The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1) Page 37

by Shea Meadows

  Shri began chanting Om Mani Padme Hum and Katera and Ricky joined him. The energy in the room started to expand. The air around Ricky glowed brightly as Shri put the etheric malachite over her head.

  Within the bright multi-colored glow of Ricky’s aura, were forms that obviously came from the Stealer. Black pulsating spider forms, snakes of green and grey, slimy worm energy, long stinging insect forms, fiery red spiked orbs, daggers that poked into her skin, lodged themselves in her brain, penetrated her organs, including her womb. Ricky saw them too and tried to swat at them, like someone surrounded by bees. Katera reached over and held Ricky’s hands, and chanted, bringing Ricky’s attention back to the prayer. Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme, Hum.

  Shri moved the malachite around within Ricky’s energy field and the forms, one after another exploded in balls of light, which stung Ricky as they splintered into thousands of tiny shards of black and floated to the ceiling of the library. The most painful as they left were those that had traveled into her mind and into her root chakra. Ricky cried out the supplication to the Spirit of Compassion, Om Mani Padme Hum.

  When there was nothing left to release, Shri nodded to Katera, who took a large polished clam shell from her tote bag along with sage and matches. Continuing to chant, she took the malachite from Shri, held it in the air and all the black shards were drawn back into the stone. She placed it in the center of the shell, surrounded by sage and set it on fire.

  “We burn these thought forms and the vehicle of extraction, freeing this woman and all others from their poison,” Katera declared. There was a loud pop from the flames and the etheric malachite disappeared.

  Ricky looked sad for an instant, but then smiled. “That was a lovely stone. Too bad it had to be sent to another dimension.” She reached over and hugged Katera. “Hi Katera, there was part of me that knew you weren’t my mom, but I knew I had to make that knowing be quiet until we got rid of all that garbage.”

  “You are so welcome, Ms. Ricky. It was a pleasure to bring in the energy of Marie Banner. She was a lovely soul,” Katera said with a grin.

  Ricky turned to Shri. “Did Moon give you the malachite? That was powerful. Some of those thoughts were too horrible to manage. All my old beliefs and fears magnified by a thousand. And I have no doubt now who the Stealer is. Roy Fielding had a lot more to him than I realized. Did you figure it out before me?”

  “Moon and the guides figured it out. They finally were able to determine which orbs were Roy and Julie on the Brown hologram. We cleared away the attached ghosts on about two-thirds of the people staying or working at the house, and you identified which orb was Sam Reading at Vincent. He showed up, with his Mongolian warrior ghost attached, for a visit with a couple of orbs with very strange characteristics. The guides picked up three beings who seemed to be observing Serenity Farm last night and were putting off massive waves of frustration and rage.”

  “I’m happy I’m making them crazier than they already are; they certainly tried to do the same to me. This explains so much. I have a hard time remembering the time I spent with Roy. I knew we were in bed together a lot and worked in the same hospital, but there was never any bonding going on. He told me what to do and I did it. Amazes me he never gave me a pet ghost,” Ricky said.

  “He didn’t have to, Ms. Ricky; he attached himself to you. He distracted you so much that you couldn’t even consider leaving Chicago or trying to figure out what your sister was doing in Minneapolis. He made you think it made perfect sense for you to stay put while he had Chester obstructing Moon’s progress,” Katera added.

  Ricky nodded. “And he planted a time bomb while we were together. He mingled his energy field with mine and set me up so if I ever did have the audacity to start working with Moon he could open up all my worst fears so I’d be powerless.”

  “He cannot do it again, Ricky. We closed down all the portals. There’s nothing left of him in your energy field. Of course, that doesn’t mean he won’t try. We are a great aggravation to him,” Shri said. “It won’t be a personal attack on you the next time, but one on all of us. He wants all the presently incarnated spirit communicators on his side of the equation.”

  “What next? He can’t get through to me again. He can’t get through the shields. Any ideas?” Ricky said, as the three of them left the library.

