay here a little easier. The pain that she kept bottled up gnawed at his gut in a way he couldn’t explain, because he’d never experienced such emotions before.

  “She okay?” Colt asked.

  Beau stared at the empty doorway another minute before turning to his twin and lying to his face. “She’s fine. We can head on out if you’d rather. I know Annabelle probably forced your hand into this dinner.”

  Lucy plucked at one of the buttons on Colt’s shirt. “She didn’t, actually. I wanted you here and she offered to cook.”

  Shocked, Beau shifted Madelyn in his arms and swayed slowly back and forth as she rubbed her eyes. “So she jumped at the chance when she saw an opening?”

  Colt shrugged. “Something like that. Listen, I don’t want—”

  “Sorry about that.” Scarlett whisked back into the room and Beau didn’t miss the way her eyes were red-rimmed. “Let me take Madelyn back home and put her to bed. You two can talk and maybe Colt can bring you back to the cabin later.”

  “I’ll come with you,” he offered.

  She eased a very tired baby from his arms and shook her head. “I’ll be fine,” Scarlett said, then turned to Colt. “Please tell Annabelle everything was wonderful.”

  “I will, though I’m sure she’ll have you over again before you leave town,” Colt assured her. “I’ll make sure Beau has a ride back.”

  Scarlett nodded and then turned to go, catching Beau’s eyes before she did so. Her sad smile and that mist in her eyes undid him. She took Madelyn and left, leaving Beau torn over whether he should stay or go.

  “You’re really just going to let her go?” Colt asked. “She’s clearly upset.”

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, Beau weighed his options. “She wants to be alone. I can talk to her once I’m back and Madelyn is asleep. Besides, you and I need to talk, don’t we?”

  * * *

  Staring at his brother had Colt really taking in the moment. He loved Beau—that was never in question. He loved him in a completely different way than Hayes or Nolan. Not more, just different. Perhaps because of the special bond from twins; he wasn’t sure.

  Colt knew no matter how much anger and resentment tried to push them apart, their connection could never be completely severed.

  “I’m surprised you don’t have plans set in place to leave the ranch,” Colt stated after a moment.

  Or if Beau did, Colt didn’t know. And he wanted to...no, he needed to know. He had to steel his heart if his brother was just going to hightail it out of town again and not be heard from for years.

  “I came back for Madelyn,” Beau replied.

  “You came back for you,” Colt tossed back, unable to stop himself. “You may have had a change of heart from whatever you were doing in LA, but you needed to be here because something or someone has made you face us again. You didn’t come back because you actually wanted to.”

  Beau stared at him for a minute. Silence settled heavy between them and Colt waited for his brother to deny the accusation. He didn’t.

  “I’ve wanted you home for so long.” Colt softened his tone. He didn’t want to be a complete prick, but he also had to be honest. “When you left, I was upset, but I understood needing to do your own thing. But then you didn’t come back and...I resented you. I felt betrayed.”

  Beau muttered a curse and glanced down to his still-shiny boots before looking back to Colt. “I wanted to see just how far I could get,” he admitted. “I knew I was good at acting. So once I did that commercial, then my agent landed that first movie, things exploded. I admit I got wrapped up in my new lifestyle. But I never forgot where I came from. Not once. It just wasn’t me anymore.”

  Colt gritted his teeth and forced the lump of emotions down. “And now? Is this ranch life still not you?”

  Beau’s lips thinned as he hooked his thumbs through his belt loops. “I want a simpler life for my daughter. I don’t want her growing up around pretentious people and worrying if she fits in and all the hustle and bustle. Becoming a parent changed everything I thought about life.”

  On that, Colt could agree one hundred percent. “Being a father does change you.”

  But Beau still hadn’t answered the question completely.

  Before Colt could dig in deeper, Annabelle came back into the room without Emily. “Well, Little Miss was happy lying in her crib in her diaper, so I left her there chatting with her stuffed elephant.”

  His wife stopped her chatter as she came to stand next to Colt. “What’s going on?” she asked as she slid Emily from Colt’s arms.

  “Just talking with my brother,” Colt stated.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” She rocked Emily back and forth and patted her back. “Where is Scarlett?”

  “She took Madelyn back to the cabin for bed,” Beau told her. “She wanted me to tell you thanks for everything.”

  Annabelle shot a glance to her husband. “And did she leave because you guys were bickering or to give you space to actually talk?”

  “She really was putting Madelyn to bed,” Beau added. “I’m sure she wanted to give us space, too.”

