The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1) Page 24

by Shea Meadows

  Ricky looked at her watch, put a $50 bill on the table, and stood up. “Have to get going, guys. Have some stuff to do before tonight’s seminar. Breakfast is on us. Your treat next time.”

  Emily stood, leaned over the table and hugged her friend. “So sorry to dump something more on you. Call me when you get back to Minnesota. Congratulations to you both.”

  Ricky hugged Emily and Phil, and then she and David walked out to the car.

  Chapter 17

  David slid in behind the wheel. “Any communication from Moon? I can’t imagine why she didn’t tell you about this yesterday.”

  Ricky shook her head, a perplexed look on her face. “Moon did say Roy was super blocked; her analogy was he was like an empty box. Very rarely is she stopped by someone’s shields but in this case, she couldn’t read him.”

  “Didn’t she tell you to be careful? I think I’d be nervous leaving my sister with someone like that,” David said.

  “She knew I wasn’t going to leave him just because she didn’t like him. She told me he gave her the creeps, but since I didn’t understand how she was evaluating him, I thought she was being contrary.”

  David nodded. “It would be like telling someone you suspected their boyfriend was an addict or conman without any evidence. If someone is in love, it’s pretty hard to convince them there’s a problem unless they see it themselves.”

  “She didn’t tell me he left town though, and that puzzles me. Maybe she was too busy trying to put out all the fires the Soul Stealer’s lackeys were starting at home to keep track of Roy and Julie.”

  “Guess you’ll have to ask next time you talk to her. Somehow, I think you’re getting the news and the post card today isn’t coincidental. The whole thing might be maneuvering by the Stealer. He’s trying to distract you, putting you off your game right before the seminar,” David said.

  “Wow, you’re right. He might be playing us. I guess that’s my cue to give you all the information I have on Roy so you can get Brink and the agency working on it. Best case scenario is Roy and Julie had some scam going that has nothing to do with the Stealer. Worst case is the Stealer is controlling them. Maybe he had someone abduct them and make it look like they left of their own accord, so we’d be distracted.”

  David nodded. “Very possible. You’d think just leaving like that would be career suicide for both of them. Could you do me a favor before I call Brink? Write down everything Roy ever told you about his past. Where he came from, where he went to school, anything that might be a clue to where they’ve gone. A few names and places would be a good place to start.”

  Ricky shook her head, a look of puzzlement on her face. “He never talked about his past. Said he had a rough time growing up so didn’t want to think about it. He was born in the south somewhere I think; he has a slight southern accent. Or maybe it’s a Texas twang. Now that I think of it, Julie sounds a bit the same. I wonder if he knew her before he moved to Chicago.”

  David glanced at her. “Where was he trained?”

  Ricky again shook her head “no” with even deeper confusion. “I seriously don’t know. When we talked it was about work, or what we should do with the condo or about my family. Come to think of it, he was fascinated with my stories of life with Moon, or Tilda as I knew her then. He was fascinated by my twin stories and stories about my parents. That was one of the things I liked about him, he was a fabulous listener.

  “And I have to admit, he was great in bed. I craved him something fierce. Even when he was just some doc who was the surgeon of record for the patients on my ward, everything tingled when I saw him or merely thought about him. You can imagine how easy it was for me to become part of his life when he seemed to share the attraction.”

  David pulled into the parking lot at the hotel. “I think you need to talk to Moon again. The more you talk about him, the more obvious it becomes that the Stealer has a hand in this. If Roy had no ghost attached, something else was going on. Maybe an incarnation that took over.”

  Ricky nodded in agreement as she and David got out of the car and walked toward the lobby. “My experience with surgeons before Roy was that they have a god-complex. They would talk about themselves endlessly. He was different, modest, low-key. That was one of the things that attracted me. And it was strange that even though I knew there were rumors that he slept around, I wouldn’t believe it until I saw him in our bedroom with Julie.”

  They took the elevator to their suite on the third floor and George opened the door before they put their key in the lock. He now had dark brown hair, a brown beard and glasses, instead of contacts, changing his look considerably.

  He smiled at their reactions. “I know Avery has probably forgotten me. But he did have his staff take pictures of all of us together. Chester was with us. Mostly he talked to Moon and her staff, not so much to old dad who was trailing along.”

  “I know the plan, Dad, but wonder if he’ll know us from our energetic signatures. Then again, he might not be as powerful as we think. If we can sneak in under the radar, he probably isn’t the Soul Stealer.” Ricky remarked with a smile.

  “Em and Phil just told us about something troubling that might be part of this,” David added. He then told George what they’d learned about Roy and Julie disappearing just as Moon was dying.

  “That’s not all, Dad. When I started thinking back about what I know about Roy from the time we were together, there really isn’t much to tell; nothing about his background or family history. He seemed sincerely interested in my life and asked all sorts of questions. Makes you wonder.”

  George nodded. “Moon had me hire someone to do a background check on him. Nothing came up that was a red flag, but I remember thinking he was almost too good to be true. I’ll call Stan and see if he can fax the info to us and to Brink.”