  Shri shook his head and looked to Katera.

  “Not sure Ms. Ricky, but I have a knowing we have to be working on our shapeshifting,” Moon let me know how important that skill is.”

  Ricky stopped and turned to Katera before they went down the stairs. “Okay, Mom, no more of this Ms. Ricky. I know it feels comfortable to you but not to me. If you keep calling me that, I’ll call you Master Katera. What else would you feel comfortable calling me?”

  Katera smiled. “Calling you Ricky seems too ordinary to me. You are the bridge. Without you we get nowhere. But you were also my daughter for the last hour. How about I call you what your mama called you, ‘dear heart’?”

  Ricky hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “That would be perfect.”

  As the three got to the stairs, they looked down to see everyone gathered at the bottom and greeting them with a round of applause.

  “We don’t know exactly what you were doing, but whatever it was, it was a victory for love,” Cynda Lu said. “Can we ’al give you a hug?”

  Ricky smiled and nodded and was instantly surrounded by a sea of relieved faces. George and Beth Ann held her the longest, and David was the last, attaching himself to her side and escorting her to the table still filled with food.

  “This body is starved. I have to do some serious eating, then I’ll tell you all about it,” Ricky said as she filled her plate with fruit, hard boiled eggs and toast.

  The others now felt comfortable enough to eat but still curious as to what had happened to Ricky that had made Shri and David so worried and caused the premature arrival of Katera. After having eaten her fill and pouring a cup of peppermint tea, Ricky sighed and smiled at everyone.

  “Well crew, I will start with the very good news that we now know the identity of the Soul Stealer.” Ricky announced. Everyone gasped in surprise and clambered for details. Ricky made a calming gesture with her hands.

  “All of you have heard the story of my switch from non-believer to a believer in Moon’s work, so I won’t go over that again. What I haven’t told you is that I was engaged to a man named Roy Fielding who was a doctor in a hospital where I was a nurse. He and I moved in together and shared a lease on an apartment. A year into the relationship, I found him in bed with Julie Richards, who worked at the same hospital. That was the day of Moon’s accident and I moved out of our apartment to stay with a friend.

  “The next day I heard about the accident and flew to Minnesota and witnessed Moon’s death. When I decided to continue living in Minneapolis and working on Moon’s project, I informed Roy that he could send my belongings and my half of the security deposit to my new home. He agreed and then disappeared from the face of the earth.

  “David and some of his investigator friends started tracking Roy down when we came back to Chicago for the project. After many false starts, they finally located Roy, still living with Julie, in Athens. They are two of the people living at the Boston house which is owned by Sam Reading. What was even more interesting is that they seem to have created new identities, gleaning their personal information from people who had passed on.

  “Since those of you in the Boston group were able to detach many of the ghosts from the occupants and staff at that building, it could be determined which orbs on the hologram belong to them.” Ricky called up the Boston hologram asking for the date of the night before during the time the group was doing energy work.

  “See these three orbs? Those of us working with the Vincent hologram are familiar with the one with the attached ghost. He also shows a past incarnation which is dominant. We know its Sam Reading. The other two have no ghosts attached and
their energy configurations are surrounded with angry waves. This, according to the guides, is when we were sending love, which agitated Sam and his friends. Looking at the unlinked residents at the house, Sam’s friends are most probably Roy and Julie.” Ricky sighed.

  “Since my reaction energetically to the Stealer is the primary way the guides can identify his present persona, they did not know there was a hidden way for him to intrude. Roy and I mingled our energy fields for a year, and he had ample time to read my reactions, emotions, fears and opinions, he was able to interject his toxic time bomb of fear into my being without my knowledge.

  “When he saw we were making headway toward dismantling his protective wall of enslaved ghosts, he activated all that he planted. This blossomed out as a terror of ghosts, paranoia, disbelieve in everything Moon had accomplished and many other ugly feelings. I was ready to call for a plane ticket back to Minneapolis so I could claim my belongings, sell my half of the house to Beth Ann and leave. But Shri had a plan and went to Moon for help,” Ricky said.