  “And how has the talking gone?” Annabelle asked, her gaze darting between them. “I lost my sister in a car accident not long ago. We had our differences, we said things we thought we meant at the time, but I’d give anything to have her back. I just don’t want you guys to have regrets.”

  Colt’s heart clenched as Annabelle’s eyes misted. When he stepped toward her, she eased back and shook her head. Such a strong woman, his Annabelle. He ad
mired her strength and her determination to repair this relationship between brothers.

  “You’re getting another chance, so work on it,” she added. “It’s Christmas, guys. Just start a new chapter. Isn’t that what your parents would’ve wanted?”

  Beau stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “They would’ve,” Beau agreed before releasing her.

  Annabelle sniffed and swiped a hand beneath her eye.

  “Babe, don’t cry.” Colt placed his hand on her shoulder and looked to his twin. “We’re making progress. It’s slow, but it’s coming. Right, Beau?”

  He nodded. “We’re better than we were, but we’re working on years of animosity, so it might take a bit.”

  Something settled deep within Colt—something akin to hope. For the first time in, well, years, Colt had a hope for the future with his brother.

  Did Beau ultimately want that? Colt truly believed fatherhood had changed him, but they’d have to see because words were easy...it was the actions that were difficult to execute.

  “I’ll let you guys finish your chat,” Annabelle said with a soft smile and left the room.

  * * *

  Colt nodded toward the hallway and Beau followed him to the living room. They truly had taken a giant leap in their relationship.

  Once they were in the spacious room with a high-beamed ceiling and a stone fireplace that stretched up to those vaulted beams, Beau took a seat on the dark leather sofa.

  They had a full, tall Christmas tree in this room, as well. He couldn’t help but laugh. As beautiful as the perfectly decorated tree was, he suddenly found himself longing for the tiny cabin with the crooked, naked tree.

  If he were honest with himself, he longed more for the woman in the cabin who was determined to give his daughter a nice first Christmas.

  How could he not feel a pull toward Scarlett? Sexual, yes, but there was more. He couldn’t put his finger on it...or maybe he didn’t want to. Either way, Scarlett was more than Madelyn’s nanny.

  “Are you planning on leaving Hollywood?” Colt asked as he stood next to the fireplace.

  Beau eyed the four stockings and shrugged. “No idea, honestly. I know I don’t want that lifestyle for Madelyn. There’s too much in my world there that could harm her. I couldn’t even take her to a park without the paparazzi attacking us. I just want a normal life for her.”

  “You gave up the normal life when you chose to pursue acting,” Colt sneered. “You had a life here, on the ranch.”

  Beau shook his head and rested his elbows on his knees. “I’m not rehashing the past or defending myself again. I’m moving on. I won’t stay at Pebblebrook, though. There’s clearly no room and I’m still not sure what my place is.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Colt demanded. “Your place is as an Elliott. You’re still a rancher whether you want to be or not. It’s in our roots.”

  Yes, it was. Being back here had been like a balm on his tattered heart and soul. But even with coming home and diving right back into the life he’d dodged for years, something was still missing. His world still seemed as if there was a void, a huge hole he’d never fully be able to close.

  Perhaps it was Hector’s death. Losing his best friend, his father figure, his agent, was hell. But Beau wondered if being home and not seeing his actual father riding the perimeters or herding cattle was the main reason he felt so empty.

  “I’m just trying to figure things out,” Beau admitted. “I have a movie premiere a few days before Christmas. I’ll have to attend that, and then I’d like to be here for the holidays. I’ll go after that.”

  “And when will you fit a visit to Dad in there?” Colt propped his hands on his hips.

  “I’m hoping to go see him tomorrow.”

  That shut Colt up. Beau knew his brother hadn’t expected that comeback and Beau would be lying if he didn’t admit he was scared as hell to see his dad. He didn’t know how he would feel if he walked into the room and Grant Elliott had no clue who he was.

  Ironic, really. He was an award-winning movie star, but the one person in the world he wanted to recognize him was his own father.

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  Colt’s question shocked him. Beau never expected his twin to offer. Maybe this was the olive branch that Beau wondered if he’d ever see.

  He swallowed the lump of emotions clogging his throat and nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

  Colt gave a curt nod, as well. They may not be hugging it out and proclaiming their brotherly love, but this was a huge step in what Beau hoped was just the first phase in repairing their relationship. Because this process wouldn’t be quick and it wouldn’t be easy. But it was a start.