  “Wow, Moon was concerned enough to do that,” Ricky said, shaking her head. “I wish I hadn’t blocked her out. Oh well, we’ll start from where we are. I’m going back in my room to see if I can get ahold of Moon. I had thought we could go around with the crystals and track any aberrant energy but it might not be a good idea. Never know whose watching.”

  David nodded. “After our experience with the bank robbery on the way here, I agree. Best to keep the emeralds under wraps until we need them.” He kissed Ricky as she went off to consult with Moon and the guides.

  About an hour later, Ricky emerged from her bedroom with a confused look on her face to find George and David discussing the new developments. She slumped down in the chair next to David and both men turned to her.

  “Well, honey,” her dad said. “What news from the other dimensions?”

  “I think this is the first time I completely surprised Moon and the rest of the guides. They had no clue that Roy and Julie had left. They brought me up to the meeting place. They all took turns trying to search them out and coming up empty. They think they might be in Georgia in a city named Athens, but the energy configuration kept shifting. Athens is known for its haunted houses, so the area is hard to read.”

  David’s face was full of concern. “What does that mean? Are they in danger?”

  Ricky shrugged. “It’s possible the Soul Stealer or someone working for him has them. It’s the same pattern that has been blocking the team’s efforts from the beginning. Roy and Julie might have been abducted, or their minds meddled with to make them think they wanted to come. That might be where we’re going next, unless we get clear evidence that Avery Sweet is the Stealer.”

  “That makes me nervous, Rick,” David said. “Is there anything else they have to help us out?”

  Ricky shook her head. “We are the third dimensional team. Makes me wish I had Beth Ann and a few of the more seasoned teachers here. But the team from the higher frequencies all promised to give us their undivided attention while we’re here. Shri Kria offered to join us in Georgia if they decide to send us. He’ll fly in an actual airplane and bring his body if we need him. I might take him up on that.”
  George sighed. “I guess Moon wouldn’t have sent us if we weren’t up to the task. Not a time to get fearful.”

  Ricky nodded, putting on her most brilliant smile, “An attempted assassination and a whole lot of ghostly bedlam are over with, so hopefully we’re on the home stretch.”

  There was a knock on the door, and George admitted a waiter with dinner from the hotel restaurant. The men ate well, polishing off most of a broiled chicken, while Ricky nibbled on a wing and ate a small salad, not hungry at all.

  At six pm, “Judy Dean” and her uncle and cousin went down to blend into the crowd of seminar attendees. For Ricky, it felt much the same as nursing seminars she’d attended for CEUs with one big exception: the group was buzzing with energy.

  After signing in and getting their name tags, they mulled around in the space between the merchandise tables and the unopened ballroom doors. A glance at the multitude of tags told Ricky that about three hundred people were expected.

  The trio scanned the books, not being surprised to see many of Moon’s books there as well. Beth Ann had filled a large order for the spirit communication series to be sold on consignment not two weeks before. Above the stacks of books, was a framed photo of Moon and Avery Sweet, standing together with smiling faces before a seminar audience, and a brief “in memory of my friend” statement next to it.

  David leaned in and whispered to Ricky. “Good thing you came incognito. You’d have been the center of attention. They’d all think they were seeing a ghost.”

  Ricky whispered back. “Who knows, some of the folks here might be able to see Moon, Maya and the other spirits that are coming along as support.”

  David nodded in agreement. “It will separate the newbies from the more advanced for sure.”

  Ricky laughed softly. “If we’re judging by the amount of time people have been working with spirit communication, I’ve only been at it about two months. I’d be the newest of the newbies.”

  “Yes,” he said, wrapping a loving arm around her shoulder, “but you have friends in high places.”

  The doors opened and George, David and Ricky took chairs in the middle section in a row several back from the stage on the aisle. There was a large screen behind the presentation area, two comfortable chairs, a small table with a water pitcher and glasses and banks of flowers of every description. A technician was doing final sound checks and setting up a slide projector. Soothing music started playing through the speakers that were placed around the room, and the scent of lavender essential oil floated through the air.

  Ricky leaned toward David and George. “Kind of reminds me of a funeral home. I wonder of Moon allowed this ambiance when she taught with him.”

  George answered in a whisper. “She made him cut down the flowers by half, nixed the oils and had bright sparkly music. She used to have balloons and stars at her seminars.”

  Ricky shrugged. “Guess it’s his ballpark now.” Just as she said this, an enlargement of the Avery and Moon picture that they had seen on the table was projected on the screen, “Amazing Grace” began playing and Avery Sweet came out on the stage.

  Avery wore a grey suit with a red shirt and a bright blue tie; his almost bald head resembled the hair-style of a medieval monk. He looked considerably aged from the picture taken three years before which was projected behind him. Large dark circles that were so deep they looked like they had been drawn on with eyebrow pencil reminded Ricky of a raccoon. His face was filled with deep wrinkles, making him look much older than his forty years. His lips turned down at the edges, giving him a permanent look of disdain, but when he spoke, his tones were deep and comforting and all the chatter stopped.

  “Welcome to you all. Many have been with us before, some have read my books, others are curious, but whatever reason you came; know that this was always your plan. Spirit made this appointment for you and you chose to follow through, so you are important to the success of this weekend,” Avery Sweet said, ending with as close to a smile as his mouth could muster.