  Ricky then told everyone what Shri and Katera did to remove the toxins and her painful return to her memory of her Self as the bridge. “Not something I would want to have happen every day,” she concluded. “Anyone have questions?”

  Erna raised a hand. “So the purpose for unlinking ghosts was to clear up the holograms enough to determine who the Stealer is. Reinforcements are coming today, but if we’ve already identified Roy and Julie, what else will we be doing?”

  Ricky nodded with a slightly puzzled expression. “We have to consult with the guides on that. From what I understand they feel we are a very close to a face to face confrontation, but they are unsure of what that looks like. For the time being, we will continue to unlink ghosts to keep the Stealer off balance. She looked to Katera. “You talked to Moon last night, what did she say?”

  “Her emphasis was on my employing the technique I used to be present as your mother. I did this with shapeshifting which has always been the primary talent in my lineage. She requested time be spent in the group learning this skill, not just out-of-body but in every dimension, including the present reality. She also spoke of bonding strongly with the rest of the group, using the same techniques you employed last night at your drumming circle,” Katera answered.

  “So there’s your answer. In an hour or two we should be seeing the Chicago contingent, and we will pass on this plan. Since you all know how to unlink ghosts, everyone will concentrate on removing linked ghosts in the current locations, and perhaps elsewhere in Athens if you are comfortable moving around in the city without your bodies.

  “In the afternoon, Katera will work with all of us on shapeshifting skills, and in the evening we’ll gather as we did last night, increasing the bonding with our personal guides, Moon’s team and each other,” Ricky concluded.

  “Isn’t that kind of dangerous?” Beth Ann asked, her nose twitching.

  “We can’t give in to fear,” David said. “Ricky is the most vulnerable but the guides now know how our defenses were breached. We can’t let Roy scare us into submission.”

  The group continued talking for about an hour as they cleared away the table and then gathered in the parlor to do some more ghost-unlinking in the two holograms. There were only four more residents of the Boston house that were still connected to enslaved spirits. The Boston group concentrated on clearing people coming in and out of the residence during the day, many of whom had attached ghosts.

  There were many linked beings in the Vincent holograph, and the group broke up into pairs and went through the law office, the support staff and Sam Reading’s teachers. They were kept busy since Sam replaced the freed ghosts with new ones, obviously aware of what the group was doing. David was put in charge of unlinking those closest to Reading, and he fulfilled this role with great enthusiasm.

  Beth Ann was working with Jim Reynolds and Ricky noticed considerable bantering back and forth between the two. She commented on this to David when her fiancé came back in between unlinkings. “He’s a great guy. It would be a wonderful match,” David said smiling.

  Just then, there was commotion in the hallway outside the parlor and Maggie stuck her head in the door. “The rest of your troops have arrived. I’m setting out some food for them. When will you folks be coming out?”

  Ricky smiled and came to the door. “I’ll go out and welcome everyone and let y’all work for a short time more.”

  Chapter 24

  Ricky followed Maggie out of the parlor and a group slightly larger than the original team stopped their conversations and turned toward her. She recognized Avery, Trix and three women she had seen in the training session in Chicago.

  Avery looked healthier than he had been in Chicago and Ricky gave him a welcoming hug. “Now, dear man, please introduce the rest of these beautiful people.”

  Avery smiled and gestured toward his staff and students. “You remember Trix Marshall of course, but you might not know what a superlative spirit communicator she is.”

  “This is Job Franklin,” Avery continued. “He’s been working with me for ten years. He teaches my methods in Milwaukee.”

  “Next, you might remember these ladies. All of them have been studying with me. They came with their own unique talents and I polished their skills so to speak. This is Martha Free; she can calm down angry ghosts who died in the middle of a rage.”