  Scarlett continued to stare at the tree mocking her in the corner. The one in Colt and Annabelle’s house had looked just like the perfect ones she’d described to Beau. There had even been ornaments on the tree of twin babies with a gold ribbon across that said “Babies’ First Christmas.”

  Scarlett hadn’t been able to handle another moment. As much as she wanted to be the woman for Beau, she also knew she could never fully be the woman he wanted...not if he wanted more children and a family.

  And this little cabin may not be her home, but Scarlett was determined to give Beau and Madelyn a nice Christmas. Too bad she felt she was failing miserably.

  Madelyn had taken a bottle and gone right to sleep, leaving Scarlett alone with her thoughts...thoughts that drifted toward the man who would walk through that door any minute.

  So she’d opted to try to decorate this tree. Once the lights went on and she plugged them in, she decided to stop. Maybe this was the best this poor thing would look. The crooked trunk didn’t look so bad on the tree lot, but now that it was in the small cabin the imperfection was quite noticeable.

  Maybe if she turned it slightly so the leaning part faced the patio doors?

  Scarlett groaned. Perhaps she should bake some cookies instead. That would help liven up her holiday spirit, plus the house would smell better than any potpourri or candle she could’ve bought.

  But it was late, so she decided to postpone that until tomorrow. Now she headed to her room to change her clothes, figuring on making some tea with honey to help her relax. She really should make it quickly and get back to her room before Beau came home.


  He’d tempted her in ways that she’d never been tempted before. Never had a man had her so torn up and achy and...damn it, confused.

  She shouldn’t want him. There was no good ending to this entire ordeal. They clearly led different lives and he was so used to getting what he wanted, yet another reason why they couldn’t work. If she stayed and tried at a relationship, even if he was ready for that, she couldn’t ultimately give him what he wanted.

  But there were so many turn-ons—so, so many.

  Scarlett pulled on a tank and a pair of cotton shorts as she mentally argued with herself. She could either continue to dodge the pull toward Beau or she could just give in to this promised fling. After all, she was leaving in a few weeks. She could have the fling and then move, start her new life and not look back.

  He’d already pleasured her, so she knew what awaited her if she surrendered to him. And she knew it would be even better when they actually made love, when his body was taking her to those heights instead of just his hand.

  Just thinking about that orgasm caused her cheeks to flush. Yes, that was an even bigger reason to want to agree to everything he’d been ready to give. If that had been part of his master plan the entire time, well then, he’d won this battle.

  Fanning her heated cheeks, Scarlett opened her bedroom door...and froze. Beau stood just on the other side, his raised fist poised to knock.

  She gripped the doorknob in one hand and tried to catch her breath. Between the surprise of see
ing him here and the intense look in his eyes, Scarlett couldn’t find a reason to ignore her needs any longer.

  Not that she could ignore them even if she wanted to. Not with this gorgeous, sexy, intense man looking at her like he was.

  She did the only thing she could do at that moment. She took a step toward him and closed the gap between them.

  She kept her eyes locked onto his as she framed his face with her hands. That dark stubble along his jaw tickled her palms, the simple touch sending waves of arousal and anticipation through her, fanning the flames her fantasies had ignited.


  She slid her thumb along his bottom lip, cutting off his words. “Do you still want me?”

  She had to take charge. She had to know the power belonged to her or he wouldn’t just win the battle between them...he’d win the war.

  Beau’s tongue darted out and slid across her skin as he gripped her hips and pulled her to him, aligning their bodies. There was no mistake how much he wanted her, no mistake in what was about to happen.

  She needed this distraction, needed to forget how much she’d hurt earlier seeing all those babies and the happy family. Maybe she shouldn’t use him for her need to escape, but she’d wanted him all along and why shouldn’t she take what she wanted?

  “Why now?” he asked, studying her face. “What changed?”

  Scarlett’s heart thumped against her chest as she swallowed and went for total honesty...well, as much as she was willing to share about her pain.

  “Sometimes I want to forget,” she murmured. “Make me forget, Beau.”

  The muscle clenched in his jaw and for a moment she wondered if he’d turn her down and leave this room. But then he covered her mouth with his and walked her backward until her back came in contact with the post of the bed.

  His denim rubbed her bare thighs, only adding to the build of the anticipation. As much as she loved how he looked in his cowboy wardrobe, she desperately wanted to see him wearing nothing but her.

  Beau’s hands were instantly all over her, stripping her of her shorts, then her tank. He only broke the kiss long enough to peel away the unwanted material and then he wrapped her back in his strong arms and made love to her mouth.


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