  He turned to the projection of him and Moon behind the platform. “If this is your first time, an explanation is in order. This picture was taken three years ago in this very room, when Moon Angel joined me to teach a weekend intensive on spirit communication. She is one of the most accurate interpreters of information sent from the higher vibrations. Even though she made her transition to the other side on June 21st, I still say ‘is’ rather than ‘was,’ because she is very much with us.”

  He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. “Tonight, we will focus on information coming through from my friend Moon. I have been communicating with her and she promised to speak through me this evening. She will be my newest Spirit Guide. Her work will not die because she trusts me as her messenger!!!”

  An enthusiastic round of applause complete with “Amens” and “Hallelujahs” and “Thank you Spirits” echoed through the room.

  Is that true Moon? Ricky asked.

  I’m laughing so hard I can barely talk. No!! I think we have another case of activated previous incarnation going on here. Not positive, it might just be Avery’s massive ego. Moon replied. Take out one of the crystals activated by the etheric emeralds and make the intention to see what’s going on with his energy field.

  But, what if he’s the Stealer? Maybe it’s his way of flushing me out.” Ricky protested.

  Trust me. Take out the stone. All of the team is here now, and we’ll jump on him faster than a frog eats a bug if he is the Stealer. Moon replied.

  Ricky reached into her purse just as David leaned toward her on her right and George on her left. David whispered: “What are you going to do?”

  “Be prepared to take out your emeralds if need be, or even tackle him to the ground if it looks like a physical attack is coming,” Ricky answered, as she pushed fear out of her mind.

  She could feel Moon and Maya strongly in her energy field as she held the charged crystal between her palms. Her vision shifted and swirls of light and color filled the room. She focused on Avery Sweet with the intention of seeing any unusual activity and spotted it almost at once. Moon saw it at the same time and let out a whoop of surprise, two of Avery’s past incarnations were evident, fading in and out of his present energy field, seemingly in control.

  A tall Egyptian priestess wearing a linen shift and covered in blazing gem stones was visible first, then an African shaman dressed in a lion’s pelt, carrying a spirit drum and wearing a collection of talisman pendants around his elongated neck.

  So there are two of them. What do I do now?

  Have David and George walk you to the stage, each of you carrying an emerald. Moon answered. There are ghost-infested people all over the room and some of them are feeling really uncomfortable. Not sure if they are ready to make a move or the ghosts are already letting loose.

  So how do I get to the stage without security throwing us out? Ricky asked.

  Stand up and speak with authority and we will speak through you.

  Ricky could feel a tremor of fear running through her but pushed it aside and let the guides join with her voice. She stood up, raised her hand and addressed Avery Sweet.

  “Moon Angel is my mentor and is now working with me. She has a gift for you.” Her voice came out with a quality of strength and command she had never experienced before.

  Everyone in the room looked toward Ricky, David and George who were stepping out into the aisle. Some of the more talented members of the assembly were talking about seeing the light band energies being projected by the emeralds and a few were looking around in alarm, having seen the large number of ghosts attached to audience members. A tall black woman wearing a bright-blue patterned caftan and trailing dreadlocks pointed at Avery, whose two past-life personas were becoming more evident every second. She started moving toward the stage, calling out, “Moon Angel is with that woman who spoke, not with Avery. He’s been possessed by evil beings!!”

  Avery Sweet looked up, his eyes wide in alarm until he
heard Ricky’s voice. He put up his hand in a “stop” motion, which he directed toward two men in suits that appeared to be acting as security. The men ignored him and rushed toward Ricky, David and George, but stopped several feet from them, unable to proceed. It was as if the guides had formed a circle around Ricky and the guards were glued to the floor.

  Avery shouted out, “Don’t stop them, we must see this through.”

  The tall woman in the caftan and several others surrounded Ricky, David and George and escorted them to the stage, standing back a few paces as Ricky and the men joined Avery.

  Ricky, David and George extended the etheric emeralds toward Avery; he reached out his hands and touched each stone with a blissful smile on his face then crumpled to the floor.

  Ricky could see the outlines of the two past-life personas struggling, wavering then disappearing with a pop. It was evident the tall woman saw this as well as did many of the people who had joined them on the stage. There was a cacophony of voices as ghosts that had been linked to humans in the audience popped out, several people fainted, and others stood up. One or two rushed for the door. The rest waited to see what would happen, looks of anticipation on many faces. Cameras smuggled into the event, flashed all over the place.

  David and George helped Avery to a chair on the stage and gave him a drink of water when he came around. He sat there with a confused look on his face, taking in the bedlam, hands shaking, sweating and finally smiling at Ricky.

  “Would you care to explain where I am, what I am doing and who you are?” He asked in a whisper.

  “You have just started the Friday evening presentation of a weekend seminar. Perhaps we can go to a quiet space and I can fill you in on the rest. Maybe let the audience know you will be back in about a half hour? Does that help?” Ricky answered.

  Avery nodded and stood up on shaky legs and turned to the group. “I need about a half hour to collect myself. Please have a beverage and a muffin and we will begin again soon.”


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