  “This is Penny Porter, she has a sense of which incarnations would have tools that will help a ghost or an incarnate,” Avery said.

  “And here is Gretchen McMillian. She has been excellent in unlinking large groups of ghosts rather quickly, Avery concluded with a broad smile. “Think they will be helpful?”

  Ricky hugged each of them. “Welcome, we’ll be filling you in soon on how you can help.”

  She turned to Avery. “I have yet to meet Mr. Shank,” she said smiling at the muscular man of medium height with white wavy hair and a white beard. He had been staring at her with an astonished grin since she came into the room.

  Mel Shank offered her his hand. “Sorry, I’m awestruck. You look just like Moon. It’s like she returned from the other side.”

  “You’ll probably see her before long. She pops in and out. She is rather more transparent than I am,” Ricky answered. “I hear you had your own adventure with the Stealer; after lunch we want to hear your story.”

  Mel gestured toward his companions. “I want to introduce my students. They are experts in gemstone energy and spirit communication.” Mel led Ricky to a gaunt man with thin brown hair and Germanic features.

  “This is Truman Schmidt, who studied with Sam Reading before Sam got trapped by the Stealer. Don’t worry; Tru’s energy is clear.” Ricky gave him a hug and found that Mel was correct, nothing foreign in his field.

  Next was a blond Nordic beauty with pale skin and freckles who barely reached Ricky’s shoulder; “This is Sarah Steinman; she has worked with teachers all over the world, I think perhaps with Shri Kria Bubba if I’m not mistaken,” Mel said as Ricky gave Sarah a hug.

  A beautiful, tall Latino woman with glistening hair and bronze skin was next. “This is Julia Quintus, she is trained in several healing modalities and has a magical singing voice that sooths troubled disincarnates. She integrates gemstone healing grids in her clearings as well.” Ricky reached up as Julia bent down to hug her.

  “And last but not least, Ben Daniels, my long time second in command. He can create energy grids from gems, structures that can be used for protection or progression.” Ricky hugged the round young man with ruddy complexion, a shaved head and a shy smile.

  The remaining two women were coffee-skinned teenagers with braided hair who could only be told apart by their clothing. One was wearing a blue Miami T-shirt and white capris and the other was wearing black capris and a halter top. The girl in the T-shirt moved toward Ricky with an outstretched hand.

  “Hello, you are our sister. I’m Gimma Maybum and this is my twin, Bonta Maybum, we are also the
children of Katera.”

  Bonita took Ricky’s other hand and stared into her eyes and a million expressions flowed over her face. “She is reading your life,” Gimma said. “This is her talent.”

  Bonita finished with a hug and said only two words: “Dear Heart.”

  “That is what your mother called you, and what our mother called you as well, so if you are not offended, that’s what we will call you,” Gimma added. “Bonta does not speak often but whatever she says has importance.”

  Ricky hugged them both. “I am so honored to be your sister. I hope soon you’ll meet my twin who resides with Spirit.”

  Bonta nodded her head with a glowing smile. “Moon Dear Heart!”

  Gimma nodded. “Yes we have met her. You look the same but you are less transparent, just as you said. What will be your name for us?”

  “You are my Radiant Sisters,” Ricky answered as she felt hands on her shoulders, and turned around to see Katera beaming at her and the girls.

  “Dear Heart, you have met my children. I have waited for this moment,” Katera said.

  “They have named me and I have named them,” Ricky said with a smile. “They were the best kept of secrets.”

  “I did not want to tell you and spoil the surprise,” Katera said with a nod. “But come, the others have gone in to the dining room to meet everyone else over a meal and report on the unlinking of the day.”

  Looking around her, Ricky realized that just Katera and her children were still in the entry way. It was like everything and everyone else in the room had melted into the background.

  Gimma didn’t mention her skill. It is to bring everyone into the present moment. To help them focus on the now. She will be a tremendous addition to the team. Moon’s voice told her. Ricky nodded in agreement and went with her new mother and sisters into the parlor.


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