A Texan for Christmas

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A Texan for Christmas Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  “Well, you didn’t have a tree or a stocking,” she reminded him with an elbow to his side.

  Beau guided the horses as Nolan’s home came into view. The large log resort-type home looked like something from a magazine. Not surprising, though, since the Elliotts had the lifestyle of billionaire ranchers and Nolan was a surgeon. He and Pepper lived here with their little one and their home was beautifully decorated, with wreaths adorning every window and a larger one with a red bow on the front door.

  “Maybe I didn’t have a tree or stockings,” Beau added. “But I’m not a complete Scrooge.”

  Scarlett shifted in the seat and glanced down at the baby. “I think we’re putting her to sleep,” she stated. “Next time her gums are bothering her, just hitch up the sled and take her for a ride.”

  “Sure.” He snorted. “No problem.”

  Within another minute, Madelyn was fast asleep. There were so many questions Scarlett had for Beau regarding his future, but she wasn’t sure if she had a right to ask...or if she even truly wanted to know the answers.

  She decided to wait until they left Nolan’s house to bring up her thoughts. Nolan and Pepper weren’t home, so Beau left the tin on the porch swing and sent his brother a text.

  As they took off again, this time toward Hayes and Alexa’s house, Scarlett figured this was the perfect time. If he didn’t want to answer, then he didn’t have to, but she couldn’t just keep guessing.

  “When you go back for the movie premiere, do you think you’ll want to stay?”

  “No. I’ll definitely be back here for Christmas.”

  Scarlett pulled the plaid blanket up a little further. “I mean, will being back there make you miss that life?”

  He said nothing. Only the clomping of the horses through the lane broke the silence. Scarlett wondered if she’d gone too far, simply because he hadn’t talked much about the movie and she got the impression that topic was off the table.

  “Forget it,” she said after waiting too long for his reply. “None of my concern. It’s not like I’ll be here or part of your life.”

  “It’s okay.” He shifted in his seat, his thigh rubbing against hers. “Honestly, I doubt it. I’m not looking forward to going back.”

  “Do you hate that world so much?”

  Beau’s brows dipped as he seemed to be weighing his words. “I hate how people can get so swept up in their own lives they forget there’s a world around them. The selfishness runs rampant out there. Everyone is out for themselves, but they’re never happy because when they get what they want, they still want more.”

  He pulled in a deep breath and shook his head. “I can say that because I’m that person.”

  Scarlett slid her left hand over Beau’s denim-clad thigh. “You’re not that person at all.”

  The muscles in his jaw clenched. “I am,” he volleyed back. “I left here because I wanted more. I made it in Hollywood, had a career people would kill for and still wanted more. Then I won two big acting awards, and that wasn’t enough, either. I met Jennifer and thought we might have had a future together, but that went to hell. I have a gorgeous baby, yet I’m still looking for more.”

  Scarlett didn’t like the defeated tone in his voice. “You’re not looking for more,” she scolded. “You’re looking for the right place to raise your daughter and trying to reconnect with your family. That’s not selfish. And it sure as hell wasn’t selfish that you surprised me with a horse-drawn sleigh ride.”

  “Oh, the sleigh ride was just so I’d get laid.”

  Scarlett squeezed his thigh until he yelped.

  “I’m joking,” he laughed. “Well, not really. I still want in your bed tonight.”

  “You didn’t have to do this to get there,” she reminded him. “I haven’t been complaining, have I?”

  He pulled back on the reins until the horses and sleigh came to a stop. When Beau shifted in his seat to face her, Scarlett’s heart kicked up.

  “I’ve been thinking...” He gripped the reins in one hand and slid his other beneath the blanket to cover hers. “I don’t want to cheapen this to just sex or for you to ever think I’ll forget you when you leave.”

  A burst of light filled the cracks in her heart. What exactly was he trying to say?

  “I know you’re moving and I have no idea where I’ll be,” he went on. “But I don’t want to just hide in the cabin and keep you naked.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes and glared. “Really?”

  His lips quirked into a half grin. “Okay, that’s exactly what I’d like, but I want you to know you’re more important to me than Madelyn’s nanny or my temporary lover.”

  Scarlett pulled in a breath and held his dark gaze. “So what are you saying?”

  “I want to take you on a date.”

  “A...a date?”

  Not what she thought he’d say, but she wasn’t exactly opposed to the idea.

  “I didn’t think you wanted to be seen in town or anywhere because of privacy.”

  He squeezed her hand and leaned forward to graze his lips across hers. There was no chill in the December air at all when she had Beau next to her. Just one simple touch, just one promised kiss had her entire body heating up.

  When Beau eased back, he stroked the back of her hand with his fingertip. “Some things are worth the risk.”

  Well, that sealed the deal. There was no coming back from this because her heart tumbled, flipped, flopped, did all the amazing things that had her wanting to squeal and yell that she’d fallen completely in love with Beau Elliott.

  Unfortunately, there was no room in this temporary relationship for such emotions. There would be no love, no family Christmas cards and definitely no happy-ever-after.

  She only had a week left with Beau and then she’d be out of his life for good.


  Beau wasn’t sure what had made Scarlett shut down after he’d asked her on a date. Honestly, he hadn’t planned on that impromptu invitation, but he’d needed her to know that she wasn’t just some woman he’d seduced and conquered. He’d never thought of any woman in that manner, and he sure as hell had more respect for Scarlett than that.

  She was special. Not because of how she cared for Madelyn and not because she was so easy to talk to. Scarlett presented the entire package of an honest woman, one who genuinely cared.

  Part of him wanted to give her the world, but what part of his world could he actually give? He couldn’t even figure out his own plan. Though after being at Pebblebrook for a few weeks, he knew he wanted a ranch of his own. The hands-on approach he’d taken each day had turned something inside of him. The fact that he wasn’t interested in looking at scripts now was rather telling.

  Maybe one day he’d look to the screen again, but for now, Beau truly felt this was his destiny. He’d gone and explored like he’d wanted. He’d made himself one of the biggest names in Hollywood, but like he’d told Scarlett, something had still been missing.

  Beau nearly laughed at himself for his Wizard of Oz epiphany. Everything he’d ever wanted was right here in his own backyard...literally.

  He stood in front of the crazy Christmas tree in the corner of the cabin. Scarlett’s soft singing voice filtered in from his bedroom as she got Madelyn to sleep for the night.

  They’d delivered cookies and both Annabelle and Alexa were thrilled with the surprise. Beau loved the praise they gave Scarlett, and the fact that they treated her like family had him wanting to explore more with her. He’d never wanted someone like this before. Not just for sex, but to see if they could grow together.

  But she was moving to Dallas.

  Beau’s mind raced in too many directions to try to keep up with, but he figured he didn’t have a set place he wanted to be. He was quite literally free to do anything.

  Was he even ready for something like this? He
’d come back home to mend relationships, not to try to build a new one. Added to that, he hadn’t known Scarlett very long. Was he honestly considering this? He’d made such a terrible judgment call with Jennifer, but Scarlett was so different than his ex. Scarlett wasn’t out to gain anything for herself or trying to use him for anything other than a job before she left.

  As one idea formed into another, Beau found himself smiling while still staring at the undecorated tree—save for the lights.

  “She’s out.”

  Scarlett’s words had him turning to face her. When he met her gaze across the room, she stopped and set the bottle on the kitchen island.

  “What?” she asked, tipping her head. “You’re smiling and you’ve been staring at my tree. You’re plotting something, aren’t you? Are we burning it and roasting marshmallows?”

  Beau shook his head and circled the couch to head toward the kitchen. She never glanced away and he figured he looked like a complete moron because he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

  If she thought the sleigh ride was nice, she’d be utterly speechless when he presented her with the next surprise.

  “We aren’t burning it,” he told her as he drew closer. “But in continuing your festive holiday cheer, I say we break out our cookies and get them iced.”

  She narrowed her dark eyes. “Why do I have a feeling this will end with my clothes on the kitchen floor?”

  Beau shrugged. “Because you’re realistic.”

  Scarlett shook her head as she laughed. “You don’t have to talk me into getting naked, you know?”

  Beau slid his hands over the dip in her waist. “Maybe not, but I’m in the mood for dessert.”

  He backed her up until they circled the island. Scarlett gripped his biceps when she stumbled.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, smiling up at him.

  Beau planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. Her freakin’ nose. Now he knew he’d gone and lost his mind. He’d never done such an endearing action before, but he couldn’t help himself. For as sexy as Scarlett was, she was also quite adorable.

  “We’re going to ice those cookies,” he told her. “You did promise.”

  She jerked back, her brows shooting up. “You seriously want to ice cookies? Does this mean I’m melting Scrooge’s heart?”

  He smacked her on the butt before releasing her. “I’m hardly Scrooge, but I’ll admit I’ve never iced cookies. My mom did all of that. Baking and cookie decorating was serious business at Christmastime in my house and she wanted it to be perfect.”

  Beau grabbed the icing from the counter next to the stove and set it on the island. Then he reached back around for the tin of cookies.

  “I guess Christmas baking was the one time she wasn’t about to let a bunch of boys ruin her creations.” Beau glanced at the spread before him and laughed as he turned to Scarlett. “So I guess your work is cut out for you.”

  Scarlett went to pull off all of the lids, revealing the yellow, green and red food coloring. The instant smell of sugar hit him and he couldn’t wait to take a bite.

  Beau picked up a bare cookie and dipped it in the yellow icing before taking a bite. “You’re right. These are good.”

  “Beau,” she exclaimed, smacking his chest. “The icing isn’t a dip.”

  He chewed his bite and went back in for more icing—red this time. “I think I’m onto something here.”

  “You’re impossible.” She reached into a drawer and pulled out a plastic spatula. “Let me show you how you should ice cookies.”

  As he continued to dip, Beau watched her expertly smooth the frosting over the tree cookie. When she was finished, she laid it aside on the wax paper and grabbed another.

  “Want to try?” she asked.


  He took the cookie and the utensil, then dipped the spatula into the red icing. With a quick move, he streaked a stripe across her shirt.

  “Oops.” He smiled and shrugged. “That didn’t work. You might want to take your shirt off before that stains.”

  Scarlett propped a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes. “That’s not very original.”

  He gave another swipe. “Maybe not, but I bet you take that shirt off.”

  She kept her eyes on his as her fingers went to the top button. One slow release at a time, she revealed her dark skin and festive red bra.

  Once she dropped her shirt to the floor, she reached around him and picked up another cookie. She grabbed the spatula from his hand and proceeded to decorate.

  “Just because you act childish doesn’t mean the lesson is over,” she informed him. “Do you see how I’m using nice, even strokes?”

  “I can use even strokes, too.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes and laughed. “I’m talking about icing.”

  Beau leaned in and nipped at her ear. “Maybe I was, too.”

  Scarlett leaned slightly into him. “I can’t concentrate when you’re doing that.”

  Good. He slid his hand along the small of her back, around the dip in her waist, and covered her flat abdomen. She shivered beneath his touch, just as he’d expected.

  “I can’t concentrate when you’re not wearing a shirt,” he whispered in her ear.

  She tipped her head back to meet his gaze. “And whose fault is that?”

  “You’re the one who took it off.”

  Beau spun her slightly and gripped her hips. He lifted her onto the counter, away from the mess. “Let’s see what else we can do with this icing.”

  Her eyes darkened as she raised a brow. “You didn’t really want to learn how to decorate cookies, did you?”

  He flashed her a smile. “Not at all.”

  But he did make use of all of the icing and by the end of the night, Scarlett wasn’t complaining.

  * * *

  Scarlett lifted Madelyn out of the car seat and adjusted the red knit cap. Downtown Stone River may be small, but people bustled about and businesses thrived like in a major city.

  The sun was high in the sky, shining down on this picturesque square. The large tower clock in the middle struck twelve. Benches in a circle around the clock were filled with couples eating lunch. Every single lamppost had garland and lights wrapped around it. Oversize pots sat on each corner and overflowed with evergreens and bright red poinsettias.

  Scarlett would miss this place.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  Beau came to stand beside her, his hand resting on her back. She offered him a smile and nodded.

  “I’m fine,” she told him. “And ready to eat. I used too much energy last night.”

  “We could’ve had more cookies for breakfast,” he offered with a naughty grin and a wink.

  “Considering you ate every cookie and, um...we finished the icing, that wasn’t an option.”

  Mercy, her body still tingled just thinking about what they had done with those colors. The extra-long shower to cleanse their bodies of the sticky mess had only led to even more intimacy. And more intimacy led to Scarlett wishing she didn’t have to leave.

  “I think we should try that café on the corner,” he said, pointing over her shoulder. “It looks like you.”

  “I’ve eaten there before,” she told him, without looking to see which place he referred to. “And what do you mean it looks like me?”

  Beau shrugged and looked back down at her. His wide-brim hat shielded a portion of his face from the sun. She didn’t know if he wore the hat because he’d gotten used to it since he’d been back or if he’d brought it to be a little discreet. Either way, he looked like the sexy cowboy she’d come to know and love.

  Fine. There it was. The big L word she’d been dancing around and not fully coming to terms with. She knew she was falling, but she could admit now that she was there.

  “It’s all festive with
the gold-and-red Christmas signs out front,” he told her, oblivious to her thoughts. “The big wreath on the doorway, the candles in the windows. It just looks like you.”

  She figured that was a compliment, but she wasn’t quite sure.

  Madelyn let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. Scarlett patted her back and eased her head down onto her shoulder.

  “We should eat so we can get this one to take a nap on the car ride home,” she told him.

  Beau’s cell went off and he groaned. “I’m not answering that.”

  “You should,” she retorted. “It could be about your dad.”

  Which he’d still never talked about. She wanted to know his feelings and help him if she could. Maybe when they got back home she’d address the topic.

  Beau pulled his cell from his pocket and stared at the screen, then a wide smile spread across his face.

  “I take it that’s not your agent?” she asked.

  He pocketed the cell and leaned in, covering her mouth with his. The kiss ended as quickly as it started, leaving her a bit unbalanced.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  Her heart warmed. “Another one?”

  “I promise, this one is much better than the last.”

  Scarlett’s face lit up. “Tell me.”

  He kissed her once again, lingering a bit longer this time. “When we get home.”

  “Then we’re getting our food to go.”

  Beau laughed as he steered her toward the café. “No, we’re not. I promised you a date and that’s what we’re doing.”


  Scarlett wasn’t sure whether to be nervous or not with Beau’s mysterious surprise. They stepped into the cabin and Madelyn was wide-awake now after a brief nap in the car.

  Beau had only been asked about twenty times at the café for his autograph, and with each person who approached him, he took the time to talk and sign. He might be a star, but he was also humble and so far removed from the celebrity she’d originally thought him to be.

  Christmas was coming quickly and he’d be leaving in just a few days for his premiere. Their time together had been rocky at first, but then it had become an absolute fantasy. She’d never, ever gotten involved with someone she worked for. Beau had made that personal ethic impossible, though, and she wasn’t the least bit sorry.